GM Abraham's Legacy of the Stonelords [Retrocon] (Inactive)

Game Master Abraham Z.

Tier 7-8
Map of Jormurdun
Legacy of the Stonelords Slides
Aid Tokens
Knowledge Checks
Spell Templates
Seers' Puzzle

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Liberty's Edge

Male CN Human (Kellid) Spiritualist (Fractured Mind) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | HP: 36/64| AC: 21 (12 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9 CMD:21 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +8 (+4 vs Mind-Affecting) | Init: +3 | Perc: +0, SM: +8 | Speed 20ft | Raging Song Rounds 13/15| Bonded Senses 5/5 |Bonded Manifestation 8/8 | Luck: 1/1

Alaric begins to move away from the room, unable as he is to affect his fellow pathfinders stuck in the fog.

Fortitude: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Liberty's Edge

CN Anger Phantom | HP: 51/51 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +9 CMD:20 | F: +7, R: +3, W: +5 (+4 vs Enchantment Spells/Effects | Init: +1 | Perc: +4, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Aura of Fury (20 ft) DR 5/ Magic, DR 5/Slashing Active conditions: None.

"I'm not a ghost, fool boy" rumbles Thurismund as his form begins to shimmer. "I am the rage that one has forgotten."

GM, if Thurismund turns ethereal, does it stand to reason he wouldn't get poisoned?

The Exchange

Aasimar Mesmerist (material manipulator) 8 HP 58/59, AC 18 , T 11, FF 17, F +4, R +7, W +11, Initi. +7, CMD 19, Perception +3, darkvision, Resist 5 Cold, Electric, Acid
GM Abraham wrote:

Troi continues to hold his breath but this does not prevent him from reaching out and successfully touching Sindelle and temporarily alleviating her confusion. Sindelle, when your turn comes up in the initiative you will be able to act normally. Troi, move action to move to Sindelle and standard to touch her, so your turn ends and you are still in the gas but you can move out next turn.

I thought Troi started the turn next to Sindelle (based off the slides map and that she had a 50% chance of attacking him), and so could use his move action to head out. If not, or if he can’t quite get to the safe zone in one move, no problem then, just want to confirm

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Pathfinders have claimed the Armorer's District! (this does not open any new areas)

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:40 Round 2->3

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3; out of the gas;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg; out of the gas;
Agate - 1 dmg; 2 CON dmg; 3 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8; Poisonedx2 (1/9); Confused (1/4)
Sindelle - dmg; 3 CON dmg; 3 DEX dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05); Poisonedx2 (1/9); Confused (1/2) but suppressed for 0/4 rounds;
Alaric - dmg; out of the gas;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

Loxx stays out of range of the poisonous gas, while Fetch offers to give any of the proffered items to anyone who needs them. Mechanically speaking, let me know if you have something specific that you want Fetch to do. It's also fine for another player to give those instructions as they wish, just to speed up our PbP.

Alaric resists the poison and moves out of its range.

Thurismund turns into his ethereal form. I can't see anything in the rules regarding whether or not ethereal creatures need to breathe, but it seems stupid to me to say that the poison gas affects him if he is no longer on the material plane, so I will rule that he is unaffected as long as he is ethereal.

@Troi, you are correct re your positioning, so you are able to deliver the touch and also move out of range of the gas.

Agate confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 17 Huzzah! Agate, you may act normally this round. That means you can a) hold your breath to try to avoid further poisoning and b) double move to try to get out of the gas (as noted before, you need to move 35' beyond the room entrance to be out of the gas). If you are still in the gas at the end of your turn you will need to make save to avoid contracting a 3rd dose of the poison. Also, at some point during your turn you need to make a single save vs the doses that are already infecting you.

Sindelle, you also may act normally for the next 4 rounds due to Troi's trick, so you can also try to move out of the gas. However you are still poisoned and need to make a save vs the doses currently affecting you at some point during your turn.

All pathfinders are up!

Emerald Spire slides |

Also, just a reminder that you currently have an Aid Token. One possible use for the token is to have an allied Pathfinder cast Neutralize Poison with a caster level of 8. Obviously it makes sense to get yourselves out of the gas before doing so, but just wanted to remind you of it.

Scarab Sages

F Dwarf Wizard 10

As Agate realizes what is happening, she clutches her notes tight, holds her breath, and runs out the door. Run action, 160' max.

Fort save, CON damage, Hardy: 1d20 + 2 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 - 1 + 2 = 12 ugh

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

Remember the 50% chance of not needing to save when holding your breath, Agate?

Roni shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't know what these pieces are, and judging from the general mood, others don't seem to have much tools for saving the mage and the healer. He takes a double move to get out of the room, watching agate disappear into the distance(?).

1d100 ⇒ 2
Fort vs gas: 1d20 + 14 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 5 = 39

Roni is still holding the wand of lesser restoration, and the vial of antitoxin. Once out of the gas, provided that Agate actually ran just far enough - instead of the whole 160 ft -, he remarks:
"Alrighty. If you are enough in our senses to drink this, Do So. Otherwise, I'll pass it to Sindelle. Someone else capable of operating this wand? Grab it and start tapping these two."

While roni is moving out of the gas to help the two suffering from the poisoning, he does plan to return to the gas with some writing utensils. He's sorta hoping that he doesn't need to, if the wizard survives, should they have some sort of trick to deal with this problem.
I suggest that we use the token to cast neutralize poison on Agate, and wand + antitoxin on Sindelle. You can go ahead and utilize the wand and antitoxin as you best see fit.

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:40 Round 2->3

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40); out of the gas
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3; out of the gas;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg; out of the gas;
Agate - 1 dmg; 3 CON dmg; 4 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8; Poisonedx2 (2/9); Confused (2/5); out of the gas;
Sindelle - dmg; 3 CON dmg; 3 DEX dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05); Poisonedx2 (1/9); Confused (1/2) but suppressed for 0/4 rounds;
Alaric - dmg; out of the gas;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

Just to clarify in answer to Roni's question: Agate doesn't need to roll the 50% miss chance for holding her breath (or even bother to hold her breath for that matter) because she is able to move out of the gas before the end of her turn. However, since she is already poisoned, she *does* need to roll again to see if she is able to resist it this round, and unfortunately she fails that save.

Agate Con dmg: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Agate Dex dmg: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Agate Confused: 1d3 ⇒ 1

The Dwarven wizard continues to wither under the effects of the poison that has infected her.

Roni also moves out of the gas, continuing to offer his antitoxin or wand of lesser restoration to anyone who may want them.

Regarding whether or not Roni, or anyone else, needs to go back into the gas, since Fetch and Thurismund both are effectively immune to the poison they can probably do whatever notetaking you may need without the rest of you needing to go back in.

The Bold may act!

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

Ah, Okay, my bad - didn't realize that you don't need to save on the turn you move out.

Emerald Spire slides |
Roni the Flame Alchemist wrote:
Ah, Okay, my bad - didn't realize that you don't need to save on the turn you move out.

Actually, my bad. You were right - I was mixing up the save vs the poison that has already affected you, which you can choose when during your turn you want to save - and the environmental effect.

Scarab Sages

F Dwarf Wizard 10
Agate wrote:
Run action, 160' max.

My math sucks, that should be 80' max since her normal apeed is 20'.

Emerald Spire slides |

No problem, still sufficient to get you out of the cloud.

Emerald Spire slides |

@Agate, now that you are out of the gas cloud, do you want to use your Aid Token to cast Neutralize Poison on yourself?

Emerald Spire slides |

@Troi, even if Agate is cured of the poison, she still has rounds of Confusion remaining so you may want to consider doing the same trick on her if you have the ability to do that. #friendlyGMadvice

The Exchange

Aasimar Mesmerist (material manipulator) 8 HP 58/59, AC 18 , T 11, FF 17, F +4, R +7, W +11, Initi. +7, CMD 19, Perception +3, darkvision, Resist 5 Cold, Electric, Acid

It's ambiguous: I can only have one trick implanted at a time, but Sindelle's was 'triggered', though the duration of that effect is still ongoing. The rules are a bit unclear whether I can implant and trigger another Mask Misery trick before Sindelle's 'masking' is done.

Agate, you ok? Troi say, looking at the now paler and still coughing dwarf. Hey, how about you drop that pouch for a second, he says pointing to her spell component pouch. In case you get a bit shook up until those vapors wear off.

Yo, Chiara! he calls out to the new arrival. you got anything for her? Think that liquid must've been a bad batch and its doing a number on her.

I'm also fine with trying to use the aid with Neutralizing Poison on Agate.

Scarab Sages

F Dwarf Wizard 10
GM Abraham wrote:
@Agate, now that you are out of the gas cloud, do you want to use your Aid Token to cast Neutralize Poison on yourself?

If it's okay to unilaterally do that, sure!

Feeling the poison still trying to fog her mind, Agate finds her way to Chiara's side. "I think... it hasn't let go yet..."

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Pathfinders have claimed the Seer's District, and discovered the Monument District!

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:41 Out of Initiative

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg;
Agate - 1 dmg; 3 CON dmg; 4 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;
Sindelle - dmg; 3 CON dmg; 3 DEX dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

Just then, Chiara comes running by again. "Hey, I thought I should check and see if you need any help! Wow, looks like you've been huffing some nasty stuff there - let me see if I can do anything about it!"

Caster Level check vs Poison DC: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

And with that, Agate is (just barely) cured of the poisonous gas! Agate, note that the Con and Dex dmg that you have already taken is not cured by this, and you remain confused for 3 more rounds, but this isn't such a big deal since you are already out of the gas - the confusion will not cause you to go back into the cloud.

As soon as we finish this encounter I will pass this Aid Token on to another table which is also struggling with the same situation that you are...

Troi, the relevant rules text seems to be "Once triggered, a trick is no longer implanted..." so I will rule that you can go ahead and implant (and trigger) another trick now (i.e. even though the effects of the trick on Sindelle are still resolving, the trick itself has been expended), though it may be moot at this point.

Botting Sindelle to move us along, since it seems clear that the best thing for her to do would be to move out of the cloud.

Sindelle takes the moment of clarity offered by Troi's trick to move out of the cloud and drink Roni's antitoxin.

Fort vs Poison (DC +2), Con dmg, antitoxin: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 1 + 5 = 21 Whew, on the nose!

And, with the help of her friends, she just barely manages to fight off the poison! Without further exposure to the poison Sindelle's confusion will end before Troi's trick, so she no longer has to worry about the confusion effect.

Since everyone who can be affected by the poison is now out of the gas I'm going to simply roll 3 rounds for Agate's remaining confusion effect (unless Troi wishes to use a trick) and say that the encounter is over. Hope that's ok - we've used a lot of time on this and I'd like to move us along.

Agate Confusion Round 3: 1d100 ⇒ 18 Act normally
Agate Confusion Round 4: 1d100 ⇒ 100 Attack nearest creature: Roni
Agate Confusion Round 5: 1d100 ⇒ 91 Attack nearest creature: Roni

Agate round 4 dagger vs Roni: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Agate round 5 dagger vs Roni: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

As the Pathfinders take stock of their situation in the corridor outside the (still) gas-filled room, Agate remains somewhat confused as a lingering consequence of the poison. In her confusion she lashes out at Roni twice with her dagger but it's clear that the Wizard is not meant for such swordplay and the rest of the Pathfinders simply watch in bemusement. Perhaps some of them make a mental note to send Agate to see the Master of Swords when and if they return from this mission for some remedial swordsmanship tutoring.

The Pathfinders have the impression that, barring some means of generating a wind, it will take about an hour for the gas to dissipate. Both Fetch and Thurismund can freely remain in the area and take any notes you may wish regarding the tiles, but in the brief time that the rest of you examined them, you can tell that only someone with knowledge of either religion or the arcane can truly understand them. Mechanically speaking, you have achieved a success for this encounter. There is a (possible) additional benefit available if someone with Knowledge (Arcana or Religion) wants to spend a minute in the gas studying the tiles, but of course this will require further saves (though you can attempt to hold your breath). Let me know if any of you want to attempt this - otherwise we'll move along.

Go ahead and do any healing up that you may wish and let me know how you would like to proceed. It appears that this district is about to be claimed (in fact, I think as soon as I report this success). The Miner's District and the Monument District look to be the areas the most in need of exploration at this point. As usual, I will move us to one of them as soon as I have 2 votes for a particular choice.

Edit, based on just arrived info:... and just then a messenger from Kreighton Shaine ran by, letting everyone know that reinforcements were particularly desired in the Monument District!

I hope it's ok to just move us along to there if no one objects...

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:56 Out of Initiative

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg;
Agate - 1 dmg; 3 CON dmg; 4 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;
Sindelle - dmg; 3 CON dmg; 3 DEX dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

As noted in my post above, please post whatever healing and other preparations you may wish and I'll update the info above accordingly

The group sets out for the newly discovered Monument District. It takes about 15 minutes to reach it.

In addition to its high concentration of residences, the Monument District is the home of hundreds of statues of revered dwarven ancestors and depictions of historic events. It seems that these monuments were among the duergars’ favorites to deface, and most of this district’s carvings are purposefully marred in one way or another. Some of the most damaged are those that have inferior copies left nearby, where duergar sculptors attempted to create copies in Droskar’s name, failed, and destroyed the original out of spite.

As the group approaches from the east, there is nothing of particular interest to be seen, just tumbled columns and broken statuary of martial dwarves.

The metallic doors at the southern end of the hallway (bottom of the map) sit between statues of recumbent hounds. The iron doors have no lock or handles, but a 4-inch-thick bar of adamantine is slid through great iron rings in the portal and into the walls, blocking the way.

Another set of double doors stand to the west (left side of the map). These are also made of iron, but have handles.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

Roni suggests that, before they move out, Agate would take a minute to observe the ritual altar thingie, -provided that she can do so from a safe distance, with some sort of divination spell, maybe - hoping that the Diviner wizard would have something like that prepared.
Provided that it's okay for the GM if we do that before moving out?
During the travel, Roni refreshes HA:
UMD to HA: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30 first 10 minutes
next 10 minutes: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 -> fail
UMD again: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 -> nope
UMD again: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 -> success, so HA 5min remaining when we arrive.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

Roni also asks Sindelle to tap herself and Agate with the lesser restoration wand.
Unless Sindelle specifically has some reason not to do this, I'll just go ahead and roll the 1d4's.
Lesser restoration on Sindelle, curing: 1d4 ⇒ 4 of con dmg
Lesser restoration on Agate, curing: 1d4 ⇒ 1 of con dmg

IF Agate can take a look at the altar from afar, Roni lets her use the wand of Heightened Awareness for an additional +2 to all knowledge checks that she might have to roll for it.

The Exchange

Aasimar Mesmerist (material manipulator) 8 HP 58/59, AC 18 , T 11, FF 17, F +4, R +7, W +11, Initi. +7, CMD 19, Perception +3, darkvision, Resist 5 Cold, Electric, Acid

As they wander through the abandoned dwarven citadel, Troi keeps a decent distance between him and Turismund. After a few minutes, he cautiously approaches the being, hands up. Hey, just wanted to say you're looking a big ragged for a gh - Rage being. Need a pick me up? Anger can be tiring, I know.

Troi will offer to use his CLW wand on Thurismund if the ghost phanthom is willing.

As they round a corner and see the sealed adamantine door before them, Troi looks at the barred entrance and turns to the others.

So, anyone wanna help out. Got some solid pecs don't mean to brag but any chips ins wouldn't hurt.

Troi will approach the door and try to unseal it. Would it be a Strength check to try and remove the bar? If so:
Str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
If not, Troi has an adamantine cane he's fine whacking with.

Scarab Sages

F Dwarf Wizard 10

Agate does happen to have Arcane Eye prepared, but it would take too long to cast. She also has her diagram of the altar top, and if she didn't have a chance to finish it, she'd be willing to hand it over to someone hardier who wants to duck in there for a minute and try...

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:56 Out of Initiative

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40); HA (1:01);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg;
Agate - 1 dmg; 2 CON dmg; 4 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;
Sindelle - dmg; 3 DEX dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

The group moves forward to the Monuments district. Before they do so, Roni heals some of the worst of the ability damage that Agate and Sindelle have suffered. Feel free to post any further healing or other actions you wished to do before arriving at the current scene.

Regarding the doors, a clarification: there are two sets of doors: the western set that Troi is currently standing directly in front of, and a southern set "below" Troi's current position. The adamantine bar runs through the southern set of doors. The western doors that Troi is currently standing in front of have handles and no adamantine bar, but Troi was unable to open them.

Dark Archive

| HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 11 F 19 (+1 in surprise rounds or when flat-footed) | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8 (+1 in surprise rounds or flat-footed, +4 vs death effects, +2 vs negative energy, energy drain, necromancy spells) | Init +2 | Perception +2 | Female Aasimar Oracle 6 | Active Spells/effects: Deathwatch (40? min), Bless (10 rounds) | Life Links Active: 5/6 (Fifi, Gru'Gar, Hsoko, Shayna, Taarik)

Super busy/bad weekend at work with the polar weather then superbowl. Sorry for not posting but I only seemed to be online the last few days when Sindelle was still confused/GM controlled.

Sindelle will offer to use any of the wands you all need during travel that she can use without effort so you don't risk losing the ability to use them (if they're on the cleric/oracle list).

Before progressing, she will use her lesser restoration wand Agate twice and then cast lesser restoration on herself.

Agate LR Dex: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Agate LR Con: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Sindelle LR Dex: 1d4 ⇒ 4

LR wand down to 7 charges

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:56 Out of Initiative

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40); HA (1:01);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg;
Agate - 1 dmg; 1 CON dmg; 1 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

Sindelle heals much of the ability damage that she and her wizard friend had suffered.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

Roni moves closer, but leaves room for stronger pathfinders to deal with the door, mainly keeping watch.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Human Barbarian (Unchained) 6/Druid 4 (Sheet) | HP: 100+20/100 DR3/- Resist 1 cold | AC: 23 (12 T, 19 F) | CMD: 30 | F: 16, R: 10, W: 14 | Init: 4 | Perc: 16 | Speed 50 |
Tracked Resources:
Unchained Rage 11/17 | Growth 1/5 | Pearl of Power I 2/2 | Reroll 0/1

Loxx moves forward and attempts to open the doors.

Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:56 Out of Initiative

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40); HA (1:01);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg;
Agate - 1 dmg; 1 CON dmg; 1 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

Loxx is unable to open the door on his first try, but succeeds on his second try.

Beyond the iron doors is a magnificent chamber, the stone polished to a mirror-like sheen even after the passage of centuries. Pillars support the ceiling 20 feet overhead, and a pair of recumbent hounds flank a walkway to a raised platform. On the platform is a statue of a strange figure carved in black stone, its toad-like body crowned by a bloated head, tentacles writhing from its torso. The walls bear bas relief carvings of dwarves tunneling from below the earth, toward an idyllic, sunlit scene.

Knowledge (history) DC 10:
The wall carvings are illustrations depicting the dwarves’ Quest for Sky.

Agate recalls that the statue on the platform depicts The Dweller Below, a malignant bogeyman representing the evil found in the Darklands from whence dwarves came, the same figure that she earlier identified (back in the room with the book where Thurismund felt invisible tentacles strangling him)

If you approach the statue to look at it:

Perception DC 12:
The eye sockets on the statue look like they once held gems, and it has what looks like an axe wound carved into its head. You also notice two bronze axes, aged to a verdigris green, behind the statue.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Human Barbarian (Unchained) 6/Druid 4 (Sheet) | HP: 100+20/100 DR3/- Resist 1 cold | AC: 23 (12 T, 19 F) | CMD: 30 | F: 16, R: 10, W: 14 | Init: 4 | Perc: 16 | Speed 50 |
Tracked Resources:
Unchained Rage 11/17 | Growth 1/5 | Pearl of Power I 2/2 | Reroll 0/1

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

"Looks like someone damaged these statues with an axe and stole the jewels from the eyes. I think the axes might have been left behind the statue."

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

"Nice work with the door." Roni says before moving forward. "Let's take a look around."
As he moves around the hall, he talks with a loud and clear voice "Anybody in here? Come out!" while trying to look for potential ambushes, traps, or other hidden things.

Perception, in case there's anything else to be found: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

"Huh. You're right, the axes are here. I'm not so sure about the damage though, it looks like it was carved (on purpose)?"

Just to make sure, does the wound look like something struck the stone with an axe, or does it look like the wound has been carved into the stone? Are there small pieces of the statue (left over from the blow) on the ground?

Scarab Sages

F Dwarf Wizard 10

Agate thanks Chiara and Sindelle. Somewhat recovered, she hurries to catch up with the others.

Taking 10 on Knowledge (History)...

"The Quest for Sky," Agate says, gesturing at the walls, but then frowns. "It doesn't seem right to have the Dweller Below in a place of honor here."

Emerald Spire slides |

Before Roni passes between the two hound statues, he recognizes that they appear to be trapped.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

"Hold up! Some sort of a trap!" Roni raises his hand and motions others to stop.

If I can see/recognize what sort of trigger they have, I'll try to avoid it and warn others not to trigger the trap. If not, I won't go nearer than where Loxx is, and I'll instead ask:

"Anyone handy with traps? No?

If someone has disable device and is willing to try, Roni moves out of the room to avoid getting caught in a blast if they fail. If nobody has disable device, Roni tries to figure out if the trap can be avoided - for example, jumping over the trigger if it's a wire or pressure plate, or tripping it from afar etc. If there's no way to avoid it and nobody has the means to disable it, Roni will ask others to step out of the room and trigger the trap himself, confident that he'll survive just about any sort of damage that tests his health, his fortitude, or his reflexes.

I took back a couple of squares of movement, obviously not moving closer if I see a trap.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Human Barbarian (Unchained) 6/Druid 4 (Sheet) | HP: 100+20/100 DR3/- Resist 1 cold | AC: 23 (12 T, 19 F) | CMD: 30 | F: 16, R: 10, W: 14 | Init: 4 | Perc: 16 | Speed 50 |
Tracked Resources:
Unchained Rage 11/17 | Growth 1/5 | Pearl of Power I 2/2 | Reroll 0/1

"If it is just the area between the statues that is trapped, then why not just go around them?"

The Exchange

Aasimar Mesmerist (material manipulator) 8 HP 58/59, AC 18 , T 11, FF 17, F +4, R +7, W +11, Initi. +7, CMD 19, Perception +3, darkvision, Resist 5 Cold, Electric, Acid
Roni the Flame Alchemist wrote:

"Anyone handy with traps? No?

Eeehhh, Troi shrugs.

I've bought and set enough special locks to know a bit about how they work. Not exactly my main claim to fame, but I could give it a shot. The aasimar looks around and frowns. Especially if that door's the only way on.

If no one else has Disable Device, Troi can use his once per day Showmanship ability to use Profession Merchant for it (thanks Exchange!)

Disable Device?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

12:56 Out of Initiative

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40); HA (1:01);
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Troi - dmg;
Agate - 1 dmg; 1 CON dmg; 1 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;

As the group is contemplating the dangers of the trap, Loxx correctly observes that the whole thing can be avoided by simply not walking on the path between the two statues.

Alas, it's tough to pull one over on seasoned Pathfinders such as yourselves... And thus, yet more poison was avoided... Troi, save your once/day Disable Device - you might need it later :-)

Free now to approach the statue more closely (by simply walking around the path), you can see that there does not appear to be any debris or other signs of damage around the wound on the statue. However, the wound appears to be the same size and shape as one of the bronze axe blades.

Scarab Sages

F Dwarf Wizard 10

Agate has Disable Device, and somehow my post about it earlier got eaten by the website or something. Oh well.

Agate cautiously walks to the edge of the dais, around the hounds, and tries to Detect Magic on the statue and axes.

Dark Archive

| HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 11 F 19 (+1 in surprise rounds or when flat-footed) | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8 (+1 in surprise rounds or flat-footed, +4 vs death effects, +2 vs negative energy, energy drain, necromancy spells) | Init +2 | Perception +2 | Female Aasimar Oracle 6 | Active Spells/effects: Deathwatch (40? min), Bless (10 rounds) | Life Links Active: 5/6 (Fifi, Gru'Gar, Hsoko, Shayna, Taarik)

Sindelle will also start scanning ahead of the party with Detect Magic and from now on before anyone tries touching anything she'll scrutinize it with Detect Poison, not wanting a repeat of earlier.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Human Barbarian (Unchained) 6/Druid 4 (Sheet) | HP: 100+20/100 DR3/- Resist 1 cold | AC: 23 (12 T, 19 F) | CMD: 30 | F: 16, R: 10, W: 14 | Init: 4 | Perc: 16 | Speed 50 |
Tracked Resources:
Unchained Rage 11/17 | Growth 1/5 | Pearl of Power I 2/2 | Reroll 0/1

Loxx moves around the statue and grabs the axe on the ground. He attempts to see if the blade fits the groove.

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

1:00 Round 1

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; Lucky Number 6; antitoxin (1:40); HA (1:01);
Troi - dmg;
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3;
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;
Red - dmg;
Blue - dmg;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Agate - 1 dmg; 1 CON dmg; 1 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;

Both Agate and Sindelle detect faint abjuration magic from the aged axes behind the statue. Sindelle, I've moved you up on the map to that area

When Loxx puts the axe into the "wound" in the statue he sees that it fits perfectly. At that very moment, Troi, standing outside in the corridor near the other set of doors, sees that the adamantine bar that was blocking the door lifts out of the way. Congratulations! Success earned and reported.

Just then, everyone hears the sound of two creatures entering the outer courtyard. These black, amorphous blobs pile up on themselves, quivering mounds of midnight sludge that glisten darkly before surging forward. It seems that scavenging creatures from the Darklands have also found their way into long-abandoned Jormurdun, scouring its once-august halls of refuse and debris. The PCs offer far more succulent fare for these foraging beasts!


Agate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Alaric: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Loxx: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Roni, HA: 1d20 + 15 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 15 + 5 = 40
Sindelle: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Troi: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Red and Blue: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (19) - 5 = 14

Alaric, I've taken the liberty of moving you a bit closer to the rest of the group on the map to give us room for the encounter.

Knowledge Dungeoneering DC 17:
The quivering blob is a type of ooze called a black pudding. For every five by which you beat the DC, you may ask one question from the list here

The bold may act!

Note: please be sure to show the path of any movement you may take.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Human Barbarian (Unchained) 6/Druid 4 (Sheet) | HP: 100+20/100 DR3/- Resist 1 cold | AC: 23 (12 T, 19 F) | CMD: 30 | F: 16, R: 10, W: 14 | Init: 4 | Perc: 16 | Speed 50 |
Tracked Resources:
Unchained Rage 11/17 | Growth 1/5 | Pearl of Power I 2/2 | Reroll 0/1

Ejecting a scroll from his spring-loaded wrist sheath (swift), Loxx enchants his staff (shillelagh - 1 min) and moves to the doorway.

He calls Fetch to retreat behind him.

Lox - Green
Fetch - Light Green

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

Roni spins around on the spot, catching a glimpse of the foul-looking creatures.
"We've got company!"
Tugging again on his glove, Roni takes aim before snapping his fingers. "Ravenous creatures. There's no food for you here, only pain and death. Take it or GO HOME!"

Move action to gather power. -2 burn from infusion specialist, -1 from gather power. Range 120ft.
Empowered Eruption Fire Blast between the targets, hitting both: 4d6 + 9 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 1) + 9 = 20 + lucky number 6 for +2 dmg = 22, x 1.5, = 33 dmg, ref save DC 19 halves

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

1:00 Round 1

Conditions: Aura of Fury (20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC)
Roni - dmg; antitoxin (1:40);
Troi - dmg;
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3; Shillelagh (1/10);
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Alaric - dmg;
Thurismund - 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ethereal;
Red - 33 dmg;
Blue - 33 dmg;
Sindelle - dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Agate - 1 dmg; 1 CON dmg; 1 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;

Loxx moves forward with a large club, ready to smash these creatures.

Roni sends a blast of fire into the courtyard that catches both of the hulking creatures.

Red Reflex DC 19: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6
Blue Reflex DC 19: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0

Troi, Alaric, and Thurismund may act!

The Exchange

Aasimar Mesmerist (material manipulator) 8 HP 58/59, AC 18 , T 11, FF 17, F +4, R +7, W +11, Initi. +7, CMD 19, Perception +3, darkvision, Resist 5 Cold, Electric, Acid

Damn! Troi yells, startled as the two blobs appear behind them. Moving closer and staring at one, he squints.

Hells are those things?

Move, Readying attack if any come into reach this round. Also using Swift action to Stare at Blue. Thanks to Psychic Inception, Troi is literally trying to give it a mind (assuming ooze and mindless, but defintiely could be wrong) just so that he can mess with it.

Psychic Inception work? High is yes: 1d100 ⇒ 26

So moot this round, but has 50% chance each round to be affected by the stare (and if so, the attack and Will penalties and the chance for painful stare.

Readied attack if if comes close: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12 for damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Emerald Spire slides |
GM Abraham's Initiative Card wrote:

1:00 Round 1->2

Conditions: Aura of Fury (auto effect all 20' around Thurismund; +2 to melee atks, -2 to AC); Raging Song/Inspired Rage (+2 morale Str & Con, +1 morale Will, –1 AC, no casting or other concentration-based actions, must declare whether accepting each round)
Roni - dmg; antitoxin (1:40);
Troi - dmg;
Loxx - dmg; DR 2/-; Deadeye's Lore (6:05); Barkskin (2:05); Lucky Number 3; Shillelagh (1/10);
Fetch - dmg; Longstrider (6:05)
Alaric - 34 dmg; raging song (started round 1); dorn-dergar set to 10' reach; grappled; 19 acid dmg to clothing and armor;
Thurismund - dmg; From before (possibly healed before fight started?): 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg; Aura of Fury; ectoplasmic;
Red - 33 dmg; grappled;
Blue - 33 dmg; hypnotic stare (-4 will, -3 attacks); psychic inception (+2 vs saves & 50% chance to ignore each round);
Sindelle - 5 dmg; Life Link (Agate, Alaric, Loxx, Troi); Compel Alacrity trick; Deathwatch (1:05);
Agate - 1 dmg; 1 CON dmg; 1 DEX dmg; See Invisibility (1:30); Lucky Number 8;

@Troi, the way I read Psychic Inception it a) causes your hypnotic stare to work on the creature (not 50% of the time, but all the time), and b) gives it a +2 save bonus and 50% chance to ignore each round vs your (other) mind-affecting spells and abilities. Is that also how you read it? Implications: c) it does nothing to make it susceptible to other PCs mind-affecting stuff, and d) you still need to e.g. cast a spell on it and *then* it gets to make a 50% roll to ignore. No need to retcon for this round but fyi for future rounds and let me know if you think I've got the interpretation wrong.

Botting Alaric and Thurismund...

Alaricbot begins to sing an angry song of rage and draws his dorn-dergar using it as a reach weapon. @All, when you post your turns please be sure to note whether or not you are accepting Inspired Rage for that round. If you don't post about it, I'll assume you are NOT accepting it.

Thurismundbot transforms back from incorporeal form into ectoplasmic form. I hope I've got this right - as far as I can tell this is a full-round action. It's also possible that he would have changed back to ectoplasmic form beforehand so I'll allow this to be retconned if needed. His Aura of Fury continues to pulsate noticeably around him, amazingly affecting even the black blobs. It seems dumb that Aura of Fury isn't mind-affecting, but it doesn't appear to be as far as I can tell.

The black shapes now glide forward.

Red Slam vs Alaric, Aura of Fury: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 2 = 30
CRIT CONFIRM Red Slam vs Alaric, Aura of Fury: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 2 = 13
The creature slams into Alaric but fortunately even with all the anger in the air does not manage to confirm a critical hit.
dmg: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8 + acid dmg: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8
grab, Aura of Fury: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 16 + 2 = 25
It does, however, manage to grapple the unfortunate hero in its gooeyness.
Constrict dmg: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2) + 4 = 12 + acid dmg: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Alaric Reflex, grappled, corrosion: 1d20 + 5 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 5 - 2 - 4 = 5
Alaric, your clothing and armor take 19 points of acid damage. I've actually *never* had to adjudicate this stuff, so I'll have to look up the rules later when I have time (or perhaps one of you fine people can just tell me what this means for Alaric's stuff? :-) ). Incidentally, there is also a bit of a question whether he should get two separate saves vs the Acid (one for the initial attack and another for the constrict attack); my understanding is that these are all treated as a single attack for the purposes of this ability ("Each time a creature suffers damage from a black pudding’s acid, its clothing and armor take the same amount of damage from the acid. A Reflex save prevents damage to clothing and armor.") but let me know if you think it should be rolled as two separate saves.

Blue now glides forward and attempts to give the newly corporeal Thurismund the same treatment. @Thurismund note that you are starting this fight with 11 dmg; 21 non-lethal dmg; 2 con dmg. I'm going to note this separately because I assume you would have healed some or all of this damage after the last encounter. Please let me know if that's correct.

Blue Slam vs Thurismund, Aura of Fury, Hypnotic Stare: 1d20 + 8 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 2 - 3 = 12

However, the clumsy creature does not manage to pull the phantom into its maw. If it has a maw.

@Sindelle, do you need to be within 30' for your life link ability to trigger? I'm not seeing any range limitation.... Although Alaric has been badly wounded by the ravenous creature, some of his wounds are transferred to Sindelle, providing him some modest comfort. Alaric dmg reduced to 34, Sindelle dmg increased to 5

All Pathfinders may act! Don't forget to state whether or not you are accepting Inspired Rage.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Pathfinders have claimed the Miner's District!

The Monument District is now the only unclaimed area.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Pyrokineticist 8 | HP: 51/91 (0 L / 40 nl )| AC: 24 (15 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +6 CMD: 22 | F: +14, R: +13, W: +4 | Init: +16+4 | Perc: +13, SM: +2| | burn 5/9, Buffer: 0 | Lucky Number: 1, Heightened Awareness: On. |

Nope, never accepting raging song.

Roni swipes a bit of soot off his collar, then cracks his knuckles before taking a firm stance. ""What are you doing to my dear subordinate?!"

Don't do anything rash, soldier! I told you I was going to take care of them!"
Same as always, gather power, infusion specialist
Empowered Eruption Fire Blast: 4d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 6) + 9 = 27 x 1.5 = 40
Ref DC 19 halves.

Dark Archive

| HP 51/51 | AC 20 T 11 F 19 (+1 in surprise rounds or when flat-footed) | Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +8 (+1 in surprise rounds or flat-footed, +4 vs death effects, +2 vs negative energy, energy drain, necromancy spells) | Init +2 | Perception +2 | Female Aasimar Oracle 6 | Active Spells/effects: Deathwatch (40? min), Bless (10 rounds) | Life Links Active: 5/6 (Fifi, Gru'Gar, Hsoko, Shayna, Taarik)

No range as far as I know except to first establish it. And she will not be taking the rage.

As soon as Alaric gets grappled, Sindelle rushes towards them and will cast Liberating Command as a swift action (giving Alaric the ability to take an immediate action for an escape artist attempt with a +12 bonus)!

She will then use her wand of Bless on the whole party!
(+1 morale bonus to attack and saves vs fear, all allies within 50ft of her when she uses it)

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