Winds of Fate

Game Master Joy

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Albion waits patiently in the shadows.

Ghandy dances while waiting in line for tickets to the Carnival. "Cannot wait to see all of the acrobats," she says quietly to no one in particular as she completes a pirouette with a bow. She laughs softly as she looks around the river-front, happy to be in a new place and excited about new experiences.

Just got accepted into another game, so I will have to play Celso later. Good luck and have fun those who made the party.

I withdraw my application.

Have a great game Celso!

Enjoy your game Celso ;)

Submissions So far;

Selkyon - Elf Ranger
Ghandaliae - Elf Cleric
Kandoo - Half-Orc Paladin
Jasmine - Half-elf Bard

Tom - Human Wizard
Radovan - Human Wizard
Raziel - Half-Orc Rogue

Given the GM last posted on Friday Morning in this thread is worrying as they are now about 36 hours overdue for a decision....
And GM Joy's last post was Saturday in a game recruitment thread....

Starting to think I'll need to start the game or a game......

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It could be that RL just got in the way and the GM is still looking over all of the submissions, but I would like to see the GM reach out stating that more time is needed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am optimistic we will see an update soon.

Given that there are 7 characters, the decision should be able to be done within half a day.

I'm gonna give this a time limit, if GM is a no show tomorrow morning, they ain't likely running.

As there should of been a notice by about now.

And am stuck debating on if I should run a game....

Possible Modules:

Dragon's Demand
Feast of Ravenmoor
Fangwood Keep
Gallery of Evil
No Response from Deepmar

Also possibly
Academy of Secrets
Blood of Dragonscar

I have not played any of those. I didn't have a background really built into the city so he could still fit anywhere.

RHMG Animator if you decide to step forward to run any of those, first of all 'Thank you' ;)

Then please consider me interested in participating.


Though I will warn you, I do plan on running these with a small and interesting twist.

Also if there is a module you'd like to play in the list, name it, and I'll review the module a little more.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I PM'd the OP. Hopefully he/she responds so we can move on one way or another.

I’d be up for a mod with a twist, RHMG. I’d also love to get into a Hells Vengeance (the AP).

I'd like any of those modules.

As for my character, anything with a bigger city nearby would work for his background.

I don't know any of these modules, but I'm definitely interested if you plan to run a game! Thank you very much for stepping up!

Maybe I could adapt Selkyon's background slightly to fit another module. If it really doesn't work, I have a couple other characters that I could submit.

I won't ever do APs again as they tend to die ... a lot.

I'll say this, the Twist will be requiring whole new ideas then what your planning.

I love APs and the whole idea behind them as a full mini campaign, but in PbP they require a massive commitment, both from GM and players.

Working on the recruitment thread.....

Prepare to select a PrC or a Monster Class,


Sorry about the delay. Badly timed internet issues plus the current difficulty of getting anyone out to look at shit with everything going on.

I will still run if people are still interested.

I am interested.

Interested, of course ;)

Very much interested!

Still interested,
sucks that you had gremlin minions doing a number on your internet.

Yes, I have enough gremlin minions as it is without any additional ones.

I'll give it til tomorrow to recheck interest and then open the discussion thread and get things moving.


Still interested!

Thom Boxdell is still interested and excited at the prospect of a carnival coming to down. I do hope they have games of chance...

Couple things so far:

Mioki, which are you a cleric of, Desna or Shelyn?

Squirrel, can you shave 10 years off the age?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Winds of Fate wrote:

Couple things so far:

Mioki, which are you a cleric of, Desna or Shelyn?

Squirrel, can you shave 10 years off the age?

Cleric of Desna, but will be known to say a prayer to Shelyn from time to time.

Yeah, that shouldn't be an issue. that would still be old enough for him to be an old man.

For some reason it is harder to pick one or two to leave off compared to picking 5 or 6 out of a dozen. So everyone who has expressed continued interest, just hop on over to the discussion thread and I'll just modify the module accordingly.

Nice one, thank you Winds of Fate ;)

Recruiting for a replacement for the Murder's Mark game.

25 point buy
Going traditional, Core races and classes
2 traits, no drawbacks
Alignment, no CE
Max starting gold
Archetypes: All paizo allowed
HP: Max
Stat Limits: Range is 10 to 18 before racial adjustments

Grand Lodge

Greetings, I am always up for jumping in to help with a campaign. What kind of characters are still with you and what role(s) do you need filled?

The one who dropped was a Bard. We currently have a Cleric, Rogue and a Ranger. So we are missing an Arcane slot.

So we've lost the paladin and the bard leaving the party with Raziel the rogue, Ghandalie'eLandara a cleric of Desna and Selkyon a ranger who looks like he's going ranged.

Gosh "The Winds of Fate", That was a quick response. I had started a note commenting on the party's members, but it seems irrelevant now.

Were you looking to replace both lost players, or only one? How long will you leave the recruitment open?

I was thinking of submitting either Hyder who could fill an arcane spot (I would need to rework his stats) or Ivar, who would be melee.

I would like to join. I can make a scrollmaster wizard.

Grand Lodge

I was considering making either a martial character (melee) or a sorcerer, both themed for the circus given what I have read so far in the gameplay. So, ideas I have considered:

- A Varisian human or half elf sorcerer specializing in fire magic and tattoos, performing as a fire juggler.

- A Varisian human or halfling monk performing as an acrobat/juggler/trapeze artist.

Just dropping by to say Raziel is an Eldritch Scoundrel - so there is 'some' Arcane in the group :P

Raziel Drakan wrote:
Just dropping by to say Raziel is an Eldritch Scoundrel - so there is 'some' Arcane in the group :P

Are you sure he isn't just a scoundrel? :P

Anyways, here is my submission, Pelipe, based on whether this is still open to others.

I'd like to resubmit Radovan Masolanic, the Wizard who just so happens to also be a scoundrel and a smooth talker.

He is accompanied by Wiedus, his Margay Cat familiar, who is often used as a decoy for crowds while Radovan empties their pockets (he doesn't steal, he cons. Much nobler...)

Raziel Drakan wrote:
Just dropping by to say Raziel is an Eldritch Scoundrel - so there is 'some' Arcane in the group :P

Hey Edeldhur, I certainly wouldn't want to step on Raziel's toes. So, in case you all want a frontliner, or a fifth after a second caster, I will remove Hyder from consideration and stick with Ivar for this recruitment. I'm still finishing the crunch, but he is a Human barbarian with a bad case of wanderlust.

No toe stepping at all Robert - was more of a joke. Feel obviously free to apply with whichever character you prefer ;)

Raziel Drakan wrote:
No toe stepping at all Robert - was more of a joke. Feel obviously free to apply with whichever character you prefer ;)

LOL, yeah, would definitely prefer a big barbarian type. Of course you probably knew that... Wulfgar Ivarsson: guess where his name came from...

I also alternatively have an alchemist, Angelique, if that is more helpful to the campaign.

SmooshieBanana wrote:
I also alternatively have an alchemist, Angelique, if that is more helpful to the campaign.
Just a reminder Smooshie
The Winds of Fate wrote:
Going traditional, Core races and classes.

So this is RH's Barbarian Ivar, he's your basic northern warrior. He would have worked his way upriver on a boat to Lake Syrantula; staying in Ilsurian long enough to enjoy the Umbra Carnival, before deciding what to do next.

A question TWF "The winds of Fate", I hope you don't mind I abbreviated :) about languages, Ivar was born in the 'Ironbound Islands" but moved to Absalom in his youth. In game, He would speak common, (Taldane) and doesn't have a high enough Inteligence to automatically have a second language. Do you mind if he speaks Skald also or would you prefer he only speak Taldan.

I usually have everyone start with common and allow characters with regional languages to take them as well for free.

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