Female Changeling Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1HP: -2/12, NL:0 | AC: 17/12/15 | R: +2, F: +2, W: +2 (+2 v. Death Effects) | Perc: +0 (Darkvision 60ft.), Init: +2 | Arrows: 18 | Vulnerabilities: Cold Iron (+1 to damage rolls)
I have a math minor mainly by accident. I got curious, looked it up, and found out that I had the required credits, so, since it didn't cost anything, I applied for it. Majored in Computer Science and got minors in Digital Art and Math.
I've been debating with myself over this for a few days now but I have to make the a decision.
On top of my immediate family getting hit with the sickies, we found out some news that has scrambled mine and my wife's priorities drastically.
The short of it is that her paternal grandparents are in need of far more help than they had been letting on and we are the only family who can/will help.
I tried several times to hop on and make another post but I just lack the mental energy to put anything together. This group (and others) has been some of the best Pathfinder I've played in years. And not just PbP.
I wish you all the best, if were in contact via other means, feel free to shoot me a message. I may even pop into a discord for a bit here and there.
I give the GM full permission to handle my PC however they see fit.
Hopefully, when things settle down, I can reconnect with everyone.
Female Human (Ulfen), NG Arctic Druid (1), HP 9/9, AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ CMB:+0/ CMD: 13/ Fort: +3/ Ref: +2/ Will: +5/ Ini +2 / Perception +7 / Speed 30 feet (Encumbered: 20 ft)/ Spells 1st 2/2/ Active conditions: none
Chapel Ty'El wrote:
Hello all.
I've been debating with myself over this for a few days now but I have to make the a decision.
On top of my immediate family getting hit with the sickies, we found out some news that has scrambled mine and my wife's priorities drastically.
The short of it is that her paternal grandparents are in need of far more help than they had been letting on and we are the only family who can/will help.
I tried several times to hop on and make another post but I just lack the mental energy to put anything together. This group (and others) has been some of the best Pathfinder I've played in years. And not just PbP.
I wish you all the best, if were in contact via other means, feel free to shoot me a message. I may even pop into a discord for a bit here and there.
I give the GM full permission to handle my PC however they see fit.
Hopefully, when things settle down, I can reconnect with everyone.
I'm very sorry to hear that you're going through some tough times.