Ghandy dances while waiting in line for tickets to the Carnival. "Cannot wait to see all of the acrobats," she says quietly to no one in particular as she completes a pirouette with a bow. She laughs softly as she looks around the river-front, happy to be in a new place and excited about new experiences.
Given the GM last posted on Friday Morning in this thread is worrying as they are now about 36 hours overdue for a decision....
And GM Joy's last post was Saturday in a game recruitment thread....
Starting to think I'll need to start the game or a game......
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
It could be that RL just got in the way and the GM is still looking over all of the submissions, but I would like to see the GM reach out stating that more time is needed.
I don't know any of these modules, but I'm definitely interested if you plan to run a game! Thank you very much for stepping up!
Maybe I could adapt Selkyon's background slightly to fit another module. If it really doesn't work, I have a couple other characters that I could submit.
For some reason it is harder to pick one or two to leave off compared to picking 5 or 6 out of a dozen. So everyone who has expressed continued interest, just hop on over to the discussion thread and I'll just modify the module accordingly.
Recruiting for a replacement for the Murder's Mark game.
25 point buy
Going traditional, Core races and classes
2 traits, no drawbacks
Alignment, no CE
Max starting gold
Archetypes: All paizo allowed
HP: Max
Stat Limits: Range is 10 to 18 before racial adjustments
I was considering making either a martial character (melee) or a sorcerer, both themed for the circus given what I have read so far in the gameplay. So, ideas I have considered:
- A Varisian human or half elf sorcerer specializing in fire magic and tattoos, performing as a fire juggler.
- A Varisian human or halfling monk performing as an acrobat/juggler/trapeze artist.
I'd like to resubmit Radovan Masolanic, the Wizard who just so happens to also be a scoundrel and a smooth talker.
He is accompanied by Wiedus, his Margay Cat familiar, who is often used as a decoy for crowds while Radovan empties their pockets (he doesn't steal, he cons. Much nobler...)
Just dropping by to say Raziel is an Eldritch Scoundrel - so there is 'some' Arcane in the group :P
Hey Edeldhur, I certainly wouldn't want to step on Raziel's toes. So, in case you all want a frontliner, or a fifth after a second caster, I will remove Hyder from consideration and stick with Ivar for this recruitment. I'm still finishing the crunch, but he is a Human barbarian with a bad case of wanderlust.
I also alternatively have an alchemist, Angelique, if that is more helpful to the campaign.
Just a reminder Smooshie
The Winds of Fate wrote:
Going traditional, Core races and classes.
So this is RH's Barbarian Ivar, he's your basic northern warrior. He would have worked his way upriver on a boat to Lake Syrantula; staying in Ilsurian long enough to enjoy the Umbra Carnival, before deciding what to do next.
A question TWF "The winds of Fate", I hope you don't mind I abbreviated :) about languages, Ivar was born in the 'Ironbound Islands" but moved to Absalom in his youth. In game, He would speak common, (Taldane) and doesn't have a high enough Inteligence to automatically have a second language. Do you mind if he speaks Skald also or would you prefer he only speak Taldan.