GM Hawthwile |
First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.
- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.
If you're worried or concerned about any of these expectations, or about anything related to this game, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.
In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) Let me know what your character is most concerned about with an opponent - otherwise, I'll use my best judgement. If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.
We’ll be using block initiative during encounters. Actions will be resolved in the order that they were posted in. While this can do some weird things with a single character acting "twice" before another, it is easier for both players and GM to track the sequence of events this way. I highly encourage tactics such as:
McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.
Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 (+ buff if applicable)
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 (+ buff if applicable)
I will happily calculate the final result in these cases. This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.
If your post is entirely out of character (OOC), let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.
About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.
For your first post here, please use the Reply option on the following post, delete the [quote'] tags, and fill in the provided fields. And be sure to pop over to the Gameplay thread and dot in!
GM Hawthwile |
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS Number:
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):
Day Job (please roll now):
Special Notes/Abilities: Please replace this text with anything unusual about your character here, such as “I always deal non-lethal damage and use the Enforcer feat to demoralize as a free action” or “I ride a Huge serpent mount, but it’s got both the Narrow Frame feat and a Belt of the Weasel so it can fit through a 5-ft hallway easily.” This will help both you as a player not have to type the same thing over and over again and me as the GM prepare so the game runs more smoothly.
Rami Azar |
Player Name: Michael Hallet
Character Name: Rami Azar
PFS Number: 2608-10
Faction: Scarab Sages
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): Prof:Gambler: 10 + 5 = 15
Special Notes/Abilities: As an Maverick Gunslinger/Sleuth Investigator, Rami has various abilities that let him alter his dice rolls, especially, skill checks.
Rami can use inspiration for free on the following skills: Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Spellcraft, Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, and Intimidate.
I can also use my grit/luck pool to modify some skills.
The Sleuth's Daring ability lets me add a d6 to Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride and Swim checks. This die can explode up to 2 times if a 6 is rolled.
The Maverick's Stacked Deck ability lets me add a d6 to Bluff, Sleight of Hand, and Profession (gambler) checks. This die can explode once if a 6 is rolled.
I'm supposed to decide to use them after I see what I rolled but before I know the result of the roll, so we'll have to figure out how that works for rolls you make for Rami.
Another thing is besides the typical gunslinger ways to recharge grit, he has the sleuth recharge abilities:
When a natural 20 is rolled on a Knowledge or Sense Motive check during an investigation.
Roll a 6+ on an inspiration die for a check made during an investigation.
It's up to you to determine what constitutes an "investigation" for this purpose.
Gervase Goldhawkë |
Player Name: Yours is mined
Character Name: Gervase Goldhawkë
PFS Number: 69095-6
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): take 10 Profession (sailor): 10 + 9 = 19
Special Notes/Abilities: Nothing really. Gervase is a fairly standard switch-hitter ranger with an archetype that lets her operate in water more efficiently. She doesn't have an animal companion.
Rossby Num |
Player Name: Watery Soup
Character Name: Rossby Num
PFS Number: 2358909-2
Faction: Silver Crusade
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): 0
Special Notes/Abilities: You guessed it! Rossby is a Bludgeoner (can deal non-lethal with bludgeoning) and Enforcer (free Demoralize with non-lethal damage), and will attack with bludgeoning, non-lethal damage whenever possible. Rossby also has Water Sight and obscuring mist, but I (as a player) will ask permission from the group before dropping mist.
Rossby is currently level 2, but should have GM credit applied to make him level 3 before March 30.
Personal Note: I will actually be on vacation from March 27-31 (unless plans change due to coronavirus). I'll have cell phone access but my first few posts may be short.
Nalaia Mak'kaht |
Player Name: X Hums
Character Name: Nalaia Mak'khat
PFS Number: 295369-8
Faction: Exchange
Slow Tracking? (Y/N): N
Day Job (please roll now): Crappy profession sailor: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Special Notes/Abilities: Nalaia has a reach weapon and the heavens mystery. That means that all enemies count has having 4 less hit dice for the purposes of things like Color Spray. She's also my tiefling boon. She also has the haunted curse, so GM feel free to have weird noises, but also remember if I drop something it goes flying.
Igor Ivantoe |
Player Name: Mage of the Wyrmkin
Character Name: Igor Ivantoe
PFS Number: 115226-10
Faction: Grand Lodge
Slow Tracking? (Y/N):N
Day Job (please roll now):Take 10 for 50 gp (Craft-Alchemy)
Special Notes/Abilities: I have played this one before but recall little to nothing about it. I am burning one of my 15 replays while I still have a chance to use them. I am looking forward to playing with you again. :)
Gervase Goldhawkë |
Does Gervase have any visible marks of her archetype - earplugs around her neck, etc. - that would lead Rossby to believe she has more connection to the sea than a typical human?
Well, she is wearing waders ;) and has the broad shoulders/muscular arms/narrow waist typical of competitive swimmers.
Rossby Num |
Regarding the number of reach weapons in this party ... What exactly are the rules for flanking with reach weapons?
Do the two O's flank if they have reach weapons?
Nalaia Mak'kaht |
When in doubt about whether two characters flank an opponent in the middle, trace an imaginary line between the two attackers' centers. If the line passes through opposite borders of the opponent's space (including corners of those borders), then the opponent is flanked.
GM Hawthwile |
Sorry folks, IRL game went long tonight and left no time for updating PbP games. Expect a post in 8ish hours.
Gervase Goldhawkë |
I like the look of long gloves and an ostentatious garment in the form of a veiled hat for 25gp as a gift for Yiddlepode.
Is that OK, GM?
Gervase Goldhawkë |
Nah, don't worry about it, Mage :)
I'm always looking for ways to enhance the roleplay element using 'extras' from Ultimate Equipment and the like.
Also, I try to play Gervase as a 'nice girl' but to avoid the cliche, she can be a little pushy.
GM Hawthwile |
In case Emral didn't make it quite clear (he was a bit delirious, after all), you could also attempt to speak with Yiddlepode above ground at one of the operas in the Ivy District.
Gervase Goldhawkë |
Oh, OK. I didn't realize she would be at the Opera now.
Could we buy a gift for her on the way to the Opera, GM? The hat shop and opera house are both in the Ivy District, yeah?
Nalaia Mak'kaht |
Hmm. Guess I never posted that here. I've been going through some medical issues. What could have been terribly serious seems to have been a days long cramp in my back instead. While annoying, it means that the issue wasn't as worrying as it could have been. I'm feeling much better now and don't foresee any more interruptions for the remainder of Outpost.
Nalaia Mak'kaht |
Sorry all! I've had a busy day haggling with a landlord (in a good way) and securing a move to a dream townhouse in a great part of town! Unfortunately, it's left me with no time to get Play by Post done, as I need to finalize prep for an irl play game tomorrow. Sorry about the delay!
Gervase Goldhawkë |
It basically lets her keep the benefits of the item (antiplague), without having to use it.
Let me know if you have any problem with it.
Peekers, told ya it would be boring :Þ
GM Hawthwile |
This is probably not a surprise to everyone, but we're not likely to finish this scenario before PaizoCon in a few weeks. If you were planning to play this character at a table there, let me know and we'll figure something out.
GM Hawthwile |
As we are approaching the end of Outpost III, the organizers have asked GMs to report games even if they are not yet finished. That means it's time to roll for boons!
Boon Rolling Instructions:
1. Roll a d20 in the Discussion thread
2. If the result of the d20 roll is a 19 or 20:
- Roll a d3 to determine which boon you have won
- PM me your email address so I can let the event organizers know how to get your boon to you
Igor Ivantoe |
boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20
boon: 1d3 ⇒ 2
GM Hawthwile |
^Can they not just email the boon to your Paizo inbox?
They cannot - the convention organizers do not have access to that information.
Gervase Goldhawkë |
Apologies for the delay in posting. Baffled by the combat stand-off + work thing came up.
Expect a gameplay post from Gervase inside the next 12 hours.
Rossby Num |
Percentagewise, roughly how far are we through the scenario?
Is anyone signing up for Paizocon with these characters?
GM Hawthwile |
This is probably not a surprise to everyone, but we're not likely to finish this scenario before PaizoCon in a few weeks. If you were planning to play this character at a table there, let me know and we'll figure something out.
Unfortunately, it is very unlikely we will be done before Paizocon next week. I would not recommend signing up for any games with these characters.
Rossby Num |
Was this game already reported? If so, the scenario did not make it onto Rossby's character page. If not, then, no problem (on my end).
GM Hawthwile |
Hmm. I thought so, but now I’m unable to locate the confirmation email. I’ll double check with the VO’s and report back. Thanks for asking, Rossby!
And thank you everyone for your patience during PaizoCon. I hope you were able to participate as much as you wanted and that you all had fun. Now let’s get this one wrapped up!
Gervase Goldhawkë |
Sounds good!
Played 5 games and ran 2. All the players and GMs were great!
Definitely need to catch up on some sleep.
That won't stop me getting stuck in here though, GM.
Gervase Goldhawkë |
If some of the others post in the meantime, expect Gervase to post within 12 hours or so, GM Hawthwile.
Rami Azar |
FYI. My wi-fi adapter on my PC is dying. I'm going to try to switch to a hardwired connection, but it may take a day or two. I may be silent for a bit. Please bot as necessary.
Rossby Num |
Rossby Num wrote:Rossby double moves into the smoke. With his Water Sight, he can see perfectly.Unfortunately, Water Sight states "You can see through fog and mist without penalty as long as there is enough light to allow you to see normal", and the smoke is... well, smoke. So Rossby still has to deal with concealment.
I'm more confused about the smoke than the ability.
So the smoke bomb functions like fog cloud, but with smoke instead of fog? I guess I took it to mean the bomb created a fog cloud.
GM Hawthwile |
Basically. I would guess that the writers for Pathfinder decided to re-use an existing cloud effect they thought players would be familiar with than create a new smoke cloud effect. And the smoke is specifically called out in the discovery:
Smoke Bomb: When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it create a cloud of thick smoke when it detonates. The cloud functions as fog cloud, filling an area equal to twice the bomb's splash radius for 1 round per level.
Nalaia Mak'kaht |
I'd like to give a formal apology for last week. I honestly just needed a mental health week. I felt off for most of the week. It's cleared now, thankfully, but that's why my posting was inconsistent last week.
Gervase Goldhawkë |
GM Hawthwile, just checking we are playing with the low sub-tier stats?
GM Hawthwile |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yeah. High tier adds some guards (and other stuff), but uses the same stat block for Kibizax. Thankfully, you've got action economy on your side, and he's just one little old kobold. You got this!