Wrath of the morally flexible

Game Master Mightypion

Kenabres Map


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Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Sahala Love wrote:

I'm going back to the gameplay. I ran through the game posts with my eyes. I agree with any plan, although I would prefer a separation based on the principle of "all PC in one direction, all NPCs in the other" ))

> Sahala, do you want to keep the AC bracers? Yartak has Mage Armor.

I have it to, so I don't, I think )

Under normal circumstances I would agree; it's usually a bad idea to split the party. But in this case we may need to risk it to try to get all 3 groups to assist us in attacking the Grey Garrison. As the 'headquarters' for whatever they're plotting it's going to be extremely well defended. I'm metagaming here but my decades of experience suggest the fight will be 'more winnable' with all 3 factions joining us.

Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

lets do it

Male Kobold Oracle (Divine Herbalist) 4

If both factions are at the same place it reasons we could go there together and then split up without too much risk. Either way, if trouble happens Aurical can just pilot a group of people in full plate renowned for their pain tolerance back to the party. :3

HP:44|BaB:4|AC:23(25) T:10 FF:23(25)|Fort:6 Ref:1 Will:4(5 vs chaotic outsiders/spells)(+1 vs fear)

I'm down to go with Aurical and Arrows. Being the closest in alignment to a hellknight after all.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

Nobody expects the Mendevian Inquisition?

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

If I caught things correctly:

--Send a runner or 2 to the Silken thread

--Send Arrius, Sahala and probably Yartak to the last stand tavern (with the crusaders, giving you an iomedean paladin), with a copy of the letter.
Bonus: Nobody in that group is evil

--Send Targis, Aurical and probably Saphirre (hej, you match hellknight alignment) to the hellknights/inquisitors, with the actual letter.
Bonus: Nobody in that group is chaotic.

Which of these groups wants Sevanna with them, and which wants Askold?

Sevannas high skills are bluff, diplomacy (via perform sing), knowledge planes and use magic device. She is ok at stealth. Otherwise, expect her to be a spell warrior 5, but running on a worse point buy then you are.

Askolds high skills are intimidate, climb, swim. He gets to up to 28 strength for very short burst periods. If he is not Bloodraging, he can offer assitance in a variety of knowledge skills.
He is a Steelblood 4, something else 1.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

I'd like one face and one guru (Knowledge person) with the group of PCs.
Constantine can sort of face with his Diplomacy but is hopeless in the guru department.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:

Askolds high skills are intimidate, climb, swim.

I hope these meetings don't require the last 2 or something went seriously wrong.


F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Arrius, do you move to the spot indicated prior to going to the last stand tavern or not?

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:
Arrius, do you move to the spot indicated prior to going to the last stand tavern or not?

Yes he does, is there a map for it? If so I'm sorry I didn't see it. :(

Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

GM Is Sapphire identical in looks to the Succubi?

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Nope, you look like a different one.

The one they are talking about looks like this:
Belana according to her LEASHED-IN THE ABYSSAL MERCENARY NETWORK picture, which, being socially conscious etc. they update frequently.

The leashed in profile picture of Saphorra, the one you are patterned after looks like this Saphorra But it hasnt been updated since forever. Your guess is she created a profile about a millenia and a half ago and then forgot about it.

Meanwhile, Sahalas patron looks like this Alithera But her profile on Leashed-in is "employer only". She has a 5-star boss ranking though, indicating very rare betrayals, prompt payments and generally high employee satisfaction.

All of them are too powerful to have an ONLYFIENDS

Male Kobold Oracle (Divine Herbalist) 4

I can't believe how far out of date I have gotten on this campaign. Did I get an eaten post? I thought I was up to date on all my campaigns since last week. >_<

I will pour over things in the morning and get my dazed kobold back into gear.

CG Human Sorcerer 4 | Status:
AC 14 (T 12 FF 12) | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Speed 30ft | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Perc +4 SM +2
HP 25/25 | Spells 1st 8/8 | 2nd 4/4

Hi guys! Just to tell you I went on holidays with the idea of connecting from the phone, but found out there's totally no signal here. I managed to come to the major city today and rushed to warn you I'll be stuck in the real world until Sunday.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Yartak "Woodensword" wrote:
Hi guys! Just to tell you I went on holidays with the idea of connecting from the phone, but found out there's totally no signal here. I managed to come to the major city today and rushed to warn you I'll be stuck in the real world until Sunday.

Okay thanks for the heads up. As I've written to other GMs and in other tables it's an odd and busy time of the year. Some are on the 'last summer' vacation while others are going back to school and all the craziness involved with that.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

Two items I'd recommend, one cheap the other not so much.

Holy Weapon Balm

And for 50 GP:
Oil of Bless Weapon

The Holy Weapon Balm is great vs. incorporeal undead but the Oil of Bless Weapon is better vs. evil outsiders. It makes the weapon good-aligned, considered as magic, and auto confirms critical threats.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

You can also discuss OOC which if any character (single) you want to have with you
cast of possible supporting characters:

Askold (mostly a steelblood): Traits: Pretty good bruiser, got some reach
Sevanna (spell warrior skald): Traits: Spell warrior, casts grease
Cydric (Mysterious stranger): Traits: Pew Pew Pew, slow movement
Seargent Dornan (Fighter): Traits Extremely tanky, is also an a$!%$%+
Inquisitor hawkblade (inquisitor): Traits Ibram Gaunt appreciator, buffbot

Sevanna is likely the most synergistic one, but she will also be increibly useful in the distraction, and she can in essence make a sizeable army get magic and good weapons.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

What does everyone think?

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

And don't forget the GM posted this:
"Think of purchases you may want to make, anything less then 2K gold may appear spontaneously."

Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

Some postions of clear light wounds would be good,

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

This is where you become more then random mortal killbots than are in the right place in the right time, the assault on the grey garrison is where you get your mythic juice!
So I would rather have all PCs in the "incredibly plot crititical group" while the NPCs are the distraction.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

"Mythic Juice (tm)! Get yours today!" :)

Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

Understood GM, will change

CG Human Sorcerer 4 | Status:
AC 14 (T 12 FF 12) | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Speed 30ft | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Perc +4 SM +2
HP 25/25 | Spells 1st 8/8 | 2nd 4/4

Hi and sorry for the absence. I was on holidays, and wanted to check in after I came back home. Then I got sent to a formation for promotion at job, and my studies got even busier, so it took me more than intended to come back. I didn't even have time for my RL game!

But with all of this in mind, and given I'm not the biggest poster ever, I think it would be wise to retire and leave an empty spot.

I don't know when, or even if I'll be able to come back, but I hope you'll live daring adventures and be able to forgive me for leaving like that.

Wish you all well.

Male Kobold Oracle (Divine Herbalist) 4

I have always been a fan of minor wonderous item consumables, so finding something like that could be neat. Some more jewelry could be useful to Aurical in the next level given his oracle curse.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Aurical wrote:
I have always been a fan of minor wonderous item consumables, so finding something like that could be neat. Some more jewelry could be useful to Aurical in the next level given his oracle curse.

You might want to list a few out for the GM to consider.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

List it and you will quite probably get it indeed!

CN tiefling Witch 6 / Archmage 1 | HP 38/38 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 14 | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Init +7 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 5/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 7/7 III - 4/4

> hink of purchases you may want to make, anything less then 2K gold may appear spontaneously.
I would just take a +1 cloak .)

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

Some basics:

Oil of Bless Weapon/Scroll of Bless Weapon
Scrolls of Protection from Evil
Holy Weapon Balm
Spring-loaded wrist sheaths (load it with a cold iron dagger in case you're grappled)
Scroll of Resist Energy
Scroll of Remove Fear
Scroll of Remove Paralysis
Potion of Invisibility
And yes if your PC doesn't have a +1 Cloak of Protection that's always a winner.

Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

Dibs on
Spring-loaded wrist sheaths (load it with a cold iron dagger in case you're grappled)

For Sapphire

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Sapphire Aurora wrote:

Dibs on

Spring-loaded wrist sheaths (load it with a cold iron dagger in case you're grappled)

For Sapphire

I think we can get more than one item as long as it doesn't exceed a value of 2,000 GP. I like having spring-loaded wrist sheaths on PCs. They're good for having a weapon in a grapple but they're also great for using a wand. It's a swift to drop the action into hand so the PC still has their standard to activate the wand and their move action.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Setting up next map!

Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

If it is 2000 each, then she will get more of it all of us can She get.

She would like 4x 1gp ammunition-thrown-shuriken Adamantine = Ammunition +60 gp per missile = 244gp

Powder, Black Price 10gp; Pouch x1
Smoke pellet 25gp X2
Smokestick 20gp x1
Thunderstone 30gp x1


Male Kobold Oracle (Divine Herbalist) 4

We going to kill some stuff! Are we waiting on me to name some items?

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Aurical wrote:
We going to kill some stuff! Are we waiting on me to name some items?

Only if you want anything.

It would be nice to hear from Targis but it's looking like we've lost him along with Yartak.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Ill have Sevanna and Aksold move along, as they are closest to replicating the 2 missing people, I dont want to delay for a recruitment right now.
I actually dislike having a NPC that outdamages peoeple in the party (Askold), Sevanna at least is a perfectly fine support character.

CN tiefling Witch 6 / Archmage 1 | HP 38/38 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 14 | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Init +7 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 5/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 7/7 III - 4/4

I'll put 50 gold pieces on their table and take a +1 cloak, an invisibility potion and an ill omen wand.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50

If it would be more efficient/safer we could switch from Scrolls of Pro Evil to a Wand.

CN tiefling Witch 6 / Archmage 1 | HP 38/38 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 14 | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Init +7 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 5/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 7/7 III - 4/4

Yep, I just realized that in this adventure, all our enemies have SR. So I will change the wand of the Ill Omen to the Protection from Evil.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 24(-2 raging) , T 17, FF 17 (uncanny dodge) | F +10/R+10/W+5(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +12, CMD 22 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Condition: : rage 17/17 | mythic 5/5 | her image


I'm John.

Liliyashanina messaged me and invited me to create a character which is a near addiction for me, so I happily and eagerly did. I have had the pleasure to play a game of theirs before and loved it quite significantly, so was glad for the chance to do so again. (in truth I would have attempted the recruitment for this game but noticed it just a tad too late).

So... again...

Hi. I'm John. (playing Adigale)

Nice to meet you all.

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Adigale Clemens wrote:


I'm John.

Liliyashanina messaged me and invited me to create a character which is a near addiction for me, so I happily and eagerly did. I have had the pleasure to play a game of theirs before and loved it quite significantly, so was glad for the chance to do so again. (in truth I would have attempted the recruitment for this game but noticed it just a tad too late).

So... again...

Hi. I'm John. (playing Adigale)

Nice to meet you all.

Welcome to the group.

CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 24(-2 raging) , T 17, FF 17 (uncanny dodge) | F +10/R+10/W+5(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +12, CMD 22 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Condition: : rage 17/17 | mythic 5/5 | her image

Thank you very much, Arrius.

CN tiefling Witch 6 / Archmage 1 | HP 38/38 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 14 | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Init +7 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 5/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 7/7 III - 4/4


CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 24(-2 raging) , T 17, FF 17 (uncanny dodge) | F +10/R+10/W+5(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +12, CMD 22 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Condition: : rage 17/17 | mythic 5/5 | her image

Thank you as well, Sahala!

And it seems I have two profiles with too similar names cause I keep picking the wrong one, sorry about that.

Android Ninja Nanoshade Investigator L6 / Mystic-Trickster T1 Init +3 | AC 18/22*, T 14,18/*, FF -- | F +1/R+09/W+5| HP 35/35 / THP* 10 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | Perception +16| NR 11/11 | MP 6/6 | Surge 5/5 | Condition: None

welcome and I hope you find it as much fun as we do :)

Male Kobold Oracle (Divine Herbalist) 4

Please don't bully the kobold!

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

You can leave bullying the Kobold to me! :)

Active Conditions: None LG Aasimar (Angelkin) Male Paladin 6 (Oath of Vengeance) | Champion 1 | HP 63 / 63 | AC 21 / 12 T / 20 FF | CMD 22 | Fort + 13, Reflex + 10, Will + 12) Init + 2 | Perception + 9 (Darkvision) | Speed 20 ft. |Conditions: None | Effects: | Lay On Hands: (8 / 8) | Smite: 1 / 2 | Mythic Power: 3/5 | HP = 50
Liliyashanina wrote:
You can leave bullying the Kobold to me! :)

Don't bully him too much; he's Constantine's squire!

CN female rakshasa-spawn tiefling unchained barbarian 6/champion 1 | AC 24(-2 raging) , T 17, FF 17 (uncanny dodge) | F +10/R+10/W+5(+2 raging)| HP 74/74 (+x/x raging) | CMB +12, CMD 22 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Condition: : rage 17/17 | mythic 5/5 | her image

Lol! No bullying. I promise. Also, gingers have to stick together, whether it is from hair or scales. :)

CN tiefling Witch 6 / Archmage 1 | HP 38/38 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMD 14 | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Init +7 | Perc +1 | Whispering Shadows + | Share Will +
Magic & Mythic:
Mythic Power 5/5 x Spells: I - 8/8 II - 7/7 III - 4/4

GM, I have a suggestion to mark all cultists with frames of different colors so as not to get confused in them. There will be a green cultist, a red cultist and so on.

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