Cathoris |

So Alex’s post bring up a question. Do you want someone (probably me) to roll to identify magic items or do you want us just go with what you tell us?

GMMichael |

so to move this along.
if someone wants to take on the 'selling of items' Just let me know how much you have to sell.
remember this town can only buy 1000 gold worth of items each month.
then let me know if theres anything you want to try and find in town and ill let you know if its available or f someone has to start working on it.
Ive updated the illness list.
Once I have the majority ready to move on, ill start the travel to the elder tree. (which is the route I think everyone agreed to. Each day more folks will die.....time is of the essence. and youve got about a week or more to get everywhere you have to go...

Straug Fireborn |

I'm looking for a loot template in the forums or maybe I'll just build one then we'll know what we can sell and GM can let us know how much we got for it to split.

Straug Fireborn |

Holy shit guys looking for a loot template really took me down the Pathfinder forum/Reddit rathole. I sprung $5 for 'Loot Divider' which seemed to be generally appreciated but holy jesus mary joseph and the shepherds and all the baby lambs is it complicated and probably more than what we need out of the gates here.
So I spent about 2 minutes throwing together a crazy simple template which I'll share in Google Drive with the link below. I've not done this much so let me know if you cant access or edit it.
I'm happy to serve as the 'treasurer' I suppose in the meta game though of course we should continue to RP the rest.
Its blank now but I'll start filling it out with just the last encounters loot I think before that we were pretty well settled. Anything not claimed can be marked for sale and I'll go ahead and put the 'book value' of the items (knowing we can only sell for a portion of that, usually half I think). There is a column for the GM to indicate actual sale value or if he indicates in chat standard rates apply and which were sold for full value (typically gems etc) and gear (half) I can manage that as well.
If OK with GM I'll autoconvert everything to GP, evenly distribute sales and let everyone know how it lands so they can update their character sheets.
Of course file is open for anyone at anytime (assuming I did it right) so feel free to make notes/suggestions there.
All of the preceding is just suggested 'Standard Procedure' which of course can be changed by RP or GM at anytime. Let me know if this is good or if anyone would like me to add/change anything.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IAA_K059Jn4eYSJyZ8Tmwy4Ur42mky5hU6n M2Mes0A8/edit?usp=sharing

Kronk the Cook |

It's telling me the file doesn't exist Straug! Thanks for the effort, though.
From my part, I don't know what exactly to "buy" for Kronk. I might end up just saving the gold for now.

Straug Fireborn |

Blast it! OK Let me see wtf is the problem.
Also in reading back through the gameplay I see there is some unsold loot in the cart does anyone have what all that stuff is? The unclaimed to be sold stuff primarily is what I'm interested in.

Straug Fireborn |

Well I have a working very rudimentary file just cant figure out how to share it properly which seems ridiculous. I'm doing the sharing and making it avail to anyone with the link then copying the link with the button provided even but it immediately doesnt work. Any advice would be well received :)

Straug Fireborn |

OK lets try this link:
Finally worked! This is weird but I had to use the URL function to get it to work just cutting and pasting the link text was an epic fail every time though I could get it to come up directly pasting the same text into my browser.

Straug Fireborn |

I did not include the 55gp reward in the found coins section as it was already given to each of us.

Straug Fireborn |

OK guys I went back through Gameplay and think I documented all of the UNCLAIMED loot. If there was loot someone picked up I did not include it in the file.
If I've missed something please let me know or if youve claimed something I left on the list by accident please let me know.
I indicated 'book value' for all current unclaimed loot. If nobody claims anything further Straug will try to sell anything leftover during the hour of prep time (I'll post in gameplay separately about this in a minute.) That way everyone knows how much gold they have to work with to buy supplies/weapons/etc. Anything claimed just indicate it in gameplay and put your name on the sheet, I'll also keep a lookout and try to keep things straight.
Ive ever done anything like this before so if anyone has suggestions or a better way I'm totally open to it just making this up as I go.

GMMichael |

It may not seem like it now, but I will insure fair magic item distribution.
there are several methods we can use.
1. Ive seen as successful is we track 'gold' value. and if someone takes a magic item it becomes part of the value of the total gold their character takes.
ie if someone takes a potion valued at 25 gold then everyone else has 25 actual gold coming in exchange for that potion.
2. gold is divided equally and items are are chosen per who can use it and benefit from it the most.
Note- What I dont want to happen is someone trying to take it all because 'thats what my character would do' It suspends the social contract of a game. (we all play to have fun)
whichever method we decide for the party will be adhered to by all.
so lets take a vote...
whose for method 1 (buying items with treasure total)
whose for method 2 (party decides based on need)

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

I'm down for method 2 and I think we've done a really good job with that for this first round of loot, actually. If it were a different group of players, I might have voted differently :=)

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Honestly, I agree with Thal's take with this group. I'd say 2. If in the future it somehow becomes an issue, we can always go back to 1.

Cathoris |

I’ll also vote for method 2. I feel the same way as Thal and Falkwyn. We haven’t gotten very far into magic items yet, but I think we’ll all want the best for the group to move forward.

Kronk the Cook |

I actually like #1 a lot better and it's the one I used in the past and recommended my groups. Like the GM brought up, it helps enforce the "social contract" that some people (hopefully not this group!) seem to neglect.
As for things that more than one people can benefit and there's not an overall consensus on who should use it, my recommendation is to simply roll. When I host my games, I usually roll for my players when more than one wants something and there's not an obvious person who'd benefit more.

Alexander Valindir |

I'm fine with either, normally my irl groups go with 2. But we have known each other for a while, so nothing bothersome really comes up OOC. (IC is a different story!)

![]() |

so Number 2 is the selection.
so now onto the issue that has formed over the +1 Ring of Protection.
so when it was looted, Alexander was at 0 staggered and sitting on barrel, right before he drank a cure light wounds potion.
The priestess had fallen and the group was going over bodies for clues of who the assailants were.
They discovered a ring that was magical.
Iding at a ring of protection they waitied to hand it out til the following morning.
Alexander reached out to the table and claimed it. Kronk said 'Hold on there Id like that too.'
and thats where we are.
Trust me there will be plenty of loot.
so lets examine armor classes.
Alexander is AC 17
Kronk is AC 15
Cathoris is AC 13
Falkwyn is AC 16
Thal is AC 19
Straugn is AC 17
by that Cathoris should get it...and him not wanting it...Kronk next.
Does anybody think that doing it that way is against the agreed upon method 2 we voted on?

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Somebody took debate in high school.
...and no, that isn't what we voted on. Perhaps simply going with method 1 would be simpler and less dramatic all-around. Based on this, I change my vote to method 1.

Falkwyn Hawksblood |

Sorry if I muddled things up.
I had thought you were making a case that we should be using method 1 rather than 2, because obviously we hadn't been using method 2. I understand now.
Obviously Kronk needs the ring more than Alex, especially as he's doing the frontline-melee route.

Straug Fireborn |

I vote method 2 for sure, I think we can sort this out between us. Probably I'm saying this because as the owner of the file I dont want to figure out how to track method 1 hahaha.
Plus if we have to use that to enforce the social contract then maybe we need to first figure out why the contract isnt working. So far this group is super dope Straug would give you the beard off of his face if you need it!
Having said that, the ring aside I'm assuming the rest is up for sale? GM can I assume the other stuff sold at 50% book value? I'll check in each time to make sure or just let me know if it changes. 50% for gear, full book value for gems valuables etc but will probably need to rely on you for price.
If thats true then I'll purge the list, sell the stuff (since Straug technically did it before we left) and then post here about how much gold was earned each.
Also Straug is going to take the Tanglefoot bag nobody has claimed it yet and it might come in handy for us.

Alexander Valindir |

I would pass on any rolls, as I said I don't really care who gets the ring. But, just because I enjoy a good debate..
2 points.
Point one:
When it comes to AC, there are certain thresholds were adding or subtracting AC has diminishing returns. This means that if someones AC is low enough, adding another one or two points is meaningless. As the difference is not large enough to make a meaningful impact.
In our case, taking someone with a +5 to hit from 50% to 45%.
However, taking the same enemy from a from a 35% to hit, to a further 30% is likely to yield larger benefits due to an already lower variable in the chance to be hit. In other words, while he may seem to need the additional AC, however it is put to better use by making someone else highly unlikely to be hit.
Alexander is actually designed to be a front line fighter. :)

GMMichael |

now theres the person who took debate ;)
to counter ;)
the first only has bearing when directly talking about a particular enemy; because obviously that % is dynamic and varies accordingly.
the second point is somewhat true. with his class being Rogue.
though Straug and Kronk moreso.
not to worry there will be other +1 rings ;)
for now.
Kronk its yours, Unless Cathoris speaks up

Alexander Valindir |

true, though the higher the to hit becomes, the less valuable the 1 ac is to the lower AC character.

Kronk the Cook |

I don't want to enter in a discussion for anything. Right now, we're all fairly leveled around and it could be useful to anyone. I could definitely use more defenses as at least half of our party, so I am okay with the GM rolling to anyone who so desires to use it. I just won't agree with "in-character claims" as that's not how we should function as a party. Let's not be greedy!

Cathoris |

Yes, Cathoris would benefit from the ring, but I vying for it at this point. I’m sure things will balance out soon enough.

Straug Fireborn |

I think thats up for discussion, Straug is willing to climb up to get it now depending on what the group thinks.
Nobody stepped forward to claim the MW Leather Armor so it went into the sell pile.
The total proceeds from the sold gear at 50% book value is 328gp, plus the 120gp found.
Divided evenly its 74g 5s and some loose copper change while I'll just chalk up to loss in the transactions. Assuming GM approves eveyone can add that amount of their sheets, this is assumed to have been sold and distributed before we left town.
I'll leave the gear list up on the sheet for a few days after GM approves then I'll purge the list so it doesnt become unmanageable.

Cathoris |

My suggestion is to camp for the night, and collect in the morning. I think that camping in the feywoods is one thing, but harvesting moss and potentially damaging the elderwood is probably a higher violation.

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

I vote camping and letting Cathoris try his mage hand first rather than climbing in their sacred tree as our first option.
And I, for one, would be fine if those "random extra copper" went into Straug's pockets as his bookkeeping commission ;=)

Straug Fireborn |

As an aside, can I just say how much I look forward to everyone's posts for this game? :D
hahaha same!
Can i just say that based on Straug's last two perception rolls I'm not even sure he can perceive when he has to go to the bathroom /facepalm

Cathoris |

I’m sorry, guys! I misunderstood the post with the fawn. I thought it was the GM asking if any of us spoke Fey. I didn’t realize that it was the fawn asking if one of us spoke fey. I was foolishly waiting for the GM to post what the fawn had said. *facepalm*
Thank you for posting for me GMMichael! You’re the best GM I’ve had done a pBp with, and great at keeping things moving!
Now for the discussion, I think we could explain what we’re doing and also ask if he knows anything about the cultists. And if he wants any tea, of course! Any other thoughts?

Cathoris |

I probably won’t get an in character post up tomorrow, so don’t wait for me to move on. I would like the chain shirt or lamellar leather.

Thallin "Thal" Braspur |

Dibs on the Doses of Habsalur (if that's cool with everyone). I mean, nothing says Thal quite as much as tea leaves :=)