Just noted that the ability to determine what color the light spell has while casting it (how I had it played in several games) is actually GM fiat, since the spell itself doesnt say so and there arent any rules about it!
The number of times we set up "fire a green light arrow into the sky to signal for extraction" things, even in reltively higher level games, was actually quite significant.
Now, Dancing lights lets you play will o wisp simulator, which is a funny bluff, but I am unsure if we have that either, and an enemy has to know what a will o wisp is for that to work.
It is still very amusing what you can do with cantrips.
My oher favorite was put a beehive in a box or sack, have burly person throw it, sneaky cantrip person casts open/close.
The spell does say "This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch." Which does lead me to believe that includes color.
That being said I don't think it is gamebreaking to use them asKriemhild said with using them to signal different things. I think that's fun and creative, and for a game fun wins.
In round 3 Kriemhild actions is what kicked off the round, so I am going to hold her actions for next round, or do something else based on what happens through the rest of round 3
My new favorite Cantrip (specifically for Skalds) is summon instrument.
A) Instruments like Contrabasses etc. are pretty buyount, and make for reasonable improvised rafts as well as "hmmm, I need a 5 feet long stick to poke that suspicious floor tile".
B) A skal is strong enough to hold a lighting Piano in both hands. Putting it behind a door is a great way to make the enemy waste time.
C) At will summonable Pianos also have tactical applications if you have an altitude advantadge on your enemy. In terms of murder mysteries, they have the added boon of them disappearing after a couple of minutes.
The spell does say "This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch." Which does lead me to believe that includes color.
That being said I don't think it is gamebreaking to use them asKriemhild said with using them to signal different things. I think that's fun and creative, and for a game fun wins.
Okay, thank you. I didn't mean to spoil Kreimhild's fun, but I didn't want to presume and well, Krokod is tied to fire and likely standard fire is his default. Heck, he wouldn't WANT to tap into abyssal fire even if he could. Bad for the digestion and the soul. :)
But the color changes maybe something he experiments with later
LG Human Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) of Erastil 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 18, T: 13, FF: 15) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 +1 trait bonus vs spells, SLAs, and SU abilities of evil arcane spellcasters | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 Sense Mot: +7 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: N/A |
Linge I like the whistle commands! I hope you don't mind, I co-opted it a bit. I've been thinking over how to first use Kessir's judgement ability and it seemed like a good enough time. Almost like the whistle woke the primal hunter aspect in Kessir.
Hearing the creaking, a suspicion comes on Krokod, "No no no no... this is supposed to be our shelter, don't you DARE break!!!"
He feels frozen, not with cold, but caught between choices. He was told to see to Linge, but she seems to be a bit unresponsive. The cold is getting worse, and now the roof maybe collapsing? or maybe he's wrong?
"Careful everyone, I hear creaking.. not sure, but it's possible the snow and ice is weightng the roof down!"
oop... I apologize. There might be a misunderstanding. When I said a creak from the upstairs room I intended it to be from someone/something in the upstairs room. Not the sound of a roof collapsing under the weight of snow.
Though now that you mention it, this lodge wasn't built to withstand such heavy snowfall and I doubt the roof's pitch is at such an angle for the heavy snowfall to just fall off and not collapse.... (Insert evil Mr. Smithers "Excellent" while tapping fingers)
Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1
GM RelicBlackOUT wrote:
oop... I apologize. There might be a misunderstanding. When I said a creak from the upstairs room I intended it to be from someone/something in the upstairs room. Not the sound of a roof collapsing under the weight of snow.
OH! Yeah, I did misunderstand. Well good. We need shelter after this.
Though now that you mention it, this lodge wasn't built to withstand such heavy snowfall and I doubt the roof's pitch is at such an angle for the heavy snowfall to just fall off and not collapse.... (Insert evil Mr. Smithers "Excellent" while tapping fingers)
Looking at the 2nd floor, the stairs and landing where Mia & Kriemhild currently stand is the shadowed part of the level 1 floor plan. Hope that makes sense.
Least bad option is likely for Mia to drag Kriemhild down the stairs, Krokod to fire bolt.
A funny option is for Kessir to create water on the stairs (hopefully after Kriemhild and Mia got semi away). It shoudl freeze rapidly, and just because these buggers are frost skeletons, it doesnt say that they dont slip on ice!
Acid splash shoudl also work, unless kessir has bludgeoning arrows his bow wont do much.
Happy new year everyone! Praying that this year will be a blessing to all of you.
Since we have 2 people down I am going to check the posting several times a day hoping to press forward with this battle and not have Mia & Kriemhild sitting for too long.
Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1
Very sorry. I've had a terrible cold and it has fuzzed my brain and made me want to sleep in what free time I have. I thought I had put up a comment about it here but obviously didn't. I'm a bit lost on stair placement and access but will try to get back into things.
Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I sprained my SI join ligament on my right side and have been out of commission for almost everything. I am limping back to action. Sorry for the further delay. Let's keep the train going. I apologize to Mia and Kriemhild who are both unconscious this whole time.
Female Human (Ulfen), NG Arctic Druid (1), HP 9/9, AC 15/ T 13/ FF 12/ CMB:+0/ CMD: 13/ Fort: +3/ Ref: +2/ Will: +5/ Ini +2 / Perception +7 / Speed 30 feet (Encumbered: 20 ft)/ Spells 1st 2/2/ Active conditions: none
It was unlike you to not post for several days without a warning. I was beginning to worry that you had run into some kind of issue -and I'm sorry that it's the case :(
Take your time, take care! I wish you a swift recovery.