Baron Hannis Drelev

Cerrus Falto's page

96 posts. Alias of Eletido.

Full Name

Cerrus Falto


| HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5


Human Male Thaumaturge 1

About Cerrus Falto


For as long as Cerrus has been alive, he heard again and again how his ancestors played a role in the founding of Breachill, how they were friends and companions of Lamond Breachton himself, and how Cerrus was destined for great achievements, just like those early Falto families. Cerrus had trouble believing that greatness could be achieved in a backwater town like Breachill so he ventured out into the world, attempting to seek his place in the world.

Cerrus’ travels took to places all across the Inner Sea. He worked just enough to afford food and spent the rest of his time collecting, a pastime he learned from his grandfather. He collected little trinkets from town herbalists who insisted that their bauble was the key to defeating the creature in the forest. He collected tall tales from old gentlemen who swore their tale was true. And, finally, he collected stories from every traveling bard about how the heroic adventurer slew the menacing creature. Even if Cerrus’ travels didn’t help him achieve great deeds like his forebears, he was convinced that some item or story in his collection would be the key to his future adventures and success.

As Cerrus contemplated where his next travels would lead him, he had something of a nudge of fate. An elderly woman was helping a young kid find their missing toy and her advice to the child was “sometimes what you seek is right under your nose the whole time”. Cerrus was reminded of something his grandfather used to say nearly every day: “sometimes a journey isn’t about the destination; it’s about remembering what you had all along.”

As quickly as he could, Cerrus returned home to Breachill and poured over his grandfather’s collections that had been kept in the attic for years. Cerrus found that his grandfather had been convinced that the idyllic story of Breachill founding and Lamond’s heroics were just that - stories and not entirely the truth. Cerrus believed he had found his place - to seek out the truth of early Breachill. He just wasn’t exactly sure how to get started. But he did know that the city’s Call for Heroes offered ample opportunity to make ends meet until he found his first real clue.
