DM Joseph Rauel's Price of Immortality

Game Master Dm Joseph Rauel

Kassen's Tomb Map

Marching Order:

1. Perri Purrun
2. Brandark Ironhame
3. Roya Tani
4. Joras Iggins
5. Miron Belodor
6. Conrad Mendelson

Perri, Brandark
roya, miron
Joras Conrad

Nightly Watch:

20:00 – 22:00: Conrad Mendelson, Miron Belodor
22:00 – 01:00: Brandark Ironhame
01:00 – 04:00: Perri Purrun
04:00 – 07:00: Roya Tani, Joras Iggins

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HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Na, I still think I have no good chance to kill one of those still standing outright.
Better to spend one channel to finish them after they are all down, otherwise it'll take at least 2 charges...
And yeah, I expected I had to do the "killing blow", despite it making sense to also be able to finish them in their dormant state.
Thanks for clarifying.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Not to nitpick, but the first successful hit from one of the skellies SHOULD have triggered my readied action, causing me to heal Perri.

Which means the second hit should NOT have dropped him unconscious.
It's part of why I wanted in-round healing via readied, because dropping your equipment and going prone in melee is not a desirable thing.

It is more dramatic this way, certainly, but I do believe my healing should have happened in between the 2 skeletons striking him.

(I do admit that my wording was clumsy, though, because the readied action usually interrupts the trigger and happens "just before" if we go by RAW instead of intent, I would have healed him as I saw the strike was going to land, wasting 2 HP of healing but topping him off at 11 HP, which means he should have 1 HP left, but not have gone unconscious-)

I'm fine with your call either way but wanted to bring it to your attention for possible review.

M Human Cleric/Bard

I see the difference in understanding and I see what you are saying.

With the skeletons, and how they are acting in round 2 (maybe poorly described) was that they were acting in unison as they attacked Perri. Is it RAW or RAI... no, but it does add a bit more dramatic flair to the scene.

Now, with Miron downing the skeleton directly in front of Perri standing and picking up his weapon will not provoke because he has cover. It does kill a round for Perri (sorry) but with Roya & Conrad still needed to take their turns I don't see that being a major issue. Plus, the standing skeleton has been hit before.

M Human Cleric/Bard

Conrad - is your attack of 9 with or without the Inspire Courage?

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1



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M Human Cleric/Bard

I 100% respect you for your honesty.

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1
Dm Joseph Rauel wrote:
I 100% respect you for your honesty.

Can't roll well every time!

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

Argh, honesty hurts!

One question before posting my action: would entering a Rage now bring Conrad at 2 HP thanks to temporary hit points, or would he still be staggered and on the verge of fainting?

M Human Cleric/Bard

Correct, he would gain those 2 temporary HP and be at 2 HP

M Human Cleric/Bard

I am going to hold on posting until a little after lunch. If Roya doesn't go before then, I will move her around and do a Channel Energy Healing for Perri & Conrad before moving forward with the round.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Thank you for botting. Apologies, my SO was ill this week, so I had work, the kids, and household all to take care of by myself.
I tried to check in but only managed every couple days. On the plus side SO is feeling better again so yay.
I deducted the channel.

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

I'm recovering from some minor surgery, so might be slow posting this week, please bot if I'm slowing up.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

It's an interesting dilemma - a disease that deals Con-Damage is exceedingly deadly. Lantern or not, there is no sensible way we would press on if we know someone is probably going to die unless we get them to a higher-level healer.

Here's hoping we won't have to abort our quest.

M Human Cleric/Bard
Brandark Ironhame wrote:
is the affect spell or spell like ability

It is a spell effect.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Just for the record - since I DO know that they may potentially be diseased, I'd like to do "preventative" care - as written. I know onset may be a couple days, but until we're in the clear(say, a week or so), I'd make sure to carefully monitor the wounds, force them to drink some herbal teas, check for any irregularities - in other words, spend the 10 minutes per potentially affected person when we make camp to give everybody that may need it the benefit of a Heal check to treat Disease.
I know I'll also have to make the Roll to actually provide that +4, but stating my intent to do so even before witnessing anybody being affected by the rot - that is, starting with their first roll after the initial one.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

gm, if the rot is poison based, I just want to remind you I get a +2 vs poisons.

M Human Cleric/Bard

when rolling behind the screen I take everyone's racial/class abilities into account. But, thank you for the heads up. I also admit I do miss things! lol.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Understood, but it was just a reminder.

Same as steel soul bumps my saves when they are from spell and Spell like abilities. Then it bumps all those saves to +4

I will keep an eye out, and when things happen, i will endevour to advise you of things like steel soul, and anything else like that.

it will not be argumentative, just reminding. :)

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Well, you DO have it mentioned in your statline, even if you hide that in a spoiler :)
So trusting GM to get it right and just double-checking might be enough.
(I know when I GM and roll e.g. saves for people, I always check their statline to make sure I get the right value - I'd imagine many other GM's do, too.)
Just gets complicated with situational boni(e.g. against certain schools etc...) but since Steel Soul is universal, having it in the statline and apply seems easys enough to work with. To me, at least. :)

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

True, but I have also had them missed before.

I always trust, but verify.

If I really have an issue, or really need to verify something, I will ask via PM so I don't mess up the gameplay, or discussion with conversations that don't really pertain.

M Human Cleric/Bard

The duration of the fear effect was d4 rounds, and since we weren't in combat it ended with those who failed running to the other room.

What does the party do next?

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Just out of curiosity, where do we stand XP/level-wise?
Getting to Level 2 before we have to rest again would be desirable.
Since "Leveling" is an abstract concept anyway I think it's acceptable meta to try and get that last chunk of XP needed.
(I think I remember you said the adventure is supposed to take us to level 3 - so unless there is another floor down or some after-tomb stuff waiting I'm assuming we're hovering near Level 2 - hence the question. If I am mistaken or you want to keep that information to yourself, no worries.)

M Human Cleric/Bard

Well it has been a while since the party rested... I'm not saying you might be there, but I'm not not saying that...

M Human Cleric/Bard

I will jump back on later tonight and bot as needed to keep things going.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

sorry i have not been on. dealing with a death in my family

M Human Cleric/Bard

Oh man I am so sorry to hear about the death in your family. Please take your time. I will bot your character. Never apologize for missing when real life comes up.

Jesus taught that God blesses those who mourn, because they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4). I pray for you and your family, that as your mourn you will also be able to celebrate the life that was lived and memories that will continue to live on. And through your mourning you will find comfort.

Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

My condolences on your loss.

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

My condolences as well. Take the time you want/need. We'll be here when you are ready to return.

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

Terribly sorry for your loss. Take care, Brandark.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

Will be checking, but don't really expect a response from me until after friday.

Thank you for the well wishes.

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

I have a question regarding game mechanics before I post a course of action: being Grappled does not prevent the player from attacking an enemy within reach. Since the frog's tongue is currently sticking to Conrad to drag him forward, is said frog considered within or out of reach? (sure, it's standing further away, but he could bring his flail on its tongue to inflict damage...)

M Human Cleric/Bard

You can make an unarmed strike, a natural attack, or an attack made with armor spikes or a light or one-handed weapon. You have a -4 Dex penalty and get a -2 to Attacks and CMB (except to grapple or escape a grapple).

The frog that is grappling Conrad isn't within reach, but you could attack its tongue.

M Human Cleric/Bard

I know Brandark has real life family responsibilities, but I wanted to check in with everyone else. Seems like an off week. Hope everyone dives back in No pun intended

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

Still here!

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

I am somewhat back. Just in the process of catching up.

M Human Cleric/Bard

Hey guys sorry for my absence. I am on staff at a church and this Monday our lead pastor let us know that he is leaving. This was completely unexpected and has really shook the staff. I have been dealing with the fallout of that since. It might not be until Monday when I am back on the boards posting for our game. I apologize.

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HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

Do not worry. Personal reasons always take precedence.

We are here to have fun. All of us - that includes the GM.
When the GM has no time but forces themselves to post regardless, it becomes a chore.
We do not want that.

So you deal with your stuff, and come back when things are worked out sufficiently that you can have fun with us again.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

I will second the statement done by Roya.

Just check in with us every month or two. . . . ;) j/k

But do take the time, however, keep us in the loop so you don't end up with people hanging around wondering if the game died.

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

I'm sorry to hear you're going through such trouble, GM. Take your time.

Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

Hope everything works out for you sooon, GM. As everyone says, take the time you need.

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M Human Cleric/Bard

Hey all. Sorry for the time away. Things are getting better and clearing up. Let's try to rally the group and belly back up to the table.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

consider me rallyed

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

Glad you're back! :)

M Human Cleric/Bard

I apologize for my delay. We have a new pastoral candidate for us and that has cause a few hiccups in my daily routine, but things are going well and returning to normal.

M Human Cleric/Bard

Hey all! I have created a Discord channel for this game to help streamline communication. HERE is the link for that channel. It is only live for 7 days so jump on in and say hello!

Grand Lodge

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1
Dm Joseph Rauel wrote:
Hey all! I have created a Discord channel for this game to help streamline communication. HERE is the link for that channel. It is only live for 7 days so jump on in and say hello!

I hope you can forgive me if I don't join the Discord channel, but I've never been able to stick to this app consistently :') I've made a few attempts, but I always end up forgetting about the existence of Discord within a couple of months!

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

I fall under the same catagory. Discord and i dont seem to get along

M Human Cleric/Bard
Conrad Mendelson wrote:
Can I try to move two squares up (presumably going over the sarcophagus) with an Acrobatics check?

Sure thing, it is a DC16 Acrobatics to do it. Slightly more difficult due to the water causing to to be slick.

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

On a family trip to vegas. Will be haphazard on responses

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M Human Cleric/Bard

As it stands, Conrad is only down 2 HP from max. Brandark is down 2 Dex and Roya 3 Str. So not much damage dealt by the frogs.

I will check in with Perri to see what happened with him, but let's keep moving

EDIT: I did reach out to Perri. It looks like April 8th was the last time he posted with us, and it was back in April 10th when he posted in his main profile. His profiles/alias' have a ton of postings so I really do hope all is well. Any chance one of you know him in a way to connect with him outside of the boards?

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