Water Elemental

Rokgurn's page

633 posts. Organized Play character for Mage of the Wyrmkin.

Full Name



HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|


Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2


Human Druid (Menhir Savant) 15| Buffs -








Common, Druidic, Terran, Auran.



Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 24
Charisma 10

About Rokgurn

Human Druid N (Menhir Savant) 15

Str 16 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 24 Cha 10

HP 161 Speed 30'Initiative +10 Fort +18 Reflex +16 Will +23 (+27 vs Fey/Plant Spells)
Base Attack +11/+6/+1 CMB +14 CMD 31 AC26 T 18 FF 23.

Boons - Significant
Beheading the Serpent (All Aspis agents and hirelings are at -1 to hit, damage, saves and skill checks)
Rune of Alacrity 1/day +2 Dodge bonus to AC for 3 rounds (swift)
Sigil of Ruby Phoenix Tournament - +2 Diplomacy,Bluff,Intimidate vs Pathfinders and people of Tian Xia.
Signature Spell - Ball Lightning +2 CL
+2 KS:Planes (circumstance)
+2 KS:Planes/Religion - Demons, Devils and Daemons (competence)
+1 Attack vs Naga/Nagaji
Mendev Medals (2)
Tattoo of the Open Road (Welcome to Pathfinder)
Rescued the Minotaur Prince - +1 circumstance bonus on all Intelligence and Charisma based checks in Absalom.
Eylysia Insight (3) Before rolling a Knowledge check, treat the check as if you had character level ranks and had it as a class skill or roll the check with advantage.
Mantis-Bane 25% chance to negate critical hits/sneak attacks for one adventure.
One of the Ten - Official seal of the Decemvirate.
Torch's Bag (4) - Free Handy Haversack, check a box to add an item for free to the bag up to 500 gp and 5 pounds per box checked.

Siege of Gallowspire Boons (10-98):

Unravel Magic - Greater Dispel Magic as a swift action (1).

Tactical Strike - Until the beginning of your next turn all allies and yourself deal an additional 1d8 damage vs one opponent. If two allies are threatening that foe he is considered flanked as well. Activate as a swift action (1).

Restorative Burst - When you are reduced to less than 0 hit points you can trigger a burst of healing energy that heals yourself and willing allies within 30'. 8d6. (1)

Necromantic Surge (4) - SLA 15th level and use Charisma modifier (+0).
1 charge - Bestow Curse, Command Undead, Enervation, False Life, Fear, Vampiric Touch, Eyebite, Possession, Waves of Fatigue.
2 charges - Control Undead, Finger of Death, Greater Possession.

Faction: Liberty Edge

Expected combat forms and buffs - can vary

Wild Shape Fiendish Bat (Dimintive)

+1NA,+6Dex,-4Str. +4 Size bonus. Fly 40' +23 (Speed 5') Darkvision

60' Blindsense 20', Low light vision. DR 10/Good SR 20 Resist Fire/Cold 15 Smite Good 1/day. Stealth +18

Init:+13, Reflex +19, +21 ranged attack, Bite +18 1d3+1

AC 35 T 25 FF 29

Mage Armor(+4AC), Barkskin(+5AC)

Shield spell from Ioun Stone: AC 39 T 25 FF 33

Equipment : (All merged including Ring of Eloquence) except carrying Four-Leaf Clover (Bronzed) in hand and circling ioun stones.

Celestial Template - DR 10/Evil, Smite Evil 1/day, Resist Acid,Cold,Electricity 15.

Wild Shape - Air Elemental (Medium)

+3NA,+4Dex,Fly 60'+20, Darkvision 60'. Immune to bleed damage,
critical hits and sneak attacks. DR 5/ -,Init:+12, Reflex +18,
Ranged attack +16, Melee +14 1d6+4 B). Whirlwind Reflex 24.

AC 36 T 20 FF 31

Parade Armor +1
Quick Draw Dark Wood Light Shield +3,Intensify Rod.
Bandolier, Handy Haversack, Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath(R).

Chest Slot - Sipping Jacket



Climb +7, Fly+10, Handle Animal +7/+11, Heal +11,Arcana +2, Geography +5, Nature +5, History +2, Planes +8/+10 vs demons,devils and daemons, Religion +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +30/+33 bright light, Profession-Engineer +11, Ride +17, Spellcraft +19/+21(MW-Tool), Survival +22/+24 (MW-Tool),Swim +7,UMD +21/+23 (MW-Tool).

Languages: Common, Druidic, Terran, Auran.


Improved Initiative, Augment Summoning, Natural Spell, Planar Wildshape, Toughness, Spell Focus (Conjuration),Lightning Reflexes, Divine Interference, Additional Traits (Fate's Favored and Dangerously Curious).

Reactionary, Hunter's Eye.

Druid Class Abilities

FCB(Druid)levels 1-15:+15 hp. Level(4,8,12)+3 Wisdom.+1 inherent bonus to Wisdom (Tome).
Hit point Retraining - +7 hit points (@level 13, cost 21 PP, 2730 gp),
+1 hit point (@level 14, cost 3 PP, 420 gp).

Nature Bond - Eagle Domain

Hawk Familiar (Figment,Sage) - grants +3 Perception in bright light
Improved Evasion(Ex)(while flying)(as per Rogue)
Hawkeye(Su)(Swift action)+7 bonus to ranged attack or Perception 10/day

Spirit Sense(Sp), Place Magic(Su) 10/day, Resist Nature's Lure(Ex).
Venom Immunity(Ex), Walk the Lines(Su) 7/day. Empty Body(Su) 15 rounds/day.
Wild Shape(Su) 6/day, 15 hours.
Animals: Diminutive-Huge(BSIII), Plants: Small-Huge(PSIII),
Elementals: Small-Huge (EBIV).

Spell Casting

Spontaneous casting of Summon Nature Spells
Time of Day - Dawn
Concentration +22/+23
Spell Slots: 0-4,1-6+D,2-6+D,3-6+D,4-5+D,5-5+D,6-4+D,7-3+D,8-1+D.

Spells Prepared

0: Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Light

1:D-Aspect of the Falcon,Faerie Fire,Obscuring Mist, Snowball(2),Frostbite,Bristle.

2:D-Eagle's Splendor,Barkskin(3),Resist Energy,Bull's Strength,Winter Grasp.

3:D-Fly,Resist Energy(Communal),Earth Tremor(2),Soothing Mud,Flash Fire,Spit Venom

4: D-River of Wind,Ball Lightning,Explosion of Rot(2), Echolocation,Freedom of Movement.

5:D-Overland Flight,Death Ward,Animal Growth,Blessing of the Salamander,Wall of Thorns(2).

6:D-Eagle Aerie,Cure Light Wounds(Mass),Primal Regression,Wall of Stone,Source Severance.

7:D-Animal Shapes (birds only),Heal,Sunbeam,Creeping Doom.

8:D-Sunburst,Wall of Lava.

Magical Items

Handy Haversack(Free item)
Parade Armor +1 (Absalom-All Leather),
Darkwood Quick Draw Light Shield+3, Ring of Protection +4, Cloak of Resistance +5, Eyes of the Eagle, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6, Belt of Physical Might +2 (Dex,Con), Cracked Magenta Prism (currently +2 UMD), Pearl of Power 1st(3). Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (+1 AC), Ring of Eloquence, Cracked Amethyst Pyramid, Ioun Torch, Cracked Green Prism (+1 saves),Cracked Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (+1 Initiative),Four-Leaf Clover (+3* Luck bonus on Saves,Skill or Ability check. 3/day), Sipping Jacket, Cracked Vibrant Purple Prism (stores 1 spell level).

Wayfinder: slotted - Scarlet and Blue sphere Ioun Stone (+2 INT, UMD, Auran). +1 Will save as resonant power.

Rods(Lesser)- Intensify(2), Extend.

Wands- Heightened Awareness (36), Cure Light Wounds (20),Mage Armor (16).


3rd level - Ablative Barrier(2), Heroism(2).

2nd Level - False Life(2), Lesser Restoration(5), Mirror Image(2),See Invisibility(2), Summon Nature's Ally II.

1st level - Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Remove Sickness,Shield(6), Silent Image, Tap Inner Beauty(2).

Potions: Displacement,Vanish.

Alchemical Items and Special Components
Blood Boiling Pills(2)
Boots coated with Liquid Traction
Soul Stimulant
Euphoric Cloud (Spell Component).
Darkwood(2)(+1 CL - Conjuration/Creation)

Miscellaneous Gear
Backpack,Bandolier, Spell Component Pouch, Holly and Mistletoe,Scrollcase, Scrollbox, Waterproof Bag, Spell Staff. Traveler's Outfit,MW-Tools (Survival,Spellcraft, UMD),Smoked Goggles (not equipped),Familiar Satchel (Total cover for familiar), Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath.
Waterskin, Rations (6 days).

42 XP, 72 Fame, 16 PP, 8,791.5 gold.

Handy Haversack (Generally contains) :

Rods (Lesser) - Intensify(2), Extend
Wands - Cure Light Wounds,Heightened Awareness,Mage Armor.
Pearls of Power(3)
Soul Stimulant
Tool,MW (Spellcraft) - Book
Tool,MW (Survival) - Guide Book
Scroll Case, Scroll Box, Waterproof Bag(Empty), Backpack(Empty),
Familiar Satchel.

-Four Leaf Clover
-Ioun Torch
-Spell Power Components (Darkwood and Myrrh)
-Tool,MW (UMD) - Crystal

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (Scroll of Mirror Image loaded)

Light Encumbrance 59# (Human form)

Merged Equipment (Air Elemental Form - Medium)
Wayfinder(slotted),Cloak of R.,Eyes of the Eagle,Boots,Spell Component Pouch,Holly and Mistletoe,Traveler's Outfit. 49# (Light)

Equipment left at the Grand Lodge
Dragon Hide Breastplate +2 (Red)
MW Composite Longbow +3 Strength
Arrows(assorted types)


HP 161/161|AC 26 T 18 FF 23 |CMB +14 CMD 31|F +18 R +16 W +23|INIT +10|PER +30/+33 Bright Light|SM+7|Improved Evasion|

Daily Resources:
Shape 6/6,Place Magic 10/10, Hawkeye 10/10,Walk 7/7,Empty Body 15/15,Rune 1/1,4-Leaf 3/3,Pearl 3/3,Intensify 6/6,Extend 3/3|Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 7/7 4th 6/6 5th 6/6 6th 5/5 7th 4/4 8th 2/2