Hey everyone. Sorry about my absence. My son was born on the 12th and, as you can imagine, it's been an eventful week. I thank you for being patient with me so far.
I'm going to put the game on hiatus. I'm not sure for how long. It hurts, because I think of the game every day, but I can't bring myself to hop on because I'd have to halfass a rushed post, and I hate doing that to y'all. I'm posting this without even reading the Gameplay tab.
What I am going to do, with the little free time I have, is take your feedback and advice, tweak and fine tune my game, and come back, eventually, with a more polished version of what we have now.
I'm looking forward to being back here, but real life calls, and it sounds like a crying baby haha
Also, he's beautiful and prefect and I can't be happier.
You unfurl the scroll and a wand falls out into your hand. Holding the wand in one hand, you read the elegant handwriting:
Hello, Kahli. If you have found this, then I knew your survival skills would bring you here. As you have found, puzzles and deception are this creature's game. I hope this wand will help decipher some of its tricks. Simply point and there's a chance you dispel the magical effects.
The wand has 28 charges of Dispel Magic.
The painting, to the naked eye, looks like a proper portrait of its subject, Seer. The painting then appears to have had blood smeared over the surface of it, covering the painting beneath. You have discovered the painting is a disguise for the Bag of Holding.
The stairs start at the bottom left, curve to the right, have a 5-ish foot landing, then continue to an open second floor; no door at the top of the stairs.
The painting is about 28in x 36in. I drew the line a little large so you could see it.
Also, we're at the hospital for the induction, so I probably won't be posting for the next few days.
Kahli continues reaching around in the area through the painting, but after pulling out the bag, she only feels empty space; no walls or floor. It seems impossible, as she's reaching where the mansions' wall should be.
Kahli Spellcraft:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
She realizes that this painting is acting like a Bag of Holding. In reaching around in the void, Kahli does manage to find the back of what feels like the painting's frame. She gives it a slight tug and swears the painting moves off the wall a little.
In Kahli's other hand is a small, cobalt blue cloth satchel with gold stitched filigree. A simple buckle clasp holds the bag shut.
In the Bag:
- A pair of fingerless worked leather gloves that emanate a faint divination aura Kahli Spellcraft:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 With Hrolf's magic detection, Kahli figures them to be Gloves of Reconnaissance
- A 10-foot length of mithral chain
- A rolled scroll tied shut with a small bit of twine. The scroll feels heavier than just the paper, as if something is contained inside.
Sensing they're not in any current danger, Lash takes her time looking the door over and finds a small misaligned crown. She twists it until it clicks and, simultaneously, there's a click higher up on the door by the handle. With her knowledge, she knows the door it unlocked.
Kahli recommends grabbing the painting and looks around the edges, but finds that the painting is recessed into the wall with no frame to grab. When Lash comes over to grab the painting, her hand goes straight through and into the wall, where her hand lands on a cloth pack.
If you grab and open the pack:
You find a small, cobalt blue cloth satchel with gold stitched filigree. A simple buckle clasp opens the bag, and inside are the following:
- A pair of fingerless worked leather gloves that emanate a faint divination aura
- A 10-foot length of mithral chain
- A rolled scroll tied shut with a small bit of twine. The scroll feels heavier than just the paper, as if something is contained inside.
Hamley turns back to the front door, followed by Tenney with a sigh. Kneeling by the double door, Hamley runs his hand along and around the handle and stares at it with a troubled look.
For whoever joins Hamley:
Joining him closer to the door, you see that there's no keyhole in the doors and the gaps between the doors and frame are nonexistent with no light coming through. Hamley looks at you with a shrug. "Ain't no lockpick gettin' us outta here."
Open this Spoiler if you hit a DC 25 Perception check:
Amongst the intricate carvings, you find a carved crown on the right door (Crown door that Lash opened) that doesn't match the rotation of the matching crown on the door
Kahli steps up to the "painting". Splashing water on it doesn't cause any damage to the canvas, as it simply falls through, causing more ripples on the painting as it does. Poking her quarrel in offers no resistance to any depth she plunges it. In fact, she finds she can move it in any direction without effort. Moving the quarrel up slightly, it draws her attention upward, where the light now allows her to see more detail of person in the portrait. While the face is smeared in blood, she can see the fine details on the clothing, much more fine than would be found on a traditional painting. Something specific catches your eye. Something...you've only seen one person wear...Seer.
Hrolf: Thanks for correcting me on that and keeping in your character.
Tenney hesitantly steps farther into the room now that it's lit. "Oh, thanks Kahli. Still not sure I'm too tempted to come into this dump even with the light."
Hrolf points out the magic emanating from the painting and Lash opts to solve the problem with an arrow. The party is slightly taken aback when the arrow disappears through the painting. There's no damage to the painting, just a small water-like ripple that originates from where the arrow hit.
Stepping into the building, the stale air hits your nose. Stepping by the pile of ash that was the greeter, the party files into the foyer. As soon as the last foot is inside, the front door slams shut behind the group, catching Tenney on his back, and encasing the party in darkness.
Now inside, without light, those with darkvision see unlit sconces around the room, a few displaced chairs, and a large portrait on the southern wall (yellow line) that has been smeared with blood to where you can't easily tell who it's of. There are three closed wooden doors around the room. Hamley and Tenney, with no way to magically see in the dark, stay towards the door.
Lash makes her way to the stairs on high alert, and manages to see the hinges hidden under each step. She's seen something like this before and knows the steps would fold away, causing the unlucky victim to fall some great distance. She walks along the outside of the bannister and finds a baluster that is slightly out of place. Lash gives it a pull and nothing happens, but after a gentle twist, she's confident the stairs are now locked in place and safe.
While Lash is disabling the stair trap, Hrolf detects the general residual illusion magic, but also detects a moderate conjuration magic coming from the portrait.
Current Map I can't get the grid inserted properly right now for some reason. I'll figure it out.
The greeter furrows his brow towards Kahli after her outburst and begins to speak. "I'm sorry, but we cannot allow your friend in to the party if sh-". With Kahli's instruction, Lash and Hrolf are able to look again and the veil dissipates to begin revealing a clear-skinned humanoid with a wide mouth that stretches almost ear-to-ear.
Lash's three arrows pierce the greeter before it can act. Its knees begin to buckle and its shoulders twitch...
GM Roll. Do not open :):
1d100 ⇒ 58
...black energy roils up inside of it, clouding its translucent skin, before it explodes in a splash of energy. (5-foot-radius burst. It doesn't hit anyone)
(Not in combat)
As the illusion recedes back into the room, the rest of the party are able to fully see what Kahli and She-Ra first saw; a dusty, dark entry way, leading to a curved wooden staircase that was probably the star of parties before. While not run down, you can tell this place, from your initial view, has not been up-kept well. Aside from the freshly dead pile of ash, the room appears empty.
Hamley rubs his eyes. "Aw, bugger. I think I would have liked to go to my first ball."
Lash, Hrolf, Hamley, and Tenney are overcome with the sound of beautiful orchestral music ringing through the air, accompanied by the sweet smells of baked goods and roasted meats. A large, beautifully crafted wooden staircase hangs over pristine marble floors and exquisite hand-woven rugs. The opulence cannot be overstated. Within the room, party-goers in high-fashion gowns and suits gather in pairs. You can hear them discussing the latest news and gossip while small winged creatures fly by, offering drinks and food.
Before you stands a dapperly-dressed gentleman in a double-breasted suit, slicked back black hair, and a thin mustache. He stands behind a lecturn and greets you with a slight bow. "Good day." His voice is soft and welcoming. "Please." he gestures towards the party inside.
Your Map (imagine all the other people in there. I didn't find tokens for them)
For Kahli:
The door creaks open, revealing a dusty, dark entry way, leading to a curved wooden staircase that was probably the star of parties before. While not run down, you can tell this place, from your initial view, has not been upkept well. However, you don't focus on that too long, as before you, standing and waiting, is a clear-skinned humanoid with a wide mouth that stretches almost to its ears. It doesn't attack when the door opens. It seems to be waiting.
I'm so sorry about the immediate delay in my posting. After the fall and evening in the hospital, I've been going nonstop since then getting all the final things put together just incase he (the baby) comes early.
I think we're done with the big things, so I shouldn't have to take this long between posts again (hopefully).
Kahli remembers they had seen these symbols (the crown and nail) before and they identified them as the holy symbols of the archdevil Dispater, the lawful evil ruler of Dis, and who concerns himself with prisons, nobility, and trickery. You got a bonus from knowing some stuff from before.
Hrolf reaches out to detect magic, but a scan of the door and stairs leading up to it don't reveal any magical auras.
Lash stands poised by the doors, ready to open them. Backing up a second to give Kahli and Hrolf a chance to say something if they want.
Thank you all for the well wishes! We're super excited.
We did have a bit of a fall scare today, so we spent the evening in the hospital. Everything is good with her and the baby, but definitely no post tonight as it's 1am haha
Y'all get to find out more about the doors tomorrow! Good night!
So, I know I haven't been the most prompt posting recently, but I wanted to give the update that my wife has an induction date for the 31st. So it's crunch time as we've been doing the final preparations.
So yeah, I'm still wanting to keep this game going, but I may have to adapt in the near future regarding my posting rate and details. Thanks for your understanding.
Lash continues to lead the party up to the front door, the curtain in the second story window still swaying slightly. The trees rock gently in the light breeze, a few birds happily chirping from their branches. Outside of that, the area is still.
Getting within 50' of the front door, they are able to see the grand entrance; an intricately carved wooden double door with a set of three steps leading up to it. From here, the party can make out a crown carved on the left door and a ring on the right.
Stopping at the steps, looking over the dark stained stairs and curved railings that compliment the elaborate door, along with the door itself, reveals no traps.
Tenney shakes his head. "Nobody up here that I saw. Gotta be honest with ya, though. I was kinda distracted by," he waves his hand in the direction of the mansion on the floating island, "all this."
Hamley catches his breath, the burns on his skin becoming mild scars. "Thank you, again. Not sure where I'd be without you."
Lash walks down the long carriageway between the pristine rows of trees to the front door. Amongst the opulent nature of the estate, the stillness evokes a foreboding feeling of uneasiness. She's able to shake that off and sees a curtain quickly close in the rightmost second floor window.
Oh, I read in your earlier post you "get a reroll" for Snake Style, forgetting you had rolled it earlier. I misinterpreted that. You only take 7 damage from the one bite.
Lash steadies herself to peer over the edge. The Drakes appear to be on the beach, not showing any interest in giving chase. While the rest of the party lands on their feet, Hamley lands on a knee before pulling himself upright. "I've been better. Thank you all for helping me back there."
Hamley took 17 damage. If Lash had not intercepted, Hamley would have been knocked unconscious.
Lash adjusts her flight to intercept the Drake while Hrolf and She-Ra attempt to clear the air.
The two Drakes turn their attention to the Monk and sets of teeth close in. Before they reach her, Drake 1 manages to dodge Hrolf's Lance but She-Ra's claws carves a long gash down the Drake's side. Hrolf misses with a 16 and 14. She-Ra hits with two 30s for 21 damage.
Both drakes power on and Lash readies herself...
Drake 1 would hit with a 23. Lash Snake Style:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Drake 1 hits. Drake 2 hits with a 17. Total damage is 18.
GM Roll. Do not open :):
Drake bite damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Lash's blood falls from her wounds to the island below.
The Drakes load their wings and give a strong flap, powering away. (Each Drake uses a swift action for Speed Surge to take an extra move action)
With a tentative reach, Hamley slashes at the injured Drake as they fly off. AoO by Hamley
The Drake stutters and swoops down from the sky as it is visibly weak for the barrage of attacks. It recovers and coasts to the ground, the other Drake close behind.
With the Drake's screeches in the distance, the party enters the green beam and is thrust skyward toward the floating mansion at a higher speed than they have flown. They find it hard to keep their eyes open from the rush of wind, tears streaking back across their temples if they do. Up ahead, they see Tenney floating in the beam, gazing out towards the building.
When they catch up to him, they join in his gaze. Before them is a large, three-story stone mansion with a grand entrance area for arriving carriages. Around the right side and back is an ornate garden with an uncountable variety of flowers. To the left side is a small cottage, something for servants or guests, perhaps.
Before they can take it in too long, they are gently moved forward out of the beam and onto the ground. The front door is 200 feet ahead of them with no sight of anyone else around.
Kahli's spiritual whip can't keep up with the Drakes and cracks the air. (Misses)
Seeing Hamley vulnerable, the group convenes to protect him as the Drakes redirect course back to them. Turning opposite directions in a synchronized dance, the green-scaled dragons quickly close the gap on Hamley.
Both Drakes:
Move: Turn 45, turn 45, move 30' (45' total)
Standard: Bite at Hamley
Lash adjusts and flies back to join Hamley and Hrolf, taking an extra second to realign her bow and fires an arrow at a Drake, piercing through its leathery wing.
Hrolf directs She-Ra back to Hamley, ready to protect him.
"Round 2"
Tenney swings the crossbow around, loading another bolt, and looses it moments before he enters the green beam.
Hits with a 20 for 2 damage.
The bolt grazes the Drake's tail. As Tenney is bathed in green light, he gives a rude gesture to the Drakes and yells out multiple swears as he suddenly changes directions and is pulled upward at a great speed.
Brushing the rest of the acid off of him, Hamley draws his dagger and and holds it close to himself. Move: Draw dagger. Standard: Total Defense.
[Everyone can take their second round actions. Then the Drakes will go. After this turn, everyone will be in the green beam.
Bearing down, Lash recovers her flight and picks up the pace. Hamley is unable to, though, and falls behind.
With the Drakes closing in, the party readies their actions.
"Round 1"
As the Drakes get within range, Kahli's summons a whip that cracks out at the reptilian creature, but it's too agile and avoids the attack. Spiritual Weapon misses with a 15
Embracing the new challenge, Lash's instincts tell her that her aim will be true even at this speed. There's no penalty for your ranged attacks. I calculated it and you're going slower than required for wind penalties. You may take an attack with no penalties.
She-Ra becomes imbued with acid resistance as Hrolf prepares to charge...
Tenney draws a crossbow, trying to right himself to take a shot.
Drake 1 hits with a 23 for 17 damage. Hamley succeeds Reflex with a 25 (nat 20). Takes 8 damage.
Drake 2 hits with a 15 for 19 damage. Hamley succeeds Reflex with a 19. Takes 9 damage. 17 damage total.
Hamley manages to twist around and avoid the worst of the damage and leaves the acidic cloud behind as he continues hurtling through the light.
The Drakes both suddenly surge forward with a burst of speed, passing over the beam of light and outside of Hrolf's range. Hrolf remembers seeing this tactic from the attack on his boat. As a Swift Action, the Drakes used Speed Surge to take an extra move action
Lash and Hrolf are left to act in "Round 1". Hrolf, you didn't say you were readying a charge, so if you want to do a thing, that's cool.
Hrolf and Hamley are a few seconds behind the rest of the party. They will have one more round before entering the green beam. The forward group (Kahli, Lash, Tenney) can opt to stay back another round or enter the green beam on their next turn.
The Drakes are 30' outside of the beam back by Hamley, 70' from the front party.
Ah, I thought they were side-by-side. Mounted, you would use She-Ra's Fly check, so you would be with the front pack. You can take any action you can normally take while mounted (with any Ride checks if they're required). She-Ra can take an action an stay ahead of the Drakes, or attempt another Fly check and push even further ahead .
Lash succeeded in her second Fly check, so she's up to speed with the first group. Hamley needs to succeed in a Fly check or risks not staying ahead of the Drakes pace.
Screeching roars echo across the landscape as the party puts all their focus into flying as fast as they can, the air rhythmically buffeting against their ears like a war drum, urging them forward.
DC 15 Fly check to go faster with a +5 bonus from the Light Hrolf Fly:1d20 - 1 + 5 ⇒ (10) - 1 + 5 = 14 She-Ra Fly:1d20 + 4 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 5 = 18 Kahli Fly:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Lash Fly:1d20 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 5 = 13
I'm pretty sure I got your Fly bonuses right with calculating ACP in if it wasn't on your Skills list.
Gathering speed, Hrolf, Lash, and Hamley fall behind slightly as the party and Drakes race to the green beam.
Hrolf, you're about a minute of flying out from the beam, about 1/2 a mile. Taking an action will slow you down as everyone is using a Full Round Action to fly faster. The group that succeeded the Fly check seems to be just ahead of the Drakes to the green beam, if that means anything.
Kahli, She-Ra, and Tenney can take an action and stay ahead of the Drakes. Hrolf, Lash, and Hamley can either take another Fly check to try and get ahead of the Drakes or take an action.
"I am afraid my flying days are well behind me. These old bones aren't what they used to be." He chuckles at Kahli. "That would be rude, but I can forgive the outburst. Please, enjoy the rest of your travels. And be on the lookout. You may have company."
Now, over halfway to the green beam, Lash looks east towards the mountain and faintly sees the pair of Forest Drakes cresting the peak...and heading towards the party.
Floating well above the island, with a thought and a kick, the party flies up to the intersecting beams and makes their way towards the green beam. Hamley and Tenney float up with the group, helping Shantanna steady herself.
Pushing themselves up to speed, they realize they keep picking up speed, getting well above what the Fly spell should allow, almost as if they're getting pulled along the beam of light. They're able to control themselves, moving side-to-side and up-and-down, but feel as if they're until the will of the beam.
Looking down into the clear tropical water, the party can see various ship wrecks scattered across the bay's floor. While contemplating the find, over the buffeting wind, they clearly hear the Old Man's voice coming from the sphere in Kahli's satchel. "I hope you're enjoying our expedited travel system. However, there is a capacity limit, and I'm sorry to say you're one over the limit" The party hears Shantanna let out a concerned noise. Looking back, they see her drift down towards the base of the beam. She kicks a few times but to no avail. Before the party can reorient themselves, she falls out of the beam and begins to plummet towards the water, but vanishes after a few hundred feet. "You must know by now, I don't do messy removals." He pauses "Hmmm. Speaking of messy, I must get my people to straighten up for your arrival. Be seeing you."
The party continues flying towards the green beam.
Kahli: The runes all say the phrase Light three pillars, take to the sky/Light them wrong, meet your demise repeated.
The dust rolls away with Kahli's breath, a wave of blue light emitting from the uncovered runes. In an instant, the calmness inside the circle is destroyed as the magical barrier dissipates and the heavy winds rush in. The party braces themselves against the sudden change in atmosphere as dirt and dust are kicked up and grate against their skin.
Blue light races up the three Transmutation trilithons that were partially lit. The light continues to wrap around the stone pillars, enveloping them and leaking out onto the ground in the circle. As the light covers the ground in the circle, the party members begin to feel lighter.
Once the blue light encircles the party, the other Transmutation pillars are quickly lit from the ground to their tops and a white beam of light shoots up from the circle to join the blue beam. The white beam shoots north with a deafening sound like that of a tornado.
Before they can take it in, the party begins lifting off the ground, up into the light. There's a sense of calm, as if they're in control of their movements and that it's effortless. There's a fluidity to the light, almost like it's water. With a light kick, they're able to move in the light.
As they begin to get their bearings, the light shakes and they have to brace themselves. Another beam erupts from above them towards the center of the island. In the distance, they can see beams from the other pillar sites heading to meet above the island. When the beams meet, from the conjoined beams, a vertical pillar of green light extends up into the sky, splitting the clouds, revealing a large, floating building.
The party, suspended in the white beam, looks out over the island, intersecting beams of light appearing almost as roads.
The beams of light are columns that you can move freely in, as the Fly spell. The blue, red, and white beams are 30' across. The green light goes into the floating building and is hundreds of feet across.
Also, sorry for the outdated group image on the map. I'm not on my computer and I guess I haven't updated it.
First, apologies for my absence. It's been another busy week getting ready for the baby, including traveling for the baby shower. He's going to be here early September! That's like, no time from now.
Second, Hrolf, the smaller pillars you're talking about are just large stones. I was using the term "pillar" to describe the elements of the standing stones. That's on me for not clarifying the elements of the map. Of course I, as the GM, can read the map perfectly. It's up to me to accurately and clearly define the map.
Thirdly, I have noticed I have a penchant for using flourishy language when I need to be blunt. I will work on that, either through better explanations or through additional skill checks that will allow me to reveal more information if I'm still bad at descriptions.
As Kahli pulls her hand away, she lets it fall, the air current from her hand pulling the dust with it. As the dust ripples away, the runes that are revealed begin to glow blue.
Everyone but Hrolf, who has taken a defensive stance, realizes that it's not about the touch; it's something about the air disturbing the dust away from the runes that causes them to glow.
Egarthis did say "I dared not touch the pillars before solving the riddle."
Lash removes her hand from the pillar and the runes stay lit blue. Removing it causes a suction of air, which pulls at the dust and lights up the rune where here hand was.
Kahli moves to the next Transmutation pillar and gently lays her hand on it without disturbing the dust. She holds her hand there, but no runes light up.
The group convenes inside the circle to discuss the note and the pillars. As they do, Lash wanders over to the eastern-most pillar (AA12) and lifts her hand to touch it. The ripples of air coming off her hand as it rises up the pillar disturb the dust, and the runes beneath gently glow blue following the path of her hand. She then lays her hand on the pillar, but to no more effect.
Detecting magic, the aura of Transmutation on that pillar is now glowing stronger with the runes that Lash has lit. (Not "stronger" in a "higher caster level" way, but "stronger" in a "something's happening" way.)
The blue beam pulsates and hums a good 50 feet above the top of the pillars, terminating above the center of the circle.
Shantanna's Dancing Lights move through the circle, weaving around the pillars, unobstructed by the invisible force that keeps the wind out.
Lighting a torch and protecting from the wind, or using a magical fire of some sort, it passes through the barrier without problem. Inside the circle, the flame, once battered by the wind, burns unimpeded and the smoke rises straight up, until it is level with the top of the horizontal pillar, where the wind grabs it again and whisks the smoke away.
As Lash goes to reinvestigate the outside of the pillars, Hrolf's question about the note the party found grabs everyone's attention.
It's a minor twist on a normal Ring of Sustenance. It gives sustenance after attunement for as long as you wear it. As long as you occasionally eat or drink something while wearing it, you'll be fine if you take it off. However, Egarthis was probably up here for weeks without eating or drinking, causing his body to wither away.
Hamley nods in agreement with Kahli's explanation. "Yeah, it's so weird. I feel like I can actually hear myself think when I'm in here without the howling in my ears." He lets out a long, purse-lipped sigh as he rubs his ear with his index finger.
Shantanna draws deep on her magical knowledge and ponders about what could have caused the sudden decay of Egarthis. She concludes it has to be related to the ring. The ring provides magical sustenance, but a normal person would still seek to enjoy sweet berries or an intoxicating ale. However, Egarthis must have forewent eating or drinking anything for an extended period of time in his attempt to solve the pillars, and, when removed, those consequences caught up all at once.
The man coughs up blood and spits it at Tenney's feet. "You can call me Egarthis, but it doesn't much matter." He continues to struggle against his binds, but in a futile manner. His voice calms slightly. "I dared not touch the pillars before solving the riddle. I deduced the mountain in minutes, but even my great intellect was unable to unlock these stones."
He turns to Kahli. [b]"But the magic! The knowledge! She took it, first, weeks ago!" His breathing becomes more labored and you can see his face become sunken. "She...took the knowledge north...I did not...join her." His breathing turns to a heavy wheeze. "She knew...always...took notes...Why didn't I...trust her."
Egarthis' once stoutly built body quickly withers to an almost mummy-like state, starting at the farthest points from his right hand and finishing with his ring finger, his heavily-tanned skin tightly now clinging tightly to his bones. The rope binding him limply falls off his decrepit corpse.
Lash, you don't detect any lies, just the heavy weight of inevitability and failure in his voice.
Kahli attempts to fan a breeze into the inner circle, but Hamley shakes his head. "Nope, nothing." The dust and dirt on the pillars stays undisturbed.
Tenney joins Hrolf in tying the man up. "Whatever to stop more of those dogs from appearing."
Map of the area There are 8 pairs of pillars, with each pair having one pillar of Transmuation and one of Necromancy. The pillars, overall, appear identical, but Shantanna can tell the subtle differences in their imbued magic. They are covered in dirt and dust inside the inner circle where the wind cannot penetrate.
About Hrolf's concern about the man waking up: I did read the Disabled condition wrong. So:
After rooting around the man's pockets and tying him up, he starts to stir. He opens his eyes to Tenney squatted down by his face, knife in hand. "Don't you try no funny business, magic man."
The man struggles for a second before realizing his situation. "You're here to steal the magic, aren't you!?"
Sorry for the delay and thank you for posting amongst yourselves.
Hrolf and his tiger begin investigating the area. It doesn't take long to find a well-worn path that leads to a small patch of brush nearby. There, Hrolf finds a minimal camping set-up with just a bed roll and no signs of food or drink. The paths indicate the man had been pacing the same circle around the pillars and back to the bedroll for days.
Shantanna takes a closer look at the pillars, trying to decipher the magic. She detects that every pillar has a strong magical aura emanating from it, which each pair having the left pillar emanate transmutation and the right necromancy.
Taking your roll and applying it to Spellcraft: She determines both auras are a form of the spell Fly.
Closer investigation of the pillars reveals a coat of dust covering them, undisturbed by the lack of wind entering the circle.
Nice rolls on healing, Kahli! Hamley thanks Kahli for her healing and joins Shantanna in the circle. He brushes his hair down with his fingers. "It's weird not feeling the breeze in here after the last two days, isn't it?"
Tenney runs a finger over the burn on his arm as the blistering eases into a light scar. "So," he says while nodding and looking up to Kahli, "we gonna tie the bastard up?"
The Crazed Man is at 0, so he's disabled and unconscious, I'll rule, until you disturb him enough to wake him up. Tying him up will not wake him.
Searching the man, you find: (added to the Trello board)
• Brooch of Shielding (85 points remaining)
• Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (x2)
• Potion of Stabilize
• Wand of Shield (42 charges)
• Ring of Sustenance
Hrolf leans down to the crazed man and, despite the profuse bleeding from his ears and mouth, Hrolf senses a sliver of life and stabilizes the man.
Tenney: 2 damage
Shantanna: 3 damage
Hrolf: 29 damage
The Crazed Man is at -7hp, stabilized, and unconscious
Tenney shakes his head, obviously uncomfortable at the care shown by Lash. "Naw, didn't see nothing up there with that damned demon dog in front of me."
Now in the stone circle with a moment to breathe, the party takes a look around. Each stone stands 13 feet high with a 5-foot thick stone laying across each pair, making each "arch" 18 feet tall. When crossing the plane from outside the circle to inside, there’s a feeling of heavy magic and calmness, as the howling wind doesn’t enter into the circle. The dark grey stones are etched with various runes and the identical phrase in Common:
Light three pillars, take to the sky
Light them wrong, meet your demise
Shantanna determines the runes to be some part of a spell casting ritual, but they’re not in any specific language.
Will save succeeds with a 31
The Crazed Man steels his mind against Shantanna's words and resists the call to sleep.
Kahli's movements are tactical, but she misses the flaming hound with her dagger. Miss with an 11. You aren't flanking on your attack, but Hamley can 5'-step into a flank.
Joining the fray, Lash gets point blank range from the hound near Tenney and pierces an arrow through its hindquarters, a spray of fire erupting from the wound. 21 hits
"Yeh," Tenney yells, stepping up. "Keep the damned thing distracted!" Move: 5'-step to M14
Standard: Dagger
Misses with a 15 "Aw, damn it all!" The dog, still focused on Tenney, just ducks out of the way.
Hrolf and She-Ra give everything they have at the Crazed Man. He's unable to dodge Hrolf's sword, focused more on avoiding the tiger's teeth. Reeling from the gash from the sword, he uses his last energy to redirect She-Ra's second claw, but he's not expecting a third attack with a claw, and She-Ra catches him in the face, driving his head into the ground, crushing his skull into the packed dirt.
Just as breath attacks are billowing up in the flaming dogs, they turn to embers and carry off on the wind.
Out of combat!
The party is left with the howling wind and the light beam giving off a low, pulsing hum in the air above the circle of standing stones.
Current Map What do you do? You can use the map as reference to say which pillar you're looking at.
Tenney succeeds Reflex save with 14. 5 damage halved to 2
Tenney watches its movement and is able to dodge the worst of the flame.
Current Battle Map Round 3! Turn Order Shantanna: Delay
Crazed Man: 5'-step, Scorching Ray
Fire Dog Red: 5'-step, Bite
Fire Dog Blue: 5'-step, Fire Breath
Kahli: Lash: Tenney: Hrolf & She-ra: Hamley:(-2 AC 1 round)
Hrolf: He cast the spell. It was not activating a magic item.
After giving Lash a magical boon, Kahli speaks the activation word for the magical shirt and races forward, making sure to stay clear of the hellish dog engaged in combat with Tenney.
With Calistria's blessing, Lash quickly unleashes three arrows at the Man. The first arrows clips a pillar, grabbing his attention. He's able to knock the second arrow out of the air and easily dodge the third. 19 misses, 24 would hit but he used Deflect Arrows, 16 misses
Tenney slides to the creature's left. "Let's see how you like something sharp coming at you!" Move: 5-foot-step
Standard: Dagger
Hits with a 15, 8 damage
The dog is slightly distracted by Kahli running by and Tenney gets a clean stab in on it. It lets out a howl of pain.
Hrolf and She-Ra close the gap and unleash a barrage of attacks. The Man is too distracted by Lash's arrows and the first three attacks strike cleanly before he's able to readjust and dodge the last one. Waveblade, bite and claw hit. Second claw misses.
Hamley plants his foot and turns slightly left, rushing to attack the fire dog by Shantanna, confident with Tenney after his strong attack.
Full Round: Charge 40' to Q10
Shantanna continues running forward to join Hrolf as quickly as she can.
The collar firmly in the Man's grasp dissolves into embers as he finishes his incantation.
GM Roll. Do not open :):
Hell Hounds:1d3 ⇒ 2
A billow of smoke appears on the road near Shantanna and two thin, lanky wolves with reddish-brown fur, white claws, and burning, fiery red eyes leap out, looking for their next meal.
To Identify: Knowledge Planes DC 13:
These are Hell Hounds. They are outsiders that have a 10-ft cone breath weapon they can use every 2d4 rounds. They are vulnerable to cold damage and immune to fire.
The Red one turns towards to Shantanna and unleashes a wave of fire from its mouth.
Fire Dog Red:
Move: 5-foot-step to R10
Standard: Fire Breath Weapon Shantanna Reflex:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12Failed
Shantanna can't overcome her momentum and runs into the fire, getting singed. Take 3 damage
The Blue one sets its fiery eyes on Tenney and charges full speed at him.
Fire Dog Blue:
Full-Round: Charge to M14, Bite
GM Roll. Do not open :):
Fire Dog Blue Bite+Charge+Fire:1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 2 = 91d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 31d6 ⇒ 5
Miss with a 9
Tenney is ready, watching the burning dog rush at him, and easily dodges the searing hot teeth.
The Man turns his eyes back to Hrolf. "Join your friends in the fire!" He hops back and raises his hand toward Hrolf, a ray of fire erupting forth.
Crazed Man:
Move: 5-ft-step Z9
Standard: Scorching Ray at Hrolf
Hits with a 21.
The fire blasts around Hrolf, burning the ends of his hair. Take 15 damage
Current Battle Map Round 2! Turn Order Shantanna: Double move Q9
Crazed Man: 5-ft-step Z9, Scorching Ray
Fire Dog Red: 5-ft-step R10, Breath weapon
Fire Dog Blue:(-2 AC 1 round) Charge M14, bite
Kahli: Lash: Tenney: Hrolf & She-ra: Hamley:
I will 5-foot-step Kahli up along with Lash, casting Bit of Luck.
Retconning Hrolf's grapple attempt:
Hrolf reaches to try and restrict the Man, but he's too fast, knocking Hrolf's hands out of the way and striking back with one hand, his other hand firmly gripping his glowing collar.
Assuming Kahli gives Lash Bit of Luck as was planned:
Lash's first arrow seems to be on target, but the Man quickly swings his free hand and knocks the arrow out of the air. The second arrow crashes into the nearby pillar, spraying stone into the air and distracting the man just enough to allow the third arrow to hit true. The man winces as the arrow lodges into his upper thigh, but he continues his encantation. (He used Deflect Arrows on the first attack. The 15 on the second attack didn't hit. The 21 on the third attack hits.)
"Sure, surrender," Tenney mumbles in response to Lash. He draws his dagger as he rushes forward.
Double Move: 60' to L14 (staying out of Lash's way)
Like a blur, Hrolf and She-ra race past the group and close on the Man with incredible speed. The cat's claw reaches for the Man's neck, but he's able to just dodge the worst of it and catches the claw in his shoulder instead. As Hrolf's hands reach out to grab at him, the Man swings his forearm back across Hrolf's path, redirecting him and staying free. She-ra hit but did not confirm. Hrolf's grapple missed.
Hamley wastes no time following after Tenney, also drawing his dagger and keeping clear of Lash's arrows.
Double Move: 60' to J8
So, I made a small mistake. What he's doing is activating a magic item. It's supposed to take a standard action, not a full-round. I am not making him roll Concentration checks but you don't have to deal with the spell for a round (and we don't have to redo posts), so I think that evens out.
Current Battle Map Round 1 Turn Order Shantanna: Move E10, Ready Slumber
Crazed Man: Full-round action: activating magic item
Kahli: (Assuming Bit of Luck. Post if you want to do anything else for Round 1)
Lash: Flurry: Miss (Deflect Arrows), Miss, Hit
Tenney: Double move L14
Hrolf & She-ra: Charge to X7. She-ra hit claw. Hrolf miss grapple.
Hamley: Double move J8
The man yells back "No! It's mine to use! I summoned the light! It's mine!" The beam of light from the mountain is pulsating in the air above him as he is unreceptive to Shantanna's call. The man stands firm, holding his collar, which has begun to glow a deep orange hue, and muttering to himself.
Full Round Action: Holding his collar and muttering
Tenney places his hand on his dagger. "Give me the word and I'll cut this crazed bastard down if we ain't talkin' nice.."
Tenney Delays until further direction.
Note: Hrolf, wherever you are, you can have yourself lined up for a charge to X7 with the man where he currently is.
The group spreads out as they advance; Kahli and Lash stick together as they have since they found themselves here, Shantanna and the bandits a step behind and to the side, Hrolf and She-Ra staying back and low. It's a tense walk across the open cliff-top, wind howling out any sort of discussion that would be had. The wind from here to the point is Strong Wind, imposing a -2 penalty for ranged attacks and certain skill checks.
The party moving forward makes it to 120' from the circle before the man happens to be facing their way and they catch his eye. Before they can try any diplomacy, the man breaks his seemingly calm demeanor and begins shouting over the wind in a manic voice. "No! I've been unable to crack the code and you will not steal this from me!" He grabs his collar and it begins to glow...
Kahli and Lash are 130' from the man. Shantanna is 135'. Hrolf shows closer because of the map, but I wasn't going to extend it all the way up. I'm assuming you're 250'-300' away.
Shantanna: Yes, devotion was done before you were poofed onto the island.
Relieved that the Drakes left without any problems, the party heads south, continuing to the standing stones. Hamley drops back with Shantanna. "I didn't get to say hi. I'm Hamley and that there's Tenney," he says, pointing to the lean-built man with short hair up in a bandana who turns and give a half-wave with a matching half-smile. "We're a, uh, weird group, but we work well together through everyone who comes and goes."
Making their way to the southern point, the standing stones slowly grow as the conversation gets quieter. When Lash gives the signal, the party looks for some more low-laying foliage to duck behind.
GM Roll. Do not open :):
Egarthis Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
With clear land from the group to the standing stones about 300 feet away, the party surveys their objective. A winding, sandy path leads to the center of a circle of 8 pairs of pillars inscribed with glyphs and symbols. The circle measures 25 feet across, with each pair of pillars having a horizontal stone laying across them.
In the circle, a tan-skinned, well-dressed and well-built man slowly walks around, inspecting the stones, stopping at each one for a moment to lay a hand on it before moving on. His inky-black hair, pulled tightly back in a tail, shines in the sun.
The party knows they would be easily spotted if they were to rush headlong towards the stone, but, with no indication of the man acknowledging their presence, they feel have time to prepare a course of action.