GM NameShortage |

Question, if we are using Automatic Bonus Progression, how does that interact with the Occultist's abilities - like Physical Enhancement, Warding Talisman, and many others...
After doing some research, and following my gut, I think they work together fine. The Occultist is imbuing the items with mental focus to give it the bonus, just like the character in ABP is attuning themselves to the weapon/armor.
If someone with more experience cares to chime in, please do. I may have no idea what I'm talking about.

Boram the Burglar |
An updated list:
Applicants in order of post:
Helaman: swashbuckler/Aldori type
Oxnard Kettlebeak: Shiv'Raston TN Samsaran Druid (Nature Fang) 1
Grimdog73: bladebound magus
The Archlich: elf Unchained Rogue, (Eldritch Scoundrel), Arcane Trickster prestige class
Vrog Skyreaver: TN Hobgoblin Shifter 1
Ellioti: Shedinn Delmirev LN female Half-orc Fighter (Blackjack)
Edward Sobel: stereotypical dwarven fighter
Albion, The Eye: Female Tiefling Oracle1/paladinX
Pad300: Mauro Ocella NG half elf occultist 1
Dread Kilain Gravendak male Dwarven Cleric
Sir Longears Sim Calinean NG halfling fighter
Andrea1: Don Guy Male Human Paladin 1 (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance)
Jereru: Marcos Mundstock Tiefling Chronicler of Worlds. (still needs edited)
SmooshieBanana: Lash Vaeledi FemaleGaruda-Blooded Aasimar Zen Archer Monk 1
AGM LEmming: Kahli Salist Female dhampir cleric
Oblivion's Scion: CG doomsayer type priest,

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Question, if we are using Automatic Bonus Progression, how does that interact with the Occultist's abilities - like Physical Enhancement, Warding Talisman, and many others...
As far as I know, it changes nothing. The ABP rules will give you the bonus (enhancement for magic weapons, magic armor and ability scores; resistance for saves; deflection and natural for AC) at the appropriate rate and since they are the same type as those granted by the occultist class feature, they won't stack.
For ability scores, saves, deflection and natural armor, only the highest will apply. For weapons and armor, the occultist abilities states that they stack with those of the ABP, similarly to what would happen if you were using a normal magic weapon under the normal rules. You should also be able to give the weapon/armor special abilities without considering the ABP rules, since they are "extra".

GM NameShortage |

Hello again everyone!
I am looking to replace two players. The group is currently finishing floor three, which means your character will be coming in as level 4. They started with 5 and have lost 3 (Fighter, Nature's Fang Druid, Bard). They currently have a Zen Archer Monk and a Cleric. Here are the guidelines:
Character Creation
Starting Level: 4
Starting Gold: 3000gp
Advancement: Using Automatic Bonus Progression. Will level up after every floor
Race: Any non-monstrous except Orc, Svirfneblin, or Kasatha. No 3pp
Class: Any (use Unchained unless archetype is Chained-specific). No 3pp
Abilities: 20-point buy, nothing below 8 before racial mod
Hit Points: Max at level 1. On level up, half+1 or take the higher between a player and GM roll (If you're selected, we'll do your hp rolls in the discussion page)
Traits: 2 traits, any category
Free Feats: Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse
Post Rate: I'm EST time zone and can check in the morning and evening and will post at least once a day, so at least log in each day to check in. Post within 24 hours of your character's turn or being prompted to help keep the game moving.
About Me: I've been running an in-person homebrew campaign for a year that is currently on hold due to Covid. I've played in two short-term PbPs, but this is my first time GMing one.
Applying: Put your character idea, your experience with Pathfinder/PbP, and what your interest in playing this is. I'll select the applications in a week-ish or sooner if we get good characters quick.
Thanks for your interest!

RamzaBeoulve |

Applying: Put your character idea, your experience with Pathfinder/PbP, and what your interest in playing this is. I'll select the applications in a week-ish or sooner if we get good characters quick.
Thanks for your interest!
Character Idea: Sword & Board shield bashing Slayer with Trapfinding. Can man the front and be scout/trap handler.
Experience With Pathfinder: Extensive. Been playing since the 1E beta test and own most of the major hardcovers. As a result, most of my experience is with DMing which leads us to...
My Interest In Playing This: I don't get to be a player too often! More specifically, as my spare time has opened up a bit recently, I've looked to PbP for games to play in. I am currently playing in one, and preparing to GM another. Three games is about the maximum I'm comfortable committing to, and a bare-bones dungeon crawl seems like a fine game to cap things off with.

mishima |

Character I'd like to play a somewhat vanilla/traditional thief with a 1e/2e feel. Basically only caring about gold.
Experience I was openminded when 3e came out, and played it fairly exclusively as it became 3.5 and then Pathfinder. I've not played Pathfinder for a few years now however, as I much prefer 5e. I'm back to the boards after about a year break (during early covid I was playing on boards waaaay too much and burnt out). I actually prefer pbp over in-person games because you can take as much time as needed to craft your responses.
Interest From what I've read of gameplay, it looks like a nice old school dungeon romp as advertised. Despite its 'plotless' nature you guys are still having some fun RP.
Did you want a full crunch type-up at this point?

DruidOfTheMoon |

Character Idea: I would want to play a witch focused on debuffing.
My Experience: I have never played PbP and have only played pathfinder a couple times, but I've always been interested in the game and have known the rules for years now. I finally want to try to get into it now. If you don't want a newbie, I totally understand and am cool with that.
My Interest: This "plotless" style seems like a great starting off point for me and I want to play a dungeon style adventure.

RamzaBeoulve |

RamzaBeoulve and DruidOfTheMoon:
Can you two expand out on your characters? I think the general ideas will fit in well with the current group.
I was thinking he's a disgraced, former member of the Ulfen Guard. His unit met with disaster due to bad intel, and as one of the few survivors Stavian III's court pinned him as the scapegoat. He was set to be executed, but a handful of other members of the Guard who knew in their bones it was all trumped up successfully conspired to free him and get him out of Taldor. He's been on the run for maybe a a couple months before finding himself in the dungeon. Ultimately, he's a classic NG good-guy, but riddled with self-doubt and trust issues due to his recent experiences.
So! Mechanically a Human (Ulfen) vanilla Slayer. Not likely to take any alternate racial traits, but may go for one of the "Heart of" traits if I find myself not really needing the extra skill point. Consummate front-liner with solid AC and lots of damage output. Fleshes it out with a serviceable "point-man" skillset for scouting and trap handling.
From an optimization standpoint, I should probably go with something fancy (falcata) or exploitable (scimitar) as my main weapon, but his whole aesthetic is classic storybook viking warrior, so I think I've gotta go battleaxe.

DruidOfTheMoon |

RamzaBeoulve and DruidOfTheMoon:
Can you two expand out on your characters? I think the general ideas will fit in well with the current group.
I'm thinking an Elf Witch with a scorpion familiar. I would want the Fleet-Footed racial trait, and my general traits would be reactionary and dangerously curious. I'm leaning towards evil eye, cackle, slumber, and misfortune (from extra hex feat) as hexes. I'll come up with a backstory / more personality / spells / equipment tomorrow.

Kazmanaught |

Hi there! Pretty new to the boards, been throwing my hat into the ring, but no bites yet, especially with such mixed metaphors!
Character: Order of the Flame Cavalier (With the Constable architype) probably a half-orc. The goal is eventually to replace armor with damage reduction. Good for hacking through rooms of baddies, and looking stylish while doing it.
Experiance: I've been playing Pathfinder both since I was 12, and for upwards of 10 years now, which is horrifying. No experience with pbp however. Happy to learn though!
Interest: I like the crunch of pathfinder, so making combatants is fun for me. Really very similar reasons as DruidOfTheMoon!

GM NameShortage |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ramza and Druid, go ahead and give me more crunch for your characters. Cleric, Monk, Slayer, Witch should be a synergistic group!
Remember, we're doing Automatic Bonus Progression, so keep this in mind when you're building your character: "Items that only grant bonuses to AC, saving throws, and ability scores don’t exist in this variant, and wish and similar spells never grant inherent bonuses to ability scores. Magic weapons and armor do exist, but grant only special abilities, not enhancement bonuses".

RamzaBeoulve |

Ramza and Druid, go ahead and give me more crunch for your characters. Cleric, Monk, Slayer, Witch should be a synergistic group!
Remember, we're doing Automatic Bonus Progression, so keep this in mind when you're building your character: "Items that only grant bonuses to AC, saving throws, and ability scores don’t exist in this variant, and wish and similar spells never grant inherent bonuses to ability scores. Magic weapons and armor do exist, but grant only special abilities, not enhancement bonuses".
Will try and have crunch up within next 24 hours. Some things got shuffled around at work so it's been a busier couple days than I expected.

GM NameShortage |

Thank's Johan! Feel free to post in the Discussion page a brief introduction so you, Kahli, and Lash can start getting to know each other's abilities.
DruidOfTheMoon told me they will have their character done in the next day or two, so we should be good to go, then!
And with that, the spots are filled!

GM NameShortage |

I'm back looking for one more character! One of the last recruits dropped out. The party is currently a Zen Archer Monk, Cleric, and Slayer. They just lost a Witch. I'm not saaaaying an arcane caster is what they're looking for, buuuut...
Character Creation
Starting Level: 4
Starting Gold: 3000gp
Advancement: Using Automatic Bonus Progression. Will level up after every floor
Race: Any non-monstrous except Orc, Svirfneblin, or Kasatha. No 3pp
Class: Any (use Unchained unless archetype is Chained-specific). No 3pp
Abilities: 20-point buy, nothing below 8 before racial mod
Hit Points: Max at level 1. On level up, half+1 or take the higher between a player and GM roll
Traits: 2 traits, any category
Free Feats: Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse
Post Rate: I'm EST time zone and can check in the morning and evening and will post at least once a day, so at least log in each day to check in. Post within 24 hours of your character's turn or being prompted to help keep the game moving.
About Me: I've been running an in-person homebrew campaign for a year that is currently on hold due to Covid. I've played in two short-term PbPs, but this is my first time GMing one.
Applying: Put your character idea, your experience with Pathfinder/PbP, and what your interest in playing this is. I'll select the application in a week-ish or sooner if we get a good character quick.
Looking forward to your submissions!

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I am interested in jumping in with Thrane, the half orc non-judgmental inquisitor.
I have played in five pbp campaigns. Two of which are currently using Pathfinder 2e. I am interested in getting back into a PF1 campaign. I am also currently in a Traveler pbp campaign. I check regularly and can often post multiple times a day as needed.

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So I have been thinking about what the party needs and came up with a slightly different version of Thrane that would better fit the groups needs.
Occultists gain limited wizard spells along with some cool side abilities and good skills that should fill in well for the groups arcanist.

caster4life |

Very interested! I have a crap ton of experience with Pathfinder and PBP. I'm running several PBPs, all but one in PF 1e, that have been going for years.
Questions before I conceive a character:
1. How do you handle maps? This often matters a lot if I want to play an arcane caster who does lots of battlefield control, my preferred way to cast.
2. Can I get a little more detail on or links to the aliases of the other party members? Cleric, in particular, can mean so many things that it would be helpful if I had a better idea how to synergize with them. I say this since it seems like a significantly, mechanics-oriented game. Never mind, I just found the game and players so I can answer my own questions.
3. How or how often does the party rest? Every floor? Whenever the party chooses to? About how many encounters does that equate to?
4. Are there ever social opportunities, such as allying with or bluffing to a certain monster? Or is that outside the intended scope of the game?

caster4life |

That also answers my maps question. Silly of me to assume that the recruitment thread wasn't associated with the gameplay threat but I've seen that so often lately. Anyhow, I have a replacement question!
5. Do you allow variant multiclassing? Basically, my character concept would trade away some feats to get inspire courage to help buff the party.

GM NameShortage |

What level do you see the party finishing the dungeon crawl at? Or are you feeling it out?
My hopes are 20, but I imagine mid-teens at the earliest if I feel the game is petering out. There's fun higher level monsters that I look forward to running!
1) Maps: I run a detailed map with a Battleship grid system, so you can tactically move and place spells.
3) Resting: The party has chosen to rest mainly at the end of floors, but there's nothing stopping them from resting in the middle. I'd say each floor is 6-7 encounters, depending on how the party approaches it.4) There have been Diplomacy and Sense Motive rolls across a couple social situations. They currently have 3 NPCs tagging along. It's a somewhat tense situation with ongoing Diplomacy rolls required to keep them from fighting.
5) The Cleric is variant-channeling, so I don't think I would be opposed to variant multiclassing. I don't see that option as over- or under-powered.
Thrane the Occultist
I haven't ran any of the occult classes, so that could be fun, and it would fill that gap. Thanks for tweaking your submission!

"TBD" |

Character Idea: A knife-wielding human Ashiftah (witch) from Qadira who worships Pharasma (spirits parton). With the use of her hexes and spells, she moves about the field buffing her team and debuffing her enemies. She maintains an air of mystery about her by keeping a black mourning veil on at all times. Despite this, she maintains a friendly demeanor to those around her.
Pathfinder: I transitioned into Pathfinder from D&D 3.5 and have been playing in numerous formats. Those include home games, society play, forum play, and roll20. I do enjoy the ability it gives one to sculpt the character they want.
Interest: I have a high interest in playing. A good ol' dungeon crawl sounds like a wonderful way to round out my online games. The only other game I'm currently in is a Wrath of the Righteous game. A post per day should be no issue and I'm in the CST time zone myself.

Mara Thorngage |

caster here with my official submission post. I'm very excited about this game. I think the concept is perfect as momentum is everything for PBP games and this format focuses everything on momentum. I've also peeked through gameplay and I appreciate that players keep the roleplay quality solid. All that to justify my slightly-overenthusiastic approach. Completed crunch and background available in this alias. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.
Pathfinder and PBP experience: A lot. For example, I'm still running a pathfinder PBP game here on the boards that I started four years ago. I'm well aware of what it takes to keep a PBP game going. I've moved most of my games to discord, where I'm playing in 2 and running 1 PF game, to avoid paizo's site outages. But I still have one here so check paizo every day anyway.
Character idea: True neutral master summoner who conjures creatures by intentionally manipulating her own emotions, e.g., focusing hard on memories of justice to summon a lantern archon or rage-inducing memories to summon a dretch. She also provides a lot of buffing through the flagbearer feat and the bardic performance she'll get at level 7. Eidolon provides a lot of skill utility, especially in scouting.
According to this link, master summoner isn't an archetype officially available to unchained summoners. If you prefer that I play an unchained summoners, which are somewhat nerfed compared to normal summoners, I can convert the archetype without much trouble. Just might have a question or two about how you want me to handle certain points.
In general, some people dislike summoners because 1. they slow the game down and 2. they are too strong. Regarding 1, I think that's not an issue in PBP. No one has to wait for me to look up my summons' stats. For 2, I think people mostly mind when the summoner makes it less fun for other players. I have specifically planned how to synergize with the other characters and will provide them with a good amount of buffs, so I think I will make them feel MORE awesome, not less.' That said, if you still don't like summoners or this submission, let me know as I would be willing to try another submission. I have lots of ideas for arcane characters.[
[spoiler=Planned synergies with other party members]
Mara covers knowledge skills ok thanks to variant multiclass bard and some intelligence investment. I've specifically picked the knowledge skills that the party doesn't currently cover well for Mara to invest in.
Regarding other skill coverage, my eidolon (Xerxes) can cover stealth and perception really well. He can also handle disable device, including with magical traps, if Lash and Johan don't want to be responsible for that. But it looks like they probably have it covered so I might just have him be an aider for those rolls and not invest seriously in that.
Summoners also make decent arcane casters, which the party currently doesn't have. I can haste, create pit to control the battlefield, etc. I also plan on asking Johan if he wants to be enlarged. If so, I'll pick up that basic arcane buff for him. Beyond that, Mara is good at UMD so scrolls and wands are all viable.
For numerical buffing, Mara currently gives everyone +1 to hit and +1 to damage all the time. At level 7, that will become +4 to hit and +4 to damage before even casting any spell buffs (+2 from flagbearer and banner of the ancient kings and +2 from inspire courage). Those bonuses will multiply nicely across the party, especially with Lash's flurry of arrows.
At level 9, Mara will have bodyguard, combat reflexes, and the helpful halfling trait. Together, this means she basically gives the entire party +4 ac all the time. MORE BUFFING!
She also will constantly be summoning flanking buddies for Johan so he can get that sweet, sweet sneak attack.

Ventiine |

Character Concepts. I have two character ideas. One is a witch with a hedgehog familiar and a passion for nature/plant keeping. Not sure if the witch would be a good fit for the dungeon crawl environment. The second is an arcane sorcerer who will probably be a hotheaded half-elf or tiefling. I'm not a min-maxer.
Experience. I've been on the boards for a while. My first character was a bard. I currently GM a Ruins of Azlant game and play a wizard in a Reign of Winter game. In-person, I play Skulls and Shackles (human packmaster hunter) on Fridays and Rise of the Runelords (gnome fey sorcerer) on Sundays.
Interest. There aren't many Pathfinder 1e Adventure Paths on the Recruitment thread and I'm only interested in Pathfinder 1e. I like your daily post goal. If there are enough people really hyped for your game, you should pick them over me. I'm just looking for another roleplay/creative writing outlet.

GM NameShortage |

I'm back looking for one more character! One of the last recruits dropped out. The party is currently a Zen Archer Monk, Cleric, and Witch.
Character Creation
Starting Level: 4
Starting Gold: 3000gp
Advancement: Using Automatic Bonus Progression. Will level up after every floor
Race: Any non-monstrous except Orc, Svirfneblin, or Kasatha. No 3pp
Class: Any (use Unchained unless archetype is Chained-specific). No 3pp
Abilities: 20-point buy, nothing below 8 before racial mod
Hit Points: Max at level 1. On level up, half+1 or take the higher between a player and GM roll
Traits: 2 traits, any category
Free Feats: Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse
Post Rate: I'm EST time zone and can check in the morning and evening and can post at least once a day, so at least log in each day to check in. While it's slowed down in the recent months, ideally post within 24 hours of your character's turn or being prompted to help keep the game moving.
About Me: I've been running an in-person homebrew campaign for a year that is currently on hold due. I've played in two short-term PbPs, but this is my first time GMing one.
About the game: Classic dungeon crawl going from floor to floor defeating the baddies. Some puzzles, traps, and mild social rolls. The party has two NPCs tagging along. There is a "store" to be found on each floor that can be bought from or used for crafting.
Applying: Put your character idea, your experience with Pathfinder/PbP, and what your interest in playing this is. I'll select the application in a week-ish or sooner if we get a good character quick.
Looking forward to your submissions!

Boram the Burglar |
Waves at SmooshieBanana and AGM Lemming
It's a curious mix, a Dhampir cleric of Callistria, an Ashiftah witch that follows Pharasma and an Aasimar Zen archer monk who has disable device covered. So a frontliner would be a fine thing to have. Let's call this a dot, and I'll think about it. It looks like the other characters are Golarian, so back story should be easy enough. let me see if anything tickles my fancy.
GNNS (I hope you don't mind if I abbreviate the name GM NameShortage) How many players will you be adding and how long will you be keeping the recruitment open?