DM Joseph Rauel's Price of Immortality

Game Master Dm Joseph Rauel

Kassen's Tomb Map

Marching Order:

1. Perri Purrun
2. Brandark Ironhame
3. Roya Tani
4. Joras Iggins
5. Miron Belodor
6. Conrad Mendelson

Perri, Brandark
roya, miron
Joras Conrad

Nightly Watch:

20:00 – 22:00: Conrad Mendelson, Miron Belodor
22:00 – 01:00: Brandark Ironhame
01:00 – 04:00: Perri Purrun
04:00 – 07:00: Roya Tani, Joras Iggins

Current Characters

Dm Joseph Rauel

M Human Cleric/Bard
(702 posts)


(2,072 posts)

Male Human
(490 posts)
Stone Giant

(69 posts)
Alejandro Delfin

Male CG Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 5 | HP 43/55 | AC: 22 Touch: 17 FF: 15 | CMB: 5 CMD: 22 | Fort: 5 Ref: 11 Will: 3 | Init: 8 | Low-light vision; Perc: +14 (+16 vs traps) SM: +8 | Speed 30ft | Active Conditions: None

played by Rabscuttle (223 posts)
Brandark Ironhame

Other Stuff:
Favored Enemy (Orc); Perception 6 +2 vs Stonework - even if not actively looking; ; Init 0;
Dwarf Ranger 2
General Stats:
HP 26/26; CMD 14 +4 vs Trip/Reposition, AC 15, T10, FF 15; Save F5, R3, W1 +4 vs Spell and SLA, +2 vs Poisons;

played by Mokshai (330 posts)
Grand Lodge Conrad Mendelson

M Human Barbarian (1) HP 19/19, AC 16/ T 14/ FF 12/ Saves: Fort +5/ Ref +2/ Will +1 (+3 vs charm and compulsion effects)/ Perception +5/ Ini +2/ Rage 4/7/ HF: 1/1

played by Ythiel (406 posts)
GM Polyfrequencies

played by polyfrequencies (1,878 posts)
Pearl Dolphin Figurine of Wondrous Power
Hidden Frequencies

played by polyfrequencies (2 posts)
Joras Iggins

Male Halfling: HP: 15 | AC:16/T:14/FF:13 | Fort:+1,Ref:+7, Will:+5| CMB:-1, CMD:12| Init:+3, Per:+8

played by Veshly (219 posts)
Priest of Pharasma
Miron Belodor

Male N Human Sorcerer 2 | HP: 12/12 (normal max 14) | AC: 16 Touch: 12 FF: 14 | CMB: 3 CMD: 15 | Fort: -0 Ref: 2 Will: 2 | Init: +6 | Perc: -1 SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Cold Steel: 5/5; 1st Spells: 3/5; Wand of Magic Missile (2 charges) | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, -2 CON

played by Rabscuttle (152 posts)
Perri Purrun

M Human (Varisian) | HP:11/11 | AC15, T11, FF14 CMD15 | F+3, R+1, W+0 | Speed 20' | Init: +1 | Perc+1, SM+1 Fighter (Base) 1

played by hustonj (409 posts)
Acadamae Student Korvosa
Roya Tani

HP: 19/19 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 | Channel 5/8 1d6| Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6 | CMB: -1, CMD: 11 | Init: +2(+2 if acting in surprise round), Perception: +10

played by MordredofFairy (360 posts)