Old School Plotless Dungeon Crawl Tower Climb

Game Master NameShortage

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Hello! Welcome to an old school dungeon crawl with fun monsters, traps around every (not every) corner, and lots of lots of loot! Can you and your party defeat each floor's boss and climb your way to the top of the tower?

Each floor will have a boss blocking the way to the next floor. There will be an opportunity to buy some supplies or enchant weapons and armor between floors using gold collected along the way, though stock may be limited.

I'm looking for 4-5 players to form the group. Your group of strangers will magically appear in the bottom floor together.

Character Creation
Starting Level: 1
Starting Gold: 1000gp
Advancement: Will level up after every floor
Race: Any non-monstrous except Orc, Svirfneblin, or Kasatha. No 3pp
Class: Any (use Unchained). No 3pp
Abilities: 20-point buy, nothing below 8 before racial mod
Hit Points: Max at level 1. On level up, half+1 or take the higher between a player and GM roll
Traits: 2 traits, any category
Free Feats: Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse

Post Rate: I'm EST time zone and can check in the morning and evening and will post at least once a day, so at least log in each day to check in. Post within 24 hours of your character's turn or being prompted to help keep the game moving.

About Me: I've been running an in-person homebrew campaign for a year that is currently on hold due to Covid. I've played in two short-term PbPs, but this is my first time GMing one.

Applying: Put your character idea, your experience with Pathfinder/PbP, and what your interest in playing this is. I'll select the applications in a weekish or sooner if we get good characters quick.

Thanks for your interest!

Grand Lodge

Interested... gimme a bit.

Swashbuckler/Aldori type

I'm working on an idea- so many possibilities.

Edit: I think I am going the route of Samsaran Nature's Fang/Crocodile Domain Druid- will be a hybrid slayer/rogue with Druid spells and use the Samsaran alternate trait to add a stack of cleric spells to the list as well, and snag sneak attack from both the archetype and the domain.

Grand Lodge

dotting...gonna try to play something i don't normally play...maybe bard or an arcane type...

I'm interested - I'd like to apply with an Elf Unchained Rogue, with the Eldritch Scoundrel archetype, going towards the Arcane Trickster prestige class. It's basically a spellcasting rogue (wizard spell list/memorized/magus spells allotment) who can do some neat tricks with a combination of his spells and sneak attack. He can also work the trapfinding job for the party and help with some other skills.

I like that one. Give me a few hours

I'm interested.

I've been playing PBP on the boards for almost a decade now, so you might say I'm a fair hand at it.

As far as the Pathfinder RPG goes, I have been playing it even longer (I think my first Pathfinder Society character was made in 2008 or 2009).

As for what I'm going to be applying with, I think I'd like to play a Oozemorph Shifter; I'll probably multiclass at some point, but not for a while.

VERY interested to see a build work on all levels.

Is Variant Multiclassing available?

Grand Lodge

thinking a bladebound magus...somethig different for once...

Are you using background skills?

Also based on what I am seeing so far, have you considered using auto bonus progression?

No self respecting dungeon delve can take place without a Paladin!

Character idea is a Female Tiefling Oracle1/PaladinX - should make for a sturdy frontliner I hope :D

Bare bones crunch:

Demon-spawn tiefling oracle 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 20, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +1 natural, +2 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1; +2 vs. death
Resist fire 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . mwk cold iron morningstar +4 (1d8+3)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1/day—shatter (DC 15)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (4/day)—cure light wounds, divine favor, protection from evil
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, purify food and drink (DC 13)
. . Mystery Nature
Str 17, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Fey Foundling[ISWG], Power Attack, Weapon Finesse
Traits dangerously curious, fate's favored
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Diplomacy +7, Heal +3, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +0, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
SQ fiendish sprinter[ARG], oracle's curse (legalistic), prehensile tail[ARG], revelation (nature's whispers), vow to self
Other Gear mwk agile breastplate[APG], heavy steel shield, dagger, mwk cold iron morningstar, hemp rope (50 ft.), masterwork backpack[APG]
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Fey Foundling Magical healing works better on you
Fiendish Sprinter 10-ft speed bonus when using charge, run or withdraw.
Legalistic The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile. Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your ob
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Vow to Self (1/day) +4 morale bonus to one roll to keep a promise.

A couple of Q's

1) Any Alignment restrictions? (In particular, any issue with animated dead?)

2) How much, if any, out of dungeon time? Is something like scribe scroll usable/worthwhile?

"Put your character idea, your experience with Pathfinder/PbP, and what your interest in playing this is."

Character Idea: A variant of this. It would have to be tweaked to fit your rules. Also, that campaign had a Good alignment restriction, thus the NG...which would probably change for a dungeon crawl

Experience: I've been playing pathfinder for years, since it came out. I started doing PbP a year or so ago, as local opportunities wandered into 5th Ed, which I don't particularly like...

Interest: The game looks fun, and a couple of my other PbP games have died from GM leaving...

Is Variant Multiclassing available?



Are you using background skills?

Also based on what I am seeing so far, have you considered using auto bonus progression?

I'm not going to use the background skills system.

I was originally going to run this dungeon with my in-person party, and the "buying items between floors" would be a fun RP section, but to keep things moving in a PbP setting, I think the ABP would be a good substitute for that. (was going to edit the original post, but it's too late for that).


1) Any Alignment restrictions? (In particular, any issue with animated dead?)

2) How much, if any, out of dungeon time? Is something like scribe scroll usable/worthwhile?

1) No alignment restrictions as long as you work with the party. I'd say CE would most likely be off limits unless you can convince me otherwise lol Someone mentioned being a Paladin, which might cause some tension (or comedy).

2) No outside of dungeon time. You poof into the basement and fight your way to the top.

GM NameShortage wrote:
I was originally going to run this dungeon with my in-person party, and the "buying items between floors" would be a fun RP section, but to keep things moving in a PbP setting, I think the ABP would be a good substitute for that. (was going to edit the original post, but it's too late for that).

We should highlight that Automatic Bonus Progression will be used.

I wanted to suggest that as well.

ill be offerin up Kilain Here. 1st Dwarven Cleric. Ill tweak him with your character creation rules.

Question those free feats...are you saying everyone has those automatically?

We should highlight that Automatic Bonus Progression will be used.

Since I can't edit my original post, I will just mention that we will be using Automatic Bonus Progression whenever I post.

Question those free feats...are you saying everyone has those automatically?

Yeah. It's not a full "Elephant in the Room" ruleset, but it helps alleviate some feat tax.

I am looking to play a dwarven fighter

Full stereotypical dwarf.

No stats yet but a blunt, not very charismatic self proclaimed dwarven defender. He feels the ends always justify the means.

EDIT -- old school flavor as well, dislikes elves and never trusts halflings

Finishing buying my gear on a this character, a halfling fighter... shield and sword!

My idea for this character is for him to work as a knight of miniature size, fighting for the honor of a human queen he is in love!

High AC tank style, with feats towards buffing the party members (both AC and will saves).

Question 1: How much background would be necessary, since there would be nothing outside the dungeon?

Question 2: How much do we need to worry about food, water and sleep?

Question 3: Do we get the bonus feats regardless of meeting the pre-requisites of them?

Here is Don Guy. Paladin ready to RIP AND TEAR!

Been on the boards here for quite some time and have been in a few successful games. Ready for some no worries be bloody gameplay!

I'm torn between a Barbarian/Bloodrager and a Bard.

Sim Calinean wrote:

Question 1: How much background would be necessary, since there would be nothing outside the dungeon?

Question 2: How much do we need to worry about food, water and sleep?

Question 3: Do we get the bonus feats regardless of meeting the pre-requisites of them?

1) As much background as you want to divulge to your companions. You're going in as strangers, so as long as you work with the group, you could be silent about your history. I think a short paragraph would be good enough.

2) Not going to worry about food and water. Sleep is necessary to recoup your spells/abilities/health. You'll have to keep a lookout as the dungeon doesn't sleep.

3) Yes, ignore the prerequisites.

Using ABP means we get access also to some other items, as usual, right?

Jereru wrote:
Using ABP means we get access also to some other items, as usual, right?

I've never used ABP before. Looking it over, I'm not sure what "other items" you're referring to. I know it specifies how magic items are changed, but it doesn't say there are "other items". Can you expand on that? Thanks!

I am interested. I sent you a PM GM NameShortage.

Asked requirements:

This will be what I'll be applying with.

Character Idea: I was contemplating doing a garuda-blooded aasimar. Garuda-blooded typically take on a bird-like appearance. From birth, she has shared similar aspects to the phoenix. Her wings (non-functional) share the same flame-like look and quality of her ever-flowing wild reddish hair. The difference between them being that her wings have a blue tint, like a hot flame, and are spectral in appearance. They can only be seen in the correct direction, angle, and singular type of light. Her tale (in brief) is one of anguish. She was forced into a path of acceptance of her nature as an aasimar by evil men of a good diety. They used her for her powers and connection to the divine. Unrelenting like the phoenix, she denied her captors. Her punishment was banishment to the dungeon--to serve a life of pain and ultimately death. She seeks to prove them horribly wrong.

Class would be Zen Archer Monk

Experience: Roleplaying online since 1998. Roleplaying on paper before that in person with Dnd 2-5e. Played PFS for a time. GM'ed a Sharn Eberron and Homebrew Pathfinder Campaign (both well received and completed), have been RPing on PbP on Paizo for a while. Active every day (multiple posts/day in each campaign). I try to give many details to my characters and think I'd make a great addition to this.

My interest: My interests in playing this are that I enjoy your creation rules, your post rate rules, and the setting is interesting from what is provided. I enjoy dungeon crawls with availability to upgrade, so that appeals to me. I also like the set level up situation. I've also been working on a build that I've been wanting to try that is combat/trap capable more so than my many RP styles I do.

GM NameShortage wrote:
Jereru wrote:
Using ABP means we get access also to some other items, as usual, right?
I've never used ABP before. Looking it over, I'm not sure what "other items" you're referring to. I know it specifies how magic items are changed, but it doesn't say there are "other items". Can you expand on that? Thanks!

ABP provides the bonuses usually associated with the "Big Six" (Deflection, Natural Armor, Stat Bonuses, Enhancement, etc), but that's it. It takes away half your gold for it. What I meant was if it was still going to be possible to obtain other items (like, say, Brooch of Shielding, Periapt of Health, wands, etc) or you were planning or just using the given bonuses and forgo magic items completely.

It was relevant at the time, but I think it doesn't matter now :p

Some notes on PbP (actually it made me go look for my oldest post ever).

I have been on this boards for.... 8 years?! Whaaaat? That's a LOT of games :D

I think I had started with PF maybe a year before that.

Very interested in playing this because I am curious as to what you will throw at us GM NameShortage, and also I am looking forward to see how the group evolves as a team, its synergies, etc.

And of course, (the 2+Int skill points make me cringe) but I do love Paladins.

The easier way to think about ABP is that it removes enhancment bonuses from items, which requires adjusting costs accordingly.

If you want to more-or-less remove magic items altogether, there is an option to have the character's effective level be 2 higher (Which is why the chart goes to 22).

Here is my submission:


TN Hobgoblin Shifter 1

str 14 (16)
dex 16
con 16
int 7
wis 16
cha 9

HP: 11
AC: 14/18; T: 14; FF: 10/14 (10 base +3 dex +1 dodge/+4 armor)
BAB 1 CMB: +4; CMD: 17 (18)
Init: +3

Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +3

Speed 30'

1) Morphic Weaponry (2 attacks): +4 to hit; 1d6+2 (3) damage; 20/x2 crit

Acrobatics r1 +7
Climb r1 +6 (7)
Perception r1 +7
Stealth r0 +7


Class Features:
*Archetype (Oozemorph)
- Compression (The creature can move through an area as small as one-quarter its space without squeezing, or one-eighth its space when squeezing)

- Fluid Body (Treated as ooze and humanoid: hobgoblin; in ooze form, immune to crits and flanking, but no magic item slots and can't wear armor, cast spells, hold objects, speak, or use any magic item that requires activation or is held or worn on the body; .5 level/day, can use Alter Self to assume humanoid form. this lasts for a number of hours equal to class level. Can make fort save (DC 15 +1/each previous save) to stay in form. reverting back after changing fatigues for number of minutes equal to number of hours in altered form; replaces chimeric form, greater chimeric form, wild shape, shifter aspect, and all improvements of shifter aspect)

- morphic weaponry (as a move action, generate 2 primary natural attacks that deal bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing (chosen when generated). Can change damage on any or all attacks as swift; replaces shifter claws)

- Ooze empathy (gain wild empathy for oozes)

*Accelerated Drinker (Can drink potions without hands. can drink potions as a move if it starts turn in hand; combat)

*Blood of Dragons (gain low-light vision; race)


Potion of Divine Favor x5
Potion of Mage Armor x10
Potion of Shield of Faith x5


Telv first gained sentience while he was eating the body of a dead Hobgoblin. He gained the creature's memories, and learned of it's life.

He also discovered that he could change into a copy of the creature, including what it was wearing when he consumed the body.

Since then, he has consumed several many dead bodies, but he did not gain the memories of any after the first, just the ability to take their form.

Telv has never left the dungeon, but with the arrival of these new strangers, he thinks that it might be time to do so.

He tells people that he's an ooze druid (the Hobgoblin just happened to be one) and that he prefers to stay in Ooze form because it's tougher.

Telv prefers to take potions as his share of the treasure, since he can use them even while in Ooze form.

Telv still eats dead bodies, but he explains that his order requires him to do so in order to maintain his abilities.

Regarding ABP and expanding on what Jereru said, items that only grant bonuses to AC, saving throws, and ability scores don’t exist in this variant, and wish and similar spells never grant inherent bonuses to ability scores.

As an example, a belt of giant strength +2, a ring of protection +3, or a cloak of resistance +1 wound not exist, since their only effect is give bonuses to an ability score, AC and saving throws respectively.

On the other hand, as far as I understand, a monkey belt would still exist, since it grants bonuses to ability scores but also gives bonus to skills. Of course, since the bonus you receive from itens and from ABP are the same (enhancement in case of ability scores), they would not stack.

About PBP experience, I've been here for a while... honestly don't recall when I've joined. RPG in general I play for around 15 years, playing solely 3.5 and pathfinder.

Monkey belt does exist with ABP, but it doesn't grant an enhancement bonus.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Monkey belt does exist with ABP, but it doesn't grant an enhancement bonus.

If possible, could you quote the rules that say that?

TN Samsaran Druid (Nature Fang) 1
str 16
dex 12
con 10
int 10
wis 18
cha 8
HP: 9
AC: 19; T: 11; FF: 18 (10 base +8 armor, +1 dex)
BAB 0 CMB: +3; CMD: 14
Init: +1
Fort: +2; Ref: +1; Will: +3
Speed 30 (20 in armor)
MWK Scythe +4 (2d4+4/x4)
Knowledge (Nature) +4
Perception +7
Spellcraft +4
Survival +7
Racial Features:
Low Light Vision
Lifebound: +2 saves vs. death effects, negative energy, to remove negative levels, stabilize at negative hit points
Samsaran Magic (inoperative till reaching 11 CHA)
Mystic Past Life: Add Bless Weapon, Animate Dead, Restoration, Spiritual Weapon to druid spell list
Class Features:
Studied Target: Study as move action; +1 to hit and damage.
Nature Bond (Crocodile Domain):
*Dwarf Caiman Familiar
Death Roll (usable when grappling one size category larger)
Spells: CL 1, Concentration +5
0th: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Spiritual Weapon, Touch of the Sea (D)

Heavy Armor Proficiency
MWK Stone Lamellar
MWK Scythe
Heavy Wooden Shield
Sling Bullets (20)
Daggers (5)
Short Spears (3)
56 gold

Broad strokes, Shiv is a Druid worshiper of the Dark Mother (NE Eldest); he has been reincarnated into a small tribe that venerates the crocodile living in a coastal region of Vudra, and venerates the darker aspects of nature.

About me:
I've been playing and GMing PbP here for about 3 years, starting with one of the PFS PbP "cons", but spreading out to running several long running games, PFS scenarios, and playing ina variety of games.

Some of my favorite games back in college/with my home group have always been the occasional "this is a dungeon crawl" style games where you have to work to overcome challenges in that aspect of the game knowing going in that diplomacy/plot aren't the big hindrances for you, so this gives me a chance to play what in a plot laden game would be a potentially problematic character, but which here can just be a kick arse sneak attacking/undead creating druid.

Just for fun
Applicants in order of post:
Helaman: swashbuckler/Aldori type
Oxnard Kettlebeak: Shiv'Raston TN Samsaran Druid (Nature Fang) 1
Grimdog73: bladebound magus
The Archlich: elf Unchained Rogue, (Eldritch Scoundrel), Arcane Trickster prestige class
Vrog Skyreaver: TN Hobgoblin Shifter 1
Edward Sobel: stereotypical dwarven fighter
Albion, The Eye: Female Tiefling Oracle1/paladinX
pad300:Mauro Ocella NG half elf occultist 1
Dread: Kilain Gravendak male Dwarven Cleric
Sir Longears: Sim Calinean NG halfling fighter
Andrea1: Don Guy Male Human Paladin 1 (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance)
Jereru: Barbarian/Bloodrager or Bard.
SmooshieBanana: Lash Vaeledi FemaleGaruda-Blooded Aasimar Zen Archer Monk 1

Sim Calinean wrote:
Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Monkey belt does exist with ABP, but it doesn't grant an enhancement bonus.
If possible, could you quote the rules that say that?

From Archives of Nethys: Items that only grant bonuses to AC, saving throws, and ability scores don’t exist in this variant, and wish and similar spells never grant inherent bonuses to ability scores. Magic weapons and armor do exist, but grant only special abilities, not enhancement bonuses

It specifies "weapons and armor", but I think that would expand out to items that provide both an enhancement bonus and special ability. That would mean the enhancement bonus is not granted by items that provide both, correct?

This is why I asked Vrog the source of his claim, for I've also read the rules posted on Archives of Nethys and found the same as you did, that RAW the thing that removes the bonus and leaves only the special abilities are restricted to magic weapons and armor. I tried to look for an answer from the Devs on the boards but have failed so far.

It could be said that RAI was to extend it to all items, but the word "only" on the part "Items that only grant bonuses..." could also mean that it was intended to preserve magic items (that are not weapons or armor).

If we consider that the enhancement bonus do not stack, I don't believe it would make much of a difference, so... whatever.

I think I'm leaning heavily towards Chronicler of Worlds Bard. Even though this is a Gauntlet-style adventure, Knowledge skills should be useful enough, specially coupled with some nice buffing :)

CS not finished. (Adjusting from previous)
Female Dhampir Cleric of Calistria. Selectively channeling negative energy so healing options are a bit limited....

If you are allowing variant spell-like ability for my Aasimar, I can roll a d100 to randomly pick from the list.

1d100 ⇒ 74 Lol, that's interesting.

Ignore if not.

SmooshieBanana wrote:

If you are allowing variant spell-like ability for my Aasimar, I can roll a d100 to randomly pick from the list.

1d100 Lol, that's interesting.

Ignore if not.

Oh my god lol I've never seen that. If you want to kiss people to make them feel better, I'll allow it!

except for some gear purchase Kilain is ready.

can we use the coin to purchase masterwork gear? or potions/scrolls?

Kilain Gravendak wrote:

except for some gear purchase Kilain is ready.

can we use the coin to purchase masterwork gear? or potions/scrolls?

Use the 1000gp to buy whatever you want.

GM NameShortage wrote:
Oh my god lol I've never seen that. If you want to kiss people to make them feel better, I'll allow it!

You know what? Why not? While I completely understand that see invisibility will be more useful, I can't pass this up!

Side note: I believe I am finished with backstory, crunch, and equipment. Ready for review when you feel up to it. Please let me know if that backstory doesn't fit within what you were wanting in our initial start. I tried to connect her to the dungeon.

Sim Calinean wrote:
If possible, could you quote the rules that say that?

To be fair, you are correct in saying that RAW it doesn't remove enhancement bonuses from non weapon, armor, and shield items, but the two sentences back-to-back are worded oddly.

The first sentence says Items that only grant bonuses to AC, saving throws, and ability scores don’t exist in this variant, and wish and similar spells never grant inherent bonuses to ability scores.

and then the sentence right after it reads Magic weapons and armor do exist, but grant only special abilities, not enhancement bonuses; calculate their prices with the table on page 157.

It's the noun changing which is confusing.

I would also predicate my interpretation on the first couple of sentences in the section, which read In order to face the dangers of the game, characters in the Pathfinder RPG normally need items that grant bonuses to their statistics. With this variant, characters instead gain those bonuses automatically as they increase in level, allowing them to use magic item slots for more interesting items. Emphasis mine.

I'll try to have the character ready tonight. Marcos Mundstock, Tiefling Chronicler of Worlds.

I submit Shedinn Delmirev: Mercenary and Switch-hitter Fighter

Shedinn grew up a bit of a loner. She is from a small group of semi-nomadic families that live in the outskirts of Korvosan towns until they get run off. They lived off the lands mostly, coming in for trade when necessary. It was on these trading trips that Shedinn knew she wanted somethign else for her life. She was an excellent trapper and hunter, but she yearned for a purpose in life. The glory of freeing a city, the fame for killing a monster that is that is what he wanted to have and earn. When she came of age, she left her family behind and joined a group of mercenaries. The group leader, Sarina Kalaby, was a former Gray Maiden, a disbanded elite bodyguard outfit. Shedinn's fascination with Sarina's skills and focus made her improves herself with every job. Maybe she could one day be as good as her boss was at fighting whatever has to be fought.
Shedinn's determination was unmatched and the only thing greater was her primal instincts. Whenever a combat was inevitable, she seemed to loose some of her otherwise flawless self-control and jumped into the fray until nobody was left standing.


Shedinn Delmirev
LN female Half-orc Fighter Archetypes Blackjack
Init +4
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 dex, +2 shield)
hp 11 ((1d10)+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4 (+2 vs. fear)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Longsword +4 (1d6+5 /19-20) [one-handed, power Attack]
Melee Bite +3 (1d4+7) [Power-Attack]
Melee Longsword/Bite +5/-1 (1d6+3 / 1d4+4)
Ranged mw composite Hornbow +4 (2d6+3 /x3)
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16 (17 vs grapple)
Feats Iron Will, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Skills Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Perception +3, Survival +6
Traits Reactionary, Tusked
Languages Common, Infernal
Gear mw composite (+3) Orc Hornbow, Longsword, heavy steel Shield, Breastplate, Fighter’s Kit, 2x Flask of Acid, 6 gp
Unflinching Valor Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and a +1 racial bonus to CMD to avoid being grappled. This replaces intimidating.
Favored Class Druid
Orc Ferocity Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
Weapon Familiarity Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Blackjack Fighter 2 / Goliath Druid 4 / Sanguine Angel 2 / Goliath Druid 12

about me:

I've been playing PF since almost a decade and PBP on this board for two years. I'm in CET and I usually post in the morning, sometimes during the day. I sometimes skip posting on a busy weekend.
I love the opportunity to try a more unusal build and see how it performs on many different levels.

History added. Still need skills and equipment. Should be done soon. Feel free to comment here or PM me if I've made any obvious mistakes.

Post rate should be no problem. I'm in EST, Raleigh, NC specifically. I've been playing D&D in its various forms since 1977. (Yes, I know how old that sounds!) All PBP now as I haven't found a face-to-face game in years....

I did play in a game similar to this on a previous board. In that one, characters just appeared and disappeared randomly when the players wanted to join or depart from the game. (Or when they stopped posting. Rather annoying that!)

I'm not running any games but I am in several games running at various posting rates. Most are here but one is on Discord and a second is split between Discord and here.

GM NameShortage are you using the Golarion pantheon, or given the purely dungeon crawl nature can we use any deity? I had an idea for a CG doomsayer type priest, foretelling a coming apocalypse and seeking those heroes who would rise to greatness in it (what does that mean? who knows!? He is at least half mad). If you are going with Golarion's pantheon, he would worship Groetus (Portal of Incarnation).

As for me, I have been gaming since the early 90's, took part in the Pathfinder alpha and beta tests, and have not looked back. I am new to the Paizo boards, having only recently returned to PbP games shortly before covid, but played in this format years ago on other sites.

Oblivion's Scion wrote:

GM NameShortage are you using the Golarion pantheon, or given the purely dungeon crawl nature can we use any deity? I had an idea for a CG doomsayer type priest, foretelling a coming apocalypse and seeking those heroes who would rise to greatness in it (what does that mean? who knows!? He is at least half mad). If you are going with Golarion's pantheon, he would worship Groetus (Portal of Incarnation).

As for me, I have been gaming since the early 90's, took part in the Pathfinder alpha and beta tests, and have not looked back. I am new to the Paizo boards, having only recently returned to PbP games shortly before covid, but played in this format years ago on other sites.

So, the character is the apocalyptic street corner preacher?

I think following Groetus to keep it simple would be preferred.

Also, to everyone, I'm currently going through the current applicants and will be asking for more detail on the ones I like but that could use some finer details. Thanks!

Question, if we are using Automatic Bonus Progression, how does that interact with the Occultist's abilities - like Physical Enhancement, Warding Talisman, and many others...

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