Jack misses but Nal finishes off the foe with a solid blow!
Keep your wizard ability use, Cashel. The elemental would be toast by the time you acted.
What or where next?
Paloma Redclaw |
Paloma creates water to give Cheeper a drink to cool her tongue. Then she moves with the others to look over the door and give Cheeper the opportunity to sniff before they enter.
Cashel discovers a couple mummified bodies that seem to be recently exposed from the sand. After confirming they are mummified and not mummies, he inspects them closer. Sarenrites, probably. At least judging by the iron holy symbols. On the bodies are found four identical magical oils and four identical magical arrows.
There are also quite a few runes carved into the arch at the east of the canyon.
Anyone speak Ignan?
Cashel O'Brien |
Cashel casts Detect Magic, and attempts to identify the items.
Spellcraft(Oil): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17.
Spellcraft(Arrow): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21.
No-one in the party has Ignan listed as a known language.
4x oils of bless weapon & 4x +1 holy arrows. DC 25 Linguistics Check (and the time necessary to do the translation) or any alternate methods the group may have to translate things.
I know a couple of you jumped in recently and the mission briefing was very thin with no answers for any questions you all may have had. Does everyone have a good feel for why the group is here?
Paul Montrose |
We're looking for a statue of Moloch. Incidentally, since we're all using the same campaign threads, I suggest dropping a link to the current briefing post in the header.
"I guess these must have been left by the crusaders."
No magic, just fancy words carved into the archway.
I’ll push us along to the next area tomorrow. I will assume Paul takes the four arrows, he seems to be the most likely to use a bow in this group. Anyone want those oils?
Cortina Hagen |
"Good for us, I think they will come in handy.."
Cortina takes one oil of bless weapon.
I also understand that we are tasked to retrieve the idol.
Beyond the arch, the red stone hoodoos open up to a massive citadel. The stronghold appears to have two parts: the nearest is a squat, square fortress covered in decaying plaster and topped by an enormous minaret from which a thin plume of smoke escapes. The plaster walls are richly decorated with intricate geometric carvings of dancing flames, and smaller minarets rise from the corners. At the east end of that building, the valley floor drops suddenly and a windowless second structure perches on a plateau beyond, rising gracefully from the void in a tangle of minarets and spires. Even though centuries of sand have scoured away most of the gold leaf that once decorated the structure, the sunlight reflecting off the deep red stone of the citadel makes the entire structure glow like a massive bonfire. A delicate, red, enclosed bridge links the first fortress with the second one beyond. A pair of massive brass doors covered in a flowing decorative script blocks access to the near fortress.
The brass doors are propped against the entryway and must be moved manually (Str Check).
Cortina Hagen |
Cortina tries to move the doors. "A little help here?"
Str Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Paloma Redclaw |
"Perhaps we should let Paul look for traps first, Cortina?" Paloma suggests. She tries looking the door over herself but the reflective effect shines directly in her eyes.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Seeing nothing of concern, she rummages in her pack and produces a length of steel with a flattened, curved end. She holds it out to the cleric, "I do have a crowbar." She offers.
A crowbar grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Strength checks made to force open a door or chest.
Ryul Dathana |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Paloma thinks the doors are safe!
Paul also wanders close to the doors, but doesn't feel any of the normal sensations related to there being a trap. No tummy burbles, teeth tingles or hair raised on his neck. He steps to the side.
Jack moves up and grabs one door, Cortina the other. And while Cortina wedges the crowbar in and expertly leverages the door open, Jack strains and strains but can't get his side to budge. It's probably completely rusted shut. Yeah, that's it.
Either way, access to the inside is now open. A gust of very hot dry air blasts the dwarven cleric in her face.
She glances inside and sees many rows of stout pillars, carved to resemble writhing flames, surround the center of the room where a spiral staircase, devoid of rails or walls, leads up to the minaret above. A large bonfire burns in the middle of the staircase, casting normal illumination throughout the room. The walls are covered with written words carved in gold filigree as well as stylized efreeti faces spaced every five feet. Massive obsidian benches line the walls, and a thick layer of desert sand covers the floor and stairs, especially near the entryway.
The writing is in Ignan just like on the archway outside. No one currently understands it or has tried translating yet.
Cashel O'Brien |
Sadly, I do not have Linguistics, and I only have one Comprehend Languages, which only lasts 10 minutes. I figure clearing the complex, then going back through with the translation softwarespell to document everything quickly is our best bet.
Cashel nods approvingly.
"Good job! That looked heavy..."
Cortina Hagen |
I do not have Linguistics, either, and I also only have one Comprehend Languages, which lasts 20 minutes. I think at some time we should use at least one of these two spells. Any suggestions?
Cortina breathes heavily. "Yeah, it was, but the crowbar helped a lot. Thanks, Paloma!"
Paloma Redclaw |
"Anytime. Always helps to have the right tool for the job." Paloma says cheerfully, tucking the crowbar away again. She rather pointedly does not notice when Jack's door fails to budge.
"Whew, that's hot. Maybe we should try to put the bonfire out?" She looks to her feline companion. "What do you think, Cheeper? Smell anything?" She asked the cat, observing her reaction for her answer.
Jack takes about five minutes to sketch out all the scribbles.
Paloma suggests putting out the fire, but no one yet enters to do anything inside.
Cortina Hagen |
Cortina casts a quick cantrip (guidance), grabs her longspear with both hands and steps through the doors, ready to fight anything.
Perception, guidance: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 = 6
Apparently, she doesn't see anything to fight...
CSM: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Cortina notices footprints in the sand on the stairs. The footprints do not attack.
Cheeper wrinkles her nose in the direction of the bonfire as the smoke washes over the group after the door was popped open.
Cortina Hagen |
"Look, there are a few footprints in the sand on the stairs."
Cortina moves closer to the stairs to check out the - so far pacifistic ;-) - footprints in more detail.
Do I need to make a check? If yes, which one? (with guidance, of course)
Cortina sees what look like generic humanoid boot prints heading up the stairs.
Paloma Redclaw |
Paloma casts a guidance while she moves in and looks over the tracks carefully. Cheeper follows at her heels and she watches the cat for signs that she smells a threat.
Survival, guidance: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 1 = 20
Nal Pavleth |
I can quietly get up first, look around and let you know if you don't mind. Nal makes a slight bow and begins to make his way upstairs first after Paloma reports on what conclusions she came to after examining the bootprints.
Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Creeper sniffs and seems to point towards the stairs/fire. Paloma sees generic humanoid boot prints in about her own size.
I’ll assume this lack of information is enough to trigger Nal and proceed.
The halfling slips very quietly up the stairs and around the corner.
A set of graceful spiral stairs, constructed of black marble veined with scarlet, wind upward. The bonfire in the entry hall sends waves of intense heat flowing upwards, along with thick black smoke. Directly above the flame, at the level of the chamber’s ceiling, is a wide capstone concealing the interior of the hall’s large minaret. The stairs wrap around the capstone and end in a small landing adjacent to an egg-shaped enclosure suspended inside the minaret. The chamber’s exterior walls are wreathed in smoke flowing in wide ribbons toward the minaret’s peak. A squat stone door leads inside.
As he glances around and sees no immediate danger, suddenly…
SM N,P,C,J: 4d20 ⇒ (2, 11, 9, 11) = 33
P P,C,J: 3d20 ⇒ (10, 2, 15) = 27
2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6
The door in front of him swings open (everyone inside hears this as well, though only Nal knows that he wasn’t the one to open it). As it does open though, he hears a click, which is his only warning before a gout of flame surges his way!
Reflex Save Nal! It’s a Fire/Evocation Spell.
Everyone hold actions until Nal has rolled his save and received the results. All of you may still speak though.
Nal twists away from the flame and pins himself against the wall, managing to avoid some of the charring.
3 damage taken
Everyone can take a round of actions. We aren’t in initiative per se, but I don’t want someone getting too far ahead.
Paloma Redclaw |
Speaking low, Paloma tells her friends, "I heard someone casting a spell from that direction." She points east and casts detect magic to try and help locate the caster. Then she begins moving in that direction, Cheeper at her heels as she draws her scimitar.
Paloma Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Cheeper Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Cortina Hagen |
"What happened up there?"
Cortina also casts detect magic and starts to climb the stairs.
Nal Pavleth |
Someone is hiding behind the door. I didn't quite understand what it was, magic or a trap, but someone definitely opened and closed the door to harm me with fire. Nal rubs his burned hand. I'm inclined to think that it was some invisibility spell and a trap.
Nal moves up and looks through the open doorway at the top of the stairs (it opened and never closed).
It appears to be a sauna, the bonfire below heats the floor which radiates the heat throughout the chamber. It is severely hot inside. But otherwise it is dark and devoid of furnishings or visible threats. The walls are decorated with a large mural of the Quadiran desert and a second large mural that shows a scene of a large battle.
Cortina casts detect magic, discovering nothing magical downstairs. Then she rushes up the stairs and notices an aura of magic in the hallway (further actions needed to ID in later rounds).
Paul and Jack rush in, the latter attempting to guard Paloma from... well he isn't sure. But something is dangerous in here!
Cashel moves up to the doorway to see what is up.
Paloma casts a spell like Cortina, but doesn't see any magic either. She moves over to the wall with Cheeper. The kitty paws at the ground in the direction of the east wall.
Next Round of Actions
The druid eyes the wall closely, as she notices a two small seams in it that look very suspiciously like a secret door!
And from behind that door the group hears a rustling and then the words of a spell being cast.
Bold are up!
You may presume that Cortina has pointed out the location of the secret door and act accordingly. You may also note that the stairs are NOT blocked by walls, so there is at minimum line of sight from all of the stairs down to where Jack is standing.
The group sees a female human standing there glaring at Cashel and Jack.
Cortina Hagen |
Cortina concentrates on the aura(s) of magic in the hallway to get more information on it/them. (round two of detect magic)
Jack moves up to menace the lady! She doesn’t look impressed.
Did Jack want to Ready a strike for if the lady attacks or casts?
Cortina sees the faint remnants of a fifteen foot cone spell as the only aura upstairs.
Paloma & El Cheepinator
Bold are up!
Nal Pavleth |
Our guys met someone downstairs. I'm coming down. After assessing the situation and the fact that he will not have time to be next to the woman before she casts a spell, the halfling hides behind the wall, intending to jump into the room in the next six seconds! (double move)