Grandmaster TOZ |

"Well, good luck in your search." Yuri does not think the official harbors any hopes for his success. "What name will the bride be taking?"

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"Beardsbride is traditional."

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Omrax will follow the group down.
Omrax is my name. And unfortunately, I am traveling with those two on this journey.
To be honest, I do not hold out much hope for the dwarf's search for a bride while here. But I must support him however this unfolds.
Sticking with honest answers after Crazy and Yuri

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Hamish will happily use Rokgurn's wand on him, though doesn't see the need so soon, himself.
Hamish marches down the gangplank like he's coming home, the Seaward Gull sailing along behind him.
"Ah, now this is a proper town!" He claps Omrax on the shoulder as he is talking to the official, inserting himself into the process before the man can ask too many questions. "Don't mind my shiny friend here. Every shindig will have its sticks... firmly entrenched in the mud... who knows, perhaps we'll find a bride for him too! Though she might be more like to shiv him on the wedding night, as anything else. Har!"
"Hamish Carmody O'Toole, captain of the Seaward Gull." He exclaims, then motions behind him, where the ship sits on the dock, gently swaying from side to side, as if being lapped by waves. "A saltier group o' sea dogs ya will never have the pleasure a meeting! We'll run this town red, likely lose all our coins, and maybe find ourselves pressed into service on some derelict scow by morning... but I'll be damned if we won't have fun gettin' there!"
He drops to a conspiratorial whisper. "Is Ol' Mabel still workin' the tables at the Downspout. We had a bit of a misunderstandin' last time I was through here. Rather not find meself wed at the point of a shiv. Woman scorned and all that, right? Such fates are for these poor dogs! Har!" he grins at the others.
He seems to be doing his best to, support Yuri's tale... though you think he might be a little too invested.
Bluff: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (12) + 30 = 42

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Kasimir, protected by a non-detection spell, nods at the guard. ”Just a simple priest of Asmodeus, here to spread the word to the masses. Might as well be on the winning side, eh?”
Kasimir looks to see if the guard has an obvious holy symbol of any kind. ”And what was the last time -you- were in a temple, my friend? It doesn’t pay to be on the bad side of the god of slavery, you know.”
He’ll see if the guards temporary embarrassment causes him to forget to ask his name.
Bluff 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Kasimir is happy to keep the support spells rolling indefinitely.
Does he have time along the trip to get off a commune?
While on-board ship, Kasimir will keep a water walking prepared, and drop the extended tongues

Grandmaster TOZ |

I believe Kasimir could prepare a commune spell on the way but would not have time to reprepare spells afterwards. The scenario is not clear on how long the ship travel takes, so I'm treating it as arriving the day after the teleportation.
"Nor does it pay to be on the bad side of the assassin god." The official waves his quill in dismissal of the idea. He looks pointedly at Hamish, having already taken down the captains name without comment. "Good luck converting the pirates. Does Asmodeus grant you a particular title, 'Father'...?" He trails off expectantly.

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What time is it in game? I do not want to metagame so if we are arriving in the afternoon I will mark off one more use of Wild shape but if we arriving in the morning I will not.

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The cloaked Omrax nods and continues forward with Crazy and Yuri while the others disembark from the ship.
Fare well.
As he stands waiting, he listens and looks around.
kn:rel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 vs Assassin God reference.
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Otherwise, he stays out of the way of way of any other traffic.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Omrax recognizes the mentioned god as Achaekek, the deity worshipped by the Red Mantis Assassins. As long as Kasimir is not found out as a Pathfinder, they are unlikely to interfere with a priest of Asmodeus. Having taken down each of your given names, the clerk turns to the rest of the ships disembarking passengers, few as they are.
Securing a table at one of the dockside taverns is easy. Keeping quiet proves a small bit tougher. As the serving girl takes your orders, it quickly becomes clear that the port is on high alert. Red armored patrols walk the streets, stopping passersby for questioning without hesitation. Guile will be needed to slip through the streets to your objective, else fast talking will have to come into play to avoid suspicion.
What is the party's plan?

Whisper softly |

Whisper remains outside on the rooftop of the tavern inn. He keeps a low profile and keeps watch. He is careful not to stray too far from his master moving towards the center of the roof if necessary.
Figment familiars must be within 100' of their master or they wink out of existence until the next day.

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Rokgurn will stay on Omrax's shoulder as his hunting companion. He appears to peck playfully at one of Omrax's ears but is actually whispering very softly into it.
"Whisper and I can scout out the path ahead and steer our party away from any red garbed patrols. These people are hardly subtle and should be easy to spot from the air."
It is very common for untitled or lesser nobility to go on the hunt with a hawk. It is especially appropriate for a Paladin or Knight.
Do we know where we are going?

Grandmaster TOZ |

You were instructed to seek out Stanton Strake, a former contact of the Society. Asking around is likely the easiest method of locating him.

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Watching his comrades in action, a look of understanding crosses Yuri's face. "Oh, this is one o' them sub-tull like missions, ain't it? Alrighty then, ain't no one can be as sub-tull as an angry dwarf when he puts his mind to it!" Yuri pulls from his wine flask - again - as he has been doing more or less continuously - but in a noticeably more delicate manner.

Whisper softly |

Would a KS-Local 25 help us locate him faster?

Grandmaster TOZ |

It would help you recall he is legendary for hosting an endless revel at his estate, where guests are able to eat, drink, and be merry at all hours of the day, every day. He lives in the Dandy district on the northeast side of the city.

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Rokgurn communicates this information to the Paladin in a quiet whisper.
Is everyone good with the plan?

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”Aye. Let us proceed to locate our missing contact in the dandy estate. I for one will better blend into that environment. “
Omrax will pull his cloak around him and shoulder the hunting bird.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25 to determine how to get invited to the estate

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Yuri is delighted at this news. "Sounds like just my sort of bachelor party!"

Grandmaster TOZ |

The serving girl gives Omrax an incredulous look as he asks about the party. "Haven't heard of any way to get an invite. They keep the unwanted out of their fancy party." At Hamish's boast, she rolls her eyes. "Friend of Strake's? He lives on the northeast end of the bay. When you see the four ships, you'll know." She outlines the directions better on a napkin.
Rokgurn is fairly certain he can help navigate through the streets with Survival. The party will need to make similar checks to follow direction, otherwise you can engage in Stealth to avoid being noticed by any patrols that you can't avoid.

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Rokgurn pushes against the Paladin indicating that they should get going. Once they clear the bar he quietly suggests that they can communicate magically and that he will lead the way. He reunites with Whisper and they both fly at a leisurely pace towards the estate.
If Hamish would put up message on the party then we should only need one survival roll. Survival 29 (take 10), Perception to notice patrols 41 (take 10). Rokgurn and Whisper can use their superior speed and altitude to steer the party past patrols (hopefully).

Grandmaster TOZ |

If Hamish would put up message on the party then we should only need one survival roll.
Not in this case.

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If my character stayed with the party and whispered directions into the Paladin's ear would the party only need one survival roll?

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Are there any decent size trees or bushes (medium size or larger) in the area? My character can teleport the party with his walk the lines ability.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Good idea, let me check the resources to see if it is feasible. The Dandy district may have some trees, but whether or not that gets you close enough to avoid the skill challenge is probably a GM call.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Flying above the city to scout the route and possible transport points, Rokgurn sees that most of the district is barren land among the stone streets and constructed buildings. The nearest vegetation appears to be outside the walls or on the islands of the lagoon. Transporting there would require making the way across the water unnoticed, while traversing the walls would cut the distance down but still expose the party to the chance of patrols. He is able to confirm the destination, where four sleek pirate ships are run aground to form walls around a cozy villa. One problem appears to be solved as no staff blocks the entry, allowing guests to come and go unchecked.

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There is also the option of using my character's domain spell -Animal Shapes(Birds) to turn the party into a flock of birds. My character already knows the way and that should allow the party to bypass all the patrols and hazards. Which type of bird is likely to be most ignored in these parts? KS(Nature) of 25 (with Whisper).

Grandmaster TOZ |

Yeah, the assassin patrols certainly aren't going to be able to pull over a flock of birds. :)

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Unless the party objects my character can transform everyone into an Osprey (a type of hawk). They are thematically appropriate and sometimes hunt in packs as well so a flock would go largely unnoticed.
Once we get to our destination people can transform back to their natural form.

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The available choices for this spell include sources that I own that allow for Wildshape options. These include Bestiary I and II. The avian choices are extremely limited. It is Owl,Hawk or Raven.
There is no gull, fulmar or like options. For some reason the familiar options in other books (like Ultimate Magic, Animal Archives, Familiar Folio) are not permissible wildshape options. I do not know why.
Hawks(or Osprey which is a type of hawk) can hunt in a pack and are common throughout the world (at least our world). On this pre-industrial island I imagine that there is a flood of different types of birds so I doubt that anyone would give us much notice regardless of the breed of bird that we choose.

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Omrax has no objections to the bird plan.
” Certainly thou are able to revert us back once we land or does it have a specific duration?“

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Rokgurn quietly reassures the Paladin that he will be able to resume his normal form when they arrive at their destination.
"You will be able to change back as you wish at your own command."
I know. Really they should have more respect and give the proper deference to pirates and privateers. ;)

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Crazy chuckles. "I've flown with bat wings for years, and butterfly wings for the past year or so. Bird wings will be something new...even if it is a bird-brained idea." He chuckles again, then holds his breath, waiting to transform.

Grandmaster TOZ |

Turning into an alley out of sight, a pack of hawks soon rises up over the buildings, winging across the port city with no fanfare. The rest of the party gets a good look at Stanton Strake's villa as you spiral down to land. The four beached ships are arranged in a square, with added planks forming them into a solid wall. An open gate carved through the center of one hull provides entry to the garden beyond.
No guard stands before the gate, allowing you free access to the party beyond. Food and drink fill long tables, replenished by liveried servants in pirate affectations from the stone villa at the back of the garden. The garden hedges are landscaped into roiling waves and even sport miniature sailing ships among their leaves.
While dozens of guests are in attendance, even Yuri is able to read the unease of the gathering, as conversations appear muted and what mirth can be heard is not full throated and free. Most of the looks you catch seem directly to an aged but still devilishly handsome human man seated at the feasting table. He appears to be polishing a fine shoe with careful attention. Some distance away, a grizzled man sporting an eye patch that seems more authentic than the costume of the servants stands, also wearing the colors of the house. Attended by a coterie of hangers-on, two finely dressed women, a green haired elf and human, laugh with the air of the pleasantly inebriated. Another human woman pulls deep from a mug, the picture of reckless abandon with tangled hair and well used blade hung at her hip.

Whisper softly |

Whisper tries to remember if any of the people that they have just seen are people of any importance to their mission.
KS-Local 25 (take 10), KS-Nobility 25 (take 10)

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Omrax-hawk notices that none are gnomes.
So talking with their contact will likely be required....not in bird form.
• I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought
and deed, and I will have faith in them.
• I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my
behavior. I will strive to emulate Iomedae's perfection.

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Rokgurn leads the others to a quiet area away from prying ears.
Speaking softly he begins.
"It would be best if we kept the group attending the party small. People that would blend in with this group of brigands and thieves. Hamish and Crazy Hairy perhaps?
He pauses for a moment.
"No offense."
"The rest of us can stand prepared for battle as the tension level at the party is sky high."
We can always change our plans and include more people latter if we find out that they are friendly pro-pathfinder pirates, part of the rebellion so to speak but until we know we should be careful.

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”Aye. Determining their allegiance would be prudent. Start with the small detachment. “

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Crazy resumes his batwinged gnomish form and offers a bow. "I prefer rakish raconteur, but potato poe-tot-toe."
Crazy then begins preparing himself, as he starts drinking, gargling and schlurping down a variety of potions, elixirs and extracts. With a flourish, he takes his cognatogen and emerges from the transmorgrification as a female halfling with butterfly wings.
With a wink at Omrax, Bombshell says, "All set...
Extracts: See Invisibilty, Barkskin, Freedom Of Movement, Absorb Toxicity (all lasting 110 minutes)
Amplify Elixir & Alchemical Allocations: Shield of Faith CL12 (24 minutes), Stoneskin CL15 (300minutes), Heroism (100minutes)
Current AC: 34/ 19T / 31FF
Stoneskin: 150/150

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Yuri finds the stint in bird form thoroughly disconcerting and he squints suspiciously at Rokgurn.