With Strange Aeons Even Death May Die

Game Master Synxol

We each dwell upon an island forged by our ignorance amidst the black seas of infinity. Should your feeble mind correlate the seemingly disassociated contents of your skull, thus affording you an opportunity to leave your island behind, terrifying vistas of reality will entomb you and you will never know peace.

It was only a matter of time...every species can smell its own extinction. The last ones left won't have a pretty time of it.

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Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

I believe it was 20 lbs as well. At some point, I'll wander through the Discussion thread and see if I can find it. Also, it might be on Wrathe's character sheet, possibly. I though I had written down on my sheet, but nope :P

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

I'm sure it was, actually, because i had exactly 20 lbs of stuff in it :-)

Game master

I will be posting more information about Sigil when I wake up, just have to gather some more information and adding more links as soon as I can.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Did we receive 12,000 in gems and coin each from the dragon encounter? Or am I completely remembering that wrong?

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Yes, 6000gp and 6000 in gems.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Going back to the discussion on Quicken Spell...

Should we limit our metamagic feats so that the spell level + the level increase must still be within our casting level range? I wouldn't be opposed to that, and given our use of mana gives us extra flexibility anyways, and that we tend to not have several combats per day, we have it pretty good already.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

That sounds fair to me, especially using the mana system.

Game master

I'm okay with the way that we currently have it set up, the only thing that I was questioning was the summoning of monsters with the quicken spell. This just means that I can do the same with my bad guys :)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Yeah, that's a different issue. I never saw any restriction on that, so...

Game master

Very true, whatever you guys want to do I am okay with either option :)

Game master

There are enough rune stones for each of you, Aliza will not get one, but she will meet you here everyday as your tout.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Sorry about the late posting, I wasn't feeling too hot and ended up sleeping most of yesterday, off and on.

Feel back to my normal half-dead self today :P

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Amazing description, EJB! You wrote some of that yourself, but not all of it, I take it?

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

One bit I didn't quite understand:
Every main street is cold, broad and echoing, and a cutter can see huge swathes of the sky, more than anywhere else in the Cage. Most Cagers don’t care for the view, ‘cause the view’s a bit too big. From the edge, some say a cutter can see right into that endless Void, and a smart cutter knows that that fall is infinite.

I thought there was no sky, since all above was more of Sigil? Could you explain further? What is the edge?

Game master

That might be something that pulled from the an older edition, I'll do some fact checking and make sure what I have is the correct information. I felt that we all needed some more background for Sigil, as I need to reference some 3.0 maunel of the planes.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

It's a very comprehensive description, and I feel like I have a much better feel for the city now.

That quote brings to mind a (possible) story of someone who falls into a bottomless pit, and falls for such a long time, and perhaps has access to magical food and water, and thus studies magic, enough to first slow down (feather fall) and eventually be able to fly or teleport out of there. Of course, without some resources that study may be difficult...

Game master

Sigil is located atop the Spire in the Outlands. It has the shape of a torus; the city itself is located on the inner surface of the ring. There is no sky, simply an all-pervasive light that waxes and wanes to create day and night. Sigil cannot be entered or exited save via portals; although this makes it quite safe from any would-be invader, it also makes it a prison of sorts for those not possessing a portal key. Thus, sometimes Sigil is called "The Cage". Though Sigil is pseudo-geographically located "at the center of the planes" (where it is positioned atop the infinitely tall Spire), scholars argue that this is impossible since the planes are infinite in all dimensions, and therefore there can never truly be a center to any or all of them; thus, Sigil is of no special importance. Curiously, from the Outlands one can see Sigil atop the supposedly infinite Spire.
Sigil contains innumerable portals that can lead to anywhere in the Dungeons & Dragons cosmology: any bounded opening (a doorway, an arch, a barrel hoop, a picture frame) could possibly be a portal to another plane, or to another point in Sigil itself. Thus, the city is a paradox: it touches all planes at once, yet ultimately belongs to none; from these characteristics it draws its other name: "The City of Doors".

Here we go Mike, so the quote that I gave from the the Lady's ward part 2 was more for the description, or we could just say that the that in reference to the sky, the person referring it to the city itself and the shape of the Sigil

Game master

DING level 10

Game master

Due to the fact that we all have been posting a lot and we habe reached Sigil, plus you guys killed a dragon in very little time with minimal damage :). I thought that everyone would like to be level 10 now :)

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

I worry about the other shoe that will be dropping, lol

huzzah level 10!

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person


EJB, would you mind explaining the keys a little more? Like how the plane shifting ability works, I was a little confuzzled by that. Is it very limited use/range? Like you have to be physically near a portal? Please and thanks :)

Game master

When you purchase a key that is specific to a certain plane, that Key opens the required portal in Sigil, if for whatever reason you leave that plane and then later on Planeshift back to that plane that you have the Key for it will act as a know direction to the portal that leads to Sigil.
So if you had gone ahead and were planeshifted hundred of miles to a plane that you had a Key for, you could use the Key as a compass to lead you too the portal to Sigil. Once you get within 10 ft of the portal to Sigil, the gate will activate and open up the gate. The keys are crafted to work forever, unless thrown into a sphere of Annihilation, Wish, Miracle are used, or Disjunctioned.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

When in Sigil, it opens a portal to that plane. Is the portal in front of the key holder, or do you have to go find it? Or does it indicate where in Sigil it is?

Game master

While you are in Sigil the key will also lead you to the correct poreal to the plane that Key us tied too.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

To help avoid confusion, after talking with EJB, we have been gone from Sel Torrin for 5 days. So far, most of that has been in Golorian :)

Also, thanks for the clarification about the planar keys :P

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Argon is Clanged, finally!

Game master

Weeeeeeeeeeee! Daxniss has been clanged for a minute. Mike I have to say your character is a tank :)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

He is a machine!

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

he's becoming a Terminator!

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Are we intestine people??

Game master

Yes you are interesting people, the instine might have been a typo on my part :) stupid predictive text and me being in a hurry :)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

This is the part where we all lose our souls, right?

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person


like we where using them anyway...

side note: sorry I've been a bit erratic with posting. I picked up Final Fantasy XV, and it has been eating my free time. And some time that isn't exactly free, lol.

so yeah, its really, really, really good. In case anyone was wondering :P

Game master

Annnndddd Curve ball!

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Are you saying the angel has curves?

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Feeling like crap since yesterday. Hopefully I'll be able to post a bit later today.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

RP as in Race Point?

Also, 20,0000 means what exactly?

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Should we also remove 1500 gp for Taylor's expenses? or is that later?

Game master

So you get 20k in money, and an item worth 20k that you can add to your character sheet. As for Taylor's services do not withdrawal and money from your sheet, Daxniss paid for the services. So if you want a magic weapon worth 20k or armor you can add that to your sheet.
Long story short give yourself an magic item worth 20k, and give yourself 20k in money. The RP is indeed short hand for Racial point, every now and then I will award RP points for role playing, quest rewards, or when you reach a certain point in the storyline.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Got it, thanks. Cloak of Resistance, +4!

Game master

Since it is the holidays, I think we should take a break until Monday. That way, after time spent with family we should be recharged enough to make a number of posts. If you do post tomorrow and Sunday you are more then welcome too. Happy Holidays everyone! Merry Christmas and what not. Stay sane and alive is all I ask of you :)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Hey, have a good one!

Remember, don't drunk and post, you'll hit a drive!

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

that would be really awesome :)

Everybody have some great holidays and a Merry Christmas!

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

I sent Loki a Christmas message. He's still alive... :-)

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

So, metamagic spells are still open to any spells we can cast (not restricted to Level - metamagic adjustments)? Was that the decision?

Game master

Pretty much just leaving it the same way we had ruled so long ago.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Are the buildings here (specifically the ones near the 'kids') made of stone or wood?

Game master

Wood, some of it is rotten wood, very little in this section of the Hive Ward is made from stone.

Game master

Alright everyone I gate to put us on hold until Saturday, but work has ramped up and I'm giving people training for IPC-A-610 and already this week has kicked my ass. Plus I need some time to get more encounters for the Tomb. I thank all of you for being awesome about this, I have no desire to let those of us that are playing not have access to their story and if anyone had something special they want to do with their character feel free to shoot me an email. I didn't expect January to be this busy on my end, and I've been thrown a few curve balls from work.
My main goal is for everyone to have fun, and not have us stagnant, but we have had a few holding pattetents, I don't want this game to die and I enjoy playing/running with you cats.

Male Argon Gestalt Slayer-Cleric 12

Cool, will put my thinking cap on to figure out what to do. Shouldn't be hard, I guess.

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