
Xilt Sphinx's page

830 posts. Organized Play character for Mage of the Wyrmkin.

Full Name

Xilt Sphinx


|HP 82/82 |Temp 7/16|First 5 points of damage is converted to nonlethal|AC 17 T 13 FF 14|3 Images|CMB +5 CMD 17|F +11 R +11 W +13|INIT+13|PER+16/+18 hidden objects|Darkvision 60' SM+8|Flight 70', Fly +25


Shirt Re-roll 1/1,Slush Fund=50/50, Showman 1/1,Save Reroll 1/1,Arcane Pool 5/8, Spark Staff 10/10, Extend 5/6, Persistent 3/3. Pearls 1st 6/6 , 2nd 2/2| Spells 1st 2/6, 2nd 4/6 ,3rd 4/6, 4th 3/4, 5th 2/3, 6th 2/2


Male N Half-Orc Wizard (Exploiter Archetype) 11|Buffs:Endure Elements, Mage Armor, False Life, Ablative Barrier (45/50), Life Bubble, Overland Flight, Haste, Mirror Image.










The Realm of the Mammoth Lords


Common, Orc, Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Terran, Undercommon, Infernal, Auran, Aklo, Hallit, Azlanti, Ancient Osiriani.

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 26
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7

About Xilt Sphinx

Male N Half-Orc Wizard (Exploiter Archetype) 11

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 26 Wis 12 Cha 7

HP 82 Init +9 Speed 30' Senses: Dark Vision 60', Perception +14/+16
AC 12 T 12 FF 10 BAB +5 CMB +4 CMD 16
F+11 R+10 W+13

Homeland: The Realm of the Mammoth Lords Age: 20 Deity: Chaldira

Herald (1 pp).

Boons - The Exchange

Master of Trade (4PP) 10% off one purchase per session.

Investor 5% (stacks up to 15%) with one item off an item purchased off a chronicle sheet.

Slush Fund -50 gold minimum day job result. Refund up to day job result on non-permanent expenses during a scenario.

Showmanship - Replace Disable Device, K-Engineering or UMD with a Craft check 1/adventure.

Resourceful(3) - Check a box out of combat to receive two of the following: Antitoxin, Disguise Kit, Healer Kit, Potion of Cure Light Wounds or Tanglefoot Bag.

Boons - Important

Beheading the Serpent (All Aspis agents and hirelings are at -1 to hit, damage, saves and skill checks)

+1 KS in Grand Lodge

+4 Linguistics check (1)

+2 vs. bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects or stunning (2)

+1d4 on Knowledge check (1)

+2 save vs abberation - can be added after the roll (1)

+2 cl checks, +1 spell DC and +2 saves vs dragons(3)

+1d6 KS(Religion) after the roll(2)

Bonus Trait - Suspicious

Noble Heir - Tullian, Signet ring worth 600 gp, can be used in place of gemstone dust

Heal 5d8 as a standard action, can be maximized (3)

Maximize the benefit of potion or extract as a swift action(4)

Gain Favoured terrain (underground) for a scenario(1)

Orb of a Distant World - use activate, CL 11, Haste (2)

Magic Boon:Recover a cast spell as a standard action (2)

+1 Charisma based checks with people of Geb

Crushing Victory - +1 competence bonus to climb and Knowledge(Engineering), add +5 bonus retroactively and cross off this boon

Diguo-Dashu Archaeologist(5)- Cross off a box to gain a +2 competence bonus on a knowledge check. This bonus increases to +5 for constructs, ratfolk or the Darklands

Appraise +14, Craft(Alchemy) +12, Fly+16/+25*, Knowledge(Planes)+22, Knowledge(Arcana)+22,Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +19,Knowledge(Local) +15,Knowledge(Engineering) +13, Knowledge(Geography, History, Nature, Nobility) +12, KS(Religion)+21, Linguistics +16, Perception +14/+16, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +22,Stealth +13,UMD +9.

*+25 with Fly spell.

Notable Untrained Skills: Climb +0.

Languages: Common, Orc, Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Terran, Undercommon, Infernal, Auran, Aklo, Hallit, Azlanti, Ancient Osiriani.

Improved Initiative, (Spell Focus)/Gr. Spell Focus (Conjuration), Improved Familiar, Toughness, Planned Spontaneity, Additional Traits.

Bonus Wizard Feats(2): Fast Study (Prep time reduced to 1/15 minutes),Fleeting Spell (Metamagic).

Reactionary, Fate's Favored.
Bonus Trait (#15) - Suspicious (Sense Motive is a class skill, +1 bonus).
Additional Traits:
1) Lessons of Chaldira - Re-roll saving throw 1/day.
2) Spirit Animal - Mammoth: +1 Fortitude save.

Favoured Class - Alchemist
Level 4 and 8 - +2 Int
Retrain hit points: 1 point @ 9th level (3 PP and 270 gp), 1 point @ 10th level (3 PP and 300 gp), 1 point @ 11th level (3pp and 330 gp).

Wizard Class Abilities
Arcane Reservoir 8 points/day.
Potent Magic, Familiar, Dimensional Slide (1 point/110').

Spell Casting

Concentration +19/+21

Spells per Day 0-4, 1st-6,2nd-6,3rd-6,4th-5,5th-3, 6th-2.

Spell Book
0 - Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic,Daze,Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Bleed, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue,Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation.

1 - Color Spray, Silent Image, Burning Hands, Grease, Endure Elements, Magic Missile, Identify, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield, Unseen Servant, Shocking Grasp, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person, Ant Haul, Crafter's Fortune, Vanish, Heightened Awareness, Infernal Healing, Feather Fall, Ear Piercing Scream, Snowball, Anticipate Peril, Air Bubble, Moment of Greatness, Touch of the Sea, Kreighton's Perusal, Floating Disc, Alarm, Liberating Command.

2 - Glitterdust, Web, Create Pit, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Levitate, Resist Energy, Spider Climb, False Life, Defending Bone, Investigative Mind, Alter Self, Rope Trick, Invisibility, Page Bound Epiphany, Aram Zey Focus, Euphoric Cloud, Knock, Protection from Arrows, Cat's Grace.

3- Fireball, Stinking Cloud, Aqueous Orb, Haste, Fly, Heroism, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Ablative Barrier, Tongues, Slow, Clay Skin, Resist Energy (Communal), Monstrous Physique I.

4 - Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Acid Pit, Dragon's Breath, Emergency Force Sphere, Stone Skin, Ball Lightning, Mnemonic Enhancer, Rags to Riches, Wall of Ice.

5 - Wall of Force, Overland Flight, Acidic Spray, Life Bubble, Summon Monster V, Grand Destiny, Echolocation, Teleport, Roaming Pit, Break Enchantment.

6 - Summon Monster VI, Contingency, Cold Ice Strike.

Prepared Spells
0 Detect Magic, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation.

1st Grease (Fleeting) Reflex DC 21/23 SR NO,Magic Missile (5d4+5),Vanish (5 rounds),Heightened Awareness, Mage Armor,(Open Slot, 1 min to fill).

2nd Glitterdust (Will DC 22/24 SR NO), Create Pit (Fleeting) Reflex DC 22/24, See Invisibility (100 minutes), Mirror Image(1d4+3, 11 minutes),False Life (1d10+10 Temp Hps, 11 hours), [Rope Trick or Page Bound Epiphany]*.

3rd Fireball 10d6 Reflex DC 21/23, Stinking Cloud (Fleeting) Fort DC 23/25 SR NO, Aqueous Orb(Fleeting) Reflex DC 23/25,Haste,Ablative Barrier (11 hours, 50 hit points),[Heroism or Resist Energy (Communual)]*.

4th Acid Pit Reflex DC 24/26, Dragon's Breath 11d6 Reflex DC 22/24, Ball Lightning (3 Globes, 3d6 Electricity each, Reflex DC 22/24),Emergency Force Sphere (Fleeting),[Mnemonic Enhancer or Dimension Door]*.

5th Summon Monster V, Overland Flight, (Open Slot, 1 min to fill).

6th Summon Monster VI,(Open Slot, 1 min to fill).

*Planned Spontaneity

Racial Abilities

Darkvision 60', +2 luck bonus on saves(with Fate Favoured), wp-longsword,whip,+2 KS(Local),+2 Appraise/Perception to find hidden objects, orc blood.

Magical Items

Headband of Intellect +4 (Fly,Stealth,Aklo,Ancient Osiriani),Belt of Mighty Constitution +2, Cloak of Resistance +2, Pearl of Power 1st x6,2nd x2, Cracked Pale Green Prism (+1 competence to saving throws),Cracked Dusty Rose Prism (+1 competence to Initiative), Handy Haversack.

Metamagic Rods (Lesser) - Extend(2), Persistent.

Spark Staff (CL8,10 charges)
. Shocking Grasp (1) (5d6 Electricity, +4 touch, +3 vs Metal)
. Intensified Shocking Grasp(2) (10d6 Electricity, +4 touch, +3 vs metal)
. Lightning Bolt (5) (10d6 Electricity, Reflex DC 20)

Wands - Heightened Awareness (28),Heroism (6), Mirror Image (3).

Scrolls - Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements,Infernal Healing (4), Mage Armor(4),Lesser Restoration(2).

Alchemical Equipment and Spell Components

Blood Boiling Pill (4)
Alchemical Fire(2)
Alchemical Grease (2)
Contingency (Focus)
Mnemonic Enhancer (Focus)
Create Pit/Acid Pit (Focus)
Diamond Dust (10 gp - Roaming Pit) (3)
Acidic Spray - Spell Component (1)
Darkwood (1)


Scroll box, Spell Book,Compact Spell Book(2),Spell Component Pouch(2),Waterskin(2),Rations(14),Waterproof Bag,Bandolier,Silk Rope 50', Bedroll,Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath, MW Thieves tools, Dagger, Monk's Outfit, Cold Weather Outfit, Umbrella.

XP 31 Fame 53 Prestige 14 Gold 65

Encumbrance: 17# (Light)

Load Out:

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath - Wand of Mirror Image*.

Handy Haversack (Generally contains) :
Meta Magic Rods(All)
Pearls of Power(All)
Scrolls (All, loose)
Wands (All*)
Alchemical Equipment and Spell Components (All*)
Scroll box
Spell Book
Compact Spell Book(2)
Spell Component Pouch(backup)
Waterproof Bag
Silk Rope 50'
MW Thieves tools,
Cold Weather Outfit

Carrying on Person:

Handy Haversack
Spark Staff

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath
Spell Component Pouch
Alchemical Grease(1)*


|HP 82/82 |AC 12 T 12 FF 10| CMB +4 CMD 16|F +11 R +10 W +13|INIT +9|PER +14/+16 Darkvision 60' SM+8|Speed 30'

Shirt Re-roll 1/1,Slush Fund=50/50, Showman 1/1,Save Reroll 1/1,Arcane Pool 8/8, Spark Staff 10/10, Extend 6/6, Persistent 3/3. Pearls 1st 6/6 , 2nd 2/2| Spells 1st 6/6, 2nd 6/6 ,3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4, 5th 3/3, 6th 2/2