GM Michael's Falcons Hollow Chronicles

Game Master Dread

Falcons Hollow on Roll 20

Disease Total Death- 20 (12 from Lumber Consortium)
Experience Tracker: Current Level 1: 2014 Next Level (2nd): 2000

Current Date: 15th Rova 1710 AR 5:30 PM(days adventuring 16)


1-5 Helgash & Tark 1-Cathoris

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welcome Eva Bentham. start working on the character and get acquainted to the campaign and characters/players.

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

Hi everyone! Glad to be on board. I'll look over the story thus far to get up to speed, and post full stats when I've got them put together. Here's my character description from the recruitment thread in case you missed it.

Eva Bentham is a blunt and pragmatic elven winemaker who runs a small, makeshift vineyard tucked between the trees on the outskirts of Falcon's Hollow. Loggers and minor fey alike stop by to barter for her wares, united in the simple desire for alcohol. Eva remains on decent terms with most but is close to none, seeming mostly interested in her plants and her recipes. Yet she is fiercely protective of the precarious existence eked out by her vineyard and the area as a whole, and when violence is needed she proves deadly with bow, spear, or molotov cocktail.

Eva is a true neutral elf expert / alchemist with the sacrament alchemist and grenadier archetypes. Mechanically she'll function as a switch-hitter and skill monkey with a bag of alchemical tricks. Her patron deity is Halcamora, the Lady of Ripe Bounty — empyreal lord of gardens, orchards, and wine. Eva is nearing middle-age as she approaches her 165th birthday.

Eva came to the Hollow in the early days of the Lumber Consortium's operations, working as a mercenary to support her family. But the occasional clashes between loggers and the denizens of the forest only escalated, until her husband and children got caught in the crossfire. She found them dead in a pile of smashed timber, and to this day she has no idea who was responsible. Besides herself, of course. That was the end of her mercenary career, ever since the plowshare has been the only blade she trusts. She's kept herself somewhat isolated from the people around her. Her grapes keep her occupied — and sometimes, even, happy. But now odd things are happening in the Vale, and everything is about to change.

Her traits are Warrior of Old (for her mercenary background) and Pragmatic Activator (for her no-nonsense approach to problem-solving).

Male | Darkvision 60' Initiative +1| Speed 20ft | Conditions: Mad, Ant haul Dwarf Fighter / Druid 4 HP 40/40| AC 22/24| Fort +6, Ref +3 Will +9

Welcome Eva!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program....

Cathoris AC:17 (FF:14/T:13) CMD: 17 (+2 v. trip) HP:24/24 Saves-FO:4 RE:2 WL:6 1st Adept/2nd Staff Magus M Human Defenses: None Spells Adept 0:3/3 1st:1/1 Magus 1st: 3/3 HeroPoints:2

Welcome Eva. I’m sure you’ll be joining us shortly!

Welcome aboard Eva!
Tark snarls a welcome also :)

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

Just finished my full read-through of the gameplay thread and let me just say, this looks like an awesome group. Can't wait to meet everyone when you get back to town!

In the meantime, here are Eva's stats. The biggest news is that there was space for an extra discovery, and rereading the background I wrote for her she seemed kinda lonely — so I gave her Merlot, the sentient grape vine familiar growing out of her back.

Eva Bentham:
Female elf expert 1/alchemist (grenadier, sacrament alchemist) 1
N Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses Perception +9
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 28 (3d8+6)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1 (+3 vs. enchantments)
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee elven branched spear +3 (1d8+3)
cestus +3 (1d4+2)
Ranged composite longbow +4 (1d8+2)
Special Attacks alchemical weapon, bomb (1d6+4, DC 15, 6/day)
Alchemist Extracts Prepared (CL 2st; concentration +6)
1st (3/day)blend, long arm, [empty]
Elf Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd, concentration +0)
Constantdetect magic
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deadly Aim, Extra Discovery, Power Attack, Throw Anything
Traits Pragmatic Activator, Warrior of Old
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +8, Climb +7, Craft (alchemy) +12, Craft (winemaking) +8, Disable Device +5, Knowledge (arcana, geography, local, nature, planes, religion) +8, Heal +3, Linguistics +8, Perception +9, Profession (vintner) +3, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +5, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +7, Survival +3, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +10
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ alchemy, discoveries (explosive bomb, precise bombs, tumor familiar), fey-sighted, keen senses, martial weapon proficiency (elven branched spear), sacramental cognatogen, weapon familiarity
Other Gear leather lamellar, cold iron cestus, composite longbow (+2), arrows (10 cold iron, 5 dye, 5 smoke, 20 stone, 5 tangleshot), elven branched spear, hybridization funnel, traveler’s any-tool, acid, alchemist’s fire, alchemist’s kindness (10), alchemy crafting kit, antiplague (3), bandoliers (2), bombchucker, burst jar, candles (10), canteen, chalk, charcoal, earplugs, flint and steel, ghast retch flask, glowing ink, magnesium (20 gp), masterwork backpack, monk’s outfit, powder, signal whistle, silver weapon blanch, smelling salts, spring-loaded wrist sheath, tindertwigs (5), unstable accelerant, vermin repellent, wandermeal, 20 gp-worth of wine and alchemical ingredients, 1 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp, traveling formula book (blend, comprehend languages, crafter’s fortune, cure light wounds, enlarge person, long arm, monkey fish)

Male creeper ivy familiar (mauler) 2
N Tiny magical beast
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 14 (29/2); fast healing 5 (when attached)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Defensive Abilities improved evasion; Immune plant traits
Speed 15 ft., climb 15 ft.
Melee slam +5 (1d2-2 plus grab)
armor spikes +5 (1d3-2), slam +0 (1d2-2 plus grab)
Special Attacks constrict (1d3-2), grab (Medium)
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +1 (+5 to grapple); CMD 9
Feats Deadly Aim, Martial Weapon Proficiency (armor spikes)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise -1, Climb +10, Craft (alchemy) +1, Craft (winemaking) -1, Disable Device +3, Knowledge (arcana, geography, local, nature, planes, religion) -1, Heal +1, Linguistics -1, Perception +6, Profession (vintner) +1, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand +3, Spellcraft +0, Stealth +16, Survival +1, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +0
Languages Common (cannot speak)
SQ bond forged in blood, empathic link, share spells
Other Gear nonhumanoid spiked leather armor, acid, alchemist’s fire, bandolier, burst jar, ghast retch flask, shard gel, silk rope (50 ft.), specialty smoke pellet (smog)

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1
1st Expert/2nd Alchemist(Grenadier/Sacrament Alchemist) F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep
Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:1

Merlot AC:17(FF:15/T:14)CMD:9 HP:14/14 Saves-FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+2
2nd Familiar(Mauler) M Creeper Ivy Defenses: Improved Evasion, Plant Traits

hahaha I like it...though yanno its kinda creepy really ;)

Alexander AC: 17(18 w/buckler), FF:14/T:14, CMD:16, HP:27/27, Saves: FO:+2 RE:+6 WL:+5
1st Aristocrat/2nd Rogue (Phantom Thief) M Half-Elf Defenses: +2 Enchantments Immune Magical Sleep
limited abilities: none HeroPoints:3

Cathoris AC:17 (FF:14/T:13) CMD: 17 (+2 v. trip) HP:24/24 Saves-FO:4 RE:2 WL:6
1st Adept/1st Staff Magus M Human Defenses: None
Spells Adept 0:3/3 1st:1/1 Magus 1st: 3/3 HeroPoints:3

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1
1st Expert/2nd Alchemist(Grenadier/Sacrament Alchemist) F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep
Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

--Merlot AC:17(FF:15/T:14)CMD:9 HP:14/14 Saves-FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+2
2nd Familiar(Mauler) M Creeper Ivy Defenses: Improved Evasion, Plant Traits

Helgash AC: 17 (FF:14 T:13) [19/16/13 with Shield] CMD:16 HP: 23/23 Saves-FO:6 RE:5 WL:9 Expert1/Inquisitor2 {Sacred Huntmaster} M Half-Orc Defenses: N/A HeroPoints:3

--Tark AC:17 (FF:15 T:12) CMD: 14 (18 vs. trip) HP: 17/17 Saves-FO:5 RE:5 WL:1 Animal Companion {Bodyguard} 2HD Wolf Defenses: Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.

Mad Marvin Dundlerock AC: 20 (FF:18/T:12) CMD: 14 HP:31/31 Saves-FO:3 RE:2 WL:4 1st Commoner/2nd Oracle (Hermit)) M Dwarf Defenses: Hardy abilities: Channel (Su):3/3
Spells 1st:5/5 Hero Points: 3

--Torag AC15(FF:12/T:15)CMD:10(14vsTrip) HP:7/8 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+5 WL:+1
Pet Firefoot Fox M Tiny Animal Defense: Scent

Straug AC:17(FF:16/T:11)CMD:15 HP:30/30 Saves-FO:+8 RE:+1 WL:+5
1 Warrior/2 Warpriest/ M Dwarf Defenses: +2 vs poison/spells, DR 1/- vs creatures and damage of fire type
limited abilities: Fire Strike 4/4, Fervor 3/3 HeroPoints:3

Male Image of Alexander Half-elf Aristocrat 1/rogue (phantom theif) 2 HP: 27/27| AC: 17(18) T:13 FF:14(15)| CMD: 16| Fort: +2 | Ref: +6 | Will: +5| Init: +3| perception: +10HPs:1/3

"Kinda" lol.

Cathoris AC:17 (FF:14/T:13) CMD: 17 (+2 v. trip) HP:24/24 Saves-FO:4 RE:2 WL:6 1st Adept/2nd Staff Magus M Human Defenses: None Spells Adept 0:3/3 1st:1/1 Magus 1st: 3/3 HeroPoints:2

As long as it’s not her wine doesn’t come from that vine, I’m okay with it.

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

It's a deal, I promise the grapes in her wine have only been feeding on creatures that are dead, ground-up, and turned into fertilizer.

Isn't agriculture wonderful?

AC:17 | (FF:16/T:11) | CMD:15 | HP:21/21 | Saves-FO:+7 RE:+1 WL:+4 | 1 Warpriest/1 Warrior Dwarf | Defenses: +2 vs poison/spells, DR 1/- vs creatures and damage of fire type | Limited abilities: Fire Strike 3/3 Hero Points: 1/3
Eva Bentham wrote:

Eva's eyes light up at the question. "Grape skins and seeds, mostly. Part of the effect is just physical — the powder is fine enough that it can closely adhere to indentations to increase their visibility without smoothing them over. But the oligomeric proanthocyanidins in the grapes also form a slight alchemical bond with living souls through their shared anima mundi, allowing them to selectively drift onto tracks left by creatures as opposed to natural disturbances in the ground."

This is one of the best examples of why play by post is awesome. Well done!

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

Thanks! Wikipedia page on grape chemistry + wikipedia page on alchemy = perfect magic vintner technobabble.

Eva. Make sure you join the roll 20

Falcons Hollow

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

Thanks, I think I've joined, my username is Naomi.

ok you should have control of both Eva and Merlot when we start the next combat. for now the map shows the area.

Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

Got it, perfect!

I've been very very sick.flu that turned to Pneumonia. Trying to get out of the can't function zone.

Really sorry to hear that GMMichael. Make sure to rest, and recover completely. Best wishes!

Male | Darkvision 60' Initiative +1| Speed 20ft | Conditions: Mad, Ant haul Dwarf Fighter / Druid 4 HP 40/40| AC 22/24| Fort +6, Ref +3 Will +9

Get well, sir!

I just figured it was holiday time.

AC:17 | (FF:16/T:11) | CMD:15 | HP:21/21 | Saves-FO:+7 RE:+1 WL:+4 | 1 Warpriest/1 Warrior Dwarf | Defenses: +2 vs poison/spells, DR 1/- vs creatures and damage of fire type | Limited abilities: Fire Strike 3/3 Hero Points: 1/3

Hey GMMichael just checking in dude, hope youre doing ok and on the mend.

cheers buddy hang in there


Male Image of Alexander Half-elf Aristocrat 1/rogue (phantom theif) 2 HP: 27/27| AC: 17(18) T:13 FF:14(15)| CMD: 16| Fort: +2 | Ref: +6 | Will: +5| Init: +3| perception: +10HPs:1/3

Hey sorry all, I've been sick with Covid past few days, and will be dealing with that. I'll try to post if possible, but feel free to bot me. Just notifying my games.

Also, I understand the struggle. I had Pneumonia several times as a child. IT sucks, take care. (also, try honey and whiskey)

Take care of yourself Alex - hopefully your symptoms are not very serious.
Best wishes!

AC:17 | (FF:16/T:11) | CMD:15 | HP:21/21 | Saves-FO:+7 RE:+1 WL:+4 | 1 Warpriest/1 Warrior Dwarf | Defenses: +2 vs poison/spells, DR 1/- vs creatures and damage of fire type | Limited abilities: Fire Strike 3/3 Hero Points: 1/3

GMMichael -

OK whether this continues or not now I'm just worried about you. Drop us a line and let us know whether youre ok! We miss ya buddy!


Male Image of Alexander Half-elf Aristocrat 1/rogue (phantom theif) 2 HP: 27/27| AC: 17(18) T:13 FF:14(15)| CMD: 16| Fort: +2 | Ref: +6 | Will: +5| Init: +3| perception: +10HPs:1/3

seconded on Straug's statement.

AC:17 | (FF:16/T:11) | CMD:15 | HP:21/21 | Saves-FO:+7 RE:+1 WL:+4 | 1 Warpriest/1 Warrior Dwarf | Defenses: +2 vs poison/spells, DR 1/- vs creatures and damage of fire type | Limited abilities: Fire Strike 3/3 Hero Points: 1/3

Hey guys I'm thinking about kicking off my own campaign here in the Paizo forums. I would definitely give you guys priority if youre interested I really like this group. Just want to gauge any interest as I build plans. This would be my first PBP game but definitely not my first time as GM.

This is not meant to replace this campaign AT ALL so if you only have room in your schedule for one game then probably better to hang out here and see how this shakes out with GMMichael (who I'm pretty worried about at this point TBH).

Any preferences that would make you more inclined (1e or 2e, AP or series of one shots, PFS scenarios, campaign or story theme?) I'd love to get some or all of you involved.


Eva AC:17(FF:14/T:13)CMD:16 HP:28/28 Saves-FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+1 1st Expert/2nd Alchemist F Elf Defenses: +2 vs. Enchantments, Immune to Sleep Limited Abilities: Bomb:6/6 Hero Points:3

Likewise hoping you're okay GMMichael, definitely let us know!

I know I'm new to the party but I'd absolutely join another game with y'all, seems like it'd be a lot of fun! I'm not at all familiar with 2e but other than that I'm down for just about anything.

Pneumonia can be very hard to shake off, so I am not surprised GMichael has not returned yet. All I can say is I hope everything is ok with him.


Straug, as for your game I am sure you have something in mind, since usually that is what sparks the will to GM ;) On that note, I think you should go forward with what the idea you have, as it will probably be the thing motivating you the most.

I have had a few experiences with 2e and... So far I do not like it for a couple of reasons. So that would not be my 1st choice.

And of course I do have one or two APs in mind I think I would enjoy playing, as well as one or three campaign settings :D But if this would be your first experience GMing in PbP, my suggestion would be to start with something small, and see where it takes you.

PbP games are usually naturally slow, that even a small adventure will usually mean several months of time investment to see it through, so unless you already feel prepared for a truly long-haul like a full on campaign or AP, shorter modules can be a good option. Perhaps developing into mini-campaigns if they go in that direction.

That all being said, please count me in!

Cathoris AC:17 (FF:14/T:13) CMD: 17 (+2 v. trip) HP:24/24 Saves-FO:4 RE:2 WL:6 1st Adept/2nd Staff Magus M Human Defenses: None Spells Adept 0:3/3 1st:1/1 Magus 1st: 3/3 HeroPoints:2

I’m still here. GMMichael, I echo the others’ sentiments. Take care of yourself and hope all goes well. I be ready to continue when you are.

Straug - I, too, would be interested in joining your game. I favor PF1, and I’m open to most games. What are some of your ideas?

while I had several games going on the boards....then I had the year of hell. This is no joke of exaggeration.

I got Covid in Dec of 21 took offline for about a month. Ended up in the hospital. then gradually recovered. ...My mother passed away in March. My Father passed away in June and lost my job because (not in that order). I had a car accident in August, totalling my car and going down to a one car family...also landing me in the hospital....again.

finally I got sick again in December of 22. and out of work for 3 weeks.

It seems that everytime Id start to recover from the body blows of the year...another would hit.

So I apologize for my inability to keep things posted or let others know what was going on. Lets just say my mind wasnt on the game.

So Apologies, Not sure if I will be dming or playing anytime soon, more just checking in

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