About Eoin AtticusEoin Atticus
Shared ConsciousnessAt 1st level, while a phantom is confined in a spiritualist’s consciousness (but not while it’s fully manifested or banished to the Ethereal Plane), it grants the spiritualist the Skill Focus feat in two skills determined by the phantom’s emotional focus, unless the spiritualist already has Skill Focus in those skills. It also grants a +4 bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects. Lastly, once per day, when the spiritualist fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, as an immediate action she can shunt that effect into the phantom’s section of her consciousness instead. When she does so, she is not affected by the mind-affecting effect, but for the normal duration of that effect, the spiritualist loses the bonuses on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and the Skill Focus effects granted by her phantom, and can’t use this ability to shunt a mind-affecting effect into the phantom’s consciousness or manifest her phantom in any way. When a mind-affecting effect is shunted into the phantom’s consciousness, spells such as dispel magic and break enchantment can be cast on the spiritualist to end the effect’s duration as if the spiritualist were affected by the mind-affecting effect. Etheric Tether: see Spiritualist class Natural Bond: Kieran Spirit Sense (Sp)
Spells Prepared:
0 Level
Enhanced Diplomacy Light Mending Level 1
-------------------- Spellcasting (spiritualist) --------------------- Caster Level: 1 Spell DC: Spell Level + Wis (4) + 10 Spells Known:
0 level Guidance Detect Magic Stabilize 1st level Feather Fall Telempathic Projection Spells per day 1st level: 2 Background:
Eoin's was a life controlled by circumstance and coincidence if there ever was one. The first uncommon circumstance that shaped his life was that Eoin was born to the minor but affluent Atticus noble family. He grew up living in a moderately sized villa in Aroden’s View. His young life was marked with encouragement from his family to go out and learn for himself but not stray too far from the Taldan aristocratic ideals. This was all but the only thing he heard from anyone. The coincidence was his attachment to a family servant named Krios, a young elven man who the Atticuses had taken in when Eoin's grandfather had been young and Krios' family had died. Krios was smart as a whip and encouraged Eoin to try to see the world for what it was for everyone; not just those in the upper class. When Eoin was ten Krios invited him into the family library which was where Krios spent most of his time. He showed him texts from revolutionary Andoran and current Absalom, speaking on the strength of non-monarchical governments. Those that proclaim the benefits of a government and political system that truly represents the people it serves. Eoin saw this as much more reasonable than the ideas that his parents and grandparents had parroted to him without reasoning or argument. After all, they said to go out and learn for himself. For 3 weeks Krios and Eoin met in the library every night. At around 8:00 on the 17th meeting the second coincidence happened. A blue female elven spirit rose through the floor of the library and began moving towards Eoin. Somehow, despite the terror of the situation, Eoin felt no fear. In its place, he felt something else, was it hope? The spirit began speaking into Eoin's mind in a raspy whisper Something has called me here, was it you? No...someone I loved but not you, yet your mind is drawing me. As the spirit approached closer, Eoin remained where he was as Krios darted out of the library. The spirit grew closer and closer to Eoin until it engulfed him and disappeared right as the door slammed open and Lord Atticus and 3 guards barreled in, asking what had happened. They did not see the spirit, and all Eoin heard was a phantom whisper of I'll be with you always Over the next few months, Eoin was not allowed to meet up with Krios for his father worried that something about them being together had drawn the spirit. Eoin felt a strange longing for the time that they spent together. After Eoin's 11th birthday he began meeting with Krios again and learning from him. They would meet at least once a week for nearly a year before coincidence struck once more. The blue spirit would manifest again just before Eoin's 12th birthday. Eoin and Krios had gone out to the great Obelisk in the Seven Towers district to see the monument to a different time but were kept out far later than they intended when a fetch crawled out of one of the underground entrances around dusk. Eoin and Krios began to run but being so young Eoin couldn't keep pace, Krios lifted Eoin onto his shoulders but that just slowed Krios down. The fetch was making up ground quickly on the pair when the blue spirit manifested out of the ground in the path of the fetch in a hash ear-piercing screech she shrieked RUN. The boys made it out before they could see what became of the spirit and the fetch. They made it back home without much trouble past that. For the following 2 years, Krios and Eoin's father raised money to send Krios off to the Academy for the Greater Mind. Eoin saw the hypocrisy of one of the most affluent men in Oppara going around asking for handouts to send someone Eoin saw as a brother to school but refused to comment. After all, it was getting Krios to a better life and that's all that really mattered. After they raised the money, Krios went off to the Academy and sent only letters. Eoin treasured each of them, however, they did little to quell his loneliness. Soon Eoin now 15, and looking for someone to talk to, started going out more and looking at the world around him, venturing through Memorial Park, going outside the city walls into the plains and up the river, and into the slums. Most everywhere he went he was treated as more than he was simply because of the signet ring he wore. After all the political lessons of other countries Krios had given him he rejected the notion that he was any different from anyone else so he spent more time in the open world than anywhere else. Going up the river at 18, having been around it for 3 years, the last moment of happenstance influenced Eoin's life. As he walked past the bluffs 15 miles east of Oppara he noticed a waterfall he didn't recognize, he started moving towards the waterfall. As he approached he starting to hear a thrumming that continued to get louder and louder the closer he came but he pressed on. By the time he reached the waterfall, the noise was deafening. He reached toward the waterfall pressing through the pain and noise. When he touched it there was nothing but silence and darkness was this death? WHAM all at once the world came back into being around him, no thrumming just everything in stark color coming back from the darkness that had surrounded him and Woof as Eoin looked behind him he saw an Andoran Wolfhound barreling towards him tongue lolling out and jumped up onto Eoin licking his face, Eoin found that companionship he had been searching for. Over the next few years, Eoin learned governance and how to lead from his father, recently Eoin got an invitation to his first real Gala from Lady Lotheed this could represent a chance to get into a position to institute some real change so Eoin took this opportunity without hesitation. Appearcence:
Eoin is a young bronze skinned taldan man with long brown hair and a full beard, he is always immaculately dressed with lots of jewelry. his features are very sharp and he will almost always have his wolfhound with him. He also keeps his scimitar and Kukri at his side in a beautiful scabbard. Personality:
Eoin is well-taught and of quick wit, he also has a strong personality but suffers a bit when it comes to memory and book smarts. He is often quite boisterous and knows how to fit in in high society having been raised there and only been out when he was outside the city. Eoin is also fiercely dedicated to helping those in need and his friends. |