Ironperenti's Rise of the Runelords Campaign

Game Master Ironperenti

The Roll20 maps link is HERE

Treasure tracker is HERE

Player notes: Player Notes

Calendar is HERE

Market Bargains:

Market Bargain Hunting (you may search for a bargain once per week) d20 Roll
1–6 A piece of adventuring gear, clothing, food or drink, or trade good of your choice (chosen from any in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
7–12 An alchemical item of your choice (chosen from any in Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
13–16 A weapon of your choice (to include expert or masterwork) at 10% its normal price.
17–19 A potion or scroll of your choice (chosen from any in Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
20 A magic item of your choice at 10% its normal price.

The Roll20 maps link is HERE

Treasure tracker is HERE

Advancement Rules:

Equipment: Starting wealth average for class. Emerging guns.
Three levels of equipment: standard, expert, master
Expert weapon (+250gp): +1 damage
Expert armor (+100): -1 AC penalty
Masterwork weapon (+500): +1 to hit, +1 damage (stacks with expert level)
Masterwork armor (+300): +1 Max Dexterity, 10% weight reduction (stacks with expert level)

Advancement: Each character will designate either physical or mental stats as their primary
At every 4th level you will get three ability score points, two to primary stats, one to secondary stats; two points may not be placed on the same stat at the same level.

Hit Points: Max at first level for your class. Every level after that is maximum for the die minus 2 so that you have d6 = 4, d8 = 6, d10 = 8, d12 = 10