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I will admit, seeing the recruitment thread for the other War for the Crown game has inspired me to make my own. I, however, very much prefer gestalt rules, and will be using them for this campaign, to provide a different experience for those who enjoy that.
Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other PC race will be considered on a case by case basis.
• Level: 1 gestalt. I do so love the mixing of classes’
• Classes: Only official pathfinder stuff. Sorry, no third party shenanigans.
• Alignments: I prefer any Good or Neutral alignment. Evil characters will have to make an argument for being allowed. (I likely won’t allow a CE character unless you come up with a very convincing argument.)
• Abilities: We’ll be using 20 point buy. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (after racial modifiers).
• Skills: We will be using the background skills system.
• Traits: Two traits, one from the War of the Crown Player’s Guide. One drawback allowed for an extra trait.
• Hit Points: Start with Maximum hit points at first level. Can roll or take average after that.
• Starting Gold: maximum for your class. You’re nobles and agents thereof, no need to be poor!
Feel free to ask any questions!

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I'll be adopting Juan Karthis by adding Mesmerist. Great to see another person running this :).
What's your stance on prestige classes? My character will go into the veiled Illusionist prestige class.
Just couldn’t help myself after taking a closer look at it for the other recruitment.
Prestige classes are fine! But you have to qualify for the prestige class on the same side you’re spending levels for it. So you can’t cheat the requirements by using stuff from both sides.

Ismene Albus |

It does seem like a fun and interesting AP, doesn't it? I'd like to adjust Ismene here to apply but I really have only the vaguest idea of how to build a Gestalt character. She was already planned to dip two levels of Empiricist but took the Mindchemist level first for the bombs and Brew Potion feat. But these are two very similar classes, which would have been good for general multi-class, but maybe not for Gestalt?
Hmm. Would welcome some input on this, please.

Ester Virgilla |

theasl here - I'll be going with Ester/Portia, though her details in the alias aren't updated yet. I'm planning on staying with infiltrator inquisitor on one side but I'm not too sure what to do with the other.
Here's the mythweavers sheet I'll be adding the gestalt build to. I'll update when that's done.
As she is LE and maintaining two different identities, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and hopefully we'll be able to work those out. Thanks for deciding to run this :)

oyzar |

It does seem like a fun and interesting AP, doesn't it? I'd like to adjust Ismene here to apply but I really have only the vaguest idea of how to build a Gestalt character. She was already planned to dip two levels of Empiricist but took the Mindchemist level first for the bombs and Brew Potion feat. But these are two very similar classes, which would have been good for general multi-class, but maybe not for Gestalt?
Hmm. Would welcome some input on this, please.
It's a fine combination as you end up with all strong saves. Investigator gives a lot more skills to alchemist as well. I believe ranged studied strike works with bombs quite nicely as well.
There are really two other options. The first is to add something like wizard. It'll give you a lot more utility and work of the same abilities.
The second is to add something with full bab like slayer or the aforementioned inspired blade swashbuckler. Then you'll probably want to move the dip over to the side.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Here's my crunch. I'm still writing my backstory, but should have it up in a day or two. The TL:DR version is that he's from a disgraced house that is rumored to practice all manner of black magic and diabolatry.
AL Human Occultist 1 | Wizard 1
str 10
dex 14/16
con 14
int 18
wis 10
cha 10
AC: 13/17; T: 13; FF: 10/14 (10 base +0/4 armor +3 dex)
BAB 0; CMB: +4; CMD: 17
Init: +3
Fort: +5
Ref: +4
Will: +3
Speed 30'
1) Melee Touch: +0 to hit
2) Ranged Touch: +3 to hit
Adventuring Skills:
Bluff r1 +5/6 to conceal my identity
Disable Device r1 +7
Knowledge (Arcana) r1 +8
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) r1 +8
Knowledge (Nature) r1 +8
Knowledge (Planes) r1 +8
Knowledge (Religion) r1 +8
Perception r1 +4
Spellcraft r1 +8
Background Skills:
Knowledge (History) r1 +8
Linguistics r1 +8/10 dealing with forgeries
Occultist Class Features:
*Archetype (Silksworn)
- Devoted Mystic (gain 4 implements instead of 2; lose armor, shield, and martial weapon proficiencies)
- Implements (instead of physical objects, have to wear an item worth 10 gp in the corresponding school slot: abjuration (wrist), divination (eyes), evocation (Hands), transmutation (feet))
*Mental Focus (7/day)
- Resonant Power: Warding Talisman (+1 resistance bonus to saves; 2 pts. invested/bonus; max bonus: 1)
- Base Focus Power: Mind Barrier (1 pt or 2 as immediate; gain 2 temp hps/class level til start of next or gone)
- Resonant Power: Third Eye (+1 insight bonus to perception; 2 pts. invested/bonus; max bonus: 1)
- Base Focus Power: Sudden Insight (1 pt; swift; add .5 class level insight bonus to an ability check, attack roll skill check; 1/turn)
- Resonant Power: Intense Focus (+1 damage to evocation spells or focus powers; 2 pts. invested/bonus; max bonus: 1)
- Base Focus Power: Energy Ray (1 pt; standard; 30' range; ranged touch that deals 1d6 acid, elec, cold, or fire, chosen when used)
- Resonant Power: Physical Enhancment (+2 enhancement to 1 phy. ability score (chosen when investing implement); 3 pts. invested/bonus; max bonus: 2)
- Base Focus Power: Legacy weapon (1 pt; 1 min dur; gives +1 enh bonus to touched weapon; can add a special ability instead, as long as the weapon is +1)
- Focus Power: Sudden Speed (1 pt; swift; 1 min dur; +30' to base speed)
Wizard Class Features:
*Archetype (Exploiter)
- Gain Arcane Reservoir (7/day; replaces arcane bond)
- Exploiter Exploit (gain 1 exploit +1/4 wizard levels; replaces arcane school)
- Arcane Mask (1 pt; gain mage armor. Can spend 1 extra point as an immediate to gain shield of faith while active; looks like light or medium armor)
*Wizard Arcane Discoveries:
- Knowledge is Power (add int mod to CMB and CMD. also add it to str checks to lift/break objects)
*Disgraced Noble (+2 trait bonus to Bluff checks to conceal my identity and Linguistics checks to spot or produce forgeries. 1/day, can identify someone I think was part of the conspiracy to destroy my family and get a +1 morale bonust to attack and damage rolls against them for char. level in rounds; campaign)
*Extremely Fashionable (when wearing clothing worth at least 150 gp and clean, get a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks; equipment)
*Extra Mental Focus
*Extra Reservoir
Occultist Spells:
Spell DC: 14 +Spell Level
Spells/Day: -/2
Mage Hand
Telekinetic Projectile
Ant Haul
Burning Hands
Heightened Awareness
Wizard Spells:
*Spell DC: 14 +Spell Level
*Spells/Day: 4/2
*First: 7
Burning Hands
Comprehend Languages
Endure Elements
Heightened Awareness
Liberating Command
Magic Missile
Equipment: 240 gp
Cufflinks 10 gp
Mask 10 gp
Silk Gloves 10 gp
Black Leather Boots 10 gp
Noble's Outfit 75 gp
Jewelry for Noble's Outfit 100 gp
Signet Ring 5 gp
Spell Component Pouch 5 gp
15 gp

Dorian 'Grey' |

Definitely interested!
I also have never played Gestalt. Is there a Link to those rules?
I will likely submit Virgil Geryon. I will make the necessary adjustments.
Thank you for running!

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I'm a big fan of Gestalt. .... And I would love to play in War for the Crown. Like you, Taldan GM, I have seen that other WftC Recruitment and have had considerable interest -- I just discovered the other one too late, I feel, to have built a PC proposal.
I will be a HEAVY Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge Skills PC. I will Multi-Class on the Investigator side (Alchemist: Mindchemist; maybe eventually Inquisitor if the right roleplay evolution takes place, who knows, maybe roleplay will dictate one multi-class level in Vigilante).
Consider my PC to be one who likes to BLUFF the enemy into thinking I'm an ally -- and creating dynamic gambits to get information or counterintelligence whenever I can. And be a mega-Knowledge Skills (and Gather Info) guy. (You remember what I was like as 'Ozil' in the short-lived "Dawn of the Material Plane.")
I will propose a LG Investigator / Wizard.

KingHotTrash |

Alright, I am refining the concept a bit more...
I am going to be an Investigator (Empiricist)/ Fighter (Learned Duelist). Nit sure if I'll also take Mutagen Warrior or keep armor training.
The idea is an elf raised by mankind who has seen how the poor are treated and suffer and how the non-humans are put on display like a zoo. He wishes to change all of this and the princess seems his best chance to do so.
Build will be done tonight.

Ouachitonian |

Alright, so... We have a Kn heavy guy, a Perception heavy guy... What can others do? What would you expect the bard to do? Bards can do almost everything, more so in Gestalt.
I guess Mesmerists can... mesmerise people :p Vrog, what can Occultists do?
As powerful as Barbarian/Inquisitor or Barbarian/Warpriest or something can be, I feel like spells goes against the point of the character. I might go Barbarian/Slayer, that’ll at least boost my skill points, add some extra feats and such, and Studied Target. Maybe Barbarian/Fighter, to get all the feats plus Weapon and Armor Training. But at core he’s an aspiring Ulfen Guard; he kills all the things that might threaten his charge.

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Gestalt rules means you take two classes at each level, taking the best of all categories from either class and combining them together. If one is full bab, you take full bab. If one is 0/2/2 on saves, and the other is 2/2/0, your base saves at level 1 are 2/2/2.
Same with all of the HP and skills and such, minus the fact that you combine the class skills for both classes together.
For the Favored class bonus, you choose one of the two to be your favored class and receive the benefits for each level you take of it, including any alternate favored class bonuses.

Etienne St. Germain |

Gestalt rules means you take two classes at each level, taking the best of all categories from either class and combining them together. If one is full bab, you take full bab. If one is 0/2/2 on saves, and the other is 2/2/0, your base saves at level 1 are 2/2/2.
Same with all of the HP and skills and such, minus the fact that you combine the class skills for both classes together.
For the Favored class bonus, you choose one of the two to be your favored class and receive the benefits for each level you take of it, including any alternate favored class bonuses.
Cool thanks for clearing that up!

Krios Dinrulsis |

This is KingHotTrash here and I would like to present to you Krios Dinrulsis. An elf with a tragic backstory that has turned his focus for vengeance into a call for change amongst the common people. All I need to do is finish his gear and he'll be good to go.
When it comes to roles, he'll be an exceedingly good skill-monkey and face except when it comes to intimidating (usually). With the Young Reformer trait, he uses his Kn: Local to have had threats and messages delivered to cow those who could get in the party's way of success.
In combat, he will grow to be exceptional in melee combat with a rapier, using inspiration to support himself while fishing for criticals to harm the enemy. He is not too tanky in hit points but, with upgraded (and hopefully mithral) armor, he will be able to fight alongside the party to save Taldor from its own destruction.
If anyone wants to know Krios before the game starts, I love making mixed histories and I think most DMs like it too. Feel free to message me!

Gilfroy Fezziwig |

This is Gilfroy Fezziwig, devoted student to Sivanah, the goddess of illusions. Though his heritage is gnomish, he works hard to hide that fact (and most of the other facts about himself) from the outside world. He is reclusive and private, though he would be warm and friendly to those he considers true allies and friends, but at the same time, his artistry has made him a rising star in Opparan society. Still, nobody suspects, or even notices, the help. Right now, Gilfroy is a curiotsity; not a threat to anyone. Though he now lives comfortably with the patronage of Martella Lotheed, he remembers what it was like to starve, and so has a soft spot for the poor and hungry.
He has many face-type skills, stealthiness, and soon to be a host of illusion magic to help in social situations and control the battlefield in combat, while doing a bit of buffing and healing through his oracle side. Eventually, the sheer number of spells he'll be able to cast per day will get to be quite stupid.

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I will be a HEAVY Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge Skills PC. I will Multi-Class on the Investigator side (Alchemist: Mindchemist; maybe eventually Inquisitor if the right roleplay evolution takes place, who knows, maybe roleplay will dictate one multi-class level in Vigilante).
Consider my PC to be one who likes to BLUFF the enemy into thinking I'm an ally -- and creating dynamic gambits to get information or counterintelligence whenever I can. And be a mega-Knowledge Skills (and Gather Info) guy. (You remember what I was like as 'Ozil' in the short-lived "Dawn of the Material Plane.")
I will propose a LG Investigator / Wizard.
I was thinking about my character concept and something about the campaign setting kept nagging me; ....Um, to make a short story long—
A few years ago we had a huge campaign in Taldor where one of the long-running side quests, PC-driven, was to gradually bring Taldor back to the worship of Sarenrae. It was actually a modified ‘Temple of Elemental Evil’ campaign, with a few other plots as well — but the ‘make-Sarenrae-popular-again’ thing really worked out.
So now I have in my head a strong ‘Pro-Sarenrae’ vibe going with my PC proposal. It’s still 100% the PC I described earlier, but with this added bit of fluff (that may never even, depending on how the game runs, come to light).
But I want to be a Peri-Born Aasimar with a strong connection to Sarenrae, as well as Taldor. To have a pro-Sarenrae background, like ‘Dad was an Emberkin Oracle of Sarenrae who converted Mom, from Merciful Bay.’
And I know you said any Race not from Core is by request only, and you’d have to consider it.
....So,— Peri born Aasimar who reveres Sarenrae? Investigator / Wizard who will multi-class the Investigator side. Permissible Race? (or not?)

Simeon |

Presenting Hvakthur Oltarsson Vinmark, noble son of Oppara, aspirant Ulfen Guard, and dogged reformer!
Human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 1/slayer (vanguard) 1/gestalt 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, 121, Ultimate Wilderness 51)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +3 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee battleaxe +4 (1d8+3/×3)
Special Attacks studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Alertness, Noble Scion of Vinmark[ISWG], Shield Focus
Traits child of oppara, glint-tongued
Skills Appraise +1, Bluff +6 (+7 to impress or persuade Ulfen or (at GM discretion) other poetically minded folk), Diplomacy +3 (+4 to impress or persuade Ulfen or (at GM discretion) other poetically minded folk), Disguise +2 (+3 to impress or persuade Ulfen or (at GM discretion) other poetically minded folk), Intimidate +8 (+9 to impress or persuade Ulfen or (at GM discretion) other poetically minded folk), Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Perception +6, Perform (sing) +3 (+4 to impress or persuade Ulfen or (at GM discretion) other poetically minded folk), Sense Motive +6, Stealth +4
Languages Common, Skald
Other Gear mwk lamellar (leather) armor[UC], mwk heavy wooden shield, battleaxe, 80 gp
Special Abilities
Noble Scion of Vinmark (1/day) You are a member of a proud noble family. Roll twice on Sense Motive and take better.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.[/b]
Hvakthur Oltarson Vinmark, despite his Ulfen name and trappings, was born in Oppara, one of the many bastard children of Oltar Vinmark.
His life was easier than others of his half-siblings, as his mother was one of the baron’s favored maidservants. As such, he grew up in the luxury befitting a Taldan great house. Hvakthur’s upbringing was not that of a standard nobleman’s son, as his father tried, and mostly succeeded, to raise his children to be as Ulfen as possible. Hvakthur took after his father, with martial prowess, an eye for suspicious behavior, and a terrifying countenance when necessary.
Though his childhood was fairly content, he felt ill at ease in the courts of Taldor. He knew how to avoid their machinations, of course, but couldn’t help but feel like an outsider. He was closer to his father than many of his siblings, and on his fifteenth birthday, Oltar decided it would do him well to live in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings for a spell. Hvakthur can remember him saying, ”These Taldans are soft, boy. I won’t have a son of mine end up like them.” Hvakthur boarded a ship for the north, and with his father’s shield strapped to his back he set off to a homeland he had never known.
He stepped off the boat in Kalsgard, where skalds sing of ancient days around roaring mead hall fires. Hvakthur was entranced. He became fast friends with a cousin about his age, a young skald named Inving. By day, they trained as warriors, and Hvakthur found a talent for knowing just where to strike, and how to do it before his opponent even had a chance. By night, they rambled the dark streets of Kalsgard, drinking, singing, and getting up to no good.
He stayed in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings for four years, steeping himself in the culture and traditions of that harsh northern realm. He saw why his father wanted him to know it and to love it. All things must end, however, and he received a letter from his father. He bid his son to return to Oppara. He was a man now, and if he hoped to make something of himself in Taldor, he had best come back.
Two weeks later he found himself standing on the dock as a ship to Oppara pulled into view. With goodbyes to family and the friends he’d made, and an especially tearful parting with Inving, he walked up the gangplank.
Upon his return to Taldor, he found himself not just ill at ease with the courts, but disgusted by them. Soft, lazy nobles sat around all day while the commoners toiled for scraps. Lords and kings were made not by skill of words and arms, but simply by right of birth. He decided then he would not stand for it. He would work to change Taldor, to make it more like that cold, distant land he loved so much.
In the year since, this desire has estranged him from his father, and though he still has access to his family’s means, the innocent, happy days of his youth are long behind him.
Hvakthur is a young, mostly Ulfen looking man with long blond hair and ice blue eyes. His armor, clothing, and weaponry are a combination of Ulfen and Taldan styles. He generally wears a suit in the Taldan style, tailored to fit his slim but muscular frame, accentuated with furs, teeth, and intricate threadwork as is common in fine Ulfen clothes. When socially acceptable, he also wears leather lamellar armor and a battleaxe and shield strapped to his back. He also wears a rarely-used signet ring with the seal of House Vinmark.
Before all else, Hvakthur desires freedom. Freedom for himself, certainly, but freedom for all others as well. He wants the commoners to be able to make their own fate and for the nobles to break free of the traditions that restrain them. On an intrapersonal level, Hvakthur is fairly charming, with a talent and passion for singing he picked up in Kalsgard. Though decent with friendly words and subtle turns of phrase, his greatest social talent is his ability to be absolutely terrifying, whether it’s delivering a cutting insult or simply looming in the background. Despite that, he rarely wants to scare the daylights out of people, no matter how entertaining a thoroughly frightened noble can be. Hvakthur also has a keen eye for things that are out of place, in terms of both behaviour and the goings-on of life. He’s idolized the Ulfen Guard since he was a young boy, and one day hopes to join their number. Through it all, he’s found a great love of drinking and carousing, and when not training or working to change the ways of Taldor, he can be found in one of the many taverns and saloons of Oppara.

The Lobster |

I would advise against focusing on Sarenrae too much, as it is extremely frowned upon to worship her openly in Taldor, and many nobles wouldn't like you just for that.
Not tryna tell you how to run your game, but jsyk the splatbook released in conjunction with book one of WftC says on pages 3 and 4,
While military defeats such as the Battle of Nagisa top the list of “forgotten” history, so too do illogical or impetuous royal edicts, including a period in which only nobles were permitted to wear beards and the short-lived outlawing of all worship of Sarenrae within the country; many modern Taldans scratch their heads when they hear of Sarenites viewing their nation with suspicion or skepticism.
The book later says worship of Sarenrae was relegalized in 4603, or 117 years before today, and that now, worship of the sun goddess is uncommon but largely accepted, except in Zimar where it is head-and-shoulders the predominant faith.
Also, dotting, working on a human fighter/adaptive shifter.

Ouachitonian |

Can I play a coldborn Skinwalker? The character would be an Ulfen, traveling south with hopes of joining the Ulfen Guard. That his family is werebear-kin is...not something he'd advertise, but I'm sure it will come out eventually. So if it's more of a fluff thing, that people aren't going to accept an orc or grippli or whatever walking around Oppara's streets, he'd probably be easier to fit in, since he can easily pass as human unless he chooses to change shape. On the other hand, if it's more a mechanical issue, not wanting to deal with balancing non-core races, etc, I can understand why it'd be a no-go.

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That Taldan GM wrote:I would advise against focusing on Sarenrae too much, as it is extremely frowned upon to worship her openly in Taldor, and many nobles wouldn't like you just for that.Not tryna tell you how to run your game, but jsyk the splatbook released in conjunction with book one of WftC says on pages 3 and 4,
Taldor, the First Empire wrote:While military defeats such as the Battle of Nagisa top the list of “forgotten” history, so too do illogical or impetuous royal edicts, including a period in which only nobles were permitted to wear beards and the short-lived outlawing of all worship of Sarenrae within the country; many modern Taldans scratch their heads when they hear of Sarenites viewing their nation with suspicion or skepticism.The book later says worship of Sarenrae was relegalized in 4603, or 117 years before today, and that now, worship of the sun goddess is uncommon but largely accepted, except in Zimar where it is head-and-shoulders the predominant faith.
Also, dotting, working on a human fighter/adaptive shifter.
Ah, well I appreciate that.
I was going off what lore I had known before deciding to run this, and have not finished everything I’ll need for running it just yet.
In that case, feel free to worship Sarenrae openly! Will still probably get a handful of weird looks and comments sometimes though.