[GD X] Redelia's Blood Under Absalom Gameplay (Inactive)

Game Master Redelia


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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Xilt: yep.

Grand Lodge

Animal Rhino 9 | AC 31 | T 14 | FF 27 | HP: 41/68 | CMD 32 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | Perception +5 scent | combat reflexes
Male Human Hunter 9 | AC 17 | T 12 | FF 15 | HP: 74/75 | CMD 22 | Fort +11 | Ref +11 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +15 | combat reflexes

Profession: (sailor): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Combat boon please.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

boon for Dortlin: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Game has been reported to convention organizers, and chronicle sheets are available above where the map link was, except for Krelin. I'll add Krelin's sheet as soon as I get a boon choice.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Thanks for playing everyone. Please let me know when you get your sheet so I can mark the campaign inactive.

Grand Lodge

Animal Rhino 9 | AC 31 | T 14 | FF 27 | HP: 41/68 | CMD 32 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | Perception +5 scent | combat reflexes
Male Human Hunter 9 | AC 17 | T 12 | FF 15 | HP: 74/75 | CMD 22 | Fort +11 | Ref +11 | Will +9 | Init +5 | Perception +15 | combat reflexes

Got my sheet. Thanks again.

Thanks for running; chronicle looks correct.

The Exchange

Male Elf Ranger 7 | HP 53/53 |AC 21 T 15 FF 17 | CMB +9 CMD 24 |F +6 R +10 W +4 |INIT +6|PER +13 Low-light Vision|

I don't see my chronicle... do you need some information?

The Exchange

Male N Half-Orc Wizard (Exploiter Archetype) 11|Buffs:Endure Elements, Mage Armor, False Life, Ablative Barrier (45/50), Life Bubble, Overland Flight, Haste, Mirror Image. |HP 82/82 |Temp 7/16|First 5 points of damage is converted to nonlethal|AC 17 T 13 FF 14|3 Images|CMB +5 CMD 17|F +11 R +11 W +13|INIT+13|PER+16/+18 hidden objects|Darkvision 60' SM+8|Flight 70', Fly +25
Shirt Re-roll 1/1,Slush Fund=50/50, Showman 1/1,Save Reroll 1/1,Arcane Pool 5/8, Spark Staff 10/10, Extend 5/6, Persistent 3/3. Pearls 1st 6/6 , 2nd 2/2| Spells 1st 2/6, 2nd 4/6 ,3rd 4/6, 4th 3/4, 5th 2/3, 6th 2/2

The sheet looks fine, thanks for running GM Redelia.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)
Krelin wrote:
I don't see my chronicle... do you need some information?

Yes, as I indicated above, I need your choice for which boon you want on your chronicle sheet.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

@GM, could you fix my starting gold on the sheet?
It shows 02,064.5 but should be 12,064.5.

Anthys spent 3,060 gp on gear and spellcasting services, but I can fill that in.

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +19, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 12th [HP 63/63, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +9, Ref +21, Will +9,] CMD 28

Got my sheet. Everything looks good. Thanks for the great game!

The Exchange

Male N Half-Orc Wizard (Exploiter Archetype) 11|Buffs:Endure Elements, Mage Armor, False Life, Ablative Barrier (45/50), Life Bubble, Overland Flight, Haste, Mirror Image. |HP 82/82 |Temp 7/16|First 5 points of damage is converted to nonlethal|AC 17 T 13 FF 14|3 Images|CMB +5 CMD 17|F +11 R +11 W +13|INIT+13|PER+16/+18 hidden objects|Darkvision 60' SM+8|Flight 70', Fly +25
Shirt Re-roll 1/1,Slush Fund=50/50, Showman 1/1,Save Reroll 1/1,Arcane Pool 5/8, Spark Staff 10/10, Extend 5/6, Persistent 3/3. Pearls 1st 6/6 , 2nd 2/2| Spells 1st 2/6, 2nd 4/6 ,3rd 4/6, 4th 3/4, 5th 2/3, 6th 2/2

@Anthys - Xilt paid for the Ronin's drinks as well as 35 gold of your spell casting services out of his slush fund account. In case you missed my last post. :)

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)
Anthys wrote:

@GM, could you fix my starting gold on the sheet?

It shows 02,064.5 but should be 12,064.5.

Anthys spent 3,060 gp on gear and spellcasting services, but I can fill that in.

I've uploaded a fixed copy.

I purposely left the purchase areas blank for you to fill in yourself, since the season 10 guide says you can make those decisions later.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

Thank you!

The Exchange

Male Elf Ranger 7 | HP 53/53 |AC 21 T 15 FF 17 | CMB +9 CMD 24 |F +6 R +10 W +4 |INIT +6|PER +13 Low-light Vision|

Craft(bows) Day Job: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Combat boon, please!

The Exchange

Male Elf Ranger 7 | HP 53/53 |AC 21 T 15 FF 17 | CMB +9 CMD 24 |F +6 R +10 W +4 |INIT +6|PER +13 Low-light Vision|


Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Chronicle sheet for Krelin is also uploaded.

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