That Taldan AP!

Game Master bigrig107

Taldan AP! Save Taldor! Wow!

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Wow, over 200 posts. I agree with the general sentiment. These are all great submissions! I usually feel like my backgrounds are solid and communicate a lot about what the character can and will do...
But Ismene is a bit of a blank slate. I don't really know anymore about the setting than was in the player's guide. I feel like I ought to add something about personality, but beyond being studious and maybe a bit of a know-it-all, I'm just not sure yet. It would come out in roleplaying, I'm sure but I worry it's maybe too sparse with all these substantial write-ups as competition.

Please feel free to look over her profile and share some thoughts, everyone. I really like this build and will probably keep pursuing a game for her if she doesn't make this one, so any feedback will be appreciated.

I will return the favor if you like. ^_^

While I can't speak to the setting, I can certainly help on the other parts. A big part that stands out to me was the death Ismene's mother. That's a big deal for any character, especially in such a violent way.

If Ismene was old enough to remember her mother, she might develop a hatred towards ignorant people, or perhaps some particularly outspoken anti-Keleshite person. On the other hand, maybe she instead developed a fear of crowds, imagining all those eyes upon her, judging her in the same way they had her mother.

If she wasn't old enough to remember, then perhaps her father never told Ismene what happened. She'd cling to whatever her mother left behind and have an innate curiosity for the Keleshite side of her family. Does she have a memento of some kind?

Raising a child as a single parent is never easy, even for the wealthy. What's her current relationship with her father, are they still distant, or did that change for the better/worse? Coming from a noble family, was there anyone she might have viewed as a surrogate mother? They most likely could afford a servant or two.

Sovereign Court

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So many wonderful applicants! I cannot wait to wade through them all and make my final decision.

Good luck everyone!

25% chance of getting picked, Dice god’s say: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Edit: Uh Oh, hopefully the DM likes the idea of a Bluff character more than the Dice gods ;)

Might have to start now if you want to have your picks in time DM! Lot to wade through!

Are those the odds? Let me try that.

One in Four: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Some last-minute minor alias tinkering by me: I slightly cleaned up my application (removed some spelling and grammar mistakes from the story/background). I also added some minor extra background to the story part since I felt his oracle and oracle-archetype side needed a little bit more attention in it. Finally, I added a note to the possible associated NPC's for who might be a good replacement character for Jieran if the world of Taldan intrigue is just too much for him to handle and he'd permanently bite the dust.

Well, that's everything! This was a lot of fun to write and I'm very excited to maybe play. Looking forward to the results and good luck, everyone.

Good luck folks. The GM is going to have a hell of a time working through all these submissions!

Many thanks for the proofreading. Unfortunately I am not a native speaker so I tend to have some problems with perfect english.

I got my fingers crossed for all of us...just a little bit for myself is all :P

Best of luck everyone!

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Obviously the most fair way to choose is a party is to recruit alphabetically by first name.

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Aletius Vernisant wrote:
Obviously the most fair way to choose is a party is to recruit alphabetically by first name.

Nope. Shortest to tallest is best.

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In Taldor, money and peerage have the loudest voices.

-slips the GM a platinum-

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Clearly we should sort by ear length. Or best to worst fashion sense.

The latter is fine with me. I hope I can sit down at ease and hammer out a few more reviews tomorrow. I have done the reading, but the critique isn't coming. A bit of flu.

Latter is also fine with me as someone with the trait extremely Fashionable and 150 gp in clothes and jewelry.

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You guys are cracking me up! XD
We're all like puppies in the pound, jumping over each other, vying for the GM's attention.
"Pick me! No, you want me! Me!" =3

But seriously, "All empirical data indicates that intelligence and a vast repository of knowledge are the only viable predictors of potential success in any given endeavor. 'Forewarned is forearmed', after all." she lectures as she pushes her spectacles up her aquiline nose with one gloved finger.

Then abruptly she grins, "And if that fails, lob a bomb."

Origami Dog wrote:
Raising a child as a single parent is never easy, even for the wealthy. What's her current relationship with her father, are they still distant, or did that change for the better/worse? Coming from a noble family, was there anyone she might have viewed as a surrogate mother? They most likely could afford a servant or two.

That's a good point, I can work in at least a housekeeper who looked after her especially soon after her mother's death. It will give her connection to the common people as well. Thanks!

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Like puppies huh? Well in that case everybody knows the one with the biggest, warmest brown eyes gets chosen. That's me!

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I think we're more like the little yellow minions from Toy Story looking up at The Claw, worshiping it, hoping that it picks us.

Your puppy dog eyes have no effect on me. I think.

Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Special regards for all of us who are still tinkering with our applications, trying to make them as close to perfect as we can. Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more!

Sovereign Court

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Enjoying reading through these applications so far, y’all did a wonderful job. Definitely going to be a tough choice!

Image searching has not been fun. All sleeveless tunics are female wear. All Monks are bald. All guys with great hair are scrawny. All draconic monks have snouts, tails, and/or wings.

This one kinda works?

Coming in just under the wire I'll submit Elena D'Safragi, a Tiefling Unchained Rogue (Phantom Thief) | Unchained Summoner (Soulbound Summoner) using the Disgraced Noble campaign trait.
Her eidolon uses the Devil baseform but is in fact Neutral Good, as per the archetype.

Elena's father was an officer of the Taldan Phalanx stationed in Zimar, her mother a non-noble relative of the Varima family hailing from Jalmeray. This alone was enough for some of the other officers view her father as less than proper and he always had to put in more work than his peers who married Taldan partners to receive the same reward.

When their first children were born, a twin consisting of a boy and a girl, but none had seen them, rumors started to spread. Rumors that turned out to be true five years later when Maxillar Pythareus, commander of the forces at Zimar, exposed the truth in revenge for disobedience from their father. Both children were born tainted with the blood of fiends, of rakshasa. While the girl's traits were fairly minor, born with a monkey's tail, slightly pronounced canines and highly flexible joints, the boy's traits were more obvious. His skin was grey and thick, he had enlarged ears and greatly enlarged upper canines that curved slightly outward. The shame of having children like that was enough to discharge him and fully ostracise the family.

They left Zimar that same night under the cover of darkness and headed west. The children, Elena and Allain, cried the entire trip as they were torn away from their homes and at the age of only five they were unable to understand what was going on.
Things only got worse when they moved into the estate of their mother's Varima cousins. Their parents argued constantly, father blaming mother for their position and mother threatening to pick up the children and head back to her family on Jalmeray. In the end that was what she did, though instead of taking both her children she only took Allain, leaving the more human looking Elena with her father.
The years after weren't pretty. From the estate they moved into a small property owned by the Varima's in one of the local towns. Their Elena's father found a job in the guard but he also started to drink. He left the young Elena alone during the day to fend for herself and when he'd come in the evening he'd yell at here and blamed her for their situation. The only reason she even got to eat at all was because of a kindly neighbour who, while initially shocked by Elena's inhuman nature, brought her food and gave her the old clothes that had been worn by her own daughters. Still she spent entire days mostly alone, locked up in the house.

The only thing that had kept her going and stopped her from going truly insane was an imaginary friend she had created together with her brother before the two were separated. He was a little boy named Hugo, the same age as they were, and like them he wasn't entirely human. He had an enormous amount of black hair on his head that always hung over his eyes, a mouth that was too wide for his face and fingers that ended in claws. Despite his threatening appearance he was kind and caring though also brash and prone to causing mischief. Talking and playing with him was all that kept little Elena from breaking down. Still he remained perfectly within the confines of her mind.

That changed when Elena was about twelve. She had been slipping out of the house for years by then, her tail curled around her thighs so it wasn't seen from under her dress. On the streets she'd steal food and she secretly attended a local school. Initially she peered in through a window but a teacher had spotted her and invited her to join his class. It all went well for many years, until one day she returned home from the school to find her father already back from work and sat in the main room, fuming. A fellow guard had spotted a young girl leaving the house via a window and, not sure of the situation, had told Elena's father. He railed at her, accusing her once more of being the cause of his misery and claiming she once more sought to destroy his life, just like her hag of a mother did. At hat Elena snapped and for the first time started yelling back at her father, which was something he could not bear.
He got up, pulling the cudgel he used as a guard from his belt and moved to strike her. Elena covered her face with her arms, but the hit never came.
When she looked up Hugo stood between her and her father, cudgel in his teeth and claws sinking into his forearms. He still looked roughly the same age as Elena.
It took a while for Elena to process all this and during that time Hugo and her father remained in the same position, blood trickling down her father's arms, his eyes filled with fear and, based on the smell, he had wet himself. Elena somewhat cautiously commanded Hugo to let go of her father and he did. She tried to approach her father to take a look at his wounds but he pulled his arms away as if he was afraid her touch might burn him, before letting her help anyway.
Then he broke down, telling her the entire story of what happened and why they fled Zimar, the regret he felt over the fight with and subsequent flight of her mother and the guilt he felt over how he had treated his daughter. In the end he begged her to forgive him, which she did with tears running down her cheeks. The following days things appeared to normalise and father and daughter has a semblance of a normal life, though Hugo refused to make his way back into Elena's subconscious. Still Elena's knew this would not last. Sooner or later her father would fall back into his old patterns, most likely after having too much to drink. So she left. Hugo retreated to her mind once more after she had packed her things and they went out during one of her father's night shifts. She left him a note, wishing him all the best and telling him to find a new life with a new wife and maybe even new children.

Her first port of call was the Varima estate where her mother's cousins lived. After explaining herself they provided her with some more supplies and a promise to get another letter to her mother and brother on Jalmeray. Then Elena headed for Oppara where she quickly got a job as a maid for a noble family. She had changed her last name to D'Safragi after a name she had seen on a merchant's wagon she encountered on the road. Through skill and flattery she started climbing the social ladder, learning quite a few skills along the way.
During those years Hugo, growing up alongside her, had very few reasons to come out. Only recently it has increased a bit as Elena has grown into a lovely young woman and some drunk men thought it a good idea to follow her in the dark. All ended up on the receiving end of a punch to the nose from a sharply dressed young man with way too much hair.

Now Elena works as a personal attendant to a Taldan barrister who has taking her under her wings to teach her the skills needed for the job. Still she dreamt of making her way to the upper echelons of society and, perhaps, getting some sort of vengeance on the man that broke her family and destroyed her father. A dream that has come quite a bit closer with a recent invitation from one Marthella Lotheed.

As far as images go, this is probably a decent fit. An image for the eidolon is harder to find.

It took me forever to find something that worked well, but I've added character art to Thonis's profile.

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Today is the day! -keeps fingers crossed-

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Good luck folks!

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Yes, good luck all!

Hopefully another GM will offer another version util eventually we all get into games of this.

Haha, that’d be awhile.

but none the less good luck all

Sovereign Court

Hello all prospective Taldan elite!

I have had quite the task, sifting through all of these applicants, and I have come to a realization. Unfortunately, I do not think I have the prowess necessary to run two tables of the same game to the level at which I would want to run them.

Therefore, I will only be running one table for now, as well as picking the first five players to run through the campaign. This does not mean that I won't take another five later, but I want to be sure I can handle this campaign like it should be handled first.
I appreciate and am grateful for your understanding.

That being said, here are the five PCs for the first run of this adventure!

Countess Cassiopeia Zespire
Gilfroy Fezziwig
Henrika Karthis
Raven Nightshade
Perdita Vernisant

Those selected can report to the discussion thread which I will be opening shortly.

And to those not selected, be on the lookout for this recruitment to reopen sometime in the future, if it does.

Thank you to all applicants! Sorry I didn't have room for every single one of them, they were all fantastic.

Congrats to those chosen!

Congratulations to those selected. May you have a fun game.

Congrats to the selected players! Have a great game!

Damn, I was really hoping to get in on that second table. I'll keeo an eye out for that second table if it comes around. Thanks for the opportunity GM.


The long journey continues.....have fun all!

Good luck to all selected and especially to the cousin of my character, Henrika!

Have fun for the lucky few selected! I'll definitely keep an eye out for if/when recruitment for the second table starts.

Thanks oyzar and everyone, I'll do my best to uphold the family name!

Aww, maybe next time. Good luck and have fun :)

Have an awesome game folks!

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