Old School Plotless Dungeon Crawl Tower Climb

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AGM Lemming

AGM Lemming

Anthropomorphic Lemming Levels? What are those?
(247 posts)
Kahli Salist

Cleric of Calistria | HP: 30 (of 30) | Init: +2, MAB: +4/+5, RAB: +5 | Fort: +5, Reflex: +4, Will: +7 | AC: 19, FF: 16, Touch: 13 | Diplomacy: +10, Heal: +9, Know:Religion: +5, Perception: +13, Sense Motive: +10 | Selective Channel 7 (of 7) 3d3+ -3 to attack, Will DC15 to ignore the attack penalty | Bit of Luck 3 of 5 | Copycat 5 of 5 | CLW Wand Charges: 47 | 1 points INT damage
(500 posts)


Jemet Winderbole
Hrolf Bloodrider

M Aasimar (Angel-Kin) HP 46/46| AC: 23 , T: 14, FF:21 | Spd: 30ft/ 20ft w/armor | Brawler (Wildchild)1 Hunter (Primal Companion)4 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +9, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +9, R: +9, W: +4; +2 vs charm and compulsion | CMB +7 / CMD 19
(85 posts)


Lash Vaeledi

INACTIVE Female Aasimar | HP: 48/48 | AC: 17 (T15, FF16) | INIT: +3 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +9 (Acid/Cold/Elect Resist 5) | CMB: +4 | CMD: 19 | Ki Pool: 4/6 | Slowfall | SKILLS | Acrobatics +7 | Disable Device +12 | Perception +12 | Sense Motive +14 | Stealth +6 | Survival +8 |
(688 posts)

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