Xandian |
I'm a bit confused on what is required here for equipment.
Winter clothing was mentioned, but not by the GM.
The sled was mentioned by the GM, but it seems to be in response to a question from a player rather than something actually necessary.
GM Baerlie |
GM Baerlie,
Can I attempt to evaluate the status of the sleds and dogs using my Crafting or Engineering skills and/or Nature skill?
Sure! Crafting/Engineering for the sleds, Nature for the dogs.
I'm a bit confused on what is required here for equipment.
Winter clothing was mentioned, but not by the GM.
The sled was mentioned by the GM, but it seems to be in response to a question from a player rather than something actually necessary.
I'm sorry, if I caused any confusion. I mentioned that Aaminiut is at the Crown of the World and I was ignorant enough to think that this is enough information for the players to know that it is a cold region. Some of you mentioned that it's in the far north and also ice floes. So I thought you know that it's cold in Aaminiut.
To clear things up, let me give a proper description of the village:
Aaminiut is a village far in the north. It is used by travelers who need shelter and goods before entering the deadly ice fields and glaciers of the Crown of the World. The citicens of Aaminiut are mainly members of the Erutaki tribe or Ulfen traders. They live in piece side-by-side. A big part of Icefang Bay (a big bay north-west of Aaminiut) is coverd by solid ice and snow. The plains around Aaminiut are also covered by snow, here and there you see moss or small plants sticking out of the snowy ground. Aaminiut is built on stilts and covers several small islets in the river delta of the Taraska River and the nearby Hazalin Marshes.
Everything else is maybe a subject for interaction with Bjorn (an Ulfen trader) or Seshu (member of the Erutaki tribe). I wanted to give you some opportunity to find things out :)
Once again, sorry for the bad start. I will try to make things more clear in the future. Thank you for pointing that out!! You can find a small map of the area on the first slide.
Vicksli Powderjock |
I cannot remember if Vicksli already cast Mystic Armor for the day and didn't see it in a quick look through the posting so I added it now. If it is already up just ignore it.
Xandian |
Sounds like a job for Long Duration Spells.
Xandian |
Also, if it gets around to the end of the initiative block and I am still Dying, I am fine with the GM rolling my recovery check for me. There isn't any decision making involved in that. Just the will and ultimatums of the dice bot which none of us control.
GM Baerlie |
Finally, the Chronicles are finished:
Please check, if everything is correct. The game is already reported.
GM Hawthwile |
Excellent work GM Baerlie!
At this time, I'd like to ask everyone (including the GM) to reflect on this game - what went well, what was frustrating, what do you want to see again in the future, etc. Then let's write out two things (stolen shamelessly from here):
1. A star - something that happened here you'd love to see more of.
2. A wish - something you'd love to see in a future game.
(Also apologies for not posting this sooner - I've been unpacking moving boxes for the last week. XD)
Nhorri Ephema |
Star: I wouldn't have thought of finding an actual Draconic language to use for the wyrm. I've seen other languages used when it makes sense based on the locale or dominant culture (Russian or French), but wouldn't have thought of looking to see if someone made up an actual Draconic language. Very cool!
Wish: Clear communication about light levels each time we enter a new area. Sometimes the new area's intro paragraph doesn't include that info, but players typically appreciate it. (And it prevents the night-blind human from dithering while trying to find and light a torch.)