A more Savage Sandpoint. A new look at an old friend.

Game Master ZenFox42

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Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

"Doesn't look forced so.. maybe an inside job?"

He looks around. This place is weird. Closest door?"

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero points to the door on the west wall. "we've been all around this room. Let's be sure it has no enemies."

Jzero says the double doors to the south are an entrance or exit. He unbars or unlocks them and glances outside to be sure.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

Evesk concurs, "Yeah lets check these doors first starting with this one," he motions to the first door going counter clockwise from where they came in, "then those and then that one and finally those," he states pointing to each door in a counterclockwise fashion.

To speed things up in the future, you can just say "Let's check all the doors in this room", and I'll tell you which ones are completely uninteresting, and which ones you need to investigate.

The "south" door indeed leads to the outside. When Jzero pokes his head outside, the group of villagers sees him and you hear whoops and hollers and some statements/questions : "You're still alive!", "Everything going good in there?", etc.

The "west" door (directly south of the door you came in) leads to what looks like a chemical lab, you see smears of powders of different colors on the countertops.

The "east" door opens to a flight of stairs leading down.

You hear a dull roar from behind the "north" door. Everyone make a Smarts roll to figure out what might be causing it.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Smarts: 1d4 ⇒ 4
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
smarts xplode: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Velrek's smarter than he looks!: 1d4 ⇒ 3

"This place isn't haunted, right? Oh wait, that's just.."

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

Smarts: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild-X: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Evesk recognizes the noise as . . .

No point in waiting for Jzero...

The sound sounds like the biggest high-temp furnace you've ever imagined.

What do you do?

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek cautiously checks for heat on the door itself.
If it's hot like a fire on the other side he'll back away. Otherwise, "Well, should we investigate?"

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero waves at the people and says, "Still searching."

When discussing the next door to explore, Jzero is torn between the stairs and the door with the furnace sounds beyond. He lets others decide but says, "If furnace is burning, someone must be tending it."

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

To Jzero's comment Evesk says, "Maybe but so far it seems like the main floor appears to have been vacated as you did not see anyone through the skylight and we have not found anyone thus far. Therefore I think we should check downstairs and see if anything is there." He looks to the others for confirmation of his summation.

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

"I've learned from experience it's a good idea to always clear the floor you're on before going to the next floor, so that you can't get caught between two groups of monsters - one from the new floor you're on, and one from the floor before."

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek tests the door to see if it's unlocked. If it is, he slowly opens it, hoping all the noise will keep anyone that might be inside from hearing it.

The door opens into a very large room, that runs the long length of the building. A furnace burns along the southeast wall of this room. Marble tables sit in the chamber, used to work raw glass into usable shapes, with nearby wooden tables cluttered with various tools of the trade. The building’s furnace rumbles loudly (Notice/Listen is at -4). The main furnace burns at the northeast end, a large chamber utilizes alchemically treated wood that burns with a hot blue light.

But then you notice the bodies, and the smell. The bodies of eight murdered staff members lie in various stages of dismemberment; goblins apparently have been burning legs and arms in the furnace with glee and pouring melted glass on the remains in an attempt to duplicate Tsuto’s masterpiece—his father’s body (the man who barged into the Rusty Dragon looking for his daughter), propped up in a chair in the central alcove and encased in thick, runny sheets of hardened glass.

Finally, you see goblin heads bobbing up and down as they walk behind tables and counters meant for human-sized beings. They haven't noticed you yet. It's hard to determine how many of them there are, unless you spend several out-of-melee rounds trying to count their heads as they move.

Map updated.

What do you do?

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Is this standard theater of the mind starting situation? How many goblins are close enough to attack after a movement?

Yes. They haven't noticed you yet, the ones you can sort-of see are more in the middle of the room. If they ran at you and you remained still, they'd reach you on their second round.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek hunkers down a little to better hide himself and leans in to his friends, "Well, shall we go to them or announce ourselves and let them come to us? I'm for going to them, controlling the attack."

Anyone else have any ideas/opinions/suggestions?

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

OCC: There are no markers on the map where we see the Goblins at is that something possible that can be done or can you kind of derive a locational systems using the squares on the X and Y axis?

Upon seeing Goblins Evesk growls low in the back of his throat, "Goblins" and his eyes get harsh looking. He then softly but almost growlingly says, "I can draw there attention by charging in while you others set up for an ambush. That should unsettle them if not totally surprise them. As well as draw any others out that we might not be aware of."

Evesk will give the others a bit of time to get themselves into position before charging in with a war cry meant to intimidate the Goblins.

OCC: Does SW have the concept of intimidation? If so what do I roll for this, Persuasion?

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

I made a post a few days ago I believe where I said Jzero would advance to a point where he has some cover and does a ranged attack with a throwing star. I guess it failed to post. So I'll post this as what Jzero will do unless a different plan is agreed upon.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

"Charging in sounds fun. I'll go the other way and flank them!"

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero moves in, trying not to attract attention.

Stealth: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, ace: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, ace^2: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Total: 6 + 6 + 4 = 14

This might qualify Jzero getting "the drop" on a goblin.

He hurls a shuriken at a nearby goblin.

Shuriken: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, ace: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Result: 6 + 4 = 10

Shuriken Damage: 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (2) = 7
Raise Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek will try to sneak around the other way...
stealth: 1d4 ⇒ 3
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3

He is a large fellow though..

Evesk - this is theater of the mind, and the goblins are so short and moving so fast that you can't get a good fix on any one of them, until they attack you or you attack them.
SW has an Intimidation skill that you must put skill points into to be able to use (above the default of d4-2, which you can try if you like).

Jzero - yeah, 2 Raises qualifies for The Drop - I'll add +4 to your attack and damage values.

It will take me some time to prepare my combat notes before I can proceed. Just to summarize :

Jzero moves stealthily to some cover (-2 to be hit) and throws a shuriken.
Velrek tries to move stealthily and fails.
Evesk charges down the middle of the room, yelling his head off.

I'll decide what Ceri does once I've got things organized.

ALL - in this situation, with goblins running all around a large room, no one is "engaged" until either you or they declare that they're attacking one of the other group. That includes Ranged attacks.
For Melee attacks, you reach your adversary in the same round that you declare you're attacking them.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Sounds good. Maybe Evesk's wild charge will keep a few Goblin eyes off Velrek until he finishes his first moves. :)

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

OCC: If I understood you correctly Evesk can enter combat with at least one Goblin and thus will do so.

Evesk engages with a Goblin determined to take it out fast, as he abhors their presence and believes they need to completely erraticated.

OCC:]Using Smite Evil as a Free Action as all Goblins are evil

Attack Goblin: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4

OCC: If the above fails here is the reroll.

Attack Goblin: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Damage: 1d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (2) + (1) = 3

OCC: Just noting that doing this adheres to one of Evesk's Hindrances in case that gets me a point for something. Do not recall how that works off the top of my head.

Everyone please hold off posting your actions until tomorrow when I can post the "Start of Combat" information and determine initiative, thanks!

Evesk - what specifically did you do in your post that plays up to one of your Hindrances? Then I can tell you the results...

Round 1

Statuses :

Attacking goblin #?; 3 Bennies, 15 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : LLV, Spell Effects : None

Attacking goblin #?; 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : LLV, Spell Effects : None

Attacking goblin #?; 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : -2 Cover, Spell Effects : None

Attacking goblin #?; 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Note : the PC's cannot tell that there's 8 goblins, what with their running around and hiding behind the benches. You can just tell that there's a bunch of them.

Goblins - QS
Ceri - QD
Evesk - 6H
Velrek - 6C
Jzero - 2C

Ok, so the cards let the Goblins act first, which means some of them have noticed you already. Since everything happens "at the same time" in a round, Jzero successfully sneaked into his Cover before melee started, but will throw his shuriken as his normal action. Evesk's attack will take place on his action.

Goblin attacks:

Number of Goblins that notice you: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Target: 1d4 ⇒ 2 = Evesk (alphabetically)
Goblin#1 rushes at Evesk and attacks him with a sword :
Fighting: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7
His wild swing misses by a lot.

Target: 1d4 ⇒ 1 = Ceri
Goblin#2 attacks Ceri with a sword :
Fighting: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4
And hits, but the sword glances off her armor.

Target: 1d4 ⇒ 4 = Velrek
Goblin#3 shoots an arrow at Evesk :
Shooting: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
And misses.

Target: 1d4 ⇒ 4 = Velrek
Goblin#4 shoots an arrow at Evesk :
Shooting: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
And hits, but the arrow is deflected by his armor.

TL;DR - nobody got hurt.

Everyone is up!

Which goblin: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Jzero's shuriken strikes a goblin in an artery in its neck, and it drops dead.

Evesk attacks the goblin attacking him. He connects, but the goblin's armor absorbed it.

Whew! Hope I got all that right...

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

Ceri takes a moment to concentrate :

Spellcasting & Wild: 1d8 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 6

And turns into the stone-shaped humanoid you've all seen before.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek runs into the press of Goblins from the other side Evesk charged into. He will also yell a a battle cry and swing at the nearest one. We'll randomly say #2.

2H sword: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
damage: 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (1) + (6) = 7

wild xplode: 1d6 ⇒ 1
xtra damage?: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Velrek, don't forget that any bonuses or penalties that are applied to the Skill die are also *always* applied to the Wild die, so your final Fighting result is 8.
Also, #2 is currently attacking Ceri, let's say you're attacking #5.[ooc]

Velrek's blow knocks the wind out of the goblin (literally). [ooc]He's Shaken.

One of the goblins shouts "Longshanks! Longshanks in the room! Get them!"

Round 2

Statuses :

Attacking goblin #2; 3 Bennies, 12 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : LLV, Spell Effects : Transform; end round 5

Attacking goblin #1; 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : LLV, Spell Effects : None

Attacking goblin #7(dead); 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : -2 Cover, Spell Effects : None

Attacking goblin #7; 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking Evesk, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking Ceri, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Shooting at Velrek, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Shooting at Velrek LR, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking Velrek, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Shaken, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None


Attacking ?, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Ceri - AC
Velrek - 10D
Jzero - 10C
Goblins - 5H
Evesk - 4S

Ceri, Velrek, and Jzero are up, any order!

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

Toughness in this form is 12(8)

Ceri attacks the goblin in front of her :

Fighting & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 6
Wild ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 1 = 7

And hits, doing :

Damage: 2d8 ⇒ (7, 5) = 12

And smashes its face in, killing it.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek leaves the stunned Goblin for now and attacks another fresh one.

Thank you. I'm still thinking 'old' Savage Worlds where the wild die is unmodified.:)

2H sword,AP2: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
wild: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
damage: 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (1) + (10) = 11

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero moves toward a nearby goblin and gives him or her a swift kick.

Unarmed: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Modifier: +1
Result: 9 + 1 = 10

Unarmed Damage: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (2) = 5
unarmed Raise Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 2
AP 2

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

OCC:Smite Evil still in effect

Attack Goblin #1: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 1

OCC: If it still applies here is the reroll. Smite gives me a free reroll but do I need to spend a Benny(ies) to perhaps ignore the double 1s? I see the term Critical Failure but cannot find the reference that outlines the details of how one occurs and how it might effect things.

Attack Goblin #1: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 1

OCC: In case he just happens to hit?

Damage Goblin #1: 1d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (2) + (4) = 6

Evesk continues to attack the Goblin with a fervor.

OCC: Not being sure what will happen, I will let the GM outline the results of this situation.

Velrek - your second damage die Aced, but no need to re-roll it this time because...

Velrek cleaves the goblin attacking him in two.

Evesk - first off, your action came after the Goblins, you should have waited until after I posted their actions. Had you perhaps killed one of them in your post, I might have needed to ret-con your action based on theirs. But, because of the Critical Failure...
On page 118 of the PF for SW Core Rules, it says that a Critical Failure cannot be re-rolled by *any* means, even Bennies. And it causes Something Bad to happen, which is up to the GM. So...

How far: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3

In Evesk's fervor to kill the evil critters, he loses his grip on his sword, and it goes flying 18 feet away. You are currently Unarmed.

Jzero thrusts his stiffened palm into a goblin's neck, temporarily cutting off his air supply. He's Shaken.

I'll try to get to the goblins' actions later today...

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

OOC: Okay I thought the order that you listed us in Round 2 was the new initiative order based on the cards that you drew for everyone. So in the future where do I find the initiative order?

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

It's listed below the spoilers for each participant above.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

OCC: Oh okay thanks Jzero did not see that. Doh!

My internet connection was down for the last 24+ hours. Now I have a backlog, will try to make a real post tomorrow.

I'm going to say that the goblin Jzero Shakened is the same one Velrek made Shaken last round, and being Shaken while Shaken turns into a Wound, so that goblin is dead.

Goblin attacks:

Goblin #1 attacks Evesk :
Fighting: 1d6 ⇒ 4
And misses.

Goblin #3 shoots an arrow at Velrek :
Shooting: 1d6 ⇒ 3
And misses.

Goblin #4 shoots an arrow at Velrek :
Shooting: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Shooting ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Shooting ACE! ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 4 = 16, Raise
Damage: 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4, 6) + (1) = 11
Damage ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 2 = 13 = 1 Wound

Who: 1d4 ⇒ 3 = Jzero, alphabetically
Goblin #6 runs up to Jzero and swings his sword at him :
Fighting,+1 Gang-Up: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
And misses.

TL;DR - Velrek takes 1 Wound. Please roll to Soak right now if you're going to, and make a post anyway if you're not, thanks!

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

An arrow finds the edge of Velrek's armor..
soak,vigor: 1d6 ⇒ 2
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3

And it hurts...

Round 3

Attacking ?; 3 Bennies, 12 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : LLV, Spell Effects : Transform; end at end of round 5

Attacking goblin #1; 4 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : LLV, Spell Effects : None

Attacking goblin #6; 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : -2 Cover, Spell Effects : None

Attacking ?; 3 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : 1 Wound, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking Evesk, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Shooting at Velrek; 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Shooting at Velrek LR, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status : Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Attacking Jzero, 0 Bennies, 0 PP, Status :Normal, SitMods : None, Spell Effects : None

Goblins - AS
Ceri - JH
Evesk - 8C
Jzero - 7S
Velrek - 4D

Since the goblins go first, I'm going to have to deal with that early tomorrow.

Velrek - please note you're down a Benny, and *all* rolls are at -1.

Goblin attacks:

Goblin #1 growls and attacks Evesk with a dirty, bloody sword :
Fighting: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Fighting ACE!: 1d6 ⇒ 2 = 8

And hits,
Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
but doesn't penetrate his armor.

Goblin #3 shoots at Velrek with a bow :
Shooting: 1d6 ⇒ 1
And misses wildly.

Goblin #4 shoots at Velrek with a bow :
Shooting: 1d6 ⇒ 4

And hits,
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7
but it bounces off his armor.

TL; DR - no one took any damage.

Everyone else is up, any order!

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

Ceri moves over to one of the goblins shooting arrows and swings at him :

Fighting & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 51d6 ⇒ 2

And just manages to hit it,

Damage: 2d8 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

and manages to nick an artery, and it bleeds to death.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Velrek steps up to the other gobbo trying to pincushion him...

2H sword: 1d8 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 - 1 = 1
wild: 1d6 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 - 1 = 4
damage: 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (1) + (4) = 5

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 2, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero continues chopping and kicking at the little guys.

Unarmed: 1d10 ⇒ 6
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Modifier: +1

Unarmed Damage: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (2) = 5
unarmed Raise Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 4
AP 2

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 6

OCC: What constitutes a Raise? I have seen it but never fully understood it.

Undaunted Evesk pulls out his hammer in order to continue the fight.

Attack Goblin #1: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Wild vs G-1: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Damage G-1: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (3) = 4

Velrek swings his mighty sword, and the goblin ducks, so the sword swings over his head.

Jzero tries a swinging kick at his goblin, and just manages to graze his head. He's Shaken.

Evesk's hammer connects with the goblin, but just barely. He's Shaken.

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