Infiltrator's Onyx

Zen Gypsy's page

Organized Play Member. 91 posts (252 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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I figure everyone **but** Lyra should carry healing potions (that way if she goes down we each have a potion to bring her back to consciousness), while Lyra herself carry the anti-plague and the antidote.

With the Medicine Check Lyra would realize Grayson is, almost, dead on his feet. At less than 20% of his total HP ... he's hurt ... bad.

Why did Jakub roll a d8 for their Reflex save?

Since Grayson didn't get healed I'm going to stay outside and just help with the buckets of water. Can't risk it with only 4 HP

Question. According to the map, I am in the SW corner, however, last round I still had an action left but wasn't sure how far I got with the two people, or if it was an interact action to get them to move.

Essentially, did I get them to the door last round, and was I able to move with them? Or are we still in the same spot when I start my turn this round?

I just don't wanna pass out like a chump because I roll bad, lol! :D

Sorry gang, the forum got picky, and dropped my post, and I didn't notice until later yesterday. I will just repost my actions, which were to activate my kinetic gate and take two strides to get into range of the Mephits (and fire)

Could Grayson use water from his water skin to soak his cloak and wrap it around his mouth and proceed to the exit?

Slightly confused on the saving folks rules. How many actions does it take? Do you need to be adjacent?

ie. Grayson has three actions; can he save three people? The closest are the two in the south west corner, do I need to move adjacent (2 moves), and then save them? With only 1 action, can I save them?

Vorgon is going Oracle with his free archetype, but won't be getting divine spell slots until 4th and will never have many of them. With his Wisdom he isn't a great candidate for Medicine, sadly ...

Delta Arena wrote:

If what I have is correct, these are Vorgon's Skills

+4Lore: Specific Deity (Not sure if Sarenrae of Glimshyne)

Glimshyne is just his name for Sarenrae, it's goblin gobbledygook.

I am old enough to comfortably say "Get off you lawn" lol!

It's a fair point though, sorry. Heh.

May as well roll Grayson's Reflex save here. Only way to prevent damage would be a Critical Success, or, I suppose a Critical Failure would be 2 damage.

Reflex Save (Fire): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Didn't think I would get that lucky, but thought I'd try ... heh!

That works for me!

I think I'd be happy to look at a Melee buff specialist, likely a One for All Swashbuckler with the Marshal dedication. +15 to Aid at level 4, and it would generate Panache? Yes, please!

Whelp, that looks like a dead Mephit ... 20 points of damage on the crit ... I like the Paizo boards, I never roll this well at home!

Quick question for you, as a long time resident of Breachill, is Grayson aware of the side door, behind the mephit? Does it lead to an exterior exit, or just a storage room or what have you?

What do we currently have in the group? I am happy to fill niches, if required.

Excited to be able to be here!

I was originally going to go with a Shoanti Fire Kineticist, but I think, given the group make up, I will shift the Ancestry & Heritage to a Goblin, because that seems more fun, and with the Ancestry Paragon in play, more fun feats!

PM Sent as well!

I tend to go for complicated build paths, I have a fighter (for an upcoming VTT game), that is going Champion (Reactive Strike & Shield Block will have dedicated Reactions by 8th & 10th respectively), for Retributive Strike. Then Human Multitalented for Rogue, and Shove Down (which pairs with Aggressive Block & Flinging Shove to turn a Block into an off-turn knockdown), and then Cleric later on for Emblazon Armament (Shield) & Raise Symbol. Sometimes the Multiclass dedications just fit so well together for a singular concept ...

However, in that same game, I am seeing the power of the Thaumaturge & the Pathfinder Society Dedication for some insane recall knowledge synergies.

I would be hard pressed not to apply to either of those, Runelords or Seven Dooms. I got into 2e from Starfinder, actually, and missed out on most 1e content. Going back without system mastery feels frustrating to me, given the amount of content and options that there are.

However, my brother has always said that Runelord's is one of the best AP's for Golarian lore, and I would love to experience that.

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I find Ancestral Paragon, terribly boring, but then again Paizo hasn't been great with Heritage or Ancestry feats ... when running I actually prefer to give my players Free Archetype & Gradual Ability boost.

I tend to play Humans, I just can't wrap my mind set around the more obtuse races, and Ancestry Paragon actually encourages uncommon heritages etc to get the most benefit from it.

If my fellow applicants prefer, I'm on board. But since I will likely be going human, just means more general feats for me, lol.

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I do enjoy a good PF2E game, and have had a recent character concept spring to mind which is far removed from my typical barbarian, champion, fighter submission ... so I would be happy to submit a character for review.

Hopefully you are recovering Cody! I do have a couple questions for when you feel up to it. As a Local Scion, and the new owner (since Grigorès passing) of Reeveès Ironworks, I am assuming the Smithy is what pays for Grayson and his mother's lifestyle, including their home.

I am hoping most of that can be hand waived (ie. Lifestyle costs & basic necessities are assumed to be there, but his adventuring gear, etc is coming out of liquid funds, or personal wealth). Any stock he wanted to get would come from his personal funds, or he'd risk losing the business, or some such. Secondly, the Local Scion starts with Specialty Crafting, if I took Armor Smith, would that cover armor **and** shields?

Also, for their family home/smithy, I am figuring it is the red building along the Breach Creek, to the East, North-East of Tuskhead's Masonry, since they are partners now.

I hope you are feeling well Cody! If you need to take a few days to fully recover don't worry ... health is more important than a few internet geeks like us.

Regardless, I am super stoked to be invited and look forward to playing with you all!

I am interested, love superheroics ... Discord PbP works for me too ... if you want to send a link I would be glad to check it out.

Alright, it has been a busy week, but I have been giving it alot of thought and am switching up my concept ... somewhat.

Grayson Reeve, Local Scion, Human Fighter

In the quiet town of Breachill, nestled amidst the rolling hills and ancient forests of the frontier, the Reeve family forged their legacy amidst the flames of the forge. Grigor Reeve, a former Knight of Ozem, sought solace in the tranquility of their humble abode, where he raised his two sons, Baeranor and Greyson, amidst the clangor of steel and the whisper of the wind.

As the years passed, Baeranor's dreams of knighthood led him to the distant lands of Lastwall, leaving Greyson behind to tend the family's Ironworks alongside their aging father. Amidst the trials of daily life, Greyson found solace in the company of his sister, Kiara, and the memories of his brother's laughter echoing through the halls of their home.

Yet, tragedy struck when news arrived of Lastwall's fall and Baeranor's untimely demise, leaving Greyson to bear the weight of grief and responsibility alone. As his father's health declined, Greyson's resolve was tested, his path obscured by shadows of doubt and despair.

Unable to sustain the Ironworks alone, Greyson made the difficult decision to merge the family business with Tuskhead Stoneworking, led by the skilled dwarven mason, Rorsk Axebane. Together, they forged a new alliance, combining their crafts to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

As Greyson navigated the challenges of their merged enterprise, doubts and uncertainties often plagued his mind. In moments of solitude, he sought solace in the quiet depths of the family crypt, where the spirits of his father and brother lay at rest.

Amidst the silent marble halls, Greyson found a sense of peace, his father's wisdom and his brother's laughter echoing through the shadows. In their presence, he found strength to carry on, their memory a guiding light in the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Though the road ahead was fraught with obstacles and trials, Greyson remained resolute in his determination to honor his family's legacy and carve out a future worthy of their sacrifice. And as he stood amidst the hallowed halls of the crypt, he knew that their spirits would forever watch over him, guiding his steps on the path to greatness.

Mechanically I am looking at playing a Sword & Shield fighter, flipping between offense, with Double Slice using Longsword and Shield Boss, or defense with Reactive Shield and Shield Block. Plans to go with a straight forward ... Champion, Rogue, Cleric, series of dedications ... focusing, again, on battle field control via Aggressive Block and Shove Down, and defense via Retributive Strike, Raise Shield, and Emblazon Armament.

Updated with Pathbuilder link ...

I feel as though I may be a little on the late side, however, I was hoping that you would be open to a new-ish player, or submission at least?

I was thinking of a Lastwall Garrison leader, retired, who has returned, along with his family, to Breachill. A distinguished man, somewhere in his late 40's, early 50's ... so narratively a Returning Descendant, but, mechanically, more likely to be a Knight of the Order.

Assuming you are still taking submissions, I could put together something, Pathbuilder, or Mythweaver, and fill in more narrative. Mechanically I am thinking of a Wit-style Swashbuckler, with Cooperative Nature and One for All, for a Diplomacy focused tactical field marshal ... through out Aid's, generating Panache, and, eventually, getting an Inspiring Marshal's Aura on top of that.

That way I can give one of our heavy hitters a good chance to crit big targets, and have some reliable Panache on top of that, as gravy.

Anyways, let me know and I will work something up.

I've had an Iomedean Gunslinger occupying space in my head for a while now, would you be open to a gunslinger? If so I can work something up in the next day or so, likely going Child of the Crusade.

If there's time before we vent plasma, Galatea would like to collect medical samples, to determine if there is a genetic, chemical, or other such anomaly that would account for those of us who *have*, to this point, resisted the Grey's control, share.

However, I won't be able to get an IC post up until later tonight, or tomorrow afternoon.

Question, what's the premise of the game? Krakoa is very isolationist, are we peace keepers on Krakoa? Ambassadors to the greater global powers? Are we replacing existing X-Men, or working alongside them?

Alright, mechanics to follow, but Jherethy Blackwater is a Human, Fighter, with the Marine background.

He's lived in Saltmarsh his whole life, his father, a fisherman died at sea when Jherethy was a young lad, his vessel sunk by the Sea Princes. At his father's grave, his mother made him promise never to board a ship, lest the sea take away her son too.

However, as the Sea Princes grew more bold, Jherety couldn't forgive them so he traveled to Seaton to enlist in Keoland's navy. He broke his mother's heart,but he would see no more children fatherless due to the pirates of Azure Sea.

He visited his mother as often as duty allowed, though, those visits became rarer and rarer as time progressed. By the time he was 23 Jherethy was promoted to Warran Officer aboard His Majesty's Ship, the Elusive Promise. Tasked with capturing one of the Sea Princes themselves, the Promise set out from Seaton.

Within seven weeks they'd found their prey, however, were unprepared for the Ferocity of the Wormwood, Captain Harrigan's flagship. The Promise was lost at sea, all aboard her dead,or drowned.

However, Jherethy was fished from the wreckage, tortured for information on Seaton's defenses by Harrigan himself. For weeks he held out, until his torturers became lax, able to kill one, he eluded pursuit, and escaped overland. Traveling through the Dreadwood, he was discovered by a group of Silverstand rangers, used back to health, and returned to Burle.

On his return to Seaton, he was debriefed and hailed as hero. However, his greatest wish was to return home, gone now, near three months, and over a year since he'd last seen his mother.

When he returned to Saltmarsh he learned she'd thrown herself from the cliffs into the sea. Now lost, alone, he sustains himself living as a fisherman, dreading his nightmares and memories of the sea.

Basic premise is, his echo, at 3rd level, are his comrades in arms joining their surviving brother from beyond the grave.

Does that work as backstory? Or is it too much?

While it's a ways off, could it be flavored as some spirit, haunt, or revenant? I'm kind of thinking, Talion and Celebrimbor, from Shadow of Mordor.

Maybe some sort of lingering evil, killed,tainted, or corrupted a community of aquatic elves in the past. Having stumbled across some relic of this elven community he became attuned to it, and could hear the spirit. Having learned martial prowess from the apparition he began his path towards Echo Knight.

Question, the rules say Core Only, but we're talking subclasses from other, Official sources. Does that mean options like Booming Blade are open? Or Echo Knights from Wildemount? Just curious for later development ...

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Oh! Actually I found a Point Buy option on Marvel Heroes Forever, here.

It's a thought anyways.

It certainly brings back some nostalgia! While interested, my only concern is the randomness of generating stats and powers. I much prefer point buy and other systems that put all PC's on level ground, without penalizing anyone for s##&ty rolls, which is usually me!

Either way, I'm tentatively interested.

I've got a concept brewing, thinking of taking a Half Elf, with the Forlorn Ancestry feat, coupled with Lost and Alone background to emulate a shell shocked survivor, turned monster hunter. Mechanically speaking, thinking he'd be an Outwit Ranger with an Alchemy dedication, for Bombs, Elixirs, and Poisons.

Now I'm not familiar with the adventure, so I'm unsure how we would integrate him into the current scenario with the existing group, but I'm happy to work with folks on that.

I am going to withdraw interest, if only because as I look at my character, I realize, as much as I love PF2E, I find it difficult to get *into* a character at 11th level, and would much prefer to see the character grow and progress through those lower levels.

Anyways, I will likely watch the thread, because as a kid of the 80's growing up on martial arts tournament movies, Enter the Dragon, Blood Sport, Mortal Kombat, and innumerable others, it is a fun and exciting trope!

Good luck and good gaming!

Very interested in trying a hand at this, would be most interested in playing an Aasimar Cleric of Irori, with some Monk dedication worked in to stay true to the nature of the tournament.

Specifically a support character, with access to buffs and healing, though will likely have some damage to throw around depending on the various scenarios his companions will find themselves in.

Probably going with the Undercover Contender, having lost his sister to foul play ten years ago he decided to infiltrate the tournament to preserve and protect the integrity of the competition in accordance with the precepts of Irori, the Master of Masters.

Originally posted in Evindyl's thread, haven't had the opportunity to post here. Currently working nights which is kicking my creativity to the curb, however, I am working on a build and will likely have it up by Thursday or Friday.

Basic concept, at this time, is a Kallijae wizard, an advisor to the elves who ensured that Angahzan's corruption remained within the city of Usaro, was captured and held prisoner for a number of decades before a band of adventurer's slew the Gorilla King.

I would be taking the Ancient Elf Heritage, and a Druid Dedication at 1st level. Likely friendly with the Orcs of the Lake Ocota, who, likewise seek to limit the influence of the Demon Lord.

I'll have the sheet, the ten minute background and sample's of my writing style and RP up before the week's end.

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I'll get to work on my Elven Wizard, likely going Ancient Elf, Druid Dedication, to get a jump on the Free Archetype model used in the AP. Planned Progression would be shifting towards Magaambyan Attendant and Halcyon Speaker as we progress, becoming a true Archmage.

I'm excited to put it together and submit the character, background and build.

Newbonomicon wrote:
If you do want to play a wizard, keep in mind that the way the free archetype for this AP works means you'll be given druid multiclass. So make sure not to dump wisdom!

I planned on concentrating on the Druid's animal companion feats, actually. Which brings up a good question, can you benefit from both a Familiar (Wizard) and an Animal Companion (Druid dedication)?

If this got off the ground, I'd be very interested in rolling with a straight Wizard. My go to is usually a melee type martial, this AP seems particularly suited to allow me to play a caster, so I'd be glad to submit a character if this thread gets picked up.

Alright, back from a weekend away with the wife and feeling refreshed, however, my initial character submission has changed significantly. Allow me to introduce ... Gilgalad, Animal Handler & Wanted Criminal

Class: Champion, Paladin; Ragathiel's Blessed One
Alignment: Lawful Good; Chaotic Tendencies
Background: Animal Wrangler (Athletics)
Backstory: Gilgalad was born in Korvosa, his mother worked at the tanner's to provide for her son and daughter. However, their mother was addicted to Shiver and had several companions who spared little care or consideration for their lover's children. The last, was a particularly abusive man, who in a drunken stupor would abuse the children, and, even, his lover, Gil's mother. Gil grew to hate the man, and his own mother's excuses for his violent outbursts, so he turned towards prayer to extricate himself and his sister from their home. His savior came in a dream, a five winged angel, burning with the fires of wrath, wielding a long blade in a single hand. Driven by divine righteousness, when the man next raised hand to Gil's sister, the young boy drove a blade into his heart, over and over again.

Now a criminal, Gil and his sister fled Korvosa, hiding among the dispossessed and the desperate, able to evade Hellknight capture. However, the road to freedom was long, and hard, though Gil guided the pair to Escadar, along the way, and to speed their journey the twins had stolen a horse, and it soon became apparent that while Gil was able to calm and control the mount, his sister was a natural born rider. They soon came to the Celestial Menagerie, where Mistress Dusklight offered them sanctuary, the twins accepted, tired of a life on the road, and fear of being pursued by the Hellknights for their crimes.

Eventually, however, Gil began to note the cruelty in Dusklight's eyes, similar to the man who had so abused them. And so he began to look for a way out, him a capable master of horse, and his sister an accomplished rider. Eventually leaving Dusklight's employ with other disgruntled members of the troupe, to form their own circus, and begin the life of a carnie.

What's your most favorite thing you own? Guided by a prophetic vision of the five winged angel of wrath, Gil discovered the grave of one of Ragathiel's paladins in their flight from Korvosa. Dispite his misgivings at grave robbing, he secured a great blade from the fallen paladin's skeletal hands, by way of thanks to the fallen servant of his lord, Gil polishes and maintains the blade nightly. Giving thanks to Ragathiel's fallen champion, and hoping that he can use her blade in the defense of innocence, and the pursuit of justice.

What would somebody see at first glance?
A handsome young man, with dark hair, and deep blue, brooding eyes. He is quiet, somewhat furtive, given the fact he is a wanted killer, a fact he conceals from his closest allies. He has the beginnings of a beard concealing his strong, square jaw, though he keeps his curled hair pulled back from his brow in a warrior's knot at the base of his neck. He has a jagged scar along his jaw, now concealed by his beard, though it rises to his left cheek, causing that eye to drop at the corner.

Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Gilgalad, along with his sister, Nineve, were born in Korvosa, where they were raised by their mother. With no father in the house, they endured a progression of callous suitors who sought their mother's fickle affections. In truth, Gilgalad was raised by a stableman, and learned from him to care for horse, and the value of hard work.

What is your character’s moral code?
Gilgalad believes in the rule of law, what is right, what is moral, and what is just. First and foremost among these is his twin sister, Nineve, who has has killed for, and would do so again. Those who inflict harm upon other should be punished for those wrongs, and those wrongs should be repaid in kind. He struggles to reconcile his faith against his feelings of anger and abandonment, though he strives to behave in a manner befitting of his duty as protector and defender of his sister and their companions.

Does your character have goals?
Gilgalad seeks to become worthy of the blade that he was forced to take from a fallen champion of his faith. So the circus is his home, the troupe his family, but his ultimate goal is to prove himself worthy of the attention and blessings that Ragathiel has bestowed upon him.

Is there anything that your character hates?
Those who would harm, or commit wrongs, against those unable to defend themselves, chief amongst these are children and animals. He also hates those who are false. Lying and deceit are wrong, even among his own troupe he recognizes cons and scams are the stock and trade of circus life, it is something he has difficulty reconciling in his own behavior.

Is there anything that your character fears?
Having had to creep into a burial mound to retrieve a blade to defend himself and his sister from bandits as a youth, Gilgalad doesn't deal well with tight, enclosed spaces. In such times he can hear admonishing thoughts from the champion's corpse whom he feels he desecrated. He also fears that he is unworthy of the blade, or Ragathiel's interest in him, as such he aspires to prove his worth by protecting those closest to him against even overwhelming odds.

Hello there! This looks like something I would be glad to participate in, from your GM'ing style, request for player inclusivity and interaction, to the commitment to see a three book AP through to the end.

I have been into RPG's since the early 80's starting, of course, with D&D and it's various editions, including, yes, the much maligned 4e, and continuing to this day. However, my 1st love was comics, and so I naturally gravitated to the Super Hero RPG's, starting with Champions and the Hero System, then Marvel Heroes, DC Heroes, Mutants and Master Minds, and various indie games as well ... the genre is much freer than most fantasy RPG's, so it helped foster a love of interaction with both the setting, and the NPC's for me. Sci Fi was also my thing, specifically Cyberpunk, so Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, then I found a crew who did the White Wolf games, starting with Vampire the Masquerade. In fact that is the crew that stayed in touch to this day, and it fostered a love of emotional, flawed characters which I try to bring into any system or campaign I am participating in.

One system I never got involved with was PF1E, alot of stuff was going on in my life around the time it was released, and by the time I tried it the system had so many options, houserules, and third party sources it was confusing to participate as a relative newcomer.

I soon moved away from my gaming crew, and started to participate in more and more Play by Post style games. Eventually I discovered a Starfinder podcast, which drew me into that system, and tangentially, into PF2E, which I enjoy more than the more, generic, 5e, as someone who came up in the HERO system, 2E just has the right amount of crunch and customization I like in character creation, it feels more flexible, and has good bones.

Now, about me as a player, I understand that Play by Post is an entirely different beast, as compared to sitting around a table, as such I try to push scenes forward, by engaging my fellow players, asking them questions, putting them on the spot, or making a decision. A bad decision, executed quickly, is better than the perfect decision, executed slowly, especially in a PbP format where momentum is key to keeping players engaged and moving towards the end goal.

As some one who loves Japanese culture, from a youth watching samurai flicks with my dad, I had the chance to participate in a PbP Legend of the Five Rings solo game on another board, under the username, Zero Prime. You can follow the thread here, Akodo Ishii is still one of my favorite characters, and more memorable, due to this multipage workshop and solo RP the GM and I did to flesh out his backstory & personality.

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up, I would be glad to discuss anything and look forward to the opportunity to participate.

Ohhh, this looks interesting, I'm currently out of town, but I'll give it some thought. Likely building either a melee-centric tank, probably Paladin. I'll read the players guide and come up with sobering and complete the application with the required info.

As a Canadian, nothing Rush related should ever be considered useless. So thank you Q!

My submission, changed from my initial thought of an Operative ... going with my favorite class, Solarian ...

CHARACTER NAME: Vulcan, Android, laborer, Solarian 1
THEME: Prisoner, former Apostae indentured laborer
BACKGROUND: Mine Collapse, Terraformer, Union Buster; essentially on escaping his Golden Parachute owners, he went deep into the vast, taking odd jobs that he was well suited for, considered his laborer designation and heavy chassis.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good, judges people by their actions, understands the need for society, laws, and organizations. Has seen how it can grind up and spit out individuals and the disenfranchised, dislikes being a cog in any machine.
RACE: Android, laborer. Alternate racial traits (Infosphere Integration; Nanite Upgrade)
CLASS: Weapon Solarian
EQUIPMENT: EJ Hard Suit, Environmental Clothing (Radiation; Zero G); Electron Crystal, shard; Soulfire Fusion; various personal gear
BIOGRAPHY: Manufactured to act as a laborer for the Drow of Apostae in their endless recovery of technology and weapons hidden in the vaults deep beneath the surface. Served for a number of years until a mine collapse revealed a pocket of advanced technology. Trapped in a section of the vault, and mortally injured, Vulcan's nanites fought to preserve his life, incorporating some of the technology that had been revealed by the collapse. Infused with strange abilities, his body surged with photonic energies, suddenly equipped with the abilities to secure his freedom he plotted with his fellow slaves, until he was able to escape, defeating his drow masters, earning the enmity of House Zeizerer. He escaped to Near Space, where he hoped he'd be able to avoid Zeizerer recovery teams, since both he, and the incorporated solar mote was technically their property.
PERSONALITY: Vulcan likes to keep a low profile, and working for EJ allows just that. Plus the ability to travel Pact Space, a new start, hopefully without looking over his shoulder for fear of Zeizerer bounty hunters. However, he does not enjoy the lifeless, soul crushing, slog of working for the corporation, nor the way they treat their employees. Given the opportunity, he would sacrifice the companies bottom line to help the little guy, which has caused him to receive more than one reprimand to date. However, his unique ability to assist his crew in a tight spot has made him valued by crews he has worked with in the past.

At this time I find myself enamored with the Summoner class ... so what I'm thinking is a charlatan fortune teller, medium, who found himself in the possession of a Harrow Deck that had been taken from a Varisian caravan leader after her people were accused of some crime and slaughtered by Hellknights outside of Cheliax.

So he slowly comes to realize that this deck is haunted by the shade of the Varisian clan leader, and forms a Pact with the shade. Agreeing to help the shade with an act of vengeance against her killers, she aids him by protecting him, and sharing with him secrets from beyond the grave.

I'll come up with something a little more fleshed out over the next few days.

Gilgalad grew up, like many orphans, on the streets of Absalom, however, he had the good fortune of crossing paths with a Sword Knight of Iomedae. A half starved boy, as his mentor retells it, was spied stealing a crust of bread from a merchant at the farmer's market, so incensed was the merchant that, once caught, he began beating the thief bloody. However the young boy, caught red handed, suffered his beating in silence. His mentor stopped the merchant from felling the youth, tossing him silver for the copper's worth of bread that had been stolen.

He questioned the youth, as to why he hadn't fled the beating, or cried out for aid, the youth, through bloodied lips, replied only that he knew it wrong to steal, but the food would fill his belly, and the merchant was just going to discard it by end of day. The Sword Knight then offered to pay the boy a living wage, if he would stable his horse, feed her, care for her, and groom her.

In time Gilgalad grew to a broad shouldered young boy, and would often clean and polish the weapons of the Cathedral, however, he became enamored of one, a curved blade unlike any he had seen before. When he looked on it, it was pitted and rusted, but in his spare time, he would sneak to the armory and care for it, carefully returning it to it's pristine condition. As he did so, he would often recall hearing a voice, lifted in ephemeral song echoing in that darkened chamber.

When asked of his obsession with the blade, he would speak that he knew it had belonged to an elven warrior, a woman as deadly, as beautiful, a warrior, a paladin, devoted to the Inheritor's cause. His peers would laugh off his fanciful tales, and the anointed would remind the boy that to speak false was akin to a lie. And so he kept the presence to himself, listening to it as it spoke in gentle words, urging him towards the blade, asking him to take it up once again, to take it into the light, and let it ring once again against blade and shield.

In time, he began to sneak into the yard at night, to practice forms and patterns he had watched the knights teach their squires. One even, his peers spied him sneaking away, and sought to teach the young lad some manners, and so set upon him with axe handles. Unskilled and unable to defend himself he was bruised and bloodied when they were called to their morning devotions. Asked to identify the culprits, Gilgalad simply said he had received the injuries training. And who, the priests inquired, was the knight who took it upon themselves to train the stable boy? His response was simply, Lyllandra il'Arnyn. The name gave the priests pause, for she had been a paladin of elven descent, who had served the church for decades before her death some hundred years ago.

It soon became apparent that the curved blade that had called to the boy, had been il'Arnyn's blade, returned to the chapel and stored in the vault, abandoned and forgotten. The blade was taken from the boy, and returned to the vault, for there seemed to be some history between the elven knight and the Knight Captain. When the blade was, once again, found in the young man's possession, he was accused of theft, of a relic, no less. He was to be branded and removed from the chapel, he stoically bore the punishment, but as the poker approached his hand, a blade flashed out knocking the instrument from the acolyte's hand. The phantom of il'Arnyn stood aground, defending the boy, claiming him as her own blood, for she had failed her squire, and with that looked the old Knight Captain in the eyes with regret and sorrow. And to pass on, she must complete her duty, and forge the young Gilgalad into the man, she knew, him to be.

Not one to be denied, the Knight Captain informed the young man that such a venture was unseemly to the church, and possibly heretical. Not willing to allow the youth to achieve his destiny within the chapel, he sought out the Sally Guard, there to earn a Knighthood as a member of Absalom's Watch. However, his ambition exceeded his skill, even though aided by the phantom within his blade, he failed to master the horse, perhaps they sensed the ghost's presence and were unnerved by it.

So now, given the opportunity, he has enlisted with the Edgewatch in hopes of earning glory and redemption in acts of charity and kindness for the city that birthed him.

Concept at this point is a LG Half Elf Summoner, with the Devoted Phantom Eidolon. Taking the Sally Gard background, means Gilgalad would start with Shoddy Half Plate, giving him an AC of 13! But, at 2nd level when he picks up Champion Dedication, that will round itself out. As a Half Elf, his Ancestry Feat would be Elven Weapon Familiarity, giving him the Elven Curve Blade, as a simple weapon, so he could use il'Arnyn's sword, not as well as a fighter, but well enough, at the least, and it would increase from Trained to Expert, when Summoner's simple weapon proficiency increases.

So basically, he has a permanent flanking buddy in his Phantom, Lyllandra, and he can use that to his advantage along with his limited spell selection, essentially being elven magicks she has taught him from beyond the veil.

His sheet can be found here.

Let me know if the concept doesn't work, or if there is something mechanically wrong with the build.

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