Grandmaster TOZ |

"Sounds brilliant. Where IS safety exactly?" Strake asks. "And how are we getting there?"

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Yuri glances around. "Nothing more to investigate here? Shouldn't we at least check out those other corridors, while we're here?"

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Rokgurn turns to the monkey.
"Safety is your everlasting party. Getting there should not be problematic. We will walk out of here without opposition and I will then teleport us through one of the bushes outside to your garden. That way will avoid the patrols."
"They will probably think that we are acting under the orders of the master. I doubt that they think we are capable of actually killing him and the sounds of the battle were masked by the zones of silence."

Grandmaster TOZ |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yuri glances around. "Nothing more to investigate here? Shouldn't we at least check out those other corridors, while we're here?"
They appear to match the staircase you descended, 300ft of steep steps leading to the ground floor of the pagoda.

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Cross-posting again. Look two posts up for the plan.

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It looks like a lot more than four prisoners. Also are there two servants with food? There are two figures that are not chained but are not assassins either.

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“The only item of value appears to be the 15ft tall mantis statue set with precious gems.”
Kasimir muses that this is true, IF you ignore the value of the slaves...Kasimir rolls his eyes, and dismisses the devil with a wave of his hand.
I need ten minutes to conceal the evidence. Any requests or questions before I start the spell? adds Kasimir.

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"What exactly are you concealing?
Hamish has already removed the gems from the statue. I doubt the society would want a statue of a cult that is actively hunting them. ;)

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That the prisoners and captives are missing?
0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, stabilize
1: burning disarm, cure light, hide from undead, liberating command, murderous command, shield of faith
2: calm emotions, delay poison, fog cloud, lesser restoration, resist energy
3: blood biography, dispel magic, invisibility purge, *magic vestment, communal resist energy,
4: dimensional anchor,** greater magic weapon x2, spiritual ally
5: communal air walk, life bubble, wall of stone
6: blade barrier, heal,* summon monster VI
7: summon monster VII
Domain: Command, invisibility, non-detection, confusion, *false vision, mislead, screen

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Rokgurn shrugs.
"They are going to see the prisoners leave with us anyways. I doubt it will cause a stir as they will infer that we are acting on the master's orders. We do look like hired mercenaries."
"It is doubtful that anyone will come down here willingly. It might be hours or even days before they discover that the master is dead."
These types of spells might be more useful as a camping type spell to shield the party but do as you like. :)

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Yuri also shrugs. As long as the prisoners are freed, he doesn't seem to care much how it's done. He takes a swig of brandy and waits menacingly in case any new threats arise. Seeing that the Red Mantis have deprived these people of their freedom makes him dislike them even more.

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"On second thought I don't know if bringing all these prisoners back with us is such a good idea. It might not be safe for them and it would be better for us if we did not have to actively protect them."
"I have a plan. We bring out these people as if they are our prisoners. We leave the temple and find a nearby place to hide them. Kasimir conceals the prisoners' presence with magic (Screen). Our group and Stanton travel back by plant magic to the garden at the party. Tomorrow I will travel back with Whisper to transport the people to Absalom or any other city off this island."
If you wish to actively hide the prisoners in the temple then I think that Kasimir will have to use Veil.

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Omar nods
” I do not think we can leave them here. But we cannot risk their safety by bringing them with us. Finding a suitable hiding spot will have to suffice.“

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Yuri splutters, "Of course we can't leave them here! Anything would be better than that!"

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Omrax nods ”I will not risk their safety. If we need to transfer them, I can guide the captives if patrols can be redirected away somehow. There must be a place we can take them where they will not be further endangered. “
would kn: local help us find someplace or a neutral temple or inn? Or is the entire city corrupt?.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Knowledge Local tells you that no one can be sure who is or isn’t a Mantis agent in town. Especially with the heightened alert the city appears to be on.

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Rokgurn suggests transporting these people via plant as before.
"I can transport these people and our group to the party garden but it will take a little time. I will transport four at a time and then fly back in hawk form. If everyone is alright with this plan then we can leave now."
"We can look after them tonight and then tomorrow I can transport them to a city far away from here."

Grandmaster TOZ |

Leading the gratefully confused prisoners out of the lower level, you encounter no resistance, the silence auras indeed having kept your battle quiet. Red robed acolytes mostly ignore you as you go about your escape into the trees outside.
As Rokgurn drops each group off, you see the party has changed very little in the short time you have been gone. Kirhed-as-Strake continues to polish his shoes as the rest of the party looks on in dismay. Hamish quickly notes that Luna the Wild is nowhere to be seen.
"Well, that was a new experience." Strake the monkey goblin comments. "So, shall we retire to my villa, or did you want to give my guests something memorable?"

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Rokgurn turns to the monkey-man.
"Retiring to your villa is an excellent idea. We should also have the shoemaker with us so we can guard his body until we are able to reunite your mind to your body hopefully tomorrow."
"We should also keep an eye on the former prisoners. You can never be too careful around here. Also Luna is no longer at the party. Should I go track her down?"
"Kasimir. I assume that you will be able to do this?
I do not know when Kasimir prays for spells but I am assuming that he will be preparing at least two copies of Break Enchantment or leave multiple 5th level of higher slots open.

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"Even better. So we can resolve this issue today then."

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Yuri takes another swig of absinthe, belches in Cayden's honor, and passes the flask around to any takers, while these schemes and subterfuges are bandied about.

Grandmaster TOZ |

As the party makes for the stone villa, the steward bearing the eye-patch rises to intercept you all. ”Beggin’ yer pardon...” He doesn’t sound much like a beggar. ”...but the house is staff only.”
”Belay that, Doane.” The commanding voice is still a little comical coming from a goblin mouth. ”These folks are here to fix the little flag switch the insects pulled on me. Like we did to fool the Chelish armada back in 4698. Ask the nice cobbler to bring my body with him.”
Doane straightens a bit. ”Aye sir. Be good to have you in proper colors again.” Assigning another server to escort you back, he moves to collect Kirhed as well.
The afternoon passes fairly uneventfully, as the party continues outside and the Mantis agents appear to not have discovered the violence below their pagoda. Breaking the enchantment upon Strakes body leaves it comatose until the enchantment on the goblin is broken, Strake rises and looks down at the still form as it breathes softly with staring eyes. ”Poor thing. I’ll give it a proper burial for its service. Now!” He turns to you all and rubs at his bearded face. ”Who do I have to thank for this service and what need have you of Elysia?”

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Hamish goes back to join the party, letting the others deal with the Strake/goblin situation. Hopefully the ladies are still there, and a little more inebriated!
So what becomes of the cobbler's brainpan in all this? We don't have his body, or even know if its still out there, or if its occupied.

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Rokgurn looks at the others.
"We are from the Pathfinder Society. We are looking to find Elysia as we think she might know the location of the elusive Grandmaster Torch. Of course anything you might know would be helpful."
I think that telling him this much is worth the risk.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Strake takes a long moment, looking over each of you in turn. ”So many years now. Even now, she still cares for your organization, despite what was done to her.” He takes a deep pull of rum as he pauses. ”Last we spoke, she told me she’d uncovered a terrible secret. Something so dire it couldn’t wait for our usual method of distribution. I send information through my own contacts to people that can put it to good use, you see. But it takes time to avoid being traced back here. This time, she said she had to take the risk to contact the only person she could trust to do what needed done.” He regards you all over the edge of his raised mug. ”Does that sound like this Grandmaster you speak of?”

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Rokgurn nods.
"Yes. That sounds right. Is there anything more you can tell us about the woman or her current location? I assume that she did not speak to you about the nature of this terrible secret?"

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Kasimir listens carefully as well, they were finally making some progress.
0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, stabilize
1: burning disarm, cure light, hide from undead, liberating command, murderous command, shield of faith
2: calm emotions, delay poison, fog cloud, lesser restoration, resist energy
3: blood biography, dispel magic, invisibility purge, *magic vestment, communal resist energy,
4: dimensional anchor,** greater magic weapon x2, spiritual ally
5: communal air walk, life bubble, wall of stone
6: blade barrier, heal,* summon monster VI
7: summon monster VII
Domain: Command, invisibility, *non-detection, confusion, *false vision, mislead, screen

Grandmaster TOZ |

”You have it right, sir. She did not wish to involve me further.” He shakes his head sadly. ”I suspect that even if I were to dissuade you from pursuing her, my retirement here may already be in jeopardy given the ordeal of the past day. I certainly hope you intentions are honorable, but just in case, I should mention that any sum you have been promised to end her life, I can more than match. I would much rather see her go to Pharasma peaceably of old age than in some long delayed vengeance.”

Grandmaster TOZ |

”Never heard of the man myself. Seems I’m not as well informed in my old age as I thought.” Tossing back the rest of his mug, he nods to Hamish. ”I suppose that’s your concern then, captain. Join me for another round?”

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Rokgurn tries to assuage Strake as best he can.
"I have no intentions of killing anyone except as a last resort in self-defense. We are really after Torch. We need to find out what he is up to and to try to stop it if we can. He has been working at cross-purposes against the society for far too long and is a great danger to our organization."
"Even if your friend was foolish enough to attack us I am confident that we could subdue her without causing any permanent harm but I am hoping that it will not come to that at all. A word of introduction from you would go far I imagine to facilitate this."
I do not want to speak for the group so anyone can feel free to interject. It just seems to me that killing these people seems unnecessary if it can be avoided.

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"Just one, har! This ol' salt drinks 'til the bottle be empty!" He exclaims, with a chortle.
"And there be no more bottles!" He adds, a moment later.
[b]"There was two fine lasses here earlier, they come here often?{/b] He asks, as they go off to the drink table.
fade scene!
Intend to be drinking through the night, until he passes out, or its time to go! Will be in sorry shape for the first day of our trek. =) Luckily, there will be two weeks or so to recover! (hopefully)

Grandmaster TOZ |

"I suppose a letter to an old friend isn't out of order. Not that I expect my word to sway her much." The thoughtful expression breaks out in a wide grin at Hamish's boisterous response. "Plenty of fine ladies come along, be they the same as before or new beauties. And if you can empty my stores and still stay standin', yer the stuff of legend!" Your host sails out into the door to kick the party back into proper gear while the rest of the Pathfinders make their own preparations for the morning.
Alright, what is the plan for the next day?

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As Strake leaves Rokgurn turns to speak to the rest of the party.
"Clearly we need to search for Elysia. That is the obvious priority. I spoke to Whisper before and he mentioned that by regular travel it is about a ten day journey by foot through the jungle. Now clearly I am planning on reducing that time considerably by travel via plant but it may still take some time as we will need to navigate the jungle to her location and then track her down."
"There are a few loose ends we should think of including the possible location of the shoemaker and the relocation of the former ten prisoners."
"We should ask Strake if he can make use of the ten men for now. Otherwise I will have to spend a day transporting them back and forth. Our time is better spent locating Elysia and Torch then ferrying these men to a permanent location.
"In terms of the shoemaker we can try to locate his position but again I don't think that we should prioritize his possible rescue."
"This is all I can think of at the moment. Does anyone have any other ideas on how we should proceed?"

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”We shall find this woman and by my honor we will take her alive if at all possible. But we must locate her first. “
He pauses for daily meditations to Iomedae
• I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought
and deed, and I will have faith in them.
• When in doubt, I may force my enemies to surrender,
but I am responsible for their lives.

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@Hamish - Not necessarily true. We have no idea where his actual body is.

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Kasimir renews the spells on both Yuri (magic vestment, greater magic weapon x2) and himself (non-detection) after his hour-long session of prayer.
I can ask Lord Asmodeus for a divination, but we should discuss first. What is our most pressing question? Alternatively, we could scry upon her location, but there are ways to defend against that.
When we arrive in the jungle, I can ask Him for his blessing, and enable us to walk upon the air. That should speed travel somewhat.
0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, stabilize
1: ???, cure light, hide from undead, liberating command, murderous command, shield of faith
2: calm emotions, delay poison, fog cloud, lesser restoration, resist energy
3: dispel magic, invisibility purge, *magic vestment, communal resist energy, ???
4: dimensional anchor, **greater magic weapon x2, ???
5: communal air walk, **break enchantment x2
6: heal,* summon monster VI, ???
7: summon monster VII
Domain: Command, invisibility, *non-detection, confusion, *false vision, mislead, screen

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Yuri pops the tab on a can of malted ale. "Our most pressing question? Hmm, that's tough." He scratches his head in puzzlement. "Where is Torch? And Elysia?"

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Kasimir flips his rug to the opposite side, revealing an embroidered pentagram. Kneeling in the middle of it, he begins his spell.
“Dark Lord, where must we go to find Eylysia?”
Divination roll (83% chance of success) 1d100 ⇒ 65
0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, stabilize
1: ???, cure light, hide from undead, liberating command, murderous command, shield of faith
2: calm emotions, delay poison, fog cloud, lesser restoration, resist energy
3: dispel magic, invisibility purge, *magic vestment, communal resist energy, ???
4: dimensional anchor, **greater magic weapon x2, *divination
5: communal air walk, **break enchantment x2
6: heal,* summon monster VI, ???
7: summon monster VII
Domain: Command, invisibility, *non-detection, confusion, *false vision, mislead, screen
Bardic music rounds used: 0
Copycat uses used: 0

Grandmaster TOZ |

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After ten minutes, Kasimir stands and faces the group.
”Elysyia has hidden herself from Hell’s sight. We must find her ourselves.
Perhaps we could disguise ourselves and inquire about town, carefully.”

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Rokgurn disagrees.
"I say our best bet is to go into the jungle. I can track her from there to find her whereabouts. We do not have any contacts in the city and avoiding patrols would be problematic. Our search might lead back to the city eventually but then I feel we will have a destination within the city to go to. What does the rest of the party say?"
I feel the railroad leads to the jungle and we will pick up useful information there. Otherwise why would Stanton lead us there?"

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I shall agree it is wise to follow the leads we have and avoid patrols if possible. We shall be less likely discovered in the jungle. Alas, I am no expert in the skills of subterfuge I must admit.