With Strange Aeons Even Death May Die

Game Master Synxol

We each dwell upon an island forged by our ignorance amidst the black seas of infinity. Should your feeble mind correlate the seemingly disassociated contents of your skull, thus affording you an opportunity to leave your island behind, terrifying vistas of reality will entomb you and you will never know peace.

It was only a matter of time...every species can smell its own extinction. The last ones left won't have a pretty time of it.

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Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

As long as his guards weren't children. In crutches, crying and sneezing.

Game master

I wouldn't do that to the group, put the guards out of your minds

Game master

Unless of course the group would like explore forgotten realms?

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

heh, no thanks. I don't know enough of them to have forgotten.

Game master

Lol, work has me back on 11 hour shifts again.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Argon is clanged, finally!

Game master

Hold on, I'm building something in MS paint for a map

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Sight delay on clanging Ssilax, I should have him all level up after I get out of work.
I promise I will not start playing Persona 5 until after I've level everything up :)

Game master


Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

i managed to avoid playing, so Ssilax is clanged :P

now, to play games

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

I'll post the mechanics when I get the chance, most likely in the late am

Game master

And a quick post is up from me

Game master

I just purchased some map making software via, Steam called Dungeon painter, which has been my go to for making the maps in the game. So I am working on making a map for the tower right meow, and for 14 bucks it has been doing very well I think, plus it helps give a rather good flavor and positioning for the party as well.

Game master

We are live again, I got done with fooling around on the software and will have the rest of the tower mapped out, sorry abouth the delay on my end of things.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Working on a post, woke up late and work has been busy

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Busy with work stuff (lame-sauce), and I'll post the tech portion when I get out of work :)

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

I know how feel about the work burning you out. I'm glad that the battle banter helped to give you some juice :)

Keep up the great job JB :)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Great job, JB! No need to apologize!

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Um, I think we're not in Kansas any more, Toto.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

We're not in Kansas!?
That's it, I'm out!


My phone finally decided it was going to connect to the site, huzzah! (Sorry about the delay)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Shortest post ever, and proud of it!

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

What is behind the throne?

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Lol, it was a great post!

Game master

The portal is behind the throne, on a raised dais.

Game master

Just to clear things up, this is not the fallen diva, as the fallen diva is not able to leave its cage/room

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Dang, forgot to use my boots of speed. Next round.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person


Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Sorry, I'm pretty busy at work today. I'll throw the rest of the crunch info up when I get the chance.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Will roll for SR on future spells...

It would be good to get feedback about whether that 100 damage was effective or not. Did the demon feel it?

Game master

Its still up.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Lol, 4 falcata attacks with an average roll of 4 to hit on them.

For Bleed, Argon takes 1 damage per round, right?

Game master

That is correct good sir, every time you get hit with bleed, the effects stack, thus if I am able to hit your massive AC (which is a challenge to say the least) you will take more and more bleed damage

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Could you describe how bodies are "impaled on a portal"? Does the portal have spears sticking out of it?

Game master

Im going with the thought process that Ssilax will be casting consecrate and hallow, while the other two are clearing out the tower.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Sorry I've been so laggy with posting, its been a rough couple of months in RL, and the last couple of weeks I've been pretty sick. Trying to get my head back in the game :)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

A heads up:

I'll be on holiday in Minkai from July 20 through August 13. During that time I'll have limited access to the internet, so my posting will be less frequent.

Game master

Gotcha, thanks for letting us know, why don't we take a moment to level up to level 13 at this time.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Calshaim? Doesn't ring any bells...

Game master

Sorry miss type on my part and didn't realise I had messed that up :) Should be been Saevia thanks for pointing that out Mike.

Game master

If there is anything that the group would like to see added to the city this is a good place for it: Right now we have the plans for a school, I'm sure there will be a mage school as well, a hospital and a healer's college, anything else that the group would like to see, once I get a good enough idea I can make a rough map with the software I've got and will flesh out the shape of the city.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Gaming stores, lots of gaming stores. And pubs. Gaming pubs!

Seriously, probably whatever a city that size needs. It doesn't have a government, or leader yet, does it. I propose a leader picked by us and serving for one year, with plans to have an election every year at the beginning to pick a new leader or keep the same one. I think we would pick someone with a great deal of life experience (i.e. old) and preferably someone who can make decisions, defer to experts, and who knows how to run things. The hope would be that this person would work out well and be re-elected or re-appointed after the year.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

That sounds like a good idea, concerning a mayor. I don't think the group is quite ready to spend their time overseeing everything, lol.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

We could let the people work it out themselves. Might work...

Game master

Not a bad plan, that is more or less the idea that I was going to go with while the group was off doing their adventuring and when the group comes back giving a report of what went on while the party was away and once a year giving the group a GP reward depending on how things went.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Sorry about the delay on my end. I couldn't get mythweavers to load up my character sheet. It was a bit weird to be honest.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Goblin administrators, I hear.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Lol, that would explain it

Game master

Alright first and foremost:
1: As much as I hate to do this again.... I have to take a break, since the company I work for has killed the shift I worked on, I am now on "first shift" Which means I'm at work by 6 am, which means I am waking up at 4 am. We have all seen days go by where we haven't been posting, much of that I feel is my fault. Since I've been back on first shift I've been on mandatory overtime and working most Saturdays as well, working 55+ hours a week has been rather hellish on my focus.
2: Since I've been back on first shift I've been looking for a new job and not having much luck on that part. I've yet to get my mental breath back in the last 4 months, and I've been worn down pretty bad thanks to the meetings and arguments with various bosses and the process engineers which, has basically broken down to " be more flexible for the company (translation: suck it up, you work on the production floor and you are a fungus).
3: I'm going to Youmacon this weekend.
4: As the holidays are getting closer I'm anticipating 12+ hour work weeks until the end of the year.

Final thought: I'm hoping that we take the next two months off so I can get a few points back on my sanity meter, as the last two months we've been on a bit of a standstill. If not, I will take the rest of this week off and throw more energy back into the game and post more. Once we get done with the Devil lords I'll hand this over to whomever wants to run the game or write a suitable ending to the game that way we don't have three games in a row that we started and not ended.
I do feel terrible about having to do this, again as we keep getting some steam to roll forward and then sputter out. We should take the rest of this week off and shoot me an email on Sunday and I'll let everyone know if I need a little bit longer.

TLDR: Work is kicking my mental ass, and I'm on E at the moment, working in the manufacturing field is terrible with bad management, take the rest of this week off and feel free to email me if there is anything you feel should be addressed.

Stay classy and game on.

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