, in a basket of all things. Somewhat unsure of what to do with a tiny gnome child, a human couple took her in. This was a mistake on their part. After a mere thirty years of childhood, the couple decided they had had enough of a precocious young demihuman (The budding magical powers didn’t help things) and kicked her out. Left with no home, she lived on the streets, falling in with a gang.
Kaloo tries her best to play the innocent, but is actually something of a practical joker. She’s prone to cutting corners and not thinking about the consequences of her actions very carefully.
she’s cheery and extremely enthusiastic for any of the demon’s plans.
Ht: 3' 1"
Wt: 34 lbs
Age: 46
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pale
Kaloo is built lean but solid, with a waxen complexion and sharp green eyes.
Her hair is a rich brown and usually done up in a bun. She wears a studded red leather skirt, simple sandals and a bright blue sash across her chest. Much of her midriff and back are exposed