
Your boy, Troi's page

56 posts. Organized Play character for Zoomba.


Aasimar Mesmerist (material manipulator) 8


HP 58/59, AC 18 , T 11, FF 17, F +4, R +7, W +11, Initi. +7, CMD 19, Perception +3, darkvision, Resist 5 Cold, Electric, Acid

About Your boy, Troi

Init +7; Senses darkvision; Perception +3

AC 18; Touch 11; Flat-Footed 16; (armor +5, dex +1, shield +2)
HP 59
Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +11

Speed 30ft
Space 5ft; Reach 5ft

+2 Adamantine Sword Cane [dice=Attack]1d20+11[/dice] for [dice=damage]1d6+5[/dice] plus If staring at [dice=Painful Stare]2d6+4[/dice]

+1 Light Crossbow [dice=Attack]1d20+7[/dice] for [dice=damage]1d8[/dice] plus If staring at [dice=Painful Stare]2d6+4[/dice]


Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 22
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 19

Spell Focus (Enchantment), Intimidating Glare, Improved Initative, Manifold Stare

Class abilities
Hypnotic Stare (-3), Painful Stare (4/2d6+4), Towering Ego, Bold Stare (disorienting, psychic inception), mental potency, Mesmerist tricks (Compel Alacrity, Gift of Will, Mask Misery, Mesmeric Pantomime), Revision 9/day

Resilient, Extremely Fashionable

1st (6/day): Mental Block (DC 18), Murderous Command (DC 18), Liberating Command, Hideous Laughter (DC 18), Vanish
2nd (6/day): Babble (DC 19), Oneiric Horror (DC 18), Placebo Effect, Mirror Image
3rd (3/day): Glibness, Greater Oneiric Horror (DC 19), Haste
SLA: Alter Self 1/day

Appraise +10
Bluff +20
Diplomacy +26
Disguise +18
Escape Artist +7
Intimidate +18
Know local +13
Know Nobility +8
Know Religion +6
Linguisitcs +9
Perception +3
Profession Merchant +9
Sense Motive +1
Sleight of Hand +6
Stealth +5
UMD +19

common, celestial, osirian, kelish, draconic, andoffran, tien, ignan, polyglot

Combat Gear
+2 Adamantine sword cane
+1 Light crossbow
cold iron morningstar
+1 chain shirt
+1 buckler
Wand of Cure Light Wounds, 33 charges
Oil of Daylight

Other Gear
Lesser Circlet of Persuasion, Lesser, Belt of Giant Strength +2, Headband of Charisma +2, Cloak of Resistance +1, Mesmerizing Tattoo, Timeworn Veemod Goggles, Lesser Extend Metamagic Rod, Handy Haversack

5,986 gp

If we're fighting people on foot, Troi will attempt to use Hypnotic Stare on the seemingly toughest (or barring that one most threatening the party), moving to get close if needed. Stare gives -4 to their will saves (thanks to the Mesmeric Tattoo) and -3 to all of their attack rolls. If already staring from a previous turn, Troi will try to Intimidate them as a swift action.

Troi can also trigger Painful stare to add an extra 4 damage to an allie's hit to a stared target twice each round. He will do so for the first two hits unless he himself already hit once (in which case he'd have used one trigger for himself, included in the attack block above), or if it seems there is heavy DR we're struggling to break through (in which case he'll save them for the heaviest hitters' attacks)

Troi also has no problem caster some spells to take his enemies out of the fight for a bit (especially Murderous Command, Oneiric Horror, or (vs casters) Mental block. However, he prefers to only cast one or two a combat, unless it looks like we could really use some bigger guns

1-Merchant's Wake
2-Dalsine Affair
3-To Seal the Shadow (slow)
4-House of Harmonious Wisdom (slow)
5-Fires of Creation
6-Out of Anarchy
7-Treacherous Waves
8-Cyphermage Dilemma
9-Shores of Heaven
10-By way of Bloodcove
11-Silver Mount Collection
12-Signs in Senghor
13-Infernal Vault
14-Before the Dawn 1 (slow)
15-Unseen Inclusion (slow)
16- Bloodcove Blockade
17-Call of the Copper Gate
18-Fires of Karamoss
19-Returned to Sky
20-Ghol-Gan Heresy
21-Death from the Ice