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This build is a headache on PbP. I think I included all my bonuses. There may be more aoos depending on what the ogre does.

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Pretty sure that Anthys made both saves. When the spells hit, he was adjacent to at least Dortlin and Rhambi (if not more allies), for a +3 untyped Shake it Off bonus, +3 sacred Lastwall Phalanx bonus (vs evil foes), and +1 racial Heart of the Streets bonus, for Reflex saves of 21 and 22 if the foes are evil (18 and 19 if not). That's without even using Scion of the Lost Empire for another +3 on one save. So half damage?
Will post his turn once I am on my laptop.

GM Hawthwile |

My understanding is that Shake It Off, Lastwall Phalanx, and Scion of the Lost Empire are Teamwork feats, meaning the benefits come from allies who also have the feat (unless the character has an ability like an inquisitor’s Solo Tactics). I didn’t see a use of Tactician to grant these feats to allies, nor did I see the feats on other players’ character sheets, so their benefits were not included in the rolls. I’m certainly happy to adjust the damage tracker if needed, but I would appreciate a clarification of how Anthys circumnavigated the restrictions on the mentioned Teamwork feats before doing so.

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I was exhausted last night and trying to fit my turn in right before a tourney so just like the teamwork interactions earlier I want to break down my attack bonuses so everyone including myself can follow them and catch any mistakes.
Dortlin's (nearly) always on attack bonuses.
+6 BAB
+4 Strength
+1 Weapon
+4 from Pack Flanking + Outflank
+1 trait bonus when flanking from Militia
-2 Power Attack
= +14
Damage with Keen Fortuitous Nodachi Cold Iron
1d10 +1.5 str +1 weapon +6 from power attack for +1d10 +13 total.
+2 to hit +3 damage with Animal Focus Bull.
+4 to aoos from Animal Focus Snake
+4 circumstance to aoos from Paired Opportunists
-5 from Fortuitous
+4 to trip
Rambi's (nearly) always on bonuses
+6 BAB
+10 strength
+2 extended Greater Magic Fang on his horn
+4 from Pack Flanking + Outflank
-2 Power Attack
-1 size
Damage with horn
2d6 + 1.5 strength, +2 GMF, Power Attack = 2d6 +23
+4 circumstance to aoos from Paired Opportunists
-5 from Fortuitous
Outflang grants an aoo on a crit. Does that include the nat 20 to trip?

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Anthys was built for a PFS Teamwork Experiment. Although that table eventually ended (GM absence), he has the Fighter's Tactics ability.
This is an Advanced Weapon Training option that functions as Solo Tactics.
All of the fighter’s allies are treated as if they had the same teamwork feats as the fighter for the purpose of determining whether the fighter receives a bonus from his teamwork feats. His allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually have the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the fighter to receive the listed bonus.

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Nothing to worry about at this table. A bunch of martial characters with some teamwork feats and a wizard casting classic spells. It should be a piece of cake for an experienced GM like GM Hawthwile. :)

GM Hawthwile |

Anthys wrote:Anthys was built for a PFS Teamwork Experiment. Although that table eventually ended (GM absence), he has the Fighter's Tactics ability.This is an Advanced Weapon Training option that functions as Solo Tactics.
Fighter's Tactics wrote:All of the fighter’s allies are treated as if they had the same teamwork feats as the fighter for the purpose of determining whether the fighter receives a bonus from his teamwork feats. His allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually have the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the fighter to receive the listed bonus.
Perfect! I'll be sure to update the round tracker accordingly.

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It's been a long time. What is the roll to recover when bleeding?

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@GM Hawthwile - I noticed that you inverted the hit point tracker for Anthys. This round he is at -25 instead of -52 from last round without any healing in between the rounds. I sometimes do this with numbers as well when I am typing too fast. :)

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@Anthys - Even better! And I thought it was just a typo. :)

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@Dortlin - in the event that you can't bring the rhino, it may help to know that Anthys has Escape Route, which may help you. He also could use Barroom Brawler to pick up Outflank for a minute if you want him to, and would grant a +5 rather than a +4 (Ring of Tactical Precision).

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I never learned Reduce Animal because the whole gimmick involves mounted combat. Having a medium Rambi along would be handy.
@GM Redelia instead of the wand of CLW could I use 2 PP for a scroll with 5 casts of Reduce Animal?
If not what about the wand of CLW? And are you okay with taking the average on out of combat healing rolls?
If I can't get the reduce animal scrolls what about this?
"If the hunter’s animal companion is dead, the hunter can apply her companion’s animal focus to herself instead of her animal companion. This is in addition to the normal one she can choose, and (as with a companion’s focus) remains in effect until the hunter changes it instead of counting against her minutes per day."
Rambi isn't dead but I've seen GMs allow the bonus when the AC can't come along.
@Anthys Escape Route requires coordination when not mounted but it could come up. As for Outflank we'll have to see how the combat shapes up.

GM Redelia |

Unfortunately, you would need to have gotten your scroll earlier; there isn't really a chance now.
CLW charges need to be rolled, but I'm OK with rolling in batches, i.e. roll 3d8+3 if you know you want three charges applied to one particular person.
Unfortunately, I don't see the rules as allowing treating Rambi as dead. If someone can point to a rules reference, I'm happy to reconsider.

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I have played a Hunter before and if your AC is dead then you get this bonus. However your AC is alive and has participated in combat today. It would be an extremely lenient GM that would allow that bonus considering the condition of your animal and it is certainly not RAW.

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Wandering monsters and being attacked in your sleep were common occurrence in previous editions of d20 type games. I guess my paranoid belief system is simply showing my age. :)
Yes, I have been there too. One of my many gripes with overuse of such encounters (and the availability of cheap and easy counters like Rope Trick) is that they led to a style of gameplay that is entirely unrecognizable from the fantasy fiction that forms the inspiration for the game. The heroes sleeping safely in a pocket dimension every night, even from a relatively low level, is such a jarring D&D-ism to me. Something like Mage's Secure Shelter feels more suitable, as well as being of a high enough level to feel like it should do what it does.
I certainly recognize the value of wandering monster encounters to apply pressure and create resource management challenges by hindering the "15-minute adventuring day" approach of napping in dungeons (prior to 3E's change to Rope Trick's duration, anyway). Not applicable here as we are on a clock. (And really, I think having adventures on a clock is a much better way to apply resource management challenges.)
I'm pretty sure that almost nobody walks away from a session thinking how cool it was that they got CdG'd in their sleep.
I felt I had to pick up on your paranoia but am disappointed in the authors that it was the right call. I don't think such encounters make for a better game. Just my $0.02.

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Like in life it pays to be prepared. Now hopefully barring the main doors with furniture and setting a guard will make the difference. As long as our characters are awake when trouble shows up we should be alright. :)
In terms of fiction I can see several well known fantasy authors that would certainly send thieves in the night to steal from or attack their "heroes". Of course we are only assuming that this is going to happen. There might be another type of event/emergency that might happen. We do not know yet and that is part of the fun.

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Oh, absolutely attacks in the night can happen in fiction. And posting watches is reasonable in the wild (less so in an inn, but plausible).
The combination of several mechanics in game design resulted in some really odd D&D-isms in what it means to "be prepared."
It would be really cool and inventive if assassins in the night were spotted by an innkeeper or guard and the alarm were raised before they got to the PCs - giving some credence to the concept that an inn is supposed to be a safer place to sleep than the wild. I don't know of any time that has ever happened in a game, though.
You might be right, it might be a fire or something else.

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To switch the topic a little I find it a little disappointing that the map was only provided to the GMs on the second night. This is giving the players too much of a heads up that an event is going to happen. I find that the players have been very good about this and have stayed very much in character but it does really ruin all the suspense. It would have been much better if the map was provided on the first night when nothing happened. :)

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Anthys Sheng General
Xilt Sphinx Sheng Monkey King
Tzleztor Chou male
Tarowr also wanted the Sheng Monkey King
Kahwen Jing Cruel Bandit
Dortlin No male casters remaining. I'll play one of the female casters once Xilt and Tarowar sort out the roles.
Hopefully we can pass off Rambi as a mount for one of the male leads. Or I can play the Wizened Crone and toss in a line about needing a mount to get around.

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Dortlin - My character has already claimed the role of Wizened Crone and Tarowr has claimed the role of the Monkey King. Your character is not a full caster anyways so I suggest one of the other roles.

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I discussed why the weapon users are useless for me so at least as a caster I can be useful in combat. I'm not trying to be picky, I'll play any of the unpicked casters male or female.

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Fine, my character can play the female clown role. They are allowed to cast as well. Problem solved.

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Actually I missed that they were allowed to cast. What role do you want to play? I'm fine as one of the clowns.

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Since my character has already turned himself into the Wizened Crone character then you can choose either the male or female clown and my familiar will play the other role.

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Okay. Dortlin is muscular but not tall. Female is fine.

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@GM Redelia - It looks like we are ready to go now. Group decisions like this are tough to resolve quickly in PbP. :)

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I really love the PbP format but it struggles with timed events!
I have played a bunch of Specials in PbP, and some of them seem to work in the format better than others.
Solstice Scar in particular always seemed to go smoothly.

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boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Nice. My first boon this gameday.

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Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 13
I might as well roll my day job as well.
Craft-Alchemy, Crafter's Fortune, Ioun Stone,Minimum 50 gold: 1d20 + 11 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 6 + 2 = 31
@GM Redelia - My character's Exchange slush fund will cover the 40 gold payout for the Ronin's bar tab and 35 gold off of Anthys' spell casting purchases. That should make record keeping a bit easier for you I hope. :)

GM Redelia |

I'm starting to prepare your chronicle sheets, and I need to know which of the following boons each of you wants:
☐ ☐ Combat Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll an attack roll before success is determined. You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only use this ability twice. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability the second time, check the final box and line through this boon.
☐ ☐ Magic Boon: As a standard action, you may recall a spell that you have already prepared and
then cast that day. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. You may
only use this ability twice. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability
the second time, check the final box and line through this boon.
☐ ☐ Skill Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll a skill check before success is determined. You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only use this ability twice. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability the second time, check the final box and line through this boon.
(the boon can only be used twice)

GM Redelia |

Krelin, do you have a day job? I don't think you've rolled for it, but you did not say you don't have one.
Kahwen, what is your faction? Wayfinders isn't a valid PF1 faction.
Dortlin, any day job?
The tables have met the required successes for the game to end, we're just waiting for the overseer announcement. I'll report the game as soon as I get the missing faction, and get your chronicle sheets to you as soon as I have all the info I need, which would be the above questions and your boon choice.

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Xilt will take the magic boon. Thanks. :)
@GM Redelia - In terms of a faction sheet goal. I believe that the paying off of the Ronin's bar bill did avoid a combat encounter through non-violent means. Do you agree?