[ACO] Q10 - Broken Scales (P1)
Game Master
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Hello! Welcome to my table. Before we start, please do the following:
Please complete the macros linked at the top of the page. This will be used for initiative and secret rolls.
Please also post your token to the slides and post your position in the marching order. The slides are also linked at the top of the page.
As per the Organized Play Foundation Community Standards, each player must decide if they will allow their characters to be damaged by friendly fire (usually via splash damage). In keeping with the “Explore, Report, Cooperate” motto of the Pathfinder Society, engaging in non-consensual character-versus-character conflict is prohibited. While accidental friendly fire happens due to missed attack rolls or other factors, players must obtain the consent of other players before deliberately including fellow PCs in damaging effects. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is not acting of their own free will, such as if they’re being mind-controlled by an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
Macros - Doug H, Frozen Frost, BretI
Slides - Doug H (Marching Order), Frozen Frost
Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 3 (Healing) | AC 15 | HP 40/40 | Hero 1/3 | F +9 R +5 W +11 | Per +9 Medicine(E) +11 Religion +9 Occultism +6 Nature +9 Diplomacy +6 Intimidation +6 Religion/Survival +9 Society +6 | DC 19 Attack +9
Thanks for running. The slides and macro sheet seem to be view only currently?
LG Human(1/2 O) Barbarian-2; THP 5/5; HP 30/38; hero 2/3; minor healing potion 2/2; AC 19 (18 when raging); Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7; Perc +7; Conditions:
Next Wednesday I'm off on holiday for a week. I may be able to do some posting, but please just bot me by default.
Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 3 (Healing) | AC 15 | HP 40/40 | Hero 1/3 | F +9 R +5 W +11 | Per +9 Medicine(E) +11 Religion +9 Occultism +6 Nature +9 Diplomacy +6 Intimidation +6 Religion/Survival +9 Society +6 | DC 19 Attack +9
Works. Will fill up macros tomorrow.
Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 3 (Healing) | AC 15 | HP 40/40 | Hero 1/3 | F +9 R +5 W +11 | Per +9 Medicine(E) +11 Religion +9 Occultism +6 Nature +9 Diplomacy +6 Intimidation +6 Religion/Survival +9 Society +6 | DC 19 Attack +9
Exploration activity: Scout Human (versatile) Barbarian (spirit)/2 HP 36/36, 4 temp| AC 19| Fort (E) +8| Ref (T) +6| Will (E) +7| Init Perc (E) +7
When will we be starting?
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I'll get you started later tonight my time. Sorry. Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually crazy for me.
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Stand by. Trying to chase down the last player.
Dolmandir and Folmyr - please complete the macros and slides.
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
GM Tiger wrote: As per the Organized Play Foundation Community Standards, each player must decide if they will allow their characters to be damaged by friendly fire (usually via splash damage). I'd prefer to opt out of friendly fire by default due to squishiness. :) However, each situation is different, so feel free to ask.
Hunter 2 AC19 | HP 20/20| F +5 R +8 W +6 | Init +8 Perception, +8 Stealth| Low-light vision
Sprite Barbarian 5 (w/bump) | AC 23 | ♥️ 97 | Spd 30 | F 13, R 10, W 12 | Perc 12 | Athletics 14 | Acrobatics 11 | Intimidation, Guild Lore, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery 10 | ◆
Friendly fire is okay.
Oh, boy! We have three barbarians.
Now all we need is for there to be only social skill-based encounters <<grin>>
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
GM Tiger, I was hoping to learn a few common spells in the period between my last scenario and this one. Is that possible? If so how would you prefer to do it?
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Khaldan al Tephu wrote: GM Tiger, I was hoping to learn a few common spells in the period between my last scenario and this one. Is that possible? If so how would you prefer to do it? At Lvl 1 you can actually rebuild your character to your heart's content until you play your first game with 12 XP. So feel free to swap out spells. I think the only things you can't change at Lvl 1 are your name and your PFS number. But you can make any changes you want.
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You all start with 1 hero point each. Anyone with glyphs, feel free to hand them out now.
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Which Kargoth is playing? Stouthammer or Thunderbrew??
M Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 1 (Healing) | AC 13 | HP 20/20 | Hero P 1/3 | F +9 R +3 W +9 | Per +7
GM Tiger wrote: Which Kargoth is playing? Stouthammer or Thunderbrew?? Thunderbrew. Sorry for any confusion!
Exploration activity: Scout Human (versatile) Barbarian (spirit)/2 HP 36/36, 4 temp| AC 19| Fort (E) +8| Ref (T) +6| Will (E) +7| Init Perc (E) +7
Kargoth Thunderbrew doesn't seem to be a PFS character.
Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 3 (Healing) | AC 15 | HP 40/40 | Hero 1/3 | F +9 R +5 W +11 | Per +9 Medicine(E) +11 Religion +9 Occultism +6 Nature +9 Diplomacy +6 Intimidation +6 Religion/Survival +9 Society +6 | DC 19 Attack +9
Messed up. Thanks. Changing to Stouthammer. Let me put on a hat..
Exploration activity: Scout Human (versatile) Barbarian (spirit)/2 HP 36/36, 4 temp| AC 19| Fort (E) +8| Ref (T) +6| Will (E) +7| Init Perc (E) +7
"Und any plan vere you lose you hat iz?"
"A bad plan?"
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btw, is anyone consuming a replay to play this?
Exploration activity: Scout Human (versatile) Barbarian (spirit)/2 HP 36/36, 4 temp| AC 19| Fort (E) +8| Ref (T) +6| Will (E) +7| Init Perc (E) +7
Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 3 (Healing) | AC 15 | HP 40/40 | Hero 1/3 | F +9 R +5 W +11 | Per +9 Medicine(E) +11 Religion +9 Occultism +6 Nature +9 Diplomacy +6 Intimidation +6 Religion/Survival +9 Society +6 | DC 19 Attack +9
Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 3 (Healing) | AC 15 | HP 40/40 | Hero 1/3 | F +9 R +5 W +11 | Per +9 Medicine(E) +11 Religion +9 Occultism +6 Nature +9 Diplomacy +6 Intimidation +6 Religion/Survival +9 Society +6 | DC 19 Attack +9
> One kobold (Blue) flails at the barricade, while another (Red) is busily eating a dead kobold
Kobold cannibalisation!
Do you mean otyughs?
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Kargoth Stouthammer wrote: > One kobold (Blue) flails at the barricade, while another (Red) is busily eating a dead kobold
Kobold cannibalisation!
Do you mean otyughs?
oops... I knew that! I was just seeing if you're paying attention! :)
Sprite Barbarian 5 (w/bump) | AC 23 | ♥️ 97 | Spd 30 | F 13, R 10, W 12 | Perc 12 | Athletics 14 | Acrobatics 11 | Intimidation, Guild Lore, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery 10 | ◆
GM Tiger wrote: btw, is anyone consuming a replay to play this? Nope, but I just looked it up, and I have played this with another character. So, I'll be playing this "not for credit".
Hunter 2 AC19 | HP 20/20| F +5 R +8 W +6 | Init +8 Perception, +8 Stealth| Low-light vision
I've looked at all my chronicles and realized that I have already played this one a long time ago! So I will use a replay for this one.
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
Not using a replay here - this will be my second PFS2 game
LG Human(1/2 O) Barbarian-2; THP 5/5; HP 30/38; hero 2/3; minor healing potion 2/2; AC 19 (18 when raging); Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7; Perc +7; Conditions:
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if you'd like your downtimes included with your chronicles, please roll them now. Thanks.
Performance, Downtime: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Hunter 2 AC19 | HP 20/20| F +5 R +8 W +6 | Init +8 Perception, +8 Stealth| Low-light vision
Lore Underworld: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Exploration activity: Scout Human (versatile) Barbarian (spirit)/2 HP 36/36, 4 temp| AC 19| Fort (E) +8| Ref (T) +6| Will (E) +7| Init Perc (E) +7
Performance (T): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
Crafting (T) earn income: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
A dismal effort!
LG Human(1/2 O) Barbarian-2; THP 5/5; HP 30/38; hero 2/3; minor healing potion 2/2; AC 19 (18 when raging); Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7; Perc +7; Conditions:
warfare lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
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The game has been reported and chronicles emailed out. If you don't see your emailed chronicles please check your spam folder (thanks Google algorithms). Please mark it as not spam and whitelist RPGChronicles.net to help prevent this in the future.
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Dolmandir and Ulvard - CHRONICLES are here!
Exploration activity: Scout Human (versatile) Barbarian (spirit)/2 HP 36/36, 4 temp| AC 19| Fort (E) +8| Ref (T) +6| Will (E) +7| Init Perc (E) +7
I got the chronicle, thanks! Incidentally, it looks like we saved Pethjun. Can we mark that on the chronicle ourselves?
Thanks for running, and thanks to everyone else--good game!
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Kimmo wrote: I got the chronicle, thanks! Incidentally, it looks like we saved Pethjun. Can we mark that on the chronicle ourselves?
Thanks for running, and thanks to everyone else--good game!
Yes. Go ahead.
Hunter 2 AC19 | HP 20/20| F +5 R +8 W +6 | Init +8 Perception, +8 Stealth| Low-light vision
Thanks for the game and the chronicle!
LG Human(1/2 O) Barbarian-2; THP 5/5; HP 30/38; hero 2/3; minor healing potion 2/2; AC 19 (18 when raging); Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7; Perc +7; Conditions:
Looks good. Many thanks GM and my fellow players. Just sorry I was away for much of it.
NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None
Quests are short and sweet apparently! Thanks for the fun game GM Tiger and fellow players. Hope to see you in another game sometime.
Anvil Dwarf Cloistered Cleric 3 (Healing) | AC 15 | HP 40/40 | Hero 1/3 | F +9 R +5 W +11 | Per +9 Medicine(E) +11 Religion +9 Occultism +6 Nature +9 Diplomacy +6 Intimidation +6 Religion/Survival +9 Society +6 | DC 19 Attack +9
Sprite Barbarian 5 (w/bump) | AC 23 | ♥️ 97 | Spd 30 | F 13, R 10, W 12 | Perc 12 | Athletics 14 | Acrobatics 11 | Intimidation, Guild Lore, Society, Stealth, Survival, Thievery 10 | ◆
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