GM Bret |
Dalviss is clearly startled by her appearance. “Leeara, is that really you?”
He looks around, worried. “We best get you to your room. People in town are already on edge, and I’m not sure how they would react to you.[/ooc]”
Nalan and Alyssia are also surprised by her new look.
Once Dalviss gets her settled, he comes back.
“[b]What do you know of what happened to her, and how can she be cured?”
We don’t need to role play the info dump, although it might help all the characters if such a summary of your findings were created.
Warpac |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"The magic is beyond me. This emessary from the Dark Tapestry is empowering disciples, some group called the Dominion of the Black I think, and it is they that are poisoning?, cursing?, diseasing?, heck, maybe all three, folks like Leeara and us. Came here in some kind of vehicle that fly's through the dark tapestry and wants to take over... well, as much as it can take over I'll bet..."
Warpac pauses in thought.
"You know, that seems to be quite common nowadays..."
"Anyway, we found Leeara in that cave you sent us to. At first we didn't find her. Instead we found a food cache and a couple of dead disciples. They seem to all like wearing these here amulets..."
Warpac pulls one of the amulets from his bag.
"When I did a detect poison spell it came back positive on everyone - and no, we didn't toch or eat anything so I have no idea how we got poisoned. We were poisoned before we went into the room to examine the bodies and food. Perhaps it was the frogs we fought, or their treasure in the river? Right now we are under a slow poison enchantment which is probably helping... thanks Tycho and Melody."
"Leeara was a bit out of her mind and thought we were more of the nasty disciples and attacked us, but we subdued her around without too much harm. She thought we were more of the cultists and did not want us in her cave. Melody managed to convince her that we are allies, particularly when we mentioned you sent us. She mentioned she got shot and that started the transformation. I think it was this poison stuff, but I don't think we were hit with the same stuff or perhaps the same stuff but not refined yet."
"After that Tycho convinced het to help and lead us to the woman that shot her in anoethr cave a few hours away - Nesher mines? Tycho is VERY convincing for all his wierdness. Hmm. Or maybe because of his wierdness in this case. Communicated in a series of stories with face changes. She gave us one of the alien spheres she took from the 'bad lady' that can make us speed up and looks like some planet."
"We went down and found another transformed soul. Again we tried to talk peace and again we were unsuccessful and had to subdue the creature. It was then we discovered that any time we tried to do anything stressful we got sick and, in my case, momentarily confused. Don't know who she was since she could only talk in Aklo. Sounded something like Sonriser."
"After we calmed her down she started babbling about how this eye thing lost it's planets and, I guess, wants this one as a replacement or somehow to get the old ones back. I don't know. She wasn't actually very clear and I only got it translated second hand to boot. She drewhad drawn lots of pictures of places wasted and mentioned some long dead place called... Heck if I remember. Some place where a swamp is now. My guess is this eye is the same as The Emissary. Which, I'm getting to."
"So then we move on and find another cave with yet another madman by the name of Abtaroh and her guard. Before things went sideways, she told us about the Emissary coming soon, her creating this poisonous stuff to cause transformations, and how she wanted us to join her noble cause. We were having a nice peaceful talk and all of a sudden, for no reason, she went berserk and started attacking us. Said it was because I started tapping the walls with my axe. Stupid as well as wonky. So I started swinging my axe for real so she could tell the difference. Once again we subdued them. We do that a lot."
"After the battle, in spite of her rediculous plans to change everyone into... whatever Leera is, we didn't have the heart to kill her or the means to drag her with us, so we left her there. We did take all her stuff so that shold at least slow her down. We have two bags of holding so carrying stuff is not a problem. Say, can you put a person into a bag of holding? Maybe we should have done that?"
"Anyway we found three more of those planet spheres. One casts confusion, one resilient sphere, and one teleport. They are all mysteriously tied to one another and can somehow be charged up as one. They make good toys if you are a little unstable too."
Tycho may remember playing with them for a while by juggling, spitting, bleeding, and other insane attempts to charge them up. Or just for fun.
"Then we met the unpleasant Nesher brothers, recently deceased and turned into specters. Them we did not subdue. We did find their bodies and buried them with full rites. Nasty fellows tried to suck Mongo and me dry, but I guess it wasn't their fault. I'm still feeling a bit under my full potential. I hate things that can reach through my armor. Seems rather unsporting."
"On the way back to town we decided to stop at Leeara 's mine and ran into the 4 miners from the inn. At least I think it was the same 4. They were all cult wizards or something with spellbooks and fireballs and such. We subdued them and stuffed them in a wagon that Tycho conjured. Leeara decided to continue with us into town and here we are with cultists in tow, diseased, cursed, poisoned, and drained. Been a busy day."
"Did I cover everything important guys?"
Mongo DePon |
Didn't we bring the prisoners from the cave back in the wagon too?
GM Bret |
A few corrections:
* The Detect Poison spell did not come back positive on everyone.
* The slow poison spell expired last night. It doesn’t last for days.
* Sonarisa could only talk in Aklo when fighting. During the time she was under Calm Emotions, she was able to speak in common.
* You have reason to believe they weren’t the prospectors, none of them had red hair.
* My understanding is you brought back Abtaroh (the leader) and three of her minions. Elbris and two that I haven’t been forced to name yet.
Dalviss looks at the amulet and says “Yes, that is the amulet that the four prospectors wore. I thought it was some sort of group badge or something, but didn’t know the meaning of it.”
“Are you sure you met the prospectors? The only left the Inn about an hour before you came here. I’m not sure if they have left town yet.”
The One Known as Tycho |
Well done on the summary; thank you! Yes I was thinking we took back Abtaroh and the minions.
Melody Mersenne |
"Well, we sure saw some folks matching their description. Where would they be if they're still in town?"
GM Bret |
Prospecter descriptions do not match the four Cultists you encountered outside the mine.
The general description would have included prospecting clothes and tools, neither of which were on the four you met outside the mines. None of the four there had red hair either.
If you are trying to bluff, that is fine. I just don’t want the group thinking they have already found them.
With a shrug, Dalvis says “Given where you said of when you met the four folks, I wouldn’t have expected them to get out there that fast.”
Alyssia asks more about Leeara’s condition, “So what have you already found out about this curse or poison, and which is it? Any idea how it might be cured, and what have you already tried?”
Warpac |
Regarding the poison see this. It changed later, but at that point in the story we were all poisoned except Penny and Warpac was only talking about the PCs.
"Well it might not have been them. I just figured that since there were the same number, they were the same folks. As for the poison, I know that some of us recovered. Last I checked 4 of us were still poisoned. Hmmm. Let me check again."
Once again Warpac does his Detect Poison thing.
GM Bret |
Penny not being poisoned is what I was pointing out.
The drinks are poisoned. When you check, the stew is poisoned.
Dalviss, Nalan, Alyssia, Mongo, Tycho, Theodric and yourself (Warpac) are poisoned.
I assume no one in the party has taken a drink or eaten food here yet today.
Melody Mersenne |
I was not trying to bluff; I just misunderstood!
Warpac |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Warpac jerks in surprise.
"Oh no! Looks like they got to the food supply. All the food and drinks are poisoned. Dalvis, Nalan, Alyssia, you are poisoned like us. In addition to us, at this point that makes it Dalviss, Nalan, Alyssia, Mongo, Tycho, Theodric and me - all poisoned. Not good."
GM Bret |
All three are surprised and dismayed by the news.
Alyssia asks “What are the symptoms of this poison? Anything we can look for without the spell? I can pray for it tomorrow, but it would be good to find out how widely the poison has been spread,”
Looking at the vial you brought them, Dalviss asks “Any idea how it has been spread? Is it an inhaled poison?”
Nalan just looks worried.
Theodric Milan |
Theodric ignores the poison for the moment and comments "we did find those 2 corpses in the mine, I wonder if those were the prospectors?"
GM Bret |
Looking over, Dalviss says “Can you describe them?”
I’ll assume for the moment you do.
Hearing the descriptions, Dalviss shakes his head and says “Unfortunately, that sounds like the Nesher Brothers.” He then asks a few more questions and soon it is clear that is who the two who became specters were.
Warpac |
Are we talking about the corpses at the first mine where we found Leeara? Can Warpac or any of us make any rolls to figure out how to treat this thing, or has that ship sailed?
GM Bret |
I think he was talking about the two bodies in the mine at the end of one of the tunnels. It is where you encountered the spectres. If he meant the two bodies of Cultists in Leeara’s cave, then I answered the question wrong.
It is Craft Alchemy or Knowledge Arcana to get information about the toxin, or as described in the Detect Poison spell.
I don’t think anyone has made the difficult Spellcraft check to look at the magical aura on someone afflicted.
The Journal you found written in Aklo likely has more information as well.
If you can come up with something else, run it past me.
Theodric Milan |
I meant the 2 that were specters.
With the helpful squawking guidance of his bird Theodric will try and examine the auras. spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 1 = 22
Melody Mersenne |
Melody will use her ability to take 20 on the Knowledge Arcana for 31.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
This is not something the wand of identify will help with, right? If it is, I'll use it!
GM Bret |
Yes, the Identify spell only works for items.
The substance is a combination of toxin and curse. Only someone immune to both poisons and curses would be immune to it.
The poison can be ingested or delivered as part of an injury on a weapon carrying the toxin.
The full strength curse causes the person to transform into an id mutant.
An id mutant loses its identity almost entirely, changing into an animalistic version of its previous self. The curse reduces the victim’s intelligence and charisma. If its adjusted Intelligence score remains above 3, it can still speak and understand language, but it does not retain any societal affiliations it had prior to devolving.
Survival becomes the paramount concern for an id mutant, and it focuses more on base animalistic desires—the thrill of the hunt, securing a safe lair, and procreation. An id mutant's personality is entirely new—one based on fulfilling base needs, and as such an id mutant's alignment changes to chaotic neutral.
When a humanoid becomes an id mutant, its physical deformations almost always result in a resemblance to a specific animal. For up to 10 days after a humanoid transforms into an id mutant, break enchantment or remove curse can remove the template. After this window of time closes, the condition becomes much more difficult to reverse. Both miracle and wish can restore an id mutant to its previous life. Likewise, an id mutant that dies and is then brought back from death sheds the template and is restored to its previous self.
Even heavily diluted, the toxin can bestow a lesser version of the curse.
Symptoms of the lesser version would include severe headaches and a general shortness of temper. In stressful situations such as combat or disarming a trap, the person may feel ill if they do anything beyond hitting their opponents with a weapon. Continuing to act in that way can cause a short burst of confusion.
There may be ways to trigger the lesser version of the curse so that the victim transforms into an id mutant, but that would require an outside force.
Melody Mersenne |
Melody tells the party everything she knows about the poison, now that she's thought about it for a while.
Theodric Milan |
Theodric says "As mentioned beforee I can use Tycho's scroll to learn remove curse and Warpac can memorize remove disease. Might take us a few days to clear us and we'd still be at risk of reinfection..."
After pausing for a moment and nodding towards our 'mutant' friend Theodric asks "What's the calendar like on this one?"
GM Bret |
Puzzled by Theodric’s statement, Alyssia gestures towards Melody and points out “According to her, it isn’t a disease. Only remove curse or break enchantment works,”
She pauses in consideration, then adds “I believe I have two of each of those scrolls, but as I understand it neither is guaranteed to work.”
In response to the question about Leeara, Dalviss rubs his chin in thought. “I’m not sure, it might be too late already. I don’t know exactly when she slipped away nor when this woman you told me about shot her with the poison.”
Looking to Dalviss, Alyssia says “At least this explains why everyone in town is in such a bad mood.” Looking towards your group, she admits “I came here to talk to Dalviss about getting your group to look into the problems.”
Timtenzekil Tengentrail |
"Well, tha's what we were sent ta do." Tim rumbles, back in his natural form. "But it has been damn difficult to find leads. Findin' where tha meteor or wha'ever it is landed is our next task, I'm guessin'. 'nless ye think we ought ta speak with the people?"
Theodric Milan |
Theodric replies "Oh, I thought it needed both spells. That's good news that it only needs remove curse, I can memorize it twice in the morning and do much better than a scroll."
Looking to Melody "Anything you can do to help determine the potency of the poison will be helpful in the meantime. Pharasma sometimes grants me small snippets of the future, but knowing what I'm up against will make it easier."
Theodric Milan |
Theodric nods solemnly.
Unless anybody else has any CL increasing schenanagains I think I'm the best choice to read the scroll due to my prescience ability. I'm hoping Melody or others can help at least ballpark the DC first though.
Warpac |
Since it is a curse and a poison, will an antitoxin help? Would Neutralize Poison or a spell that gives a bonus to ST vs. poisons help? Also, I can grant a lucky presence blessing before an attempt to give two rolls instead of one.
heal check, negative levels: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 8 - 2 = 15
GM Bret |
Antitoxin would give a bonus to the save. Neutralize Poison does nothing since you need to resolve both. Spells or effects that give a bonus to the save would give it.
Lucky Presence needs an action when you use it to activate it. That seems problematic here.
You have already failed the save and are cursed. I have listed the two methods of resolving that: Break Enchantment or Remove Curse.
Melody Mersenne |
Heal: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Melody tries to work out the strength of the poison.
The One Known as Tycho |
I have this scroll… Tycho holds out a scroll of Break Enchantment.
If I understand, this might cure Leeara? Do you think we can keep ourselves somewhat safe, now that we know more?
Theodric Milan |
Tycho: I still have your scroll as well as the 2 new scrolls here.
Theodric will take one of the remove curse scrolls and sends his mind to look into the Gray Lady's prophecies as his corporeal form reads the scroll.
prescience: 1d20 ⇒ 15
I'll use that.
Remove Curse: 15 + 5 = 20
Reach the end of the scroll Theodric's mind and body fully reform as he he uses the exact same intonation he saw himself use before.
GM Bret |
Correction, she had scrolls at her temple. It also requires a Diplomacy roll, but she is friendly so that isn’t a problem.
Melody’s diplomacy: 10 + 24 = 34
Melody asks Alyssia nicely if the group could get the scrolls. She hesitates, then decides it is a good cause — especially if they can restore Leeara. She fetches them from her temple and hands them over.
Theodric takes one of the scrolls of Remove Curse and uses it on Leeara. Thankfully it works and she is restored to her normal self. The fur and other animalistic features fade away once the curse is broken.
Leeara thanks the group profusely. “It was like a nightmare, my mind slowly being eaten away like that.”
She does want to rest, regain her equilibrium.
The One Known as Tycho |
Hooray! I wonder if Leeara will be upset at Tycho for pretending to be Dalviss…
I'm sure you had many fever-dream delusions of old memories, as well.
bluff: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (13) + 21 = 34
tycho has trail rations for several days, and will eat those to avoid poisoning; we also have a druid for goodberries perhaps, and the ability to cast purify food and drink?
The One Known as Tycho |
Ahh, ha, umm, well… I don't specialize in making food, only eating it. They rub their belly. Can we pray to purify our food? Conjure little berries like my woodsy friend Karl does? I do not think there is a way to help the whole town, unless we have more powerful magics… but in the meantime we can, perhaps, help ourselves to Leeara's cooking, and thereby and help ourselves to better help everyone else.
Theodric Milan |
Theodric responds to Tycho "You've been suffering quite a bit, I think our best bet may be to keep ourselves clean long enough to deal with the source of this problem before tackling the potential large numbers of infected."
The One Known as Tycho |
There was a place marked in Abtaroh's journal… They snap their fingers. Speaking of, they're outside in my carriage, right now. Can we put them in your jail? Do you mind?
Tycho nods at Theodrioc and Alyssia.
Yes, take care of ourselves… they take their scroll of remove curse and casts a remove curse on themselves, using their mnemonic vestments and powering the magic with their own energies level 3 spell slot
remove curse CL check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
can also use the vestments tomorrow for another try if someone needs
Warpac |
I had hoped that, like with many poisons, there might be multiple saves, or thought that when the remove curse is cast, you might have to also make a poison save again later if you did not cast neutralize poison. The poison might have lingered in the system and force another save after the remove curse works. I'm glad the latter is not the case at least.
Warpac tries casting a purify food and drink spell on some of the poisoned food and then checks with detect poison again to see if it worked.
While he is doing that he says, "I'm also interested in getting rid of the spectres effects. Alyssa, do you have anthing for that? And how many of those remove curse scrolls do we have? I'd be willing to hold off if there are those in more dire need, particularly if I could get a slow poison cast on me to stop the advances for a day."
Now that he knows what spells to memorize, Warpac will start taking care of that himself when the new day starts.
GM Bret |
“You would need to discuss that with Enmet about that, but I imagine it will not be a problem,” Dalviss says.
Alyssia offers “If you wish, I can go with to introduce you and help convince them that these people should be jailed,”
You will not have any problem convincing the Mayor. We can either play it out or not, your choice,
Tycho is successful in removing the curse.
When Warpac casts his spell on the food and then checks the results, there is no signs of poison or the curse in the food.
When asked about curing the negative energy effects, Alyssia gives a short laugh and says “I’m sorry, but I’m not that powerful a priest. I don’t know of anyone in town that is. There might be someone with a scroll of the restoration spell needed, but I don’t know of any.”
GM Bret |
I had hoped that, like with many poisons, there might be multiple saves, or thought that when the remove curse is cast, you might have to also make a poison save again later if you did not cast neutralize poison. The poison might have lingered in the system and force another save after the remove curse works. I'm glad the latter is not the case at least.
I expect different GMs may rule differently. My reading is once cursed you stay cursed until you can use Break Enchantment or Remove Curse. The poison is mostly a carrier for the curse.
There are saves each day to determine if you get headaches. The cursed had better luck with those saves than the initial save to avoid the curse.
The One Known as Tycho |
Tycho didn't use up the scroll. Happy to contribute to purchase of scrolls etc as well; having everyone at full strength is a priority.
The One Known as Tycho |
Thank you Alyssia. Let's go soon — I have to someone tonight. Tycho will drive to the jail with Alyssia, and anyone else who wants to help.
GM Bret |
Alyssia directs you to the town hall, explaining that the jail is beneath it.
Building 5
Checking in the town hall, you find Mayor Enmet Kurigoss. Most of you heard him long before you saw him. As you enter, he is yelling at a woman, demanding that she find some records. Alyssia frowns, somewhat taken aback by this behavior.
Once the woman hurries away, the mayor looks at your group and loudly asks “What do you want? Hurry it up, I’m an important man!”
Mongo DePon |
Mongo is glad to see someone emerge from the inn, as he had grown tired of guarding the prisoners with no one to talk to. "Are we gonna take them to jail yet?"
If someone explains what's going on with the curse then Mongo can just not make combat maneuvers for a few days if need be. He won't be as effective, but better to cure the spellcasters first.