Iskarl, Steeped Warrior |

Greetings fellow disciples! Glad to see you all.
I suggest we celebrate our success with the ritual sacrifice of a coffee drinker. Followed by afternoon tea!

Sir Riven the Jovial |

Oh yeah, this is definitely a fine group I've managed to scrape together for this mission. Look at them. Gills and teeth and insanity as far as the eye can see. It's going to be wonderful!
...I feel like I forgot something... about... blending in with... heroes?
Whatever. Those goody-two-shoes mama's boys are all a bunch of morons anyway.
What could possibly go wrong?

Iskarl, Steeped Warrior |

I've never used Roll20 but it shouldn't be a problem. I'll let you know if I have any hiccups getting set up.

Iskarl, Steeped Warrior |

Fair enough, was just checking in. Good luck with the weather!

Iskarl, Steeped Warrior |

I'm beginning to think the narrator suffered a fatal heart attack...

Iskarl, Steeped Warrior |

Perhaps he suddenly realized he doesn't actually like tea in the first place?