bookrat |

Punk Apocalyptic is a post apocalyptic RPG that doesn't take itself too seriously. Run on the Shadow Engine by Robert Schwalb, the game uses only d6 and d20. 0 level characters will be rolled randomly, with small choices by the player.
As the full game isn't out yet, this game will run the level 0 adventure published in the free Quick Start Guide. Don't read the adventure. Read the rest.
Now, you might notice that the tone is a bit different from other Schwalb Entertainment offerings in that they’re not shy about saying words like f!~#, shit, bastard, and a whole bunch of other nasty words to properly convey the mood and tone of a world gone to hell.
Brace yourself.
Or you can f$$* off and die, wastoid. Your choice.
The world as we know it is gone. The why and how of it is subject to debate, but there are few left who have the time or ability to wax philosophical about it. All that’s left is an extremely dangerous place, which, depending upon your point of view, is either a reeking open sewer, a radioactive shithole rife with wasting disease and lingering death, or a desperate place of hunger and want where anyone will trade anything just to survive one more day.
Actually, your point of view doesn’t matter. It’s all of these things.
Deadly and violent, much of the world has become a deserted, barren land dotted with the remnants of whatever came before. The Wasteland, as it’s called, though, is not as empty as it might first appear.
Here live the wretched descendants of the undesirables, the impoverished, the castoffs, and everyone else deemed unsuitable for entry into the great and mythical Megalopoli: fabulous cities built during civilization’s collapse that became more myth than reality to most of the rugged shitkickers trying to scratch out a living in the Wasteland. Unless you’re one of those privileged few living in one of ‘em, you’re pretty much f!#@ed and have to figure out some way to survive in some of the worst places you can imagine, alongside all the other poor dumb bastards who will just as soon tear out your throat to get their mitts on your rusty can of beets as give you the time of day. Not that anyone has a working watch or really gives a shit about what time of the day it is. Beets, though? That’s another story.
But as unpleasant as the world has become, opportunity abounds for anyone with the grit, determination, and moral flexibility to stay alive and maybe even thrive—well, at least by comparison to the other slags around you.
In the Wasteland, resources are quite scarce. Electricity is nearly nonexistent, and those few who know how to build or even repair complex devices are rarer still. Therefore, just about everything has been reduced to the most of basic items, assembled from whatever can be dug and salvaged out of old landfills, plundered from the ruined cities of the Before Times, or simply robbed from some other weak, stupid bastards.
Digging out salvage is no easy task as most ruins are overrun with roving gangs, mutant abominations, murderous cannibals, or fanatic disciples with insane beliefs. When you’re offered a few bullets to put an end to a local warlord, fuel to fill up the car you’ve kept running with bubblegum, duct tape, and hope, odds are you won’t have much choice other than to take the job.
As tough as things are in the Wasteland, one can still find small settlements, often fortified, which somehow manage to survive the neverending hardship. Some outposts serve as commercial hubs, while others represent the best chance for the weak and feeble to survive. Some settlements have greenhouses and water collectors for growing crops and supplying clean water, while many host murderous gangs who trade only in bullets instead of goods and foodstuffs that would actually make life more livable. Go figure.
Then there are roving hermits who collect odd pieces of useful junk and technology, or bands of mystic nomads in search of some arcane “truth” that often involves blood sacrifice (usually yours or that of your teammates), or the odd religious cult dedicated to bizarre gods of their own invention, bent on forceful conversion of anyone they meet (also, usually you and your teammates).
Anything and everything is possible in the Wasteland and you’re bound to discover something truly strange that would shock even your seriously desensitized and cynical world-view before you punch your ride ticket and call it an end to the miserable f!#*ing life you’ve lived in this world of shit.
In Punk Apocalyptic, you take on the role of mercenaries, people who travel across the Wasteland, selling unique capabilities to those in need. What do you get in return for risking your lives? Bullets, food, water, meds, fuel, and salvage, all of which form the ad hoc mish-mash economy of this brutal world.
As you play this game, you’ll have opportunities to explore old ruins, discover strange places and even stranger people, dicker over prices, interrogate prisoners, and fight for your lives. Sometimes all in the same day! Each mission your team undertakes leads you into new dangers, challenges, and opportunities to make names for yourselves in the Wasteland. Sure, some of you will die, but there’s always a new sucker out there ready to take the place of the fallen.
Speaking of which, let's make your first Merc.
Each attribute represents a different aspect of your character’s capabilities.
Muscles represents physical strength and athleticism. You use Muscles to attack with handheld weapons.
Meat combines overall durability with healthiness. You use Meat to determine how much damage you can take.
Hands measures equilibrium, balance, poise, and precision. You use Hands to attack with guns, bows, and stuff, as well as to do stuff that requires manual dexterity.
Feet represents speed, mobility, and the ability to evade danger. You use Feet to avoid being hit by attacks.
Brains describes wit, intelligence, education, and logic. You use Brains to figure out stuff, use technology, and your smarts to overcome challenges.
Eyes represents sensory acuity and awareness. Although it says eyes, it means all your damned senses. You use Eyes to notice stuff.
Mouth represents the strength of your personality, natural charm, and magnetism. You use Mouth in social situations.
Guts combines determination, courage, discipline, and willpower. You typically use Guts to keep your shit together when the situation goes pear-shaped.
Assign your scores in any order you choose: 13, 12, 12, 11, 10, 10, 10, and 9. You can increase one attribute at the cost of lowering a different attribute. This can be done twice. You can decide all this after choosing your background.
Choose a background. Each background is associated with one attribute. Once you make your decision, roll a d6 to gain more details into your background.
Drifter. You’ve travelled far and wide across the Wasteland, but even after all this time, you’ve still not seen it all. You find it hard to stay in one place for long. The road always calls you back. So, you don’t put down roots and you sure as hell haven’t made any last arrangements. Of course, this could change if you meet the right people, but that hasn’t happened so far. Feet.
Face. There’s something about you that other people like. You might have a trusting face, a magnetic personality, or a quick wit. Who the f!*% knows?! The main thing is that you’re good at making friends and getting people to trust you. You can use your talent for good or you can be a real piece of shit and exploit the dumbasses too thick to see you for the charlatan narcissist you really are. Mouth.
Fanatic. Many people might have given up their allegiances and beliefs when the world went to shit, but you cling to what you think is important. You might be a religious fanatic, a patriot, or just committed to some cause greater than yourself. Whatever it is, it drives you, gives you purpose. Nothing and no one can change your mind, because you f!##ing know for certain your way is the right way. Guts.
Ganger. People form gangs all the time, usually gathering around a charismatic and exceptionally tough f!*#er. Gangs might be vicious a!&~~@&s who prey on the weak or noble sorts who follow a particular code—it’s usually the former.
Whatever the case, you found yourself in a gang and stayed with it for a while before you struck out on your own; because of this, you might have bad blood with your old companions, in which case you’ll be spending a lot of time looking over your shoulder. Or, your gang could have fallen apart after having its ass kicked by mutants, the V Reich, or another, stronger gang. Hands.
Genius. You’re something of an anomaly. Most of the smart folks wound up in one of the Megalopoli, but not you. You’re stuck in the Wasteland along with everyone else, and with a head full of knowledge, useful or useless depending on where you are at the time. Your smarts mean you can figure out problems, remember useful details, and generally be the most brilliant a$#%$*~ in the room. Brains.
Muscle [\b]. You’ve survived by being one of the strongest people around. Big and bulky, you’ve plenty of might and no hesitation about using it. You might have fought for the entertainment of crowds, served as a warlord’s guard, or took what you wanted from people weaker than you just because you could. Muscles.
[B]Scavanger. The Wasteland might seem empty and shitty, but for those who know where to look, it holds all kinds of treasures. You’ve made a life for yourself finding stuff, from guns to bullets, food to meds in order to keep you from turning into mutant scum. You have a knack for finding useful stuff in places others would overlook. Eyes.
Surviver. It ain’t easy living in the Wasteland, but somehow you manage. You’ve found ways to deal with the hardships that come with life in this terrible world, managing to find clean water and edible food, all while avoiding the worst of the shit the Wasteland could throw at you. You can draw on your experiences to help you and your companions stay alive. Meat.
Attribute Modifiers: Now that you have your scores, you can note your modifiers for each score. An attribute modifier is a number determined by the score. An attribute’s modifier equals its score minus 10. So, if you have a 10 Muscles, you have a +0 modifier. If you have a 12 Brains, you have a +2 modifier. And if you have an 8 Eyes, you have a –2 modifier. Easy peasy. If your score changes, your modifier changes by the same amount.
Defense: You have a Defense score, which is a number used when other folks try to hit you with their weapons. Your Defense score equals half your Feet score + half your Eyes score (round down). Wearing armored clothing increases your Defense score. If your Feet or Eyes modifiers change, your Defense will as well.
Health: You have a Health score, which tells you the maximum amount of damage you can take before you drop. Your starting Health score equals your Meat score. If your Meat score changes, so too does your Health score. Your Health score also increases from the paths you choose as you complete missions.
Grit: You have a number of grit points. You spend grit points to heal damage. You might also lose grit points from sickness, radiation, or if you’re dying. You start the game with a number of grit points equal to 3 + your Guts modifier (minimum 1). If your Guts score changes, so too does your number of grit points.
Education : Smart characters tend to know more about the world than most of the dumbasses alive do. You have an amount of education equal to your Brains modifier (minimum 0). For each point of education, choose a language you can speak, read, and write or chose a specialty, chosen from the following options. Specialties are shit you know about. You can usually recall information related to a specialty you possess, though you might have to roll Brains to recall obscure information.
Specialties: Architecture and Engineering, Arts and Culture, Law and Politics, Medicine, Philosophy and Religion, Science, or Make up something (be creative!).
Speed: You have a Speed score, which tells you how far you can move on your turn. Your Speed score equals half your Feet (minimum 1). If your Feet score changes, your Speed also changes.
Size and Reach: You have a Size score and a Reach score. Your Size score, which is 1, describes the amount of horizontal space you take up in yards (1 yard = 3 feet). It does not account for your height. Your Reach score is how far you can reach outside of your space, which is measured in yards.
Mutagen: Finally, you have a Mutagen score, which describes how much exposure you’ve suffered to seriously f$ed-up environments such as radioactive areas, chemical spills, and biological hazards. To determine your starting mutagen, roll a d6. On a 6, you start the game with 1 mutagen and one minor, cosmetic mutation of your choice. Sucks to be you. Or maybe not.
Let's figure out what junk you have on your person. Time to roll some dice!
Starting Junk: d6 and d20
Starting Age: 3d6
Starting Looks: 3d6
Height: 3d6
Weight: 3d6
Distinguishing Features: d6, then d20, then d6. You may have as many of these as you like, but you must have at least one. You can decide to add on more after knowing the results.
Social Interaction: 3d6
Connections: 3d6
Sanity: 3d6
Goal: 3d6
Motivations: 3d6
Obligation: 3d6
Morality: 3d6
Name: d6 then d20

Origami Dog |

The rolls are a little different in the book.
Starting Junk: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (2) + (18) = 20 Tube of Hair Gel
Starting Age: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5) = 15 Middle Aged
Starting Looks: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) = 15 Looker
Height: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6) = 13 a little taller than average
Weight: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5) = 9Average
Distinguishing Features: d6, then d20, then d6. You may have as many of these as you like, but you must have at least one. You can decide to add on more after knowing the results.
Features: 1d6 + 2d20 ⇒ (5) + (6, 3) = 14 Scar covering half my Mouth (can you tattoo your mouth???)
Social Interaction: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5) = 9 You get along ok with people
Connections: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) = 8 A few close friends.
Sanity: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2) = 11 Stable
Goals: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Want to be famous
Motivations: 1d20 ⇒ 15 Afraid of the hatred you feel
Obligation: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2) = 13 You keep your word for the most part and feel shame and regret when you break it.
Morality: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6) = 10 Neutral
Name: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (3) + (11) = 14 Jesus

bookrat |

Since we have a new PBP player joining us, here's some rules and guidelines for playing a PBP game:
This game is descriptive and requires players to have input and to be descriptive themselves. I know we all get lost in the single line posts as games go on past a few weeks, but to make this game thrive, you have to put in some effort.
So based on that, I request that all players strive for the following:
Posting Rate. This game will be played at a minimum of one post per day. Possibly more. I often post multiple times per day just to answer questions and post reactions to something a player is doing. If you can't/won't post for a day, then expect to be botted or skipped so the story can move forward (generally, I bot those who give me a heads up, and I skip those who are absent with no word). Also, please don't be that person who thinks "once per day" is posting at 11:50 pm and then again at 12:10 am, and then doesn't post again for nearly 48 hours.
Give a Heads Up. If you can't post for a period of time - even if it is one day - please tell us! It takes less than 30 seconds to use your phone and drop a line. “I’m super busy today, I won’t be able to post,” or “I’ll be gone this weekend, please bot as needed.” There’s rarely a good excuse for why you can’t give others a notice. Be courteous and let us know.
Join the Discord Group. I have a discord chat for my games. I use it to keep in touch with my players, to allow players to more easily contact me, as a backup site to play in case this website is down for a period of time, and just a place for us to chat.
Push Post. At least every other post should be a "Push Post." That is a post that moves the story forward and allows for others to react. Avoid posts that just say, "I follow along" or "We could do this if others want." If you're just following, include a description about how you feel and what emotions others can see on your face and you travel. If you have a suggestion for the group, then either post in Discussion or just go ahead and do it.
Emotions. Your posts should include the emotions of your characters. How are they feeling at that moment in time? Even if you only have a one liner, please include one emotion in the line. Icluding emotional descriptions in your posts will go a long way to help with the environment of this game and making the characters feel alive.
Don’t wait for others to make a decision. I'd prefer it if we weren't all waiting on someone else to make the decision to do something. I’ll play by the “2 people in agreement” rule, where as soon as I see two players agree to a course of action for the group, that’s the direction we’ll go in game. If people start stalling, I'll make Something Bad Happen in game, just so we can bring interest back into the game.
Quitting the Game. It’s ok to quit. Any reason is acceptable. Just give us a notice so we’re not waiting on you. Maybe you’re too busy with life, maybe you don’t like the system, maybe you don't like me. It’s ok. Any reason is ok. I can handle criticism and I will accept literally any reason for why you want to leave the game. Just be mature, be an adult, and let the group know you’re bowing out. What isn’t ok is to just disappear. Don’t be that guy.
Please state that you agree to my rules in your application for this game, whether you're making a new character or bringing in an old PC.
Lastly, this is a post apocalyptic survival and adventure game. Have fun with it. Comedy is encouraged! :)
Thanks, and I hope we all can have fun!
Other suggestions for a Paizo style PBP game:
Bold test is character speech.
Italics is character thoughts.
Blue is out of character stuff.
You can see all the tags in the Spoilers tag below the text window.
In-character fighting is allowed, including arguments and even combat. Hell, I don't care if PCs kill each other, you can always roll up a new PC. Just make sure character emotions don't roll over into player emotions. Talk it out with other players in the Discord chat before you make a post here. Remember, we're all here to have fun, so we have to make sure PC disagreements are settled between players by talking to each other as the respectful adults we pretend to be.
Also, don't forget to answer the questionnaire for your character:
Answer these questions after you have completed all your random rolls and decided on a background.
1) How do others make you feel? Do you like being the center of attention or bring left alone; is there a such thing as a stranger to you or do you even know what it's like to have a friend. Things like that.
2) Name one thing you value most. Then name one thing you could lose. These could be ideals, physical possessions, relationships, etc..
3) What do you fear? What do you hate?
4) What do you desire? What do you love?
5) You have (at least) one secret. What is it?
6) Have you done something Notable? What was it?
7) Are you in charge or do you let others take that roll? Do you rebuke authority or revel in it?
8) Do you follow through on your promises and obligations? Or do you delay or avoid? Do you feel guilty when you don't uphold them?
9) What are your opinions on Good and Evil? Do they exist? Or is it all shades of Grey? Where do you see yourself?

Brainiac |

Fanatic Background: 1d6 ⇒ 4 You hate a particular group of people—mutants, gangers, or someone else of your choice. You believe these a$@%$!*s are to blame for all the shit that’s gone wrong.
Starting Junk: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (1) + (7) = 8 A bag of polyhedral dice
Age: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) = 7 Young Adult
Looks: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) = 9 Normal
Height: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5) = 13 a little taller than average
Weight: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) = 14 bulky
Distinguishing Features: 2d20 ⇒ (9, 7) = 16 ...no body hair at all
Social: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 1) = 10 You get along with other people about as well as anyone else does. You’re not particularly outgoing but you’re not all quiet and reserved either.
Connections: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5) = 11 You know people, have several friends, and a few close relationships.
Sanity: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5) = 13 You’re pretty stable. You have few illusions and do what needs doing.
Goals: 1d20 ⇒ 17 You want power.
Motivation: 1d20 ⇒ 15 You’re afraid of the hatred you feel.
Obligation: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1) = 7 You might keep your promises, but you might break them too. You look after what best serves you.
Morality: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) = 4 You are selfish and petty. You never think twice about hurting others if it means getting ahead.
Name: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (3) + (2) = 5 Hag

Origami Dog |

Ok! I've decided playing on a Drifter.
Background: 1d6 ⇒ 1 You move around a lot because you wind up killing someone when you stay put for too long. You’ve got a lot of blood on your hands.
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Languages: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) = 10 Can read English.
Mutagen: 1d6 ⇒ 3 Nope
Muscles: 11 (+1)
Meat: 12 (+2)
Hands: 12 (+2)
Feet: 15 (+5)
Brains: 10 (0)
Eyes: 10 (0)
Mouth: 8 (-2)
Guts: 10 (0)
Defense: 12
Health: 12
Guts: 3
Speed: 7
Size: 1
As the New World's savior, I demand to be recognized by everyone. I'm the new Jesus and people better get to the worshipping. I'd say I have some friends, though most people seem to think I'm crazy, I'll show 'em all!
2) Name one thing you value most. Then name one thing you could lose. These could be ideals, physical possessions, relationships, etc.. I'm never without my sweet threads, they're a little beat up, but I think it adds to their charm. As for what I could lose, my virginity, am I right? heh heh yeah...
3) What do you fear? What do you hate?
Umm... I'm not afraid of anything... definitely not those nasty crawling bugs. I hate those that no good heathens who sully the name of the Lord, and me!
4) What do you desire? What do you love?
I want everyone to recognize my birthright and to spread my name to all corners of the earth. Between you and me, I love attention... and pizza!
5) You have (at least) one secret. What is it?
I... may have killed a lot of people, like a lot. Totally by accident, I swear. How was I supposed to know what the heck salmons-gnella is? I've never been sick. Also turns out that big pool of water wasn't a toilet.
6) Have you done something Notable? What was it?
Well, as the son of the lord, I've been able to perform miracles. A bunch of people were injured in a tanker explosion, and with the powers of the lord, I was able to save them all.
7) Are you in charge or do you let others take that roll? Do you rebuke authority or revel in it?
Hello! Who do you think you're talking to? I'm Jesus, if I'm not in charge, then somethings wrong. The only kingdom I need to bow to is my dads!
8) Do you follow through on your promises and obligations? Or do you delay or avoid? Do you feel guilty when you don't uphold them?
I'm the savior of mankind, what kind of savior doesn't keep his promises? I mean sure there's times it takes longer than I'd like, but I always get the job done. I'd feel guilty if it was my fault, but it never has been. there's always some jerk causing a scene that stops me from getting things done..
9) What are your opinions on Good and Evil? Do they exist? Or is it all shades of Grey? Where do you see yourself?
I'm capital G Good, baby. There isn't a soul out there as totally righteous as me. I suppose the Devil's out there somewhere too, causing all kinds of trouble. I'll kick his ass for good this time.

bookrat |

Link to character sheet. Please copy and paste this into your character profile and fill it out as appropriate.

![]() |

Name:Name: 1d6 ⇒ 11d20 ⇒ 20
Gender: Male
Missions Completed: 0
Age: Age: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 6) = 13
Looks: Looks: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) = 15
Height: Height: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2) = 9
Weight: Weight: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5) = 11
Distinguishing Feature: Distinguishing Feature: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Social Interaction:Social Interaction: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) = 11
Connections:Connections: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5) = 13
Sanity:Sanity: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3) = 8
Goal:Goal: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Motivation:Motivation: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Obligation:Obligation: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5) = 13
Morality:Morality: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) = 6
Muscle: 10
Meat: 9
Hands: 10
Feet: 10
Brains: 14
Eyes: 12
Mouth: 12
Guts: 11
Defense: 11
Health: 9
Grit: 4
Speed: 5
Size and Reach: 1
Mutagens: Mutagen: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Education: Read English and Greek, special knowledge about medicine and science
Background: Genius Background: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Language English, Greek, Korean
Well, Actually When helping another creature, increase asset by 1
(Write here your Paths and talents when you gain them).
Novice Path:
Expert Path:
Master Path:
(Does this game even use this format?!?)
nice set of clothes, a duffel bag, 1 food, 1 water, a slingshot with 10 stones, junk: 1d6 ⇒ 51d20 ⇒ 20
(Copy and paste the questions and answers from character generation here.)
(How do all the random rolls fit together?)

RoninRa |

Scavenger die rolls
Muscle: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 6) = 13
Meat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 6) = 18
Hands: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 1) = 10
Feet: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 3) = 15
Brains: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 4) = 13
Eyes: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 5) = 17
Mouth: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 6) = 21
Guts: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 5) = 15
Age: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4) = 12
Looks: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14
Height: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6) = 16
Weight: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1) = 4
Distinguishing Features: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Missing Bits: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Scars and Tattoos: 1d20 ⇒ 15
S&T Size: 1d6 ⇒ 3
S&T Quality: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Unusual Appearance: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Piercings: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Twitches & Tells: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Social Interaction: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5) = 13
Connections: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 1) = 9
Sanity: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) = 10
Goals: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Motivations: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Obligations: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1) = 12
Morality: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) = 13
Name: 1d6 ⇒ 21d20 ⇒ 16
Scavenger BG: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Junk 1: 1d6 ⇒ 41d20 ⇒ 16
Junk 2: 1d6 ⇒ 51d20 ⇒ 3
Mutagens: 1d6 ⇒ 2

RoninRa |

I present to you, Gimp! The scavenger:
Background: Scavenger
Name: Gimp
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Missions Completed:
Appearance: I'm good lookin', tall and skinny. I got this rod piercing on my navel and these hollow ones on my ears. My cauliflower ears? Oh yeah, I used to wrestle when I was younger. My forearm tattoo? Heh, yeah. It's a really crappy heart with an S in it. Supposed to be Stranger, but I don't think I could afford the rest of her name. What can I say? I was drunk, okay! You want to know about my scar, eh? This scar I got here, across my nose bridge, I got while chasing. What was that? Oh you know how... Well f*#$ you! Okay, okay, I tripped while drunk and fell on my stuff. F&$!ing sheet metal almost took my nose off.
Personality: I'm a f+##ing extrovert. I make friends wherever I go. I keep my word, for the most part, and I do know the difference between what's right or wrong, but I try to not give a f@#!. Okay, that's a lie, I feel shitty whenever I do bad stuff. There, I said it. Now f#*+ off!
Sanity: I would say I'm more or less stable.
Goals and Motivations: Don't tell anyone, but I revel in suffering and I'm very motivated to never have any responsibilities.
Muscle: 10
Meat: 11
Hands: 11
Feet: 10
Brains: 11
Eyes: 13
Mouth: 10
Guts: 12
Defense: 11
Health: 11
Grit: 5
Speed: 5
Size and Reach: 1
Mutagens: 2
Education: Jury-rigging
Scrounge: Use an action to cast about for something useful. Choose to find 1 bullet, 1 med, 1 food, 1 salvage, or one piece of gear worth 5 bullets or less. Use Eyes modifier times per rest.
Scavenger: Took up with a junker band for a few months, working as a scout. I was good at wriggling through tight places to get to the goods.
Connections: I know some people, who know some people, who robbed some people. I have several friends, and a few close relationships.
(Write here your Paths and talents when you gain them).
Novice Path:
Expert Path:
Master Path:
(Does this game even use this format?!?)
Knife (melee, thrown(5)) +0 (1d6)
Tattered and patched clothing
A sack containing 1 food, 1 water, and 2 salvage.
A dongle
2 tokens for a car wash
1) How other make me feel? I'm a f*~!ing extrovert. I love being the center of attention and make fast friends wherever I go. People love me, man!
2) What I value most... Heh, I guess I value my integrity. Oh and my relationship to Stranger, the hot merchant I usually sell my scavenge to. I am sure she wants me too, she's just not realized it yet. I'm probably in love with her. Yep!
3) My fear huh? Why do want to know this shit again? Okay, okay.... I fear... Hmmm, losing my freedom to whatever the f~&& I want. What I hate too? W.T.F. man! Okay, okay, I got it. Hold your horses! Okay, so I hate... What do I hate... I guess I hate those who rob others of their freedom. You know, slavers and politicians and f#ers like that, yeah?
4) My desires? Hmmm. I would dig it if I maybe found or invented something rad through my scavenging. Oh and a night with Stranger ofc, that is something I would say that I desire. Mhm! What do I love? Let's see. I love collecting stuff, building stuff, oh and f&!@ing hot women. Does that answer your question?
5) What the actual f$!!?! You want to know my secret?! No f~+@ing way man! NO F&&%ING WAY! Heh... Yeah, yeah. Damn you. Okay, my deepest secret, and regret, is that I once killed a girl for something she had. She had this really rad water harvester you see, you just set it up on the ground and, you'll think I'm crazy, just warning you! You set it up on the ground and then it pulled f#+@ing water right out of the f%$#ing air! I shit you not! But yeah, that's the only person I ever killed. I still regret it... YOU BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE! I might be willing to increase my kill count you know...
6) If I've done something notable? Me?! The GIMP!? Hah! Well of course I have! Tons! Like that one time I saved... Yeah! That's a true story! What? Ah, f%!% you! Okay, okay, what about that one time I showed up with a water harvest... Oh shit, I already told you how I got that didn't I? He... He... He... Yeah... Okay, well the settlement I helped by giving. What? Ah f$$! you sideways and to hell! Yeah, okay! I SOLD them the water harvester. But anyway! They were really happy about it and I think it counts as notable! So, F&&@! YOU!
7) If I take charge? No f#*%ing way man! I hate reponsibilities! Let some other f@$!er take charge. I'll do what I want anyway, man!
8) If I follow through... Oh yeah, sure. I usually keep my word. What else would a man have, if not their word, know-what-am-saying? Oh yeah... Yeah, I do feel guilty if I go back on my word, which don't happen a lot, I gotta tell you! What's that? Yeah f$@& you and your mother too! That story is a lie!
9) What? Good? Evil? Like if you do that you're good, if you do that you're f$*@ing evil? That shit? Bah! Load of f*$*ing hogwash, all of it! There's no black or white. It's all shades of grey! And I'm cruising along the middle of it all. No one tells me what to do or believe, man!
My story, eh? Haven't I told you enough? No? Ah, f%$% you! This better be worth it, man!
Okay. So I scavenge, yeah? I find useful stuff, and I sell that shit to whoever wants it. The more special shit, I save for Stranger. Hot, lovely, Stranger... What? I'm not... Okay, okay, hold your f$!#ing cock! So besides scavenging, I've done some scouting here and there. I'm really good at squeezing into tight spots you now, seeing as I'm as skinny as I am and all.
What else, oh yeah, I already told you about the water harvester incident, so not going there again. What's that? Yeah, f~#@ you too!
Why do I need to re-iterate all this shit again? You know almost everything about me already!
I sleep, I eat, I shit, I piss, I f*@+ and I scavenge! That's what my life is all about! So, f+@&! You! Very! Much!
We done then? About f$**ing time! I'm out of here, and don't f!$~ing pull this off again, you f+%&ing f$$#!

bookrat |

Hag, Jesus, and DM - can you make this your tagline.
CL and Gimp - follow Hag's lead for how to make your own tagline. Look at her profile and enter your own information in the same format using the same field she does.
Gender Background | Me10, Mu10, H10, F10, B10, E10, Mo10, G10 | Health 10 | Damage 0 | Grit 3/3 | Defense 10 | Speed 10 | Mutagen 10 | Fortune: Yes | Status: Normal

Freya Argento-Mau |

Here is a story all about how some chump's world got flipped upside down.
Well anyway, the two-bit wuss emptied his bowels right there and fainted. His attacker thought the loser had died and decided to make tracks. Jesus woke up a few hours later, believing he rose from the dead. I always knew he was soft in the head, but a total nutso too? Sometimes life just finds a sucker and really dunks him in shit.
So now this total schlub starts thinking he's the next coming, right? He starts proclaiming that he's the jeez, and of course, nobody believes him. But I swear, there's something going on with that guy. Three times, the idiot got himself thrown up shit creek and all three he manages to escape becoming a little cross by the side of the road. I'd keep an eye on him if I were you, he's nothing but trouble.

Baklava the Face |
Starting Junk: 1d6 ⇒ 6 and 1d20 ⇒ 13 A toy gun.
Starting Age: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2) = 12…an adult. 32. You’re old enough to know better, but young enough to avoid the aches and pains and horror that comes from growing old.
Starting Looks: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3) = 11 … normal. You’re just as dirty, scarred, and foul-smelling as anyone else.
Height:: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3) = 11 …of average height.
Weight:: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) = 5 …skinny.
Distinguishing Features:: 1d1d20 ⇒ 11, then 1d20 ⇒ 15 Knotted Skull.
Social Interaction:: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 5) = 14 You’re outgoing, friendly, and personable. You find it easy to make friends and people like you. F+#&ing extrovert.
Connections:: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6) = 17 You have numerous friends and most of them are important to you.
Sanity:: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1) = 8 You’re a little unstable. You’d benefit from some meds.
Goal:: 1d20 ⇒ 17 Power.
Motivations:: 1d20 ⇒ 15 You’re afraid of the hatred you feel.
Obligation:: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) = 8 You might keep your promises, but you might break them too. You look after what best serves you
Morality:: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) = 10 You’re neither good nor evil. You look after yourself and sometimes make sacrifices for people close to you.
Name:: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (1) + (3) = 4 Baklava.
Background specifics: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Literate?: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 5) = 15 No, No, No, Yes.