War for the Crown #3 - The Twilight Child

Game Master Kittenmancer

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Female Human Vigilante 6. Hp 30/39, AC 20 / T 15 / FF 15 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 20, CMB +10. Att: +8 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+8/Dignity 1d8+5. SA: 3d4/3d8. Bomb: 3d6+1. Saves F +4, R +11, W +7. Perc. + 10. Inspiration 4/6. Bomb arrow 3/4. Conditions: None.

Wanted to confess to the official record here that I made an error in the last post, I used Rose's diplomacy score instead of Velvet's. With Social Grace gone it is +16/17 instead of 20/21. Sorry!

Female Human Vigilante 6. Hp 30/39, AC 20 / T 15 / FF 15 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 20, CMB +10. Att: +8 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+8/Dignity 1d8+5. SA: 3d4/3d8. Bomb: 3d6+1. Saves F +4, R +11, W +7. Perc. + 10. Inspiration 4/6. Bomb arrow 3/4. Conditions: None.

I am going on a long weekend, I'll be back coming tuesday. I unfortunately can't remember how to roll for the agent system at present, but she is rank 5 in subterfuge. I'll roll an unmodified d20 below:

d20, gather information on any Lotheed family drama: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Well, let's hope the others fare better if they are amenable to also look into it? :')

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Velvet's agents can't uncover any juicy gossip on the Lotheed family that might indicate internal strife. Duke Panivar Lotheed is mostly absent from Meratt, leaving the administration of the county to Bartelby.

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My partner is very sick with Covid and I'm taking care of them. I'm testing negative so far and taking precautions, but if I disappear for a few days I probably got sick as well.

Human Inquisitor7/Swashbuckler1 l 71/71hp F +9, R +9, W +9, Ini +5 l AC24, T15, FF20 l CMB +6, CMD22 l Perc +13 SM +14 l Conditions:

Oh no! Please be safe and take good care of your partner and yourself. Hope they recover quickly and without complication.

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Happy belated solstice!

Everyone gets a free reroll as a holiday gift, to use whenever.

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Relics of Old Taldor:

With Book 2 being wrapped up, the party has achieved another triumph and your relics gain new abilities.

Dignity's Barb is now a +1 darkwood seeking light crossbow. Once per day when the weapon threatens a critical hit, the wielder can roll twice to confirm and take the better result.

Envoy Ring increases its competence bonus on Diplomacy, Linguistics and Perform checks to +3. When the wearer activates the ring's once-per-day disguise self ability, not only does the appearance of their clothing match the dominant culture around them (typically that of the local nobility or ruling class), but they can also read, speak and understand the most common language in the area that they don't already know, for as long as the duration persists. In addition, once per day the wearer can be activated to use charm person (DC 17) and comprehend languages.

Koriana's Blade 1d4 ⇒ 4 The green gem on the pommel repairs itself. Once per day the wielder can activate one of the intact gems on the pommel as an immediate action. White gem absorbs and negates all darts targeting the wielder from a magic missile spell. Green makes the wielder immune to a single poison effect, but it must be activated before attempting any save against the effect. In addition to being a +2 defending weapon, when the wielder transfers at least 1 point of the weapon's enhancement bonus to their AC using the defending special ability, they also chooses one creature other than themselves within 10 feet to gain a +1 bonus to AC until the wielder's next turn. This bonus is always +1, regardless of how much of the weapon's bonus the wielder transfers to their AC.

The Subtle Mask grants the wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. The wearer can mentally activate the mask as a swift action while conversing with someone or observing a conversation to use detect thoughts (DC 18) on a single participant in the conversation. This requires spending the normal number of rounds to detect surface thoughts and can be used for a total of 9 rounds per day. When the wearer mentally activates the mask, they also detect magical effects as if using arcane sight and concentrating on the creature.

Female Human Vigilante 7. Hp 34/45, AC 22 / T 16 / FF17 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 22, CMB +11. Att: +9 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+9/Dignity 1d8+5/Bow 1d8+6. SA: 4d4/4d8. Bomb: 4d6+2. Saves F +5, R +12, W +8. Perc. + 16. Conditions: prot vs evil 5 min? 1 dex/wis dm

Since it was stated we would level to 7 after this scene I went ahead and did it while there was time:

Raesilia level 7:

+1 BAB

+12 SP (using FCB): Arcana, perception, DD, Stealth, diplomacy, bluff, sense motive, nature, dungeoneering, religion, history, craft clothing.
-I recently learned that background skills are not locked to the same 2; you can pick any whenever you level. I picked history instead of the normal nobility on this level.

+6 hp.

-Added +2 cloak of resistance.
-Switched bonus feat from agent system rank 5 to persuasive.
-Retrained 2 skill ranks from profession: cook to bluff.

Social talents: Mane guises, Quick change, mockingbird, ancestral guidance (which I am going to reflavor as 'good education').

Feat: Ranged feint unless anyone has a better idea? (not added yet).

Did not do shopping yet.

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Welcome to Book 3!

Thank you everyone for sticking with me so far. This book is less sandbox-y, so hopefully we will go through it a bit quicker.

With the start of a new book, I want to put the question to the group about what to do with the persona system. For those newly joined, it is a subsystem where PCs develop certain facets of their public-facing personalities and retain agents to send on missions. There is more information in the campaign info tab, and the full rules are here.

We've been using a trimmed-down version of it where we keep some of the agents (because it's fun to create a bunch of NPCs, or to give more presence to existing NPCs), but exactly what is being rolled to determine their mission's success is a bit fuzzy.

So I'd like to reopen the discussion (in Discord) on what do you want out of this subsystem:
Option 1: do away with it entirely. Might keep some of the agent NPCs around for flavour, as messengers or errand runners.
Option 2: figure out a slim version of the system.
Option 3: keep the full system.

Let me know your thoughts.

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Bartelby's combat loot:

potion of cure moderate wounds (2), wand of corrosive touch (12 charges), wand of scorching ray (23 charges), +2 glamered breastplate, mwk light crossbow, mwk sword cane, belt of incredible dexterity +2, circlet of persuasion, keys to the palace and royal tower.

He gets to keep the Lotheed signet ring and his spellbook and component pouch.

Human Inquisitor7/Swashbuckler1 l 71/71hp F +9, R +9, W +9, Ini +5 l AC24, T15, FF20 l CMB +6, CMD22 l Perc +13 SM +14 l Conditions:

New title! New title! New title!

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Sekrit stuff: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20

F Human Skald 8 | HP 55/55 | AC 22 T 13 FF 20 | CMB +9, CMD 22 | F: +12, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 | Speed 30ft (with TT) | Spells Used: 1st 0/5 2nd 0/5 3rd 0/3| Inspired Contemplation 0/21 Used | Active conditions: None

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

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A heads-up that I will be travelling for work for most of next week and will be unable to post.

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Heads up that I'll be on holiday from Friday until Monday and won't be able to post.

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Heads up that I will be on holiday from this Friday until September 1st. I'll try to post during this time, but frequency will be lower.

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Male Half-Elf Arcanist 7 | AC 12 (15 mage armor), Touch 11, FF 11 (14 mage armor) | HP 44/44 | F +5, R +5, W +8 (+2 vs illusion, -2 vs evil) | Init +2 | Perc +16

Hello all! I am thrilled to be joining you! I will work on finalizing my crunch today. I am always open to feedback/suggestions/criticism!

Male Half-Elf Arcanist 7 | AC 12 (15 mage armor), Touch 11, FF 11 (14 mage armor) | HP 44/44 | F +5, R +5, W +8 (+2 vs illusion, -2 vs evil) | Init +2 | Perc +16

?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

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Congratulations, you have solved one of problems troubling the city of Yanmass!

Everyone can go ahead and level to 8. :)

Female Human Vigilante 7. Hp 34/45, AC 22 / T 16 / FF17 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 22, CMB +11. Att: +9 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+9/Dignity 1d8+5/Bow 1d8+6. SA: 4d4/4d8. Bomb: 4d6+2. Saves F +5, R +12, W +8. Perc. + 16. Conditions: prot vs evil 5 min? 1 dex/wis dm

Sweet! Ah, this feels like a hot minute since we entered the city.

+1 BAB, first iterative (+6/+1). +1 ref and will.

+6 Hp and, 10 normal skill points and 2 background SP. Toal skill increases (ranks): 2 diplomacy, 2 DD, 2 stealth, 3 nobility, 1 perception, 2 left: 2 appraise.

Racial bonus (Human scholar): Second skill focus feat (Bluff).

Class feature: Vigilante talent: Cunning feint*.

Requested retrain: Inspired Vigilante for Surprise Strike.

@Everyone From now on, Rose will usually feint every turn in combat she does not otherwise have a target she can target with hidden strike. This means there will always be someone to hit with Sneak Attack like effects. If it matters for your builds.

self-reference bookkeeping on skills in the future:

Skills (maximum possible value with class features, traits and feats):
-Bluff: 8 ranks, 2 cha, 3 Class skill, 3 circlet, 3 skill focus = +19 (ranks are good as is, was 1 rank too high?).
-Diplomacy: Same as above, + persuasive feat = +21 (needs 2 skill points to max)
-Disable device: 8 ranks 5 dex 3 cs +2 MW tools = +18 (needs 2 ranks to max)
-Stealth needs 2 ranks to max at +16.

Background skills:
-Knowledge: nobility: 8 ranks, 2 int, 3 CS, 1 trait, 2 feat, 4 ancestral guidance = max of +20 (needs 3 ranks to max).

8 ranks 3 cs 1 wis 5 eyes = Max +17. (1 rank to max).

F Human Skald 8 | HP 55/55 | AC 22 T 13 FF 20 | CMB +9, CMD 22 | F: +12, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 | Speed 30ft (with TT) | Spells Used: 1st 0/5 2nd 0/5 3rd 0/3| Inspired Contemplation 0/21 Used | Active conditions: None

Court Poet 8. I'm not sure why I put this into gameplay.

HP: +6 HP
BAB: +1
Saves: +1 Fort and Will
FCB: +1 Spell Known (2nd Level SPell)

Skills: 4 + 1 Int +1 Skilled
Acrobatics: +1
Bluff: +1
Disguise: +2
Knowledge (Local): +1
Perception: +1
Perform (Percussion) +2

Background Skills: 2
Perform (Oratory): +1
Perform (Wind): +1

Class Features: Improved Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanked), Inspired Contemplation increases from +2 int/cha, +2 will -> +4 int/cha, +3 will. Still has a -1 penalty to AC.

Spells learned: 2nd - Versatile Weapon (tentatively), 3rd - Slow

F Human Skald 8 | HP 55/55 | AC 22 T 13 FF 20 | CMB +9, CMD 22 | F: +12, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +20 | Speed 30ft (with TT) | Spells Used: 1st 0/5 2nd 0/5 3rd 0/3| Inspired Contemplation 0/21 Used | Active conditions: None

Sheet updated, switched out versatile weapon for a change to arrowsong's lament. Chose moment of greatness to know permanently.

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