Your boy, Troi |
This is beginning to get a bit played out... Troi mutters as he looks at the big guy that just dropped down from the ceiling close to him.
Hey, I really don't feel like doing this right now man, alright? You want a fight? How about you go tussle with him.
Troi points to the yellow dwarf down the way as he stares intently at the large duergar.
Swift: Stare. Then casting Murderous Command. DC 18, and he has a -4 Will save against it.
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Roni doesn't even have time to tuck the wand away when more dwarves assault them, so he drops it down again.
"How come one dwarf is a giant and the others are, well, dwarves?" Roi smirks as he tugs on his gloves again. "I'm surprised you'd intentionally make my target bigger for me. Did you think being bigger would let you beat me? Idiot!" he taunts it as he gathers power, maneuvering himself to stand between the big dwarf and Sindelle before a spark from his fingertips ignites the around the red one.
Empowered Burning Fire Blast vs red, defensively: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 vs touch
damage: 4d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 4) + 10 = 24 x 1.5 for a total of 36 dmg
DC 20 ref save to avoid catching fire
+3 AC for fighting defensively
"Last one like this fell over with two blasts. Unless you think you can finish it off, leave it to me. And keep interrogating that one!"
EDIT: My bad, somehow read Troi's post as if he was targeting yellow with murderous command, not red. Would have targeted yellow with my blast instead, but eh. If I can still switch and target yellow with the blast instead (-1 attack and damage for not being in PBS range and +4 AC for cover) that's cool, if not, it's okay.
GM Abraham |
Round 6
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg;
Troi - dmg;
Yellow- 65 dmg; dead;
Red - dmg; hypnotic stare; feelin' murderous; charge;
Loxx - dmg; shillelagh (6 minutes);
Fetch - dmg; -2 AC from Aura of Fury;
Sindelle - 27 dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick;
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 19 dmg; Aura of Fury?
Agate - dmg;
Blue - dmg;
Green- 53 dmg; prone; unconscious; weapon dropped; stable;
Red Will DC 18, hypnotic stare: 1d20 + 4 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 2 - 4 = 17
Troi redirects the enormous dwarf's evil intent towards his own priest!
Yellow Reflex DC 20: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 2 = 10
fire dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Meanwhile, the priest is on the receiving end of yet another of Roni's fire blasts, which causes him to catch fire.
@Roni, when you say "defensively" I assume you meant that you are casting defensively. If you mean that you are fighting defensively, I believe that's only something you can do while actually making an attack action? Also are you subtracting 4 from your attacks?
odd yellow goes first: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Under the influence of Troi's cruel enchantment, Yellow charges towards his own ally!
warhammer, charge, power attack: 1d20 + 12 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 12 + 2 - 2 = 26
dmg: 2d6 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 5) + 8 + 4 = 20
Red falls to the ground, unconscious, but not quite dead...
fire dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 5
... but the fire finishes him off, leaving him crisp as a marshmallow at a late summer campfire.
Blue watches this all in horror.
The bold may act!
Sindelle Lifewater |
GM okay. I'll mark one less spell used, than.
Sindelle sees that her party is relatively healthy at the moment so she focuses on makings sure she herself is healthy enough to manage the others.
Cure light wounds: 1d8 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 2 = 14
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Nope, I mean fighting defensively. You can fight defensively when you make an attack, this does include when firing off a kineticist blast, or when a wizard casts a ray spell or a touch spell. Or at least so I've been told in the org play online discord, those guys are usually superb when it comes to rules question. And yeah, the -4 has been taken into account: ab 6 + dex 5 + 2 from burn +1 from PBS -> +14, -4 for fighting defensively, total 10. (9 for the yellow one since that one was outside of PBS range)
Fetch the Leshy |
Loxx points to the large duergar and Fetch fires a seed at it.
Seed: 1d20 + 11 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 11 - 4 - 2 = 25
Confirm: 1d20 + 11 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 11 - 4 - 2 = 23
One damage and Reflex DC 16 or entangled for 2d4 rounds on a hit.
Loxx |
Loxx steps forward and tries to smash red 3 times with his enchanted staff.
Quarterstaff (TWF - Main): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19 Damage: 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (5, 2) + 11 = 18
Quarterstaff (TWF - Main): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Damage: 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (6, 2) + 11 = 19
Quarterstaff (TWF - Off): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 Damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 3) + 6 = 15
Just an FYI. Loxx's DR 2/- does not require him to be raging. It is always active (Invulnerable Rager archetype).
GM Abraham |
Round 6
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; +3 AC from fighting defensively;
Troi - dmg;
Yellow- 65 dmg; dead;
Red - 54 dmg; hypnotic stare; feelin' murderous; charge; entangled (0/5);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; shillelagh (6 minutes);
Fetch - dmg;
Sindelle - 13 dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick;
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 19 dmg; Aura of Fury;
Agate - dmg;
Blue - dmg;
Green- 53 dmg; prone; unconscious; weapon dropped; stable;
Seeing that the group seems to have things relatively well in hand, Sindelle takes a moment to heal herself.
@Roni, interesting - another useful tip that I'll stash away for my kineticist to-be (though I guess it would be equally valuable for a gunslinger). Now I'm wondering about some of the traits/feats out there that juice up fighting defensively...
Red Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
entangled: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
Fetch, the little leshy, scores a critical strike against the massive duergar warrior and entangling him for what is likely the rest of his life.
Then Loxx steps forward and delivers three powerful blows to the hapless Red; entangled, he is unable to avoid Loxx's quarterstaff and all three attacks hit home.
Blue, watching all of this, seems a bit queasy.
Alaric and Agate are up!
GM Redelia |
Kreighton Shaine steps over the bodies of fallen duergar and addresses the hall. “I’m stating the obvious when I say we are not alone. Some of our comrades managed to capture one of the attackers, a cursed dwarf known as a duergar. It seems the citadel was once in their hands, but a demon they call ‘The Horned One’ wrested Jormurdun from them and now rules from the sky citadel’s throne room. Our mission has not changed. It is still imperative that we study what we discover—not only for posterity but also in case the dwarves who built Jormurdun left behind any tools that we might turn against the demons and duergar. Now where was I before being interrupted? Ah, the stairways! Our early reconnaissance shows that the stairs to the north lead to what we’re calling the temple district, and those to the south lead to the armorer’s district. Spread out, help to secure the district you’re investigating, and find the path to that throne room. Above all: explore, report, and cooperate!”
GMs, you may now begin part 3. The cathedral is claimed, and the armorer’s and temple districts have been discovered, and so are available to your tables. We will move on to Part IV on approximately February 4. Please make sure the map of Jormurdun which I have posted in the GM thread is in your campaign header so your players can see it.
GM Abraham |
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg;
Troi - dmg;
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; shillelagh (12:06);
Fetch - dmg;
Sindelle - 13 dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick;
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 19 dmg; Aura of Fury;
Agate - dmg;
The group overwhelms the reeling Red fighter and the Blue rogue then dies of fright, having never struck a blow. All around them, the Pathfinders see their comrades making quick work of the duergar hordes. The Society's victory is complete. For now.
Well done, y'all! You achieved 2 successes and were on the brink of a 3rd, as much as any other table.
A note about keeping track of time and buffs: we'll say that the action began at noon, so I'll be listing the time at the top of the initiative card and any buffs in terms of their expiration. For example, it's now 12:05 (assuming 5 minutes to heal up and look through the fallen duergars' gear and listen to Shaine) and shillelagh above is now listed as 12:06, meaning that it will expire in 1 minute (in practice, before anything else happens). I hope this makes sense to everyone.
As you examine the bodies of the duergar foes you defeated, you find a variety of potentially useful items. Since Agate has +14 on Spellcraft, I'll just tell you the ones that she can get taking 10, which is all of them
Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x 4
Potions of Resist Fire x 3 Guess I should have used some of these! :-)
Potions of Invisibility x 4
+1 Chainmail x 4
+1 Heavy Steel Shield x 2
+1 Full Plate
+1 Light Fortification Chainmail
+1 Warhammer x 2
+1 Rapier x 3
+1 Bolts x 16
unholy symbol of Droskar x 2
onyx gem worth 250 gp
To keep things simple, no need to tell me now who is taking things like the healing potions - you can just consider these as a group stash of communal resources. Please do let me know who is taking items that you might potentially want to use while in initiative. And if one of you wants to keep track of all of this, and future loot you may acquire, in the discussion tab that would be a great help!
As the dust and commotion from the battle settles down, your friend Chiara Venator comes running up, huffing and puffing, and a bit bloody, but wearing a broad smile on her previously dour face. "Well, that's more like it, isn't it!?! Nothing like the smell of dead evil-doers to start the day, I always say! And did you hear? There's a demon lord somewhere up ahead!! What could be better? Ah, it's great to be a Pathfinder, isn't it? I'm going to go hunt for him - what could possibly go wrong?" She starts to dash off and then stops short. "Oh wait, I almost forgot - the scribes are passing these notes around and asking us to circulate them. Here you go!" She starts to hand a note to Thurismund, does a double take when she notices how angry he seems to be, and then hands it instead to Sindelle. "Well, good luck, I'm sure I'll see you in the throne room if not before! Shall we race?" And, without pausing, she darts off into the crowd of massed Pathfinders, eager for the mayhem that awaits.
Most of the citadel is likely in ruins, so as you make your way to the Throne Room, stop only when you come upon an area well preserved or possessing some feature of special interest. The dwarves of Jormurdun were remarkable in many ways: unusual divination rituals, ceremonial appeasement of malevolent beings, fabled forges that burned hotter than the sun, and more. While primarily devotees of Torag, the residents of this citadel also subscribed to a number of eccentric mystery cults long faded from practice. Remnant evidence of their rich mythology and talents must lie scattered among the crumbling stone. Gather what you can.
So where would you like to go now? You are currently in the grand cathedral and from here the armorer's district and the temple district are both accessible, but as yet untamed. Throughout, in order to keep us moving, I'll go with 2 votes for a particular choice.
Note that there is now a map of Jormurdun, showing which areas are accessible, linked in my header and also in the campaign info for this game.
Your boy, Troi |
Well, at least they brought some drinks when crashing the party Troi says as he nods to the collected vials.
So, thoughts? I’m partial to the armory: if there’s anything there still working might be able to ‘preserve’ ‘record’ it by using it to fight off any more of these guys.
Loxx |
Loxx will cast a few spells before they venture forth.
Longstrider on Fetch (via Share Spells) - 6 hour duration
Deadeye's Lore on self - 6 hour duration
Extended (via rod) barkskin on self - 2 hour duration
"Temple seems like a good thing to explore if you want to learn more about people."
Sindelle Lifewater |
Sindelle will smile at her team once combat ends. She'll draw and utilize her first wand of cure light wounds to bring her back to full health (and Thursimund as well, if Alaric thinks he'll suffer healing from a wand and not from her directly).
CLW charge 1: 1d8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 2 = 8
CLW charge 2: 1d8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 1 + 2 = 10
5 charges remaining on wand #1
yay fey foundling, back to full!
"Roni, would you like me to keep you linked to me? You seem rather...hmm...robust, so of everyone, I am less worried about you than anyone else at the moment."
Before the group advances, she will also cast a prepatory spell like Loxx does. Deathwatch (1 hr duration for her) will let her monitor everyone's health more closely as well as which of their enemies are weakest.
Temples are fine with Sindelle! She would really like to have at least one of the invisibility potions since she won't be engaging in active fighting too much. Also the healing items are more efficient on her but she also wants you all to be able to use them if she can't get to you in time or something. Just a little bit short on gold to buy the reach metamagic rod I want for her.
GM since she'll be able to tell things about the enemies through her spell let me know how you want to handle that for enemies. I don't want to give you extra work having to constantly tell me where the enemies are on the deathwatch "scale" and stuff. Thanks!
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Roni nods slightly, with a friendly yet a bit stern smile. "I can handle myself, although I appreciate the thought. Leaving me out of your link means you'll have easier time keeping the rest of our group healthy." Roni picks up the wand of cure light wounds, and stashes it away. He then produces the wand of lucky numbers that Sindelle so far didn't seem to accept, tapping himself with it.
UMD on the wand: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 -> fail, try again:
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12 -> damn, locked the wand :(
"Oh. I managed to jam it. Could you give me a tap with it, Sindelle? And everybody else as well, unless you don't want it for a reason or another."
Lucky number: Roll 1d20 - the result is your lucky number. When the target rolls said number, they can, if they want to, either reroll it, or get +2 luck bonus on that roll. This doesn't have to be the next time they roll said number, and it doesn't have to be on a d20 when they roll it. Duration is 24 hours, or until you decide to use the bonus or the reroll.
When the group finally starts to head out to the Temple District, Roni uses a wand of Heightened Awareness on himself, and renews it every 10 minutes if it runs out.
UMD on Heightened Awareness: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Duration is 10 minutes, +2 perception and knowledges. If combat starts, I'll dismiss the effect to get +4 initiative (bringing total init bonus to +20)
GM Abraham |
12:20 Out of Combat
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Heightened Awareness (12:25)
Troi - dmg;
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05)
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05)
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 19 dmg; Aura of Fury;
Agate - dmg;
After consulting with the overseer, I'm informed that you also gain access to the loot of any foes that you had defeated when Act 2 ended, even though you had not actually completed that encounter (the 3rd wave). So, in addition to the loot mentioned in my previous post, you also gain: 2 more potions of cure moderate, 1 more potion of cure serious, 1 more potion of resist fire.
@All, btw, when you get a chance please fill in the general info on Slide 2. Thanks.
@Sindelle, re Deathwatch, if something is in range (30' cone from you), assume that it is alive & healthy unless I tell you that it is undead or neither dead nor alive. I'll try to remember to let you know if something that you are fighting is nearing death. Sound like a good way of handling it?
The group decides to explore the temple district. Jormurdun is a huge subterranean city choked with rubble and connected by winding stairwells. Traveling from one district to a neighboring district takes 15 minutes.
@Roni, you use two charges on Heightened Awareness to get to the Temple District. For simplicity's sake I'm letting you all know that it takes 15 minutes each time you move from one district to another, but of course in "reality" you wouldn't know that until you actually did the travel, so please mark 2 charges used each time you move to a new district (assuming you want to have HA active when you arrive).
It doesn't take long for the group to ascertain that the Temple District has a great concentration of public temples and shrines dedicated to Torag. There is at least one large place of worship dedicated to each of the major dwarven deities other than Droskar. Several smaller shrines dedicated to lesser cults are nestled in alleys. Trying to understand the history of this citadel, you have the sense that as the dwarves of Jormurdun isolated themselves more and more, they became less trusting of foreign deities and more tolerant of alternate yet locally developed interpretations of their traditional gods.
The group arrives at one such shrine and sees that a cracked, squat idol sits atop this raised, irregular platform. It depicts a toad-like being with a bloated head and numerous tentacles wriggling from its loathsome form. Green mold lines a slimy indentation before it and runes ring the platform’s edge, glowing with a sickly, purplish hue. The idol’s sightless black eyes glare malevolently. Map has been updated.
Agate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Alaric: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
Loxx: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
Roni, HA: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 13 + 2 = 26
Sindelle: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Troi: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Fetch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Thurismund: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Even from the entryway, several members of the group easily spot a small tome—ancient sheets of vellum between worn leather covers—sitting beneath the thing’s tentacles. The eyes of the idol are made of polished obsidian.
Edit: p.s. Unless otherwise noted, the encounter locations in Jormurdun are not illuminated. Do you all have darkvision and if not, please note your light sources.
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Sure. I'll roll for UMD for them when they are used.
UMD, second HA: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 -> fail
trying again: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25 -> success
A wayfinder hangs on a chain around Roni's neck, he fiddles with it every 10 minutes to cast Light from it.
Eyeing the the statue, Roni wrings his hands a bit, seeming somewhat uneasy. No idea what that is. Don't like the look of it.
Should I immolate the whole thing? It looks malevolent.
Alaric ir'Ganak |
Alaric raises an eyebrow at the creature depicted in stone as he puts away the wand he was using to heal Thurismund.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Thurismund is down 2.
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 ⇒ 14
Upon hearing Agate's recollection of what it is, he shrugs. "Immolate is not good for book" he comments as he recasts light yet again. "Thurismund, you go and grab book." And as the phantom complies, he mouthes an apology to Sindelle, sighing at the thought that once again his manifested anger is causing problems.
Thurismund Ir'Ganak |
Thurismund snorts with disgust at the idea that Alaric would be so quick to put away the sins of the fey, even in the spirit of "Cooperation" the Society is keen on promoting.
He stomps over towards the proffered book to grab it, relishing his ability to see in the dark.
Thurismund has darkvision, in case that wasn't clear.
Loxx |
Loxx decides to circle around the chamber and look for any signs of recent passage.
Survival: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (3) + 26 = 29
Your boy, Troi |
Yeah, fire and books are a pretty big no-go sir. Troi says to Roni. Tell you what tho: that statue freaks out and starts moving, go ahead and blast away.
The aasimar frowns. So that Dweller guys' not exactly a dwarf-favored god then? Is it a demon? 'Cause someone put it here...
He looks warily as the spirit moves to go retrieve the book. As it does, Troi takes a glance at the obsidian eyes of the idol, musing if they're worth anything.
Appraise: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
And darkvision here as well
Loxx |
Loxx would have a light spell active
Sindelle Lifewater |
Sindelle will smile knowingly at Alaric, having faced pushback many times due to various beliefs and 'activities' she's been party to.
She will also accept Roni's wand and use it on him without any problems. As they travel, she'll keep her wand of bless in one hand, shield in the other as she tries to stay near the center of the team.
Darkvision here too and that's totally fine GM thank you!!
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Lucky number: 1d20 ⇒ 16
As Roni has encouraged before, you can all get a tap of the lucky number if you want to! Just roll the number and I'll count out the charges.
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Sixteen isn't a particularly good lucky number so Roni asks for another tap until he gets something that is 10 or less.
Lucky Number: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Lucky Number: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Lucky Number: 1d20 ⇒ 6 -> Eh, will do. 4 charges used.
Loxx |
Lucky Number: 1d20 ⇒ 3
"Thanks Roni."
GM Abraham |
12:20 Round 1
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6;
Troi - dmg;
Agate - dmg;
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 2 dmg; 15 non-lethal dmg; Aura of Fury;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05)
Agate determines that both the idol and the book are magical.
Loxx does not detect any indications that anyone has been here recently.
Troi does not believe that the eyes of the statue are especially valuable, and he notes that removing them would probably require destroying the statue.
Thurismund moves forward and successfully grabs the book from beneath the idol's tentacles. As he does so he feels a cold, damp, yet unseen tentacle wrap itself around his neck.
Thurismund Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
non-lethal: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Agate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Alaric: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Loxx: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Roni, HA: 1d20 + 15 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 15 + 5 = 30
Sindelle: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Troi: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Thurismund Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
non-lethal: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 8) = 9
Pathfinders are up!
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Roni tilts his head slightly as he watches Thurismund Struggle in the grip of an unseen assailant, not really sure what's going on.
"Uh... What's happening? Are you alright? Can I help by blowing something up?"
Delay until someone points out an enemy to blast, Then 5ft step if necessary, gather power as move, Empowered Burning Extended range fire blast at the whatever the enemy is, +13 ab, 4d6 +9 dmg, plus point blank shot.
Agate |
Also at the sight of Thurismund fighting a seemingly invisible enemy, Agate reacts by grabbing a powder out of one of her pouches. She rubs it into her eyes as she chants a mystic word, then looks to see if the assailant is revealed. Casting See Invisibility.
Cantrips: Read Magic, Detect Magic, Arcane Mark, Open/Close
L1: True Strike, Floating Disk, Magic Missile x2, Stunning Barrier, Magic Weapon
L3: Tongues, Dispel Magic,
L4: Arcane Eye, Ball Lightning, Summon Monster IV
Your boy, Troi |
Hey, Alaric Troi says, staring concernedly at Thurismund as the spirit fails to retunr with the book. Your ghost friend doesn't normally do that. Does he?
Delaying for now. If Thursimund expresses that he feels trapped or grabbed, Troi will cast Liberating Command on him (caster level 8th)
GM Abraham |
12:20 Round 1
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; Delay
Troi - dmg; Delay
Agate - dmg; See Invisibility (1:30);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 2 dmg; 15 non-lethal dmg; Aura of Fury;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05)
Agate's eyes glow with magical eyesight, but she sees nothing invisible in the room.
To clarify, Thurismund does not feel grappled or otherwise constrained in his movement. He has the book in his hand and he can move freely. However, something is clearly not right. He took 1d8 non-lethal when he first picked up the book and he took another 2d8 non-lethal at the start of his turn in the initiative.
The bold may act!
Loxx |
Loxx waits to see if Thurismnd can leave the circle around the statue.
Thurismund Ir'Ganak |
Thurismund attempts to leave the circle and drops the book at the feet of the assembled Pathfinders.
Alaric ir'Ganak |
Alaric attempts to figure out what is happening to Thurismund.
Most Knowledge Checks: 1d20 ⇒ 3
GM Abraham |
Thurismund moves without any difficulty.
Alaric has no idea about what is happening.
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Are you okay? You seemed to be in a pain for a moment there.
Roni has no idea what to do, or what's going on.
GM Abraham |
12:20 Round 2
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6;
Troi - dmg;
Agate - dmg; See Invisibility (1:30);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 2 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; Aura of Fury;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05)
Sindelle can still take her action for Round 1
Beginning of Round 2
Thurismund Will, round 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
non-lethal, round 2: 3d8 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6
The phantom continues to feel the unseen force around its neck.
The bold may act!
And, at this point, handing off to GM Gustavef. Many thanks!
Roni the Flame Alchemist |
Roni looks somewhat worried as he observes Thurismund's blight.
"That looks... Painful. If you want me to end it, say it. It might not be quick, though." He makes a half-hearted joke.
Should you try putting the book back? Maybe the, uh, thing wants it back?
Your boy, Troi |
May be another way to calm it too. Troi says, searching his brain for anything he may have heard some of the 'god nerds' back at the Lodge say about what this Dweller likes.
Know Religion to see if there is a prayer or warding sign that may protect against that entitiy?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
GM Gustavef |
The Idol is many hundreds of pounds of some type of stone. Simply breaking it is not a short process.
Troi is unable to determine any type of ritual that could possilby appease
Still to act/react before "things" happen again.
Loxx |
"Probably a curse or other magic is my guess. Anyone have a way to remove a curse or otherwise get rid of magic?"
Sindelle Lifewater |
Weekends are rough for me but I'll post when I can. I'm starting to think that maybe how pbp was described to me doesn't really fit with specials :(
(Round 1) Sindelle will cast Detect magic to try and study the auras to figure out what exactly is going on around the idol, statue, and book.
Study: 1d20 ⇒ 10
+4 if Knowledge planes +6 if religion +4 if spellcraft?
If she or anyone else learns what's going on she'll potentially try to dispel magic on anything harmful that our team might be taking in with us by interacting with the idol etc.
GM Gustavef |
Sindelle definitely sees magic a aura radiating on the idle itself, with a matching aura on the book. But is unable to tell what exactly it is.
12:20 Round 2
Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6;
Troi - dmg;
Agate - dmg; See Invisibility (1:30);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 2 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; Aura of Fury;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05)
Beginning of Round 3
Thurismund Will, round 3: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Thurismund is able to throw off the effect of the phantom force. But he still is holding the book.
GM Redelia |
Pathfinders have claimed the Temple District!
The Seers’ District and Miners’ District are discovered.
Reinforcements arrive in the Temple District wherever Pathfinders are still involved in an encounter. (GMs, please allow your players to finish any in progress encounters, but please look at the top of page 12 to see the consequences of the reinforcements)
GM Gustavef |
With the book in hand you sense that the malevolent force around the statue subsides.
Examining the book you find it is physically intact, yet most of its pages are blank; those with text are scattered at random throughout the book. The tome contains references to the Seer’s, Mines, and Monuments districts of Jormurdun. In addition, the tome acts as a scroll that contains the following:
Freedom of movement and dimension door
It seems there is nothing left in the district to do. You can now go to either the Seer's or Miner's district.