FiliDestro |

I see a lot of people have created their characters and are able to use them to post. This is my first time doing PbP and I'm not sure how they were able to do that. Do I need to so as to make play easier? If so, where can I find instructions to do so.
Very excited to do this, I mostly DM with my local group so I am excited to get the chance to be a player.
Wrath's primary stats will be Physical.

Ironperenti |

Most create an alias. Go to "My Account" at the top of the page and choose "Account Settings" from the drop down. About halfway down on the left is a section called "Message Board Aliases". You create your alias and under "Profile" you can go to the "Alias" tab select your alias and make the character. They have a few slots that appear on the left side but the main character you want to do in a text format in the larger box, I forget what it is labeled.
In the "Race" "Class" and "Size" fields on the left you can put a stat block that will show just below your alias name. Something like:
Cross-blooded Sorcerer 10 | HP 47/62 | AC20 T14 FF16 (+4 to all w/ shield spell) | F+4 R+5 W+8 | CMD17 | Init+2 Percep+9, lowlight vision, darkvision 60' | Current effects: none

Trunt Zecks |

I'm in! I'll go Mental. Looks like I'm the only one with Family Ties right? hmm

Rowan Ellis |

Ready to play! I will be going with mental stats. As for backstory merging, Rowan was orphaned at a young age by a goblin raid on his village, and was raised by a priest of Erastil. I haven't read everybody else's backstories yet, so if that works with anyone else's character, we can combine backstories

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Blip, Teifling Demon Summoner here for the fun,
Mental stats probably, Although my character is one that can go either way- built as a Melee Mage- she is a rarity!

Runt PbP |

I think physical for me.
Are you going to be running two separate parties or one big party of 12?

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Just had a thought, If we are picking primary stats- Misury is mental but her Eidolon is Physical

Runt PbP |

Not a bad plan. Attrition is a killer.

Isabella Monstrance |

Probably one large group. I had 9 in a roll20 game and that worked fine. Plus people drift away. My 9 dwindled to 3. Every game I've been in on this forum has lost at least a third of its players. If we stay true to that then we will end up with about 8.
There it is - peeps join in, then just abruptly vanish.

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Thinking about it... Looking at my stats... If this whole mental/Physical thing is vital, Than Physical might be my choice, as My physical lineup is 16,14,14, while my mental lineup is 10,10,18.
I don't know it's hard to decide...

Valtyra Valdemar |
Checking in, hope this is in time.

Valtyra Valdemar |
Focusing on mental - will update statline shortly.

Valtyra Valdemar |
Statline updated

Ironperenti |

So, I closed recruitment as of a few minutes ago. We ended up with a group of 11. If I missed someone let me know and if I missed your campaign trait or your primary stats, again, let me know.
Isabella Monstrance Aasimar Cleric :
student of faith
Rowan Ellis Human Cleric of Erastil:
Sandpoint faithful
mental stats
Runt Human Inquisitor (Monster tactician):
monster hunter
physical stats
Templeton Gnome Druid:
mental stats
Trunt Zecks Gnome Unchained Rogue (cutpurse)
family ties
mental stats
Camil D'Este Human Investigator (empiricist): by Torilgrey
hagfish hopeful
Valtyra Valdemar Aasimar (Emberkin) Tattooed Sorcerer:
scholar of the ancients
mental stats
Misury Tiefling (pitborn) Summoner
goblin watcher
physical stats
Zandril Siska Half elf swashbuckler:
hagfish hopeful
physical stats
Wrath Human Monk:
scholar of the ancients
physical stats
Agamer70 Human Ranger

Ironperenti |

@Runt: no drawbacks and only two traits
I will start working on backgrounds next. Expect a private message to determine any mods we can make to your story to meet my needs and your desires. If you have not posted a background yet, please do so ricky tick. I will likely tie a couple of you together so you are not just some group of 11 people who happen to have a spine during the opening event.
I had been looking at character sheets but then I opened to all and several new applicants published. Not a problem but I will check to see if I have questions and probably just ask on the discussion board.
I should have the opening post in gameplay up tonight.
I have the maps link and a treasure tracker link on the Campaign info tab. Please check it and let me know if there are any access issues.

Trunt Zecks |

Quick question about your modified ABP: You mentioned specific alterations to ability score changes, and armor/weapon enhancement progressions. What about the other things in ABP such as Resistances/Deflection, are they still in effect unchanged?
By the way, I've never used ABP but I've wanted to and I'm excited about it.

Ironperenti |

unchanged for deflection, natural armor, and resistances. For my ABP I saw it as more of a proficiency development. It is hard to develop your own deflection field and as much as we would like to think we get tougher, let someone poke you with a needle and you learn again just how thin your skin really is. I could have lumped resistances in there and just didn't. So that is my reasoning, as unsound as it may be.

Trunt Zecks |

So, just to verify, the only things that scale via ABP are ability scores and armor/weapon "proficiencies". I'm fine with whatever, I just want to make absolutely sure I understand.

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Just saw the request for A background, One will be up soon

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Right, I have a basic outline of my background up, because after having my fully typed out one eaten by the Paizo golem I'm a little miffed. But the outline summerized what I had written.
And now I have a detailed description of her and her Eidolon

Runt PbP |

Awesome. I will modify the character soon to be within the guidelines for the campaign. Thank-you for running this.
I got a question. Part of Runt's background is that she was born with dwarfism and given up to a temple of Lamashtu. Would it be OK if she was small instead of medium sized?

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The only issue I had was the golem ate my detailed background...

Valtyra Valdemar |
The only issue I had was the golem ate my detailed background...
I like that better than 'the dog ate my homework' - really confuse the teacher.

Trunt Zecks |

@Trunt: actually you can still find the amazing belt of giant strength. The ABP just affects armor and weapons. The ability score progression just replaces the +1 stat point per 4 levels.
Ok, great, thanks for getting back to me!

Ironperenti |

If you wish to modify the below just let me know. I want everyone to have a connection, even if loosely to someone else. I give some vague details below that you may freely embellish.
Relationships & Arrivals
Valtyra and Wrath have known each other for about three weeks having reported to the Magnimar Lodge at the same time. Both junior members of the Pathfinder society lodge in Magnimar, they have been sent to study the Thassilonian artifacts in and around Sandpoint. Brodert Quink, former cataloger at the Great Library in Magnimar, is a relatively knowledgeable Thassilonian sage. They arrived the evening before the Swallowtail festival and have taken rooms at the Rusty Dragon.
Trunt and Templeton are both from a small enclave of gnomes in and around Nybor. The local community of gnomes shares educational responsibilities for their children so that the children of similar ages rotate homes weekly and learn different lessons. Trunt and Templeton being of about the same age were educated together. They have not seen each other in a few years since they both left the community.
Agamer, Templeton, Rowan have roamed and worked the forests and rolling hills of Nybor. Each had his own reason to head toward Sandpoint but in the course of working together they decided to travel in that direction together. In the early evening of day one of their trip they come across a hobgoblin and what appeared to be a large halfling facing off. With their appearance, the hobgoblin took off. They befriended the "halfling", Runt, and though she was unsure of the trio, traveling with a group seemed safer than traveling alone. Over the next five days, Runt found that the trios company was much preferred over that of a pack of goblins, orcs and other creatures. They arrived the night before the Swallowtail festival and took rooms at the Rusty Dragon. Feel free to discuss what degree of friendship you each have with one another.
Arriving in Sandpoint the day before the Swallowtail festival, Trunt meets up with a Sczarni contact. The local Sczarni maintain a couple of halfway houses and give Trunt a bunk in one of these. He's told his business will have to wait until after the festival.
You are all locals. Misury and Zandril have lived here all if not most of their lives. Isabella and Camil have been here for a few years, Isabella right at five and Camil for about three. You know of each other, particularly Zandril and Camil who frequent the Hagfish. You may embellish your friendship/relationship further.

Trunt Zecks |

So, I have a donkey in my equipment list. I just got it because Trunt has a miniscule strength and wasn't strong enough to carry everything I wanted but I didn't really think it through very well and I'm realizing that I should try to teach it some things. I assumed he had bought it a while back. Can I teach it some tricks? It takes a week and a Handle Animal check to teach a trick, I was wondering if I could be allowed a certain number of attempts.

Trunt Zecks |

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Misury was an Orphan who was kinda a loner, being picked on by the other orphans- so overall of she's gonna know you there are about 3 options: 1) you where one who picked on her but now wishes to reconsider 2) You where one who didn't pick on her and she looks up to you for that, 3) You may have seen her around Junker's Edge, as that's where she spent most of her time