Fanguar's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Fanguar

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Thanks for the suggestion BD. While I like the idea behind the AP, I'm not the biggest fan of Cheliax as a setting. I down with a rebellion aspect if people are interested. Could see more of a Sparticus type of thing working, escaped slaves fomenting a revolt, etc.

As for what I have planned, at this point it is the loosest of outlines. I have a couple of fun ideas, but that's about it. The plan for this one is to really promote collaborative storytelling. I'm going to throw stuff out there and run with whatever you pick up.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1

If you start it up...

It all sounds sweet to me BD.

I dont think Hathok is much for bardic competition currently Polz but teach him anything new musically and he'll be happy to play back up lute and glare at the audience...

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

@GMF: No worries - like I said was just floating some notions as they occurred to me :) The rebellion stuff was more linked with my concept, but am happy to roll with the story as it develops...

Couple of quickies on the game mechanics: We using Background Skills? Hero Points?? I think both have merit - Background Skills are definitely useful in rounding out builds, Hero Points might not be the best fit if we're going for a grittier feel?

@c1n0g: Now have this image of Hathok shredding out lute-metal lol.

I'm amenable to using the Baackground skills system, if the rest of the group is on board.

No to hero points, for the reason that you point out. Not really appropriate for an E6 gritty style of game. Also, I never remember to award them to my players. when I do have them in game...

Tobir came full circle and ended up a Skald (Instigator & Urban Skald archetypes). 7 DEX will be interesting lol, but I've weighed up the build and it fits for him to have ruined hands and physically react slowly due to the burns he received. It's offset by his sheer toughness so hey-ho.

I'm hearing a Northern English/Geordie accent when he speaks, so will try and illiterate that in his speech.

Presume we have no gear or starting coin GMF? - did want Tobir to have some Union tattoos evident on his personage if that's permissible?

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Male Meat Popsicle

I'd definitely be down for background skills. Hathok more or less got all I planned to put in for performance at a whopping 1. He may actually get better at the lute if we use background skills...

@BD Hathok has been working on a new genre I can only describe as Intimimetal... I'm now picturing Nathan Explosion with tusks lulz

Dwarf Wizard Primalist: 1 AC: 11; HP 6/6;Fire Jet 5/6; Pass Perc: 12; Init. +1; Cantrip: Spark, Read Magic, Scrivener Pen; First:Dancing Lantern, Endure Elements, Mage Armor

I imagine Breg's voice to be fairly standard dwarfish.. mostly in line with Magni Bronzebeard of WoW..

Breg's Voice.. or Ish...

Male Meat Popsicle

Gah! Gotta start remembering to switch the alias... It wont let me edit...

Anyone know the rules for editing in gameplay?

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

Usually you just click on "Edit" if the post is still neophyte and once (re) opened you can assign it another alias when you (re) post.

Male Meat Popsicle

Man sometimes I forget theres a roll for everything in D&D, good call Polz...

Dwarf Wizard Primalist: 1 AC: 11; HP 6/6;Fire Jet 5/6; Pass Perc: 12; Init. +1; Cantrip: Spark, Read Magic, Scrivener Pen; First:Dancing Lantern, Endure Elements, Mage Armor

Yeah I couldn't think of a reason why Breg would know that for sure so figured a roll was in order.

When in doubt, just ask a question. I'll either fill you in with the general details your PC would know, or ask for a roll.

Male Meat Popsicle

Gonna take a minute to readjust to being a PC not the DM...

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1

Hathok is still keen to know if he can converse with the locals in common... Would that fall under an easy assumption or... a wait and see?

Dwarf Wizard Primalist: 1 AC: 11; HP 6/6;Fire Jet 5/6; Pass Perc: 12; Init. +1; Cantrip: Spark, Read Magic, Scrivener Pen; First:Dancing Lantern, Endure Elements, Mage Armor
Hathok Kosgreg wrote:
Hathok is still keen to know if he can converse with the locals in common... Would that fall under an easy assumption or... a wait and see?

guess we gotta see what who the locals are!

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

Gang - just dropped a PM to our esteemed GM that I'm calling time on Tobir and the game.

Behind the veil I've been trying to get a crunch that fits the concept and nothing's really feeling right. I've tried a tonne of options, but nada works and now I'm a more than a little jaded with the character.

Apologies - looks an interesting game and your collective characters have set the bar high.

DId mull another character, but not nailing Tobir has rankled me to the point it would be him or naught.

Will wait on GMF's response before confirming my exit, but wanted everyone to know what the script is.

This saddens me. Hope you take your time to find a character that might fit and rejoin the game at some point :)

Agreed, hope to see you again!

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

Not pulling out until I've discussed proper with GMF guys.

Did mull a potential concept for Tobir that's a little left field and might work... came up with it today after revisiting him again once i'd posted above...

Am just a bit scunnered (as we say here in Scotland) with the character lol. As I said to GMF in a PM, first time I've ever had a character where I have a concept, but can't get the crunch to fit...

Honestly enjoying the game - so its not you lot lol... and Fanguar is an old sparring partner and collaborator par excellence.

Might need time to get my concept fixed or bring in something new.

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

Not had a chance to work on Tobir 2.0 so bear with... hoping to have something up this week.

I'll try and get a post in just to keep my hand in, but as I work out his new build (and background implications) it'll likely be pretty non-conclusive lol.

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

Morning Gents - as of this morning work is ramping up over the run up to year end (I'm in O&G operations), so getting the opportunity to nail down Tobir will likely be elusive.

Load might well lighten after the festive period, but in the meantime might be best to phase Tobir into the background/handwaive his involvement to date until I get some real time to scratch the figurative itch.

No problems from me! Looking forward to what you come up with and for you to join us again!

Understandable! Very excited to see what you come up with, best of luck!

Male Meat Popsicle

Tis the season to be busy, hope ya can nail him down when ya get a chance! Looking forward to Tobir phasing back into things when he's ready.

Male Meat Popsicle

Are we uhhh, doing the Background Skills? If so do we get 2 background skills to start at level one or is it only with a level up? It looks like it's only with a level up but if we get two now is it OK to rejig a couple things @GMF?

Male Meat Popsicle

One other thing I just peeked at... Is it just me or is PF level progression slower than 5e?

The fast progression seems closer, maybe its just me and I've been levelling my players super fast... I'm trying real hard not to look at PF DM materials...

I can't remember if we decided to do background skills, but I am fine with using them if people are interested. If we do, then ya, you can just rebuild on the fly.

5e levels stupidly fast compared to even other editions of D&D. Levels 1-3 in particular. So much so, that you might as well just start at level 3.

We won't be leveling that fast. I'll be doing milestone leveling and just a reminder that we are doing e6, so after level 6, you're just gaining feats, not new abilities.

Male Meat Popsicle

Im into background skills. So to clarify are we ok to add 2 background skills now and rejig or do we wait for a level up?

Ok, I thought maybe I'd messed up my level progressions as a DM cuz for PF several thousand a level is pretty slow going comparatively.

Pretty stoked on extra feats when we get there, 3.5 always had soooo many awesome options but your character design always narrowed it to pretty specific pathways... A couple paths later and up to 14 extra feats would be a really versatile martial.

Sure we can do background skills and yes everyone can rebuild on the fly.

Dwarf Wizard Primalist: 1 AC: 11; HP 6/6;Fire Jet 5/6; Pass Perc: 12; Init. +1; Cantrip: Spark, Read Magic, Scrivener Pen; First:Dancing Lantern, Endure Elements, Mage Armor

@GMF - I am fine with starting a new campaign with an adventure path, I just wanna play, and if having a path means that it's a bit easier or easier to stay motivated with a lot of resource material I am in. Also think it would be good to have some new blood to keep games going when people may not have as much time to post..

So good with a new start!

I’m fine with either, I’m not particularly attached to the character so an adventure path is definitely doable. I also agree if it’s easier on your part to keep track of things and maintain posts then let’s do it. I recently had a Rise of the Runelords die out on me anyway so I could use any other AP to play.

Thanks folks. I'm going to put a pin in this for the moment and let's start up a published campaign.

I'm totally fine if you want to keep your current character, no need to re-roll if you don't want to. Once I know what kinds of characters you folks are going to play, then I will recruit a few others.

Does anyone have a particular preference, or is currently playing/running any? (I also have some of the 3.5e APs (Shackled City, Age of Worms (Run like half), and Savage Tides(Run first 4 adventures),and EN publishing ones (Zeitgeist: Gears of Revolution (steampunk!) and War of the Burning Sky), as if there wasn't enough choice already)

For my part, I'm running a Shattered Star and playing a Reign of Winter, so I don't want to do those. I'd rather not do Rise of the Runelords, simply because I've run or played the first adventure a million times.

Maybe just post with which ones you wouldn't want to do and I'll pick something from what's left?

Wiki on the APs (LINKY) Here's a link to a pretty solid reddit post critiquing the all the APs, except the last one (LINKY)

Quick couple questions beforehand.
- Of Paizo APs what do you have? I personally own all them and would be more than willing to share some of that goodness.
- is the E6 idea shelved for the moment, or will that be implemented, cause that with one of the more horror element APs will make things interesting, though that’s like require a lot of work on your part.

I have most of them, save for the most recent few. I don't picking up another if we choose one I don't have already, so consider all of them on the table.

As for E6, I don't really know. Converting down the power level isn't that hard, but it will depend on the AP, as the point of E6 is that you're not fighting elder dragons and what not. So maybe? I'm up for trying if people are interested.

That’s fair I just was curious about It.

For games I’d not do: I’m currently DMing hell’s rebels, and mummy’s mask as well as playing in a skull and shackles game so I’d prefer to not do those. As well as any of the runelord saga since due to not having finished Rise.

I am interested in Savage Tides due to some awesome stories I’ve heard, zeitgeist because I’ve heard it’s amazing, and Ironfang Invasion since it’s one of the APs that I’ve heard nothing about story wise. Though other options work just as well.

Savage tides is fantastic and has a nice combo of RP and combat. I've run the first couple of adventures on these boards previously and would be happy to run it again.

Zeitgeist is amazing. It's my favorite AP ever and I would run it again in a heartbeat. That being said, it requires a lot of player buy in, since it's set in its own little weird world. It has a lot of player agency, so there are parts that require the PCs to be proactive and if you just want to respond to things, we will run into problems. I've run it previously on the boards and the game got bogged down in a PC investigation and died. I think I know how to avoid it happening again though.

Ironfang Invasion seems pretty cool as well, but I would be inclined to ignore the mass combat aspects of it.

Savage tides does sound fun.. and if there is good experience with it so far then maybe worthwhile...

But if its old and boring to GMF then maybe something fresh?

I guess I am keen to run whatever the DM is keen to run.. Seems like a bit of a cop out but hey.. if we're all interested then the game will be good no?

Agreed, if he’s fine with retreading ground I’m fine with it, it is mainly his. All as far as I’m concerned haha.

Savage tides is fine. It's been years since I ran it last and I can re-use materials I put together last time.

Savage tide Gameplay

Savage tide discussion

At the moment, I don't plan to kill this campaign, as I think it has promise and I foresee me having more time to devote to PbP as we move towards summer. So I wont mothball it quite yet, but I want to get the Savage tides up and running before diving back into this one.

Male Meat Popsicle

Yea, tbh I dont really know much about any published stuff. I'm down to go with the flow and whatever makes it the most interesting for the DM. I'll admit to only small amounts of experience so player agency sounds awesome but may not be a strong suit for me in the end, not really sure...

I enjoy Hathok's general concept of bard that's not a bard, but if we're not running E6 I may tweak him a bit, or change classes altogether... I'm still down for a restart on this campaign, having a buttload of feats would be fun as hell!

Thanks for the heads up, theres no "new" post alert on discussion so I missed all dis...

c1n0g wrote:

Yea, tbh I dont really know much about any published stuff. I'm down to go with the flow and whatever makes it the most interesting for the DM. I'll admit to only small amounts of experience so player agency sounds awesome but may not be a strong suit for me in the end, not really sure...

I enjoy Hathok's general concept of bard that's not a bard, but if we're not running E6 I may tweak him a bit, or change classes altogether... I'm still down for a restart on this campaign, having a buttload of feats would be fun as hell!

Savage tide is a go, so click the link(s) in my post above for the details.

I still plan on keeping this campaign alive, so maybe roll up another character and keep Hathok for this one?

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