Brvheart's Skull&Shackles

Game Master brvheart

Become a pirate and plunder the Shackles and maybe one day challenge the Pirate King himself for leadership!

The Shackles

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Just notice there is an archaeologist. That would cover traps. Back to the drawing board with me.

Scrap Fjord, cause here's KoolKobold's character submission-Laroisael, the forlon elven archaeologist!

MannyGoblin wrote:
Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
How about a Goblin cook? Don't ask where the food comes from.

You don't like my cookin'?

Fishguts is a my hero:O

Manny will be head pirate in no time!

You only get 150 GP to start. How are you carrying the rest of your equipment? I get the cooking kit is at the inn, but with an 8 STR your load is heavy. Well, at least until you are shanghaid.

Will probably have a shoreborn half-elf (what better time to play a shoreborn than now?) Bolt Ace (look, ma, no firearms!) within a day or two. I have to ask, will we get our items back eventually? Or is spending money at all a completely moot point.

Violant wrote:
Will probably have a shoreborn half-elf (what better time to play a shoreborn than now?) Bolt Ace (look, ma, no firearms!) within a day or two. I have to ask, will we get our items back eventually? Or is spending money at all a completely moot point.

What is a shoreborn half-elf? By the end of book one, presuming you are successful with your mutiny you will have all your stuff. If you are a good enough thief, you might be able to steal one or two items out of your locker in the meantime, just don't get caught! So, no it is not a moot point, but it is a good lesson on how to run your character with nothing, including spells for a couple of levels. They will give you weapons when you need to fight something, and take them back when you are done.

Half-elf whose elven parent is an aquatic elf, they tend to have a strong hankering for the seas and oceans.

Laroisael wrote:
Scrap Fjord, cause here's KoolKobold's character submission-Laroisael, the forlon elven archaeologist!

LG? She is going to have to hide that or be visiting Davy Jones Locker! You can still pick a couple of languages, otherwise approved. Dot gameplay and join discussion.

brvheart wrote:
Laroisael wrote:
Scrap Fjord, cause here's KoolKobold's character submission-Laroisael, the forlon elven archaeologist!

LG? She is going to have to hide that or be visiting Davy Jones Locker! You can still pick a couple of languages, otherwise approved. Dot gameplay and join discussion.

I can change her alignment to NG if that's the case

brvheart wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
How about a Goblin cook? Don't ask where the food comes from.

You don't like my cookin'?

Fishguts is a my hero:O

Manny will be head pirate in no time!

You only get 150 GP to start. How are you carrying the rest of your equipment? I get the cooking kit is at the inn, but with an 8 STR your load is heavy. Well, at least until you are shanghaid.

Whoops. Redid things

So brvheart are you need/want of an additional character or are you capped out?

You guys. I figured it out.

Since we have traps covered by an archaeologist, I opted for a teeny monk boy. I present Aki "Nuts" Lowleaf! A coconut salesman, pit fighter, mediocre carpenter, and a terrible surgeon.


Chaotic Good Small Halfling Martial Master Monk 1;

Init 4; Senses Perception: +8; Languages: Halfling, Mwangi, Taldane

AC 18,
Ttouch 18,
Flat-footed 13

HP 9
Fort 4, Ref 7, Will 5

Speed 20 ft.

Unarmed strike (Flurry) +4/+4 (1d4+1 ),
Unarmed strike +5 (1d4+1)

Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 17

Feats Dodge; Improved Unarmed Strike; Stunning Fist; Weapon Finesse;

SQ ; AC Bonus; Flurry of Blows;

Skills Acrobatics +10; Climb +7; Heal +7; Perception +8; Profession (Carpentry) +6; Swim +8;

Traits: Ship's surgeon, Intrepid Volunteer (Swim)

Equipment Backpack, common; Bedroll; Hammock; Kit, healer's; Kit, mess; Outfit, Peasant's; Rope, hemp (50 ft.); Tea; Waterskin;


Aki was born into a family focused around wood and timber. His grandparents were rescued from a Chelish slaver ship and brought to Slipcove on Bag Island. Since that time, Aki's father managed to acquire enough money to build a lumber mill. Lowleaf Timbers, a family company, makes money by cutting down palms, processing leaves for roofing materials, selling roots for firewood, selling trunks for ship and building construction, and coconuts for food and drink.

And that exactly is Aki's business. Take a shipment of coconuts to one of the more frequented ports, sell them, and come back with the money. Frequently, he would purchase passage on ships and help them with his carpentry skills, however meager those may be.

Alongside his official income, he has a side hustle. Underground fighting rings. He cycles cities throughout the year, and people underestimate a halfling in a ring more often than not. Aki used this to his advantage several times, and got a little coin on the side.

During his latest trip to Port Peril, Aki was bashed over his head after collecting his winnings, only to wake up captive in the bowels of an unknown ship.

NotEspi wrote:

You guys. I figured it out.

Since we have traps covered by an archaeologist, I opted for a teeny monk boy. I present Aki "Nuts" Lowleaf! A coconut salesman, pit fighter, mediocre carpenter, and a terrible surgeon.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

You mean martial artist? Also you must be of a lawful alignment

MannyGoblin wrote:
brvheart wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
How about a Goblin cook? Don't ask where the food comes from.

You don't like my cookin'?

Fishguts is a my hero:O

Manny will be head pirate in no time!

You only get 150 GP to start. How are you carrying the rest of your equipment? I get the cooking kit is at the inn, but with an 8 STR your load is heavy. Well, at least until you are shanghaid.

Whoops. Redid things

Looks good. Dot gameplay and join discussion. You still can get one more language.

Harusk Wolfmaw wrote:

This is Reldak Vol's submission, the CS is in the Profile.

Harusk is a 1/2 Orc, Kraken Caller archetype Druid, and born and bred for the sea. He's got the Besmara's Blessing Trait, if that's acceptable.

Still working on sheet itself, but I wanted to get you the idea to look at, just in case you have objections.

As a half orc you are not proficient with a long bow

Grand Lodge

Might try an Arcanist

brvheart wrote:
NotEspi wrote:

You guys. I figured it out.

Since we have traps covered by an archaeologist, I opted for a teeny monk boy. I present Aki "Nuts" Lowleaf! A coconut salesman, pit fighter, mediocre carpenter, and a terrible surgeon.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

You mean martial artist? Also you must be of a lawful alignment

That's the one. Martial Artist.

This archetype is not alignment restricted. That's why I went for it.

brvheart wrote:

Just a few minor issues. Although Besmara's Blessing gives you a +1 to Profession (Sailor) you still need to have a point in it to get it. I took the point from Animal Handling for now. This is a good trait for this campaign - wink wink.
Second, you listed your favored class bonus twice. You will need the skill point at this level in order to get the skills you want.
Beyond that, spend your money your equipment will be in your locker. Now, if they find out you are a druid they will slice your throat! Approved with changes upcoming.

Changes made!

Critzible wrote:
Might try an Arcanist

An Aranist would fit in well and fill a need for an arcane caster for the party. My wife plays one ane does a decent job with it.

Harusk Wolfmaw wrote:
brvheart wrote:

Just a few minor issues. Although Besmara's Blessing gives you a +1 to Profession (Sailor) you still need to have a point in it to get it. I took the point from Animal Handling for now. This is a good trait for this campaign - wink wink.
Second, you listed your favored class bonus twice. You will need the skill point at this level in order to get the skills you want.
Beyond that, spend your money your equipment will be in your locker. Now, if they find out you are a druid they will slice your throat! Approved with changes upcoming.

Changes made!

Approved, dot gameplay and post in discussion

Presenting Capricia the Pirate for inspection!

I still have to add her stat line(s) and swashbuckler abilities, but most of her crunch and fluff are there already.

I've made an Evangelist Cleric of Calistria to help boost the martials of the party and provide divine support to the party. Still gotta finish up the flavour, but the crunch is all there!

Calistrian support Cleric:

Calistriann evangelist cleric luck domiain varient channeling luck
[Name] CG Cleric of Calistria
HP:9|BaB:0|AC:15 T:11 FF:14|Fort:3 Ref:1 Will:6(+2 vs charm/compulsion)|Init:+7|Perception:+4| [Favored Class Bonus Humanx1]
Str: 8 -1
Dex: 13 +1
Con: 12 +1
Int: 10 +0
Wis: 16+2 +4
Cha: 15 +2

-Bonus Feat
- +1sp/lvl
- +2 Wisdom

Skills: Rank Stat Class Misc Total
Perform Oratory 1 2 Y - 6
Sense Motive 1 4 Y - 8
Profession Sailor 1 4 Y - 8

Cleric Evangelist
Diety: Calistria
Positive Energy
No medium armor or shields
Only 1 domain
Domain: Luck
- 3+wis/day, standard action touch someone and give them advantage on all d20 rolls for 1 round(Roll twice)
Perform as a class skill
-lvl+cha (5) to DC to hear me
Performance(4+cha rds/day):
-Inspire Courage
No channel energy increase at 1, 9, and 15+Varient Channel Luck
No spontaneous spells into healing, instead:
1st level command
2nd level enthrall
3rd level tongues
4th level suggestion
5th level greater command
6th level geas/quest
7th level mass suggestion
8th level sympathy
9th level demand

Reactionary: +2 init
Birthmark: Calisria's holy symbol on the hand, counts as holy symbol and +2 vs charms/compulsions

Human: Improved Initative
1st: Flagbearer
3rd: Bless Equipment
5th: Skill Focus?
7th: Eldritch Heritage? Lingering Performance?
9th: Improved Bless Equipment
11th: Discordant Voice
13th: Greater Bless Equipment

Chain Shirt (100)
Banner (10)

+1 to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders
Orisons: Create Water, Guideance, Light
1sts: Cure Light Wounds, 1 open slot [+True Strike]

Grand Lodge

Ill convert an older character of mine

We might be lacking some sort of meatshield, methinks...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Laroisael wrote:
Scrap Fjord, cause here's KoolKobold's character submission-Laroisael, the forlon elven archaeologist!

A Forlon!? How did this elf get all the way from Babylon-5!?!?

Capricia the Pirate wrote:

Presenting Capricia the Pirate for inspection!

I still have to add her stat line(s) and swashbuckler abilities, but most of her crunch and fluff are there already.

OK, studded leather has an armor check penalty of -1.

You have 6 skill points. Knowledge checks cannot be taken untrained. At that point low level checks are by an INT check.

Otherwise looks good. Dot gameplay and join discussion

Critzible wrote:
Ill convert an older character of mine

No Asimars please

E) Races Human, elf, half elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, goblin, half-orc and orc.

Cevendyl wrote:
Laroisael wrote:
Scrap Fjord, cause here's KoolKobold's character submission-Laroisael, the forlon elven archaeologist!
A Forlon!? How did this elf get all the way from Babylon-5!?!?

Lol, that would be a vorlon!!!

Yes, we really need a meat shield of some sort. The pirate is a good start.

If Kaz is going to be a divine caster, and nobody else volunteers, I suppose I could switch to a fighter or Barbarian? Like a low-rent Conan the Freebooter. ;)

Yarrr, here's a Dwarven Bloodrager who wants to fill his ancestor's piratical boots

Detlev Greenbeard: CN Dwarven Bloodrager 1


Detlev is a distant descendent of Sarnar Greenbeard, one of the most famous dwarven pirates to ever sail the seas. As well as taking on ships of all sorts, Sarnar also fought numerous sea monsters and other aquatic denizens in pursuit of treasure and glory, overcoming all manner of curses and magical attacks. When she finally retired and (somewhat) settled down, it seemed the sea had made its mark on her, as many of her children, grandchildren and descendents found they had magical aquatic aptitude.

Detlev's branch of the family turned away from piratical pursuits and became simple fisherfolk, heading out on to the ocean each day to trawl for fish. Tales of Sarnar were intended to scare young dwarven children into line, but Detlev found them fascinating and resolved to follow in her footsteps. Sailors in the local tavern always talked of the Shackles as the place for pirates, so Detlev has made his way there to join a pirate crew.

Appearance and Personality:

Detlev's magical influence ties him to the sea, and his appearance reflects that: his beard, when not wet from the ocean spray is usually crusted with salt. Though he tries to keep it neat, it seems to follow the tides, fluffing out at high tide, then hanging down limply as the sea descends.

Detlev is cheerful and outgoing, if a little naive. He left home with only a vague plan of what to do, but is trusting that things will work out.


STR: 15 = Base: 15
DEX: 12 = Base: 12
CON: 14 = Base: 12; Racial: (+2) Dwarf
INT: 12 = Base: 12
WIS: 12 = Base: 10; Racial: (+2) Dwarf
CHA: 13 = Base: 15; Racial: (-2) Dwarf

Fort: +4 = Base: +2; CON: +2
Ref: +1 = Base: +0; DEX: +1
Will: +1 = Base: +0; WIS: +1

AC: 14 = Base: (+10); Dexterity: (+1); Armor: (+3) Studded Leather
Touch: 11
FF: 13

BAB: 1
CMB: 3 = BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2)
CMD: 14 = Base: (+10); BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2); Dexterity: (+1)

Init: +1 = Dexterity: +1
Speed: 30ft
HP: 12
Languages: Dwarven, Common, Giant

Battleaxe +3 (1d8+3, x3)
Battleaxe +2 (1d8+6, x3) (Power Attack)
Axe, Boarding +2 (1d6+4, x3) (Power Attack)
Axe, Boarding +2 (1d6+4, x3) (Power Attack)
Dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +2 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) (Power Attack)
Crossbow, heavy +2 (1d10, 19-20/x2)

Acrobatics: 0 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-1) ACP
Appraise: 2 = +1 rank; +1 INT
Bluff: 1 = +1 CHA
Climb: 5 = +1 rank; +2 STR; Misc: (-1) ACP, (+3) Class Skill
Diplomacy: 1 = +1 CHA
Disguise: 1 = +1 CHA
Escape Artist: 0 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-1) ACP
Fly: 0 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-1) ACP
Heal: 1 = +1 WIS
Intimidate: 6 = +1 rank; +1 CHA; Trait: (+1) Buccaneer’s Blood; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (planes): 2 = +1 rank; +1 INT
Perception: 1 = +1 WIS
Profession (Sailor): 5 = +1 rank; +1 WIS; Trait: (+1) Buccaneer’s Blood; Misc: (+2) Saltbeard
Ride: 0 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-1) ACP
Sense Motive: 1 = +1 WIS
Stealth: 0 = +1 DEX; Misc: (-1) ACP
Survival: 1 = +1 WIS
Swim: 5 = +1 rank; +2 STR; Misc: (+3) Class Skill, (-1) ACP

Race Features
Type (CRB 21): You are a humanoid with the dwarf subtype.
Slow and Steady (CRB 21): You have a base speed of 20 feet, but your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.*
Darkvision (CRB 21): You have darkvision with a range of 60ft.
Greed (CRB 21): You receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hardy (CRB 21): You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability (CRB 21): You receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Weapon Familiarity (CRB 21): You are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.*
Saltbeard (ARG 12): You gain a +2 bonus on Profession (sailor) and Survival checks while at sea. You gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against creatures with the aquatic or water subtype. Their greed racial trait applies only to treasure found in or under the water, but applies to all such treasure regardless of whether or not it contains metal or gemstones

Class Features
Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light and Medium Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields.) *
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
Aquatic Bloodline: The anger in your blood rises from the ocean depths, seeded by descent from undersea empires, creeping ichthyic infiltrators into remote seaside villages, or something deeper still.
Bloodrage (Su) (ACG 15) (6 /day): Your source of internal power grants you the ability to bloodrage. You can bloodrage for 6 rounds per day. You can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage you get a +4 morale bonus to Strength, a +4 morale bonus to Constitution and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves, but take a -2 penalty to AC. You can end a bloodrage as a free action - when you do so you are fatigued for twice the number of rounds as you spent in the bloodrage. You cannot enter a bloodrage while fatigued or exhausted.
Bloodrage Powers (ACG 15): When you enter a bloodrage, you take on a physical transformation influenced and powered by your bloodline. Unless otherwise specified, you gain the effects of these bloodline powers only while in a bloodrage; once the bloodrage ends, all powers and physical changes cease and you revert to normal.

  • Underwater Attacks (Su)Your bludgeoning and slashing melee attacks underwater ignore the usual underwater penalties

Fast Movement (Ex) (ACG 16): Your land speed is increased by 10ft*. This only applies when you are wearing medium or lighter armor and not carrying a heavy load.

Buccaneer’s Blood (APSkS 5): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate* and Profession (sailor)* checks. In addition, you gain a one-time +1 trait bonus to your Disrepute and Infamy scores
Storm-Touched (UCa 58): You gain DR 1/— against creatures and attacks with the electricity type.

Power Attack (Core 131): You can choose to take a -1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased to +3 with two-handed weapons, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that deals 1.5 strength damage. This bonus to damage is decreased to +1 if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. These effects last until your next turn.

Studded Leather, Battleaxe, Dagger, Heavy crossbow, Boarding axe, 10 x Bolts, crossbow, Backpack, Bedroll, Fishing Kit, Mess kit, Rope, silk (50 ft), Scroll case, Waterskin, 5 x Rations, trail (per day)

Sovereign Court

. Dot

Rabscuttle wrote:

Yarrr, here's a Dwarven Bloodrager who wants to fill his ancestor's piratical boots

Detlev Greenbeard: CN Dwarven Bloodrager 1

** spoiler omitted **

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** spoiler omitted **...

I see no errors on this character, however I am at my limit of one CN per game. Usually I don't allow them at all but as this is Skull&Shackles I will allow one. Please choose a good alignment please if possible.

Sovereign Court

Ok you skalleywags, take a knee and I will tell you some tales of my adventure in the underdark, on the sea and in the Hornsaw forest back when the world broke it's self an age ago, because I was there, and it was an army of light against the army of darkness as the gods had forsaken the world and allowed the titans and magic to take over. Now we have a world renewed with a hope for a better future. We can even adventure on the high seas due to what we did. The Worldwound and the maelstrom being the only visible reminders of that cost in lives.

brvheart wrote:
Critzible wrote:
Might try an Arcanist

An Aranist would fit in well and fill a need for an arcane caster for the party. My wife plays one ane does a decent job with it.

I play a blade adept Arcanist akin to a magus. I am sure I can figure out something for this, but take your best shot also.

Sovereign Court

brvheart wrote:
Rabscuttle wrote:

Yarrr, here's a Dwarven Bloodrager who wants to fill his ancestor's piratical boots

Detlev Greenbeard: CN Dwarven Bloodrager 1

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

I see no errors on this character, however I am at my limit of one CN per game. Usually I don't allow them at all but as this is Skull&Shackles I will allow one. Please choose a good alignment please if possible.

lawful neutral could work also, a matey, follow the pirates code, they were after all highly superstitious and democratic, voting for their captains and officers.

Sovereign Court

Cevendyl wrote:
Laroisael wrote:
Scrap Fjord, cause here's KoolKobold's character submission-Laroisael, the forlon elven archaeologist!
A Forlon!? How did this elf get all the way from Babylon-5!?!?

Forlorn Elven racial subtype core books, an elf who is a loner, drifter, and forsakes the Elven isolationism away from humans out of the usual arrogance of elves, he actually likes or finds shorter lived races interesting, wishing to learn and understand them.

NotEspi wrote:
brvheart wrote:
NotEspi wrote:

You guys. I figured it out.

Since we have traps covered by an archaeologist, I opted for a teeny monk boy. I present Aki "Nuts" Lowleaf! A coconut salesman, pit fighter, mediocre carpenter, and a terrible surgeon.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

You mean martial artist? Also you must be of a lawful alignment

That's the one. Martial Artist.

This archetype is not alignment restricted. That's why I went for it.

Go figure. Sorry lost in all the weeds of the other submissions.

NotEspi wrote:

You guys. I figured it out.

Since we have traps covered by an archaeologist, I opted for a teeny monk boy. I present Aki "Nuts" Lowleaf! A coconut salesman, pit fighter, mediocre carpenter, and a terrible surgeon.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

And I thought your character's name was nuts! lol

So I have the choice between a halfling monk and a bloodrager. To be honest, I like your concept better and you posted up first so, dot gameplay and join discssion.

Kazmanaught wrote:

I've made an Evangelist Cleric of Calistria to help boost the martials of the party and provide divine support to the party. Still gotta finish up the flavour, but the crunch is all there!

** spoiler omitted **...

Normally I would never go into a game without a cleric, but the party was already getting rather full and needed things a cleric doesn't provide, besides I can fulfill the role with an NPC. Can I put you on reserve for now?

Rabscuttle wrote:

Yarrr, here's a Dwarven Bloodrager who wants to fill his ancestor's piratical boots

Detlev Greenbeard: CN Dwarven Bloodrager 1

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

I only have room for one meat shield at the moment and I have to go with the monk at the moment. Again, can I keep you as reserve?

Looks like the ship is filling up fast! Is Wet Nord being left on dock, or is there still a possible spot for him? He will need to hurry off to the shops to pick up gear if the inquisition gets to leave land.

brvheart wrote:
Rabscuttle wrote:

Yarrr, here's a Dwarven Bloodrager who wants to fill his ancestor's piratical boots

Detlev Greenbeard: CN Dwarven Bloodrager 1

I only have room for one meat shield at the moment and I have to go with the monk at the moment. Again, can I keep you as reserve?

No worries, also I don't mind adjusting alignment, I normally just make them match the deity.

Sovereign Court

Proposed possible classes for caster

Arcanist or Sorceror

Blood Arcanist (Archetype)
Though most arcanists possess only a rudimentary innate arcane gift, the blood arcanist has the full power of a bloodline to draw upon.

The blood arcanist is an archetype of the arcanist class.

A blood arcanist selects one bloodline from those available through the sorcerer bloodline class feature. The blood arcanist gains the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers of that bloodline, treating her arcanist level as her sorcerer level. The blood arcanist does not gain the class skill, bonus feats, or bonus spells from her bloodline.

If the blood arcanist takes levels in another class that grants a bloodline, the bloodlines must be the same type, even if that means that the bloodline of one of her classes must change. Subject to GM discretion, the blood arcanist can change her former bloodline to make them conform.

Draconic Bloodline
Contents [show]

At some point in your family’s history, a dragon interbred with your bloodline, and now its ancient power flows through your veins.

Contents [show]

The were the undisputed masters of wind and sky, and they unlocked numerous secrets of air magic. The vast majority of these secrets were lost when their civilization collapsed, but a few of their magical traditions have been preserved through the years. While the practice of aeromancy is rare, some arcanists today are able to rival the aerial mastery of the ancient aeromancers.

Djinni Bloodline
You were born with the power of air genies, and the magic of the djinn is strong in you.

Class Skill: Knowledge (planes).

Bonus Spells: shocking grasp (3rd), invisibility (5th), fly (7th), minor creation (9th), overland flight (11th), chain lightning (13th), plane shift (15th), greater planar binding (17th), wish (19th).

Bonus Feats: Dodge, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes]), Weapon Finesse.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to electricity. This also changes the spell’s descriptors to match this energy type.

Stormborn Bloodline
You trace your heritage to fierce and proud spirits of storm and sky, and living lightning sings in your veins.

Skald base class

Dragon Skald
Contents [show]

Skalds are prized on sea raids and linnorm hunts.

Dragon skald performances involve song, whistling, or blowing mighty horns, and viking sailors often talk about having a skald along to whistle up a wind or sing away the mists on the morning of a momentous raid.

Wyrm Singer
Wyrm singers spin fragments of the story of the ongoing struggle between the gods of the dragons.

Wyrm Song (Su)
A wyrm singer gains the following raging songs.

Draconic Rage (Su) At 1st level, a wyrm singer can kindle an echo of ancient rage felt between warring dragon clans in his allies. This ability acts as inspired rage, except those affected gain a +2 morale bonus on melee attack and damage rolls and a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects (but they still take a –1 penalty to their AC), rather than inspired rage’s normal bonuses. At 4th level and every 4 skald levels thereafter, the song’s bonuses on saves against paralysis and sleep effects increase by 1. At 8th and 16th levels, the song’s bonus on melee attack and damage rolls increases by 1.

This ability replaces inspired rage.

Saga of the Witch Queen (Oratory, Sing)
Your tale of Baba Yaga’s inexorable return allows you to unerringly locate your target.

Prerequisite(s): Knowledge (history) 7 ranks, Perform (oratory) or Perform (sing) 15 ranks.

Cost: Feat or 5th-level skald spell known.

Effect: You tell the epic tale of the Baba Yaga, the Queen of Witches. Once each century, she deposes one of her daughters as queen to install another daughter in her place. For 1,400 years, each reigning queen has known that her mother’s return was a certainty. When you complete the performance, you name a creature you have seen or who once owned an item you have in your possession, and you immediately know the creature’s location, as per discern location. At the same time, the creature learns your name and that you have determined its current whereabouts. Use: 10 raging song rounds.

Spell Warrior
Contents [show]

The spell warrior uses his arcane knowledge rather than his rage to turn the tide of battle in favor of himself and his allies. With a clash of bracers and a sonorous chant, the Spell Warrior’s song reaches out to touch the weapons of his allies, lending them arcane power. While his song does not inspire rage, he can use the power of his music to enchant the weapons of his allies and counter the spells of his foes.

Improved Counterspell
At 1st level, the spell warrior receives the Improved Counterspell feat as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces Scribe Scroll.

Weapon Song (Su)
A spell warrior gains the following raging song, allowing him to grant his ally’s weapons enhancement bonuses and special powers.

Enhance Weapons (Su) At 1st level, the spell warrior can grant a +1 enhancement bonus to the weapons (including ammunition) of allies within 60 feet. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, this enhancement bonus increases by 1. The maximum bonus gained is based upon the number of weapons affected: +5 to one weapon, +4 to two weapons, +3 to three weapons, or +2 to four or more weapons. Fifty pieces of ammunition count as one weapon for this purpose. The wielder of a weapon enhanced by this raging song counts as if he were under the effect of an inspired rage raging song for all purposes involving the skald’s rage powers.

These bonuses can also be used to add any of the following weapon special abilities to the weapons enhanced by this ability: dancing, defending, distance, flaming, frost, ghost touch, keen, mighty cleaving, returning, shock, seeking, or speed. Adding these weapon special abilities consumes an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s cost (see Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities). These enhancement bonuses and special abilities overlap with any enhancements or special abilities the weapon already has, though duplicate special abilities do not stack. If an affected weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other special abilities can be.

The bonus and special abilities granted by this raging song are determined when the song begins, and cannot be changed until the raging song ends and another is begun. These bonuses apply to only one end of a double weapon.

This ability replaces the inspired rage raging song.

Fated Champion
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Many cultures see fate as a limit that is both stifling and unwanted, regardless of the destiny that lurks in the days and years ahead. Among cultures where skalds are the keepers of lore and wisdom, there are those who learn to read the winds of fate and take up the mantle of the fated champion, knowing and embracing their destined paths with strength borne of conviction.

Aquatic Beastmaster
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Hunters beneath the sea are just as committed as their surface-dwelling counterparts to working alongside their animal companions to eradicate threats. Although many aquatic beastmasters simply want to be left alone in the areas they have claimed as their own, others use their abilities to fight against aboleth masterminds, sahuagin tribes, and other villains that haunt the oceans.

Magus base class

Eldritch Archer
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The eldritch archer rains magical attacks down on her foes from the city walls.

Class Skills: An eldritch archer gains Perception as a class skill, but does not gain Use Magic Device as a class skill.

This ability modifies the magus’s class skills.

Arcane Pool (Su)
An eldritch archer’s choices of weapon special abilities to apply with arcane pool at 5th level include distance, nimble shot, and returning but not dancing, keen, or vorpal.

This ability modifies the magus’s arcane pool.

Eldritch Scion
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Unlike typical magi, eldritch scions do not study tomes of magic or spend time learning to combine martial and magical skills. Rather, eldritch scions find that their spells and abilities come to them instinctively.

Spell Casting
An eldritch scion casts arcane spells drawn from the magus spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, an eldritch scion must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. The DC for a saving throw against an eldritch scion’s spell is 10 + the spell’s level + the eldritch scion’s Charisma modifier. An eldritch scion can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as a bard of the same level. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score.

An eldritch scion’s selection of spells is limited. He has the same number of spells known as a bard of the same level, and can choose new spells to replace old ones at 5th level and every 3 class levels after that, just as a bard does. See the bard for more information on swapping spells known.


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While all oracles possess some ability at divination, the seer is a true prophet, able to see things as they really are, or will be.

Bonus Spells
These bonus spells replace the oracle’s mystery bonus spells at these levels: detect thoughts (4th), clairaudience/clairvoyance (6th), scrying (8th), true seeing (10th), legend lore (12th), greater scrying (14th), vision (16th), foresight (18th).

A seer must take the following revelations at the listed levels.

Natural Divination (Ex): As the nature mystery revelation. You must take this revelation at 1st level.

Gift of Prophecy (Su): Once per day, you can enter a trance to gain a glimpse of the future. This trance lasts for 1 minute, which must be uninterrupted and during which you can take no other actions. At 3rd level, you gain the benefits of an augury spell with 90% effectiveness. At 5th level, you gain the benefits of a divination spell with 90% effectiveness. At 9th level, the knowledge you gain is equivalent to a commune spell. None of these spell effects require material components. You must take this revelation at 3rd level.

Recommended Mysteries: lore, nature, time.

Scarred Witch Doctor (Witch; Orc)
The scarred witch doctor is an archetype of the witch class, available to orc witches.

The scarred witch doctor draws power from her ability to endure pain and suffering. She mutilates her own flesh, inflicting horrific scars, in order to attract the attention of her patron. Rather than call forth a familiar, she creates a repulsive fetish mask that she uses as a repository for her power.

Go ahead! Send me a PM if you need me!

Wet Nord wrote:
Looks like the ship is filling up fast! Is Wet Nord being left on dock, or is there still a possible spot for him? He will need to hurry off to the shops to pick up gear if the inquisition gets to leave land.

Goblins cannot take longlung, only goblin monkeys and you don't fit that. Also you need and alignment and deity for an Inquisitor. Yes, the Captain was wanting 4 new crew, six he can handle, not sure about more. I have five and one arcane coming so after this recruitment is closed.

brvheart wrote:
Wet Nord wrote:
Looks like the ship is filling up fast! Is Wet Nord being left on dock, or is there still a possible spot for him? He will need to hurry off to the shops to pick up gear if the inquisition gets to leave land.

Goblins cannot take longlung, only goblin monkeys and you don't fit that. Also you need and alignment and deity for an Inquisitor. Yes, the Captain was wanting 4 new crew, six he can handle, not sure about more. I have five and one arcane coming so after this recruitment is closed.

Wet Nord didn't see that he was not a monkey goblin. He is now Big-headed. Worshipping Besmara, as he has her blessing, he would be CN. He can be CG if you want the party to be good aligned.

If I don't make the cut, I wish everyone fair winds and a drowning death, as is Besmara's due.

This is the character Im altering

Here's my character.

Details in the Character header.

I have run S&S before but can keep my mouth shut.

Tried playing it before but the games have always died out sadly.

Draxia "Longtooth" Drekaar wrote:
This is the character Im altering

I already have 8 people for a 4 person game. I can put you on the reserve list as I know I will lose people along the way.

Marta Jynn wrote:

Here's my character.

Details in the Character header.

I have run S&S before but can keep my mouth shut.

Tried playing it before but the games have always died out sadly.

I already have 8 people for a 4 person game. I can put you on the reserve list as I know I will lose people along the way.

brvheart wrote:
Marta Jynn wrote:

Here's my character.

Details in the Character header.

I have run S&S before but can keep my mouth shut.

Tried playing it before but the games have always died out sadly.

I already have 8 people for a 4 person game. I can put you on the reserve list as I know I will lose people along the way.

No problem. Happy to be backup.

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