Brvheart's Skull&Shackles

Game Master brvheart

Become a pirate and plunder the Shackles and maybe one day challenge the Pirate King himself for leadership!

The Shackles

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We have lost our Druid for at least the end of the year so looking for a replacement. Would prefer someone that can be a healer, but willing to enterain other ideas that fit in with the group.

Isn't Caltro covering that for you?

I used this character in another sadly deceased skulls and shackles, could get her back to level 1 or 2.

While chaotic evil, she is a teamplayer and a blast to have at parties.

Marta can easily switch to an Oracle with the Waves Mystery. Sorcerer and Oracles both being Charisma casters.

Shadow Lodge

Lucille de Avrois wrote:

I used this character in another sadly deceased skulls and shackles, could get her back to level 1 or 2.

While chaotic evil, she is a teamplayer and a blast to have at parties.

no evil, we bagged our limit of CN, n or ln maybe

Shadow Lodge

Marta Jynn wrote:
Marta can easily switch to an Oracle with the Waves Mystery. Sorcerer and Oracles both being Charisma casters.

take a look at time oracle

Silver Crusade


Edit: Scratch that, I'll be making a tempest cleric, casting focused cleric that can blast or heal/support as needed. But for a bit of a twist, I think I'll make him a dwarf.

That is a 5E cleric, this is PF 1E. I need healers, not blasters.

Silver Crusade

I was merely using tempest cleric as a descriptor.
They would be a theologian cleric with the Air (lightning) domain. Which would be capable of preparing offensive spells, that could be turned to healing spells when required. I don't intend to create a walking first-aid kit, if that is what you are looking for let me know so I can respectfully withdraw.

would you allow the Oracles echo archetype for non merfolk?

Oracles echo

Because this archetype seems a great campaign fit, and also an excellent supplement to the party, since the inspire courage does stack with archeologists luck.

Would you permit a Water Dancer? They're pretty amazingly tanky, have almost no need of gear and can pack reasonably decent healing at level 2 onwards via Kinetic Healer and can expand that further by following further talents. I'd be happy to build that way.

The character I have in mind is a Naiad (although that could be changed if it was a sticking point). She'd be N(aive) Good and basically so sweet and trusting that it wasn't a matter of 'if' she got kidnapped so much as 'when' and 'by whom'.

This is the alias in question (although she's much too high level right now) so if you take a look at some of her previous posts you should get a good idea of the character.

Sample One
Sample Two
Sample Three

I'd probably keep the same background largely, with the edit that River finally overcame her fear of the ocean in order to keep searching for Tak when their connection drew her south and west from Taldor.

Let me know what you think. I feel like she'd fit in quite well with a sea themed game but if its a bit too 'out there' then no worries!

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I don't own Ulimite Wilderness so I am not familiar with it. The good news is our druid came back early so I need to put newcomers back on the waiting list, sorry!

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Ok, our druid has disappeared again. I can no longer wait on him. This has been several months of irractice attendance.
We need a cleric of Besmara for Skulls&Shackles game. Sources are Core, APG, UC and a few pirate based sources. The party yes needs an old fashioned cleric that can heal, provide support and do some fighting. Level one, but will soon be level two. Need is immediate. The core group has been great. A mix of characters that I would not have normally considered and Harak was a decent Druid but Adventure Paths presume you have certain things when they are written. A pirate preistess if you will.

On it.

Mightypions quick draft here, does not yet have a background.

TLDR version is that something happened to the ship she was on as a standard crewman, she was thrown overboard in a fight with some sea monster.

I am not sure, do I have equipment and if yes whats my starting money?

Skills arent slotted in, but since she is a pirate of Besmara I grabbed a trait for wisdom to bluff, and another one that adds bluff as a class skill, then a campaign trait and the fun to roleplay drawback paranoid (both fun to roleplay and mechanically relevant).

rough draft of her former ship:

Shipname: Icebrytar (Icebreaker) Chaotic Neutral
Captained by the Ulfen Sigurdr "Snake in the Eye" Skuggason, the Icebrytar is a formidable longship, that preys on Chelish traffic in particular, but is pretty open in terms of what it hunts.

The Captain himself is a towering Steelblood Bloodrager, and frequently jokes that he wont drown because Dagon doesnt want him anywhere near his realm. He is open in that he personally worships "The Lord and The Lady", which is the powercouple of Gorrum and Nocticula. He is completely open to Besmara, Callistria or other Chaotic Neutral deites.
He does not tolerate worship of Demon Lords who arent Nocticula and Shamira.

His nickname may sound angry and harsh, but originates from an instance of him succesfully using a snake as an improvised throwing weapon vs a mad cyclops.

Sigurdr runs a tight ship, but is a fair and generous captain with his loot. He has a thing for cleanliness, and disease incidents on his ship have been very low. His crew are volunteers, and his ships sorceress is a pretty effective recruiting tool.

The Ships sorceress Belana "totally not a Succubus" de Artois, is friendly, looks like she jumped of a cult of Nocticula recruitment poster and is highly seductive. She is Sigurdrs girlfriend/partner in crime and has bat wings large enough to fly. She is only a half Succubus and dislikes other demons on account of her exceedingly rocky relationship with her demonic mother, who expects her to stop being a pirate and join the Imperial Alyushinyrran Aerial Ballet to get a proper education, as she "dances passably for a half mortal". Wears a cloak of Eryine feathers, has a higher Chelish bounty on her head then the Captain.

Vikla herself came on board in the Ulfen lands, she has been a normal crew member who can also heal people, but other then the hiring interview and a formal welcome, she never interacted much with leadership.

Looks good on first blush, will get a better look at it tommorrow

Added appearance some background and personality traits.

I have played this module until the rescue missions start but no further.

Toby is from a failed S&S Campaign. I'd like to play him again if I could.

Vikla Ragnardottir wrote:

Added appearance some background and personality traits.

I have played this module until the rescue missions start but no further.

You are way over on your Character points for a 20 pt buy. No background skills or drawbacks please.

TheWaskally wrote:
Toby is from a failed S&S Campaign. I'd like to play him again if I could.

Not sure what this is. Paladin's are about the only class that doesn't fit in.

Adjusting, opening post said 25 point buy.

Edit: It also says 20 point buy, not a big mechanical change. Background skills and 3rd trait removed.

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Revelry is not a domain for Besmara

Skills are still an issue

This is what I see so far:

Vikla Skuggadottir
Female human cleric of Besmara 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee rapier +4 (1d6+1/18-20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 11, 1d6)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st—bless, command (DC 15), magic weapon[D]
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance
D Domain spell; Domain War (Tactics[APG] subdomain)
Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Channel Smite, Guided Hand[UC]
Traits cunning liar (any city), extremely fashionable
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Bluff +8, Heal +8, Profession (sailor) +8
Languages Common
SQ seize the initiative
Other Gear hide armor, buckler, rapier, 110 gp
Special Abilities
Channel Smite Channel energy can be delivered through a Smite attack.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day, DC 11) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Tactics)
Guided Hand May use Wisdom modifier for attack rolls with favored weapon
Seize the Initiative (7/day) (Su) An ally within 30' may take the better of 2d20 for initiative
Some weeks ago.
Well Vikla, wellcome aboard the Icebrytar. The huge Steelblood shook her hand. Clearly trying to not break it by accident.
You duties will be secondary healing. Your duties as a sailor will be a bit less ardous, you get paid one and a half times as much as a normal crew member. If we are in battle, remember that there is a bonus for saving your crewmembers lifes. I do not personally worship Besmara, but I respect and follow the pirates code. If someone asks for religious advice, feel free to give it to him or her, but no uninvited missionary things. The towering Ulfen gave her another look
No stealing from, looting from, murdering or raping other crewmembers, if someone does this to you, you come to me. Belana is a telepath and will know who speaks the truth. Any prisoners we take are "loot", and their ransoms will be fairly shared. Which means dont mistreat or murder them. I think thats about it, questions?

Can I practice my Abyssal? I never actually used it to talk, but I do speak it in a fashion?
Vilka asks back

If you impress my consort, sure. You will probably pick up an Alyushinyrran accent from her, but honestly that one sounds fairly pleseant, unlikely the f~~%ing Deskarites who make that language sound like a bunch of Bugs chewing through metal while falling down a stair that is on fire. Effing Bugf$#~ers.
The big man grins.

Days ago
Vikla somehow manages to dodge the oversized tentacle of that Kraken, mostly because the kraken was more interested in generalized destruction, and less in killing her specifically. Then she found out that she didnt quite dodge it, and got yeeted into the sea, rapidly losing conciousness.

The last thing she saw was that Sigurdr doubled in Size and jumped at the Kraken, swinging and incredibly large axe glowing with Abyssal runes


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Switched revelry (brainderped and confused her with redeemed Nocticula somehow) for weather, now has weather and tactics domains.
Adjusted domain spell to obsuring mist.

Skill points are 2 base (cleric) +1 (favored class bonus) +1 (skilled from human)=4 I grabbed heal, bluff (I use wisdom for it and have it as a class skill, using both traits for this), profession sailor and sense motive.

Adjuste CMD because revised point buy has less str.

That works. Adjust to this:

Vikla Skuggadottir
Female human cleric of Besmara 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee rapier +4 (1d6+1/18-20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 11, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
7/day—storm burst (1d6 nonlethal)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st—bless, command (DC 15), obscuring mist[D]
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance
D Domain spell; Domains War (Tactics[APG] subdomain), Weather
Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Channel Smite, Guided Hand[UC]
Traits cunning liar (any city), extremely fashionable
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Bluff +8, Heal +8, Profession (sailor) +8, Sense Motive +8
Languages Common
SQ seize the initiative
Other Gear hide armor, buckler, rapier, 110 gp
Special Abilities
Channel Smite Channel energy can be delivered through a Smite attack.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day, DC 11) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Tactics)
Cleric Domain (Weather) Granted Powers: With power over storm and sky, you can call down the wrath of the gods upon the world below.
Guided Hand May use Wisdom modifier for attack rolls with favored weapon
Seize the Initiative (7/day) (Su) An ally within 30' may take the better of 2d20 for initiative
Storm Burst 1d6 nonlethal (7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals 1d6+0 nonlethal dam to foe in 30 ft. & inflicts a -2 to att for 1 rd.

After that, dot gameplay and join discussion please.

Channel smite is only good against undead, the warpriest good blessing has a power giving d6 holy and channel force adds damage too.

Holy Strike (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and bless it with the power of purity and goodness. For 1 minute, this weapon glows green, white, or yellow-gold and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against evil creatures. During this time, it’s treated as good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This additional damage doesn’t stack with the additional damage from the holy weapon special ability.

Channeling Force (Combat)
You distill your channeled energy into a sheen of force that surrounds your weapon for a limited time.

Prerequisite(s): Ability to cast at least one force spell, channel energy class feature.

Benefit: A swift action, you can expend one use of channel energy to grant your weapon attacks a bonus on damage rolls equal to the number of dice of your channel energy. This extra damage is force damage. This lasts for your next three weapon attacks or until the end of combat, whichever comes first.

Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide © 2014, Paizo Inc

I think there is a feat for a cleric to take a blessing 1st level power

ARCANE strike is good for damage too, but may have to have eldritch feats first.

I am mostly taking channel smite as a prereq for guided hand, which is what allows me to use wisdom for attack rolls with my deities (Rapier in Besmaras case, curious that there arent Sabres or Cutlasses in pf1e actually) favored weapon.
This in turn allows me to fully focus on wisdom and still contribute to combat.

In terms of hitting people, all I need is power attack (level 3) and then I can invest all remaining feats in crafting/channels/spellcasting to boost the party.

War blessing feat is definitly something I am looking into, I could for example combine the blessings of water and weather to add 2d4 elemental damage to whoever our main damage dealer is.

It is limited to twice per day though, although I could perhaps use channeled blessing to have my channel energy fuel blessings.

As for the cutlas and sabres, you have get the freebooters guide from razors coast, lots of useful things in there.

Her point was that they are not Besmara's favorite weapons.

So Vilka, are you in with the changes?

Lets get this show on the road, ehmm boat!

Well dot gameplay and join discussion

Ah, the lass got a new group!

We needed a cleric to replace our druid, our Npc cleric was the only healer left, our bard can do a little. We could eventually use a barbarian once we have the second ship.

I am a different lass though! The original may still be on her original ship. Its great not needing to kiss and caress for heal spells! Haha Shamiran oracles!

I have the book of erotic fantasy from 3.5 if you want to use it, haha.

It's better and more tasteful distraction and humor than the halfling bathroom humor.

In my defense, in the other game my stuff did managed to convert Slippery Syl towards being helpful to the party, by setting her on the path of redemption usefulness by converting her to the Demonlord of Lust, murder and backstabbening, what could possibly go wrong?
Yes Syl, there is a Demonlord who likes what you do and could give you powers, you just have to secretly ditch your affiliation! I am way more fun to hang around then they are anyway!

So it sounds like you already have a few great choices for replacement players

BUT JUST IN CASE - I haven't played Pathfinder for awhile and level 1 is pretty easy to whip up, and I have 3 characters whose personalities & histories could easily be rewritten to be a cleric of Besmara (or Warpriest? Is Warpriest also an option?)

Option 1 - "Grelthe" Half-Orc/Half-Ulfen STR/CHA musclehead learned sailing as a Thrall-slave in the Ironbound Archipelago (previously Holy Tactician Paladin of Kurgess & Dragon Skald)
(specializes in Diplomacy)
So probably most interested in War/Duels/Tactics, & Weather domains

Option 2 - "Althea" Half-Elf/Half-Varisian DEX/INT sneaky Skill Monkey with a heart of gold (previously Unchained Rogue & Shadowdancer)
(specializes in Diplomacy)
So probably most interested in Chaos, Trickery/Deception/Innuendo/Thievery, & Duels domains

Option 3 - "Nelimyn (Neli)" (originally 5e) Undine CON/STR/WIS Naive XenoAnthropologist nerd (& kinda Disney Princess stereotypes from animal friendlies) originally a 5e Triton Tempest Cleric/Druid multiclass.
(plan to specialize in Animal Handling, Speaking with Animals & History/Culture/Architecture)
So probably most interested in Storm/Weather or Oceans/Water domains

brvheart wrote:

Ok, our druid has disappeared again. I can no longer wait on him. This has been several months of irractice attendance.

We need a cleric of Besmara for Skulls&Shackles game. Sources are Core, APG, UC and a few pirate based sources. The party yes needs an old fashioned cleric that can heal, provide support and do some fighting. Level one, but will soon be level two. Need is immediate. The core group has been great. A mix of characters that I would not have normally considered and Harak was a decent Druid but Adventure Paths presume you have certain things when they are written. A pirate preistess if you will.

Vilka has been working out great but now our bard is now no longer "feeling the campaign". We can't all be pirates I guess. We don't necessary need a bard but do need a replacement player.

Two questions:

- What kind of class would you need?
- Are you still in the phase of forced imbibing of alcohol?

The party consists of: swashbuckler, arcanist, rogue, monk and cleric
New character should be level four, but kind of open as to class.

It is the begging of Book Two so no determination about rum rations have been made by the new captain but doubtful it would still be forced.

Why does my brain always go to gunslingers. Hope you still brought alcohol!

Would a Buccaneer Gunslinger be acceptable? They'd be able to craft ammunition and the like themselves, so there's no need for extra loot distribution. Could fluff them to be originally Alkenstari as well. They're, naturally, entirely pirate-themed.

Grand Lodge

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Hmmm Ill look and see what I have and I might give you a frontliner.

I'm thinking about putting together a skald (dragon skald archetype), but I'll need to see if I can come up with a fun concept around that.

How long do you plan on keeping submissions open?

We have Capricia (the swashbuckler) but it never hurts to have another.

I will leave it open at least another day or two until we find someone that fits in. It has been a pretty good group so far. This game seems to be all about fun concepts: goblin alchemist rogue as the cook, halfing martial arts monk that is Nuts.

I like the idea of a buckaneer, but guns are so rare at present that only the pirate king has them. I would have to do a lof ot revising that I would rather not do. They were great in my Razor Coasr game in a very limited role. You would have a really hard time finding powder and shot.

How about an Inquisitor of Besmara? Not that cheating pirates are anything unique or that Besmara would worry about, but talking to Harbor masters about where to look in ships, well, that just might get a fella turned into chum if he ain't careful. It would be fun enforce the Pirate Code, eh?

Sovereign Court

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How about a Ranger (Drake Warden/Tidal Hunter), with a pet sea drake for a companion?

Luke_Parry wrote:
How about a Ranger (Drake Warden/Tidal Hunter), with a pet sea drake for a companion?

A ranger could be good, but this could be rather op especially with the sea drake.

akododani wrote:
How about an Inquisitor of Besmara? Not that cheating pirates are anything unique or that Besmara would worry about, but talking to Harbor masters about where to look in ships, well, that just might get a fella turned into chum if he ain't careful. It would be fun enforce the Pirate Code, eh?

a former cargo inspector, who took a bribe to look the other way and now is on the run from the harbor masters guild. That sounds about right, now taken to piracy.

Sovereign Court

Alright then. Constrictor snake animal companion it is, then!

I mostly just wanted something with both a swim and land speed.

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