Lupe Fiasco |

Wolf uses his training to try and protect Lupe.
Bodyguard(BSP): 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 2 = 12 That aids Lupe's AC. The AC vs the attack is 22 and I think that makes it a miss.
Fort just in case: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Urah Pyr |

"Was anyone poisoned and any way to heal that?" Urah asks knowing full well and with no guilt that he wasn't the one.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

-15 got in tw0 rounds of rage to heal 2 pt.
Feeling uncomfortable as he moves around the old slave market. Gnasher gestures at the snake head, attempting a human-like smile that ends up looking more like a growl. "Bird woman not be please. Gnasher not want fight her weak." He gestures out the door towards the north. "Tribe return to camp, face bird woman in morning when better,"
When it appears everyone is ready, assuming no one minds He shoulders his fauchard and starts to head to camp.

Tarak Stromblessed |

Tarak curses as he accidentally drains one of the poison sacs onto the dirt, growling he looks up at Casper.
"Well, there's no disguising this, do you want me to try the other one? Might be able to salvage some but it'll be a mite but obvious we were messin' with it."
Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Lupe Fiasco |

"Ya, Gnasher you don't look so good. Take this prayer."
Lesser Resto: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Con

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

Tarak curses as he accidentally drains one of the poison sacs onto the dirt, growling he looks up at Casper.
"Well, there's no disguising this, do you want me to try the other one? Might be able to salvage some but it'll be a mite but obvious we were messin' with it."
** spoiler omitted **
Casper sighs in frustration and turns his closed eyes towards the heavens.
Father Blackfingers, my patience wanes.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Turning to Lupe as the mounted warrior speaks to him. Gnasher feels the prayer wash over him. Lulling his tongue in a gnoll smile. "Thank you Lupe. Feel better, like strength returning." He fishes out the wand he 'found' holding it out. "Once leg wound is healed, tribe back to Harpy and finish what started?"

Tarak Stromblessed |

Tarak just grunts at nobody answering his question, and digs the remaining poison out of the snakes head (see above spoilered roll).
Wiping his hands he stands up and takes Gnasher's proffered wand, "I got ya.". Taking a moment to familiarize himself with the wand, he speaks the command word while touching the gnoll.
Gnasher want to do the rolling? It's just the basic 1d8 + 1 ya?

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Rolling his neck, as the healing wave floods over him, Gnasher looks at his leg, the snakebite now healed. He smiles a toothy smile. "When done with snakehead tribe go present to birdwoman."

Lupe Fiasco |

"Okay, I like finishing jobs that help people, so let's do that."

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Sorry if I made it sound confusing, with Gnasher 100% planned on finishing with the harpy
Seeing Tarak eventually 'milk' the poison from the other viper fang, The healthy and healed Gnasher, not really understanding why they talked to the harpy in the first place, points at the dead head with his fauchard. Giving Lupe a toothy grin. "Gnasher hoping Lupe mean "finishing job' as freeing bird woman from mortal coil."
Once Casper has secured the poison, Gnasher will lead the tribe back to the Harpy to see if they can provoke a fight.

Urah Pyr |

Yes we're going back to give the harpy head. lol
Urah follows behind but with the intention to stay outside while the party finishes the deal with her.
He won't let the others know but every time she looked at him, he felt his lifespan shorten.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

I'm assuming whoever has the head was going to present it to her.
Frowning at the screeching, not because of the sound, but because of the reputations harpies have, Gnasher enters the building. Resting the magical fauchard on his shoulder. He gestures back. "Tribe brought head as requested."

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

Yes we're going back to give the harpy head. lol
Urah follows behind but with the intention to stay outside while the party finishes the deal with her.
He won't let the others know but every time she looked at him, he felt his lifespan shorten.
In a continuation of his possessive behavior during the previous conversation with the winged harridan, Casper stays close to Urah during the entirety of their short trip back to the harpy's dwelling. It seems rather clear that the red-headed native of Druma is trying to insinuate some kind of interest on his part.
Let me know if you're uncomfortable with Casper hitting on Urah, and I'll drop this RP -- this is continuing something I've already established for this character, but I don't want to cross consent barriers here.

miteke |

The harpys song stops, no rather, changes, from a slightly melodic screech to a welcoming screech. You see the harpy standing on a table with a pile of ingredients in bowls and such on the table beside her, a large paddle in her hand as she stirs one of the vats.
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Dropping the paddle into the vat she screeches "You did it, you fine young strapping lads! Let me see, let me see!". You do notice a patter there. She seems to like to screech everything she says.

Tarak Stromblessed |

As is his custom, Tarak hangs back a bit and let's the more charismatic members of the group so the talking, keeping an eye to the sky for inspiration.

Lupe Fiasco |

"I mostly hit it in the body so the head would be good."

Urah Pyr |

Urah doesn't notice Casper hitting on him. He thinks Casper is there to ensure the harpy doesn't get funny ideas. lol
Urah stands back to watch as the group deals with the Harpy. He does notice that Casper is close by. Likely to give him aid if the Harpy tries anything else funny.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Tarak or Casper had the head last. Who has it now?
Motioning for whoever has the head to toss it to the harpy, Gnasher, nods, "Tribe killed snake, cut head off. Give tribe information promised. Then tribe give head."

Tarak Stromblessed |

Tarak would have handed the head to Lupe, Gnasher or Casper as they reached the place. But if he didn't, yep he'd just toss it on over.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Taking the head from Tarak in his free claw, Gnasher rests his fauchard on his shoulder it's handle in his other claw. Walking further into the building, closer to the bird woman. Holding the head at his side nonchalantly. "Again we have the head. Before I turn it over we would hear the secrets your keeping."

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

Taking the head from Tarak in his free claw, Gnasher rests his fauchard on his shoulder it's handle in his other claw. Walking further into the building, closer to the bird woman. Holding the head at his side nonchalantly. "Again we have the head. Before I turn it over we would hear the secrets your keeping."
Casper smirks, "Yes, and if the information is good enough, we'll hand it over, and not a moment before, you filthy hag."

miteke |

Undrella, for you are on first name bases now, seems to have not noticed that the head is a bit mangled and starts to spill the beans. But not without a lewd wink at Urah first and then looking for the hottie Filleped. though she does glare at Casper. She definitely does not like Casper.
Filthy hag indeed. He's probably just jealous.
"I have reason to believe that the merchants visiting in the battle market are reasonable minded men, meaning they do not owe Kardswann a thing and will flap whichever way the wind is blowing. They might, with a small gift, even sit any battle out. Maybe even help, though that would take more than a small gift I would say. I could get word to them if you wish to go that route."
Filliped chooses that moment to peek in the room and gets a wink of his own, after which he ducks back outside with a gulp. If you DID want to set a trap, you have a fine piece of ... bard to use as bait. if you could get him to cooperate.
"Also, I have a couple of keys that might interest you. One that will give you access to the battle market and one to open the hallway with some cells in it. But for those you have to promise to allow me to stay here unmolested once you take over. If you take over."

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

Undrella, for you are on first name bases now, seems to have not noticed that the head is a bit mangled and starts to spill the beans. But not without a lewd wink at Urah first and then looking for the hottie Filleped.
"I have reason to believe that the merchants visiting in the battle market are reasonable minded men, meaning they do not owe Kardswann a thing and will flap whichever way the wind is blowing. They might, with a small gift, even sit any battle out. Maybe even help, though that would take more than a small gift I would say. I could get word to them if you wish to go that route."
"Also, I have a couple of keys that might interest you. One that will give you access to the battle market and oned to open the hallway with some cells in it. But for those you have to promise to allow me to stay here unmolested once you take over. If you take over."
Casper assumes a solemn tome and raises his hand
"I swear on the honor of the sacred prophecies of Kalistrade by which the people of Druma govern themselves that we shall leave your person free and unharmed in return for these tokens.":::HA! I'll swear to anything for my advantage. Rest assured I'll stick you with a poison bite the first chance I get you filthy and lascivious old hag!:::

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

miteke do you want Casper to roll a bluff before we continue?
Watching as the Harpy eyeballs his tribe, Gnasher can't tell if she wants to seduce them or eat them. Either way he pays attention to the details the creature gives and his ears perk up when she mentions keys. Considering whether to explain that they are but employees of the people who will be running the town, or just attacking the creature outright, Gnasher is surprised when Casper swears she will remain unharmed. He looks from Casper to the Harpy watching to see what she will do before he offers the head to her.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Listening to the harpy's information and her proposition about the keys, Gnasher Raises an eyebrow at Casper's proposition. He obviously was lying, knowing their employer would not want such a deal made. If Gnasher could tell he was lying, the bird woman would be able to tell as well. Looking from Casper to the bird, twisting his mouth to pronounce the human words. "So valuable information is 'merchants reasonable minded men'? May 'join tribe for pay'?" In a very human manner, Gnasher spits. Then shakes his head no. "Not valuable information, Bird woman describe every merchant. Bird woman not keep her side of bargain, why would tribe make more bargain?" He holds up the vipers head, showing his teeth in what looks more like a growl than a grin. "Need more for head. Give keys call it even."

Urah Pyr |

Sense Motive 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Wow look at that! Matching 1s.
"Since Casper said so. I guess that's what he means." Urah puts forward believing Casper entirely..........

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Shaking his head, but not moving further, Gnasher holds the head out to her. "Need more for viper head. Merchants being Merchants not 'valuable information'"
All right folks, what's the plan?

Lupe Fiasco |

Ma'am? I don't really know what's going on here. When people talk too much I get a little lost. I like helping people. That is why I helped you and that is why I help others. I like making and keeping friends, so if you could give some more information we could become better and better friends. That means we can help each other more in the future. That's how friends work. This snake really hurt my friend and we just want to fair trade is all."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Moving forward, Gnasher sets the viper head on a stack of barrels. Gesturing towards the still visible bite on his leg. "Viper bit Gnasher on leg, try to kill Gnasher. Gnasher killed viper instead. Bird woman gives generic information. Gnasher not think fair trade."
He looks back to Lupe."But Chief say bird woman tribes friend. Gnasher think bird woman would kill tribe. Gnasher think tribe should kill bird woman before bird woman kill tribe." Turning back to the harpy. "But chief say friends."
He shrugs in a very human like manner, stepping back from the head. "Tribe work for Almah, she want Kelmarane, pay tribe get for her. Tribe would need ask Almah's permission let bird woman stay."
he has left the head on the barrels 10 ft in front of him.

Tarak Stromblessed |

Tarak just grunts as Gnasher puts the head down, "We done here?"

miteke |

"I gave you information about the chief, which you will end up fighting no doubt. He is a genie and can walk though magical barriers. I also gave you a way of eliminating a potential enemy before the fight begins. I think the deal was fair enough."
Or not. That was one tough snake!
"That depends. If you want me to contact the merchants and have them sit out any battle, you will need to tell me what your offer is to them. And if you want the keys you will ALL need to promise to let me stay on here unmolested after you are done."

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

"Me too, but I've already given some information, added some more, offered keys, and so far I have gotten nothing. I'm starting to get the feeling you all plan on reneging on our deal."
Casper's eyes narrow and his entire countenance assumes a dark cast,
"You miserable creature, I just solemnly swore to you on the honor of the most sacred principles of my people, the holy prophecies of the seer Kalistrade, and you reply as if that were nothing!"
As he continues, the red head is practically bellowing, his cheeks flushing a tint almost as bright as his hair,
"Worthless scoundrel! You impugn the honor of the Druman people and of my house and my revered ancestors! How dare you! I will only accept your apology to this unprovoked and unmerited offence if you immediately make appropriate amends in words and deeds to remedy the deep offense you have rendered."
At this point Casper is almost hyperventilating with anger, his breathing a hissing succession of spittle-laden exhalations.

Tarak Stromblessed |

Tarak starts quietly focusing his mind on some combat magic, thinking that outburst was gonna kick this thing off.
Finally, we were gonna have to fight her eventually anyway.

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

Well, you have scared her. But that is not necessarily a good thing... Trying to think like a harpy...
"Very well, I apologize."
She takes flight and ends up on the second level about as far as she can get from you all.
If combat does begin, consider her demoralized for a while.
Casper sneers
"And well you should, you miserable unbeliever. The holy light of the oracles of Kalistrade shall always lead my people aright."

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Why don't you do an intimidate roll with that.
Wasn't sure if that was bluff or intimidate...
Watching the Harpy take flight, Gnasher let's out an exasperated sound. Turning to the others he asks, "Leave now or continue parley with bird woman?"
Once the group decides to leave
Walking out of the building, Gnasher Shakes his head. "Gnasher want to kill something, find Peryton?"