TOZ's Passing the Torch (Inactive)

Game Master TriOmegaZero

Game Map and Information.

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Table Maps | Passing the Torch
Omrax the Bold wrote:

Omrax will relay the information as he flies into the room.

I sense they are still encased in the thorns. Can we break them free one at a time and dispatch them hence?

It takes 10 minutes of hacking to open a 1ft path through the thorns.

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male CG Dwarf Barbarian (chained) 12/Fighter 2 | HP 165/165 (raging 221/221) | AC 25 (raging 27) T 15 (13) FF 22 (24) | CMB +20 (23), CMD 33 (34) +3 vs Sunder, +4 vs Bull Rush & Trip| F +22 (26), R +12, W +9 (12) | Init +6 | Perc +17 (+2 stonework) & darkvision SM +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: Lucky # 6; | Constant: Combat Reflexes, DR 2/-, Imp. Uncanny Dodge

Yuri nods in acknowledgment to the healers. Unless the GM indicates otherwise, let's assume 2 charges of the infernal healing wand to heal 20 over 2 minutes, but thanks for the offer of lay on hands.

When he hears about the power of the bells, Yuri waves his dorn-dergar in that direction. "Want I should sunder 'em? Besides the option of sundering the bells themselves, Yuri also has the spell sunder rage power, and can presumably use it to sunder the deep slumber effect itself?

Yuri looks around at the bodies in the alcoves. "Are they sleeping? Or dead? Or worse?"

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male CG Dwarf Barbarian (chained) 12/Fighter 2 | HP 165/165 (raging 221/221) | AC 25 (raging 27) T 15 (13) FF 22 (24) | CMB +20 (23), CMD 33 (34) +3 vs Sunder, +4 vs Bull Rush & Trip| F +22 (26), R +12, W +9 (12) | Init +6 | Perc +17 (+2 stonework) & darkvision SM +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: Lucky # 6; | Constant: Combat Reflexes, DR 2/-, Imp. Uncanny Dodge
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Omrax the Bold wrote:

Omrax will relay the information as he flies into the room.

I sense they are still encased in the thorns. Can we break them free one at a time and dispatch them hence?

It takes 10 minutes of hacking to open a 1ft path through the thorns.

And did we determine that standing next to the wall and attacking down onto them isn't an option, even with Yuri enlarged (or for the flyers)?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch


Liberty's Edge

CG Half-Elf Summoner 13

Hmm... are half-elves (and elves) immune to the bell's effects? (being immune to magical sleep effects

Hamish scowls as the thorns encase the red mantis foe.

"Once they get free o' that mess, we'll have the whole damnable city down on our heads, if we don't take care of 'em now." He says, with a frown.

We should be able to attack the big guy now. Not sure why we're not.

GM, what's the bell attached too. Can I just create a pit under it, and dump the whole thing? Likely won't be ringing such nice tones then. =) Hell, how much does it appear to weigh?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

The bells are floating five feet above the floor, and do not appear to be attached to anything. Not sure about their weight.

Liberty's Edge

CG Half-Elf Summoner 13

Even the big bell in the middle?

Can I just sail the Gull into the thorns, to get the Claw guys? (avoid the big one for the nonce). It has enough armor to take no damage from the thorns, and has a +14 on strength checks, so could theoretically just barge its way up to the nearest stuck assassin, and unload on it.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

It’s a full round action to make the Str check to move through the wall, moving 5ft for each 5 points you exceed 20.

Liberty's Edge

CG Half-Elf Summoner 13

That part I get... the question is more would the Gull even be able to get at the bad guys this way? This whole wall of thorns thing is very confusing.

We'll try if so! See if we can't get to the purple one...

"Furl the sails, men!" Hamish calls. "Our quarry has sailed into the Saragosso, and we will hunt them down there, if we must! The Seaward Gull is not so easily eluded!"

There is a cheer from the crew, and they immediately get to work bringing down the more delicate sails, and then the Seaward Gull drifts straight into the nearest thicket of thorns, in search of the Mantis Claw encased therein.

Str Check: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Dark Archive

Cleric (evangelist) 13 | HP: 120 |AC: 25/ FF 23/ T 14 | Fort: +16 Ref: +11 Will: +20| Perception: +21| Init: +4

If you’re concerned, I can silence the bells... adds Kasimir.

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male CG Dwarf Barbarian (chained) 12/Fighter 2 | HP 165/165 (raging 221/221) | AC 25 (raging 27) T 15 (13) FF 22 (24) | CMB +20 (23), CMD 33 (34) +3 vs Sunder, +4 vs Bull Rush & Trip| F +22 (26), R +12, W +9 (12) | Init +6 | Perc +17 (+2 stonework) & darkvision SM +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: Lucky # 6; | Constant: Combat Reflexes, DR 2/-, Imp. Uncanny Dodge

"Or I can sunder them..." offers Yuri.

GM, did we ever get any information about the bodies slumped in all the alcoves?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

They all appear to be sleeping under the effects of the bells

The Exchange

Gnome Grenadier 11/Master Chymist 2 | AC: 24+11 (15+2 T, 21+10 FF) | HP: 122 /122 | BAB: +10/+5 | F:+18+2, R:+17+3, W:+14+2, +2 v Fear & Despair | Init:+6 | CMB +7, CMD 22
Flight 11/ 11 | Boots: 10/10 | Bombs: 20/ 26 | Extracts: |
Cognatogen, Freedom of Mvmt, Barkskin, Absorb Toxicity, See Invisibility, Stoneskin CL15, Heroism CL5, Shield, Ill of Calm, Red Person 12min, EH avail, Re-roll avail

Wall of Thorns is also dismissable--i.e. the caster can take a standard action to dismiss it, although it's dismiss all of the spell or none of it. Perhaps send in the Gull to deal with the mobs while Yuri (and Kasimir?) deal with the bells. We can search to see if Strate, or even better, the gnome, are among the sleeping in the chamber.

Bombshell flies along the north wall, looking at each of the 3 slumbering prisoners(?) there.

Do they look like prisoners/victims? Or worshippers?

Perception: 1d20 + 24 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 24 + 2 = 33
Knowledge check on prisoners: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 2 = 11
if local=35
Dung & Nature=23
Religion, Planes, Engineer=20

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Generally when I have dropped walls in the past it only slowed down the opponents. So it worked a little too well. Sorry ;)

My understanding is that the Wall of Thorns can be cast 10 feet high by 10 feet long and only 5' thick to increase the number of squares effected so the height of the master is a little irrelevant here.

GMs often rule the Wall of Thorns differently in terms of cover and what it prevents in and out of the wall. Would it be possible for a diminutive swarm of insects to enter the squares of the wall? Would it require a strength check for them?

Do the bells look portable?

Rokgurn looks around. He has cast this spell before but generally the creatures are able to push themselves out of the wall at least eventually.

"We have a bit of time here. We should focus on waking some of the people here. We are really looking for Stanton remember?"

"Finding a way out would be nice as well."

A bit of a cross-post there Crazy. Yes it can be dismissed but I would like to clear the civilians out if we are going to do this or find a better way to deal with these troublemakers.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Crazy sees a pair of humans and what appears to be a monkey goblin of all things. The humans appear to be wearing common clothing, unremarkable for the most part.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

Omrax will check on the slumbering humans and attempt to wake them while thorns are discussed.

”By the Inheritor, awaken from your darkness! “ will shake them awake.

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Rokgurn scans the area for a person with good footwear. He figures that if Stanton has changed places with the cobbler that person should at least be wearing a serviceable pair of shoes.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Omrax shakes one of the captives awake, the man looking blearily at his face. "Whu-what is...where?" With a shake of his head, the bleariness clears somewhat. "My lord? What is this? Has the princesses gala passed? Did I miss my task?" Rokgurn notices no particularly nice footwear, as some even wear nothing on their feet at all.

Dark Archive

Cleric (evangelist) 13 | HP: 120 |AC: 25/ FF 23/ T 14 | Fort: +16 Ref: +11 Will: +20| Perception: +21| Init: +4

Kasimir speaks to the Erinyes, who now lacks foes to fight, in fluent Infernal. ”Search the room for disguises, illusions, and secret doors. If you see one, say so immediately.”

(OOC: she’s got True Seeing, and another 10 rounds to look about)

Kasimir then flies into the room atop his prayer rug
“Yuri, do you wish a spell of silence, or are you fine?”

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"This is a very boring temple." the devil responds. "Everything is as you see it."

Liberty's Edge

CG Half-Elf Summoner 13

So is the Gull able to get close enough to actually see/attack one of the red mantis guys in the thorns?
If so, he will full attack fromthat point forward.

5 attacks per round (all at +19, and doing 1d8+20 each)

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Through a combination of attacks and spellplay, the Pathfinders are able to pick off the Red Mantis agents with ease. As the Master falls, the bells cease to ring.

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Rokgurn searches for an exit to lead the former prisoners to safety.

"Perhaps we should lead people to safety?"

He takes a quick look around for any treasure.

Take 10 on Perception is 38.

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Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Rokgurn notices the three other staircases besides the one you entered by. The only item of value appears to be the 15ft tall mantis statue set with precious gems.

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Rokgurn looks to see if the statue is magical (Detect Magic, Spellcraft 26).

"Does anyone have a way to shrink this statue down so we can transport it? Otherwise we should try to pry out the gems."

He starts to wake up the prisoners looking for Stanton.

"Guys help me find Stanton. We have a job to do here."

Liberty's Edge

CG Half-Elf Summoner 13

The Seaward gull will drag each Claw out of the thorns as they fall (If they weren't dead then, the thorns probably get them as they get dragged out), and the tiny crew immediately get to work stripping the foe of any valuables.

Loot the bodies! =)

Hamish will get to work relieving the statue of any valuables... apparently not concerned with how much it might annoy the owners.

"Stanton was back at the party." He calls back. "That's none of these poor sots. Just kick 'em awake for Besmara's sake."

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

Omrax will usher the awoken prisoners out of the chamber and to the hallway for safety.

Quickly. For your safety you should not be here. Do any of you know Stanton? Are any of you poisoned or diseased?

If it is just normal wounds or sleepiness, he will just move them out...assuming his angelic spell expires before long (9rds) - I really need to buy an extending rod

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Mantis Gear:
Claws of Achaekek: +2 chain shirt, +1 sawtooth sabre, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of resistance +1, mask of the mantis.

Master of the Pagoda: Cloth robe, 30 sawtooth sabres.

Most of the humans and half-orcs react much as the first did. At Omrax's questions, the monkey goblin perks up. "Of course I know Stanton. He's me." Looking at his hands, the goblin's jaw drops open. "What in Besmara's name happened?! Where am I? WHAT am I?"

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male CG Dwarf Barbarian (chained) 12/Fighter 2 | HP 165/165 (raging 221/221) | AC 25 (raging 27) T 15 (13) FF 22 (24) | CMB +20 (23), CMD 33 (34) +3 vs Sunder, +4 vs Bull Rush & Trip| F +22 (26), R +12, W +9 (12) | Init +6 | Perc +17 (+2 stonework) & darkvision SM +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: Lucky # 6; | Constant: Combat Reflexes, DR 2/-, Imp. Uncanny Dodge

Realizing that the monkey goblin is the one they seek, Yuri feels anger at whomever did this to him.

"This is an outrage! If you are Stanton, then you are no monkey, nor goblin! It makes me MAD!"

Yuri swings his dorn-dergar in Stanton's general area, but not quite so close as to actually harm the fellow.

Enter rage. Use Spell Sunder and Strength Surge rage powers to sunder whatever spell has turned Stanton into a monkey goblin.

Sunder, Strength Surge: 1d20 + 32 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 32 + 12 = 60

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Strake flinches back in his monkey goblin body. As Yuri swings, he feels none of the normal resistance he encounters, his sundering finding no purchase.

"Was that really necessary?" the pirate asks, lowering his hands. "Good of you to care so much, but I don't think whatever that was worked.

Liberty's Edge

CG Half-Elf Summoner 13

Ya don't think that's the best idea...
The guy at the party, who's mind was in Stanton's body... we had to option to boot his mind out, but it would leave the body mindless... and who knows what would happen to the shoemaker's mind then.
If its the same here, we just gain a mindless monkey goblin, and Strake's brain goes... nowhere? Who knows. Not us!

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Cool idea Yuri. Too bad it did not work. ;)

Rokgurn turns towards the monkey to speak.

"He is not exactly the brains of the operation. Heart of gold and all that but I don't know what he was trying to accomplish with his axe."

"It looks like the master had a sense of humor. It looks like he has made a monkey out of all us but do not worry we will find a way to get you back to your body."

"Before we get you out of here could you tell us where Eylysia is now or at least her last location. She has caused a great deal of trouble and we are trying to track her down."

My understanding is that if Break Enchantment is cast on the monkey then his mind will return to Stanton's body and then the Cobbler's mind will return to his body. Is this the case according to what we know? Also will other spells like Dispel Magic, Greater or Heal work as well?

Liberty's Edge

Medium Male CG Dwarf Barbarian (chained) 12/Fighter 2 | HP 165/165 (raging 221/221) | AC 25 (raging 27) T 15 (13) FF 22 (24) | CMB +20 (23), CMD 33 (34) +3 vs Sunder, +4 vs Bull Rush & Trip| F +22 (26), R +12, W +9 (12) | Init +6 | Perc +17 (+2 stonework) & darkvision SM +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: Lucky # 6; | Constant: Combat Reflexes, DR 2/-, Imp. Uncanny Dodge

"Fine, stay a monkey. Or a goblin. Or whatever you are. See if I care." Although Yuri sounds annoyed, it's clear that he's not really too angry.

Btw, Yuri is not fatigued after raging, so he can go in and out of rage without problems.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Strake stands up straight, resting his hands on his hips. "Well, good man, mister dwarf. I suppose I owe you lot drinks for the effort, when you've the time. I take it my own form is doing fine by your implication." Pausing as he is taken by a yawn that exposes the sharp teeth of the monkey goblin, he stretches his neck a bit before continuing.

"Eylysia, eh? Lovely old gal. First time I recall anyone come looking for her. Can't rightly tell you where she is, she keeps it secret from even me. When I need to talk to her, I hire kobolds to take a package into the jungle. She doesn't live at the ruins they deliver to, it's just a message drop for passing them off. I'd guess she lives reasonably nearby, so that's your best bet to pick up a trail."

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

Omrax sighs at the antics of his companions in the rescue

”Despite the methods employed, their motives are honorable. The sooner we remedy your situation and find the woman, the better.
Besides your present body, are thou in need of any healing? “

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Not unless you have a way to heal a few feet onto this thing." Strake laughs. "Hard to woo the ladies when you're staring at their knees!"

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Rokgurn nods.

"Tracking her should not be much of a problem. Roughly where are the ruins you are mentioning?"

"Like I said. We can get you back into your body."

@GM Grandmaster TOZ - Break Enchantment on the Monkey and the body of Stanton should do the trick. Right?

Hawk Familiar (Figment/Sage)
Current skills:
Linguistics(Common)+6,K(Nature,Geography,Nobility,History,Engineering) +17,K-Local +25, K-Dungeoneering +19,K-Religion +18/20 Undead, K-Arcana +27, K-Planes +27
| HP 40/40 | AC 19 T 15 FF 16| CMB +12 CMD 20| SR 20 F +9 R +8 W +11| PER +14 Low Light Vision SM+2| Speed 10' Fly 60' +11 Stealth +15|
Active Conditions:
Skilled-Arcana, Planes, Local

Whisper pops out of his aviary to listen to the discussion.

Whisper's KS:Geography is good. His take 10 is 25.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Good, good, I don't know what tolerance this thing has for strong drink. Not in particular wanting to learn either!" The grin on his face is less rakish with the wide mouth and extra teeth. "You'll find them near dead center of the isle. Few travel that far into the jungle, but there's a tall stone spire called the Horn that you can navigate by. I should warn you, the place is guarded by Rurat, Champion of the Green. Fascinating fellow, a saurian who shepherds the dinosaurs of the land. I have been writing a biography of him actually. He used to rule the island, but the Red Mantis has hunted his people to extinction." The grin falls off as he adds. "He kills all trespassers."

Rokgurn wrote:

@GM Grandmaster TOZ - Break Enchantment on the Monkey and the body of Stanton should do the trick. Right?

You believe so, although it should be done in proper order to make sure the memories don't overwrite the ones that currently occupy the original body. Fun fact, if the Master steals memories and doesn't transfer them to another body, you have to break enchantment on him while he is alive, otherwise the memories are permanently lost.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch
Whisper softly wrote:

Whisper pops out of his aviary to listen to the discussion.

Whisper's KS:Geography is good. His take 10 is 25.

Whisper whispers to Rokgurn that traveling that distance into the island is at least a week and a half of travel normally.

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

"Ok. We need to get you back to your people. I mean you might be the butt of some jokes for a while but that is where your body is. I think that your pirates friends business associates will be relieved actually."

On a hunch Rokgurn searches for a prisoner in a vegetative state. If the memories of the shoe maker were transferred to Stanton then the shoe maker's body should be unresponsive.

Right order for Break Enchantment would be Stanton's body and the monkey. Right? At least according to our knowledge checks.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Sadly, none of the captives here appear to be empty vessels.


Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Rokgurn and Whisper look at the giant statue embedded with gems trying to determine its significance (Knowledge checks?).

Rokgurn tries to determine if it is magical (Detect Magic, Spellcraft 26).

"Ok. I think it is almost time to leave here. We should just make sure that we do not leave anything behind."

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Rokgurn slaps his forehead as he realizes it's a statue of the Mantis God, given that he is in the high temple of the Mantis God.

No magic.

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

"Ok, Hamish loot away. There is no magic on this statue."

Whisper flies back into his protective case in Rokgurn's backpack. Rokgurn will quickly scout the four passage ways to see if they are still sealed tight.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

They never were? All of them have the same silence aura however.

Liberty's Edge

CG Half-Elf Summoner 13

Hamish is already in the process of doing so =)

Liberty's Edge

Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs - HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|
Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2

Well in my deathtrap imagination the entrances all shut closed like in the temple of doom until you defeated the master. ;)

Rokgurn will wait until Hamish has completed his looting. He motions to the others that it is time to leave.

"We should leave now. This is not a healthy place to stay."

While Rokgurn is waiting for Hamish he gives the place a quick look around for any hidden doors or additional treasure (Perception 38 on a take 10).

Too bad that we are low tier. I would so much like to Earthquake this temple.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

In high tier, they would have had freedom of movement and the master would have had actual monk levels. :)

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

Once everyone is ready, Omrax will usher the captives outside.

” By the Inheritor, we shall have you to safety in short order.“

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