We Who Are About To Die... (Inactive)

Game Master Doomed Hero

Gladiators Wanted! Come one, come all, risk your life for wealth, glory and the entertainment of the masses. Newcomers always welcome!

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Ok folks, here's the pitch-

In the Interdimensional city of Arch, there is the Crossroads Arena. The city uses it to entertain it's people, train it's warriors, punish it's criminals and as a way for immigrants to earn citizenship.

Combatants from all over the cosmos find their way to the Crossroads. It is renowned far and wide as the most exotic and exciting bloodsport anywhere. You never know what will happen next at the Crossroads.

The Basic Premise


This game is open recruitment. If you can post consistently, you're in.

That guy you built for that game you didn't get into? Play him here.

That build you've been wanting to try but haven't had the chance? Go ahead.

Want to play evil and no one will let you? The arena needs Heels.

The Crossroads is renowned for it's strange and unexpected arena challenges. It is rarely ever just about fighting. Sometimes it's about fighting while climbing, jumping, solving puzzles, racing, gathering objects, avoiding traps, and any number of other obstacles you can think of.

This game is about the roar of the crowd and the love of combat. The flashier the spells and the shinier the armor, the better.

This is professional wresting, fantasy-style. It's not enough just to win. You need to win with style.

Character creation guidelines

You are making a character who is a member of a Gladiator's Stable. Who they are inside the arena may not be who they are outside it. Your characters will live and train together, fight and die together. (Death is rare though, so don't worry too much. More on that later.)


Paizo material only. Anything goes.
20 pt buy
1st level. Minimum starting gold.

For free you will receive two normal-quality weapons (one of which may be a shield, limited ammo will be provided for ranged weapons) and a suit of armor up to Medium. If you are a caster you will receive the tools necessary for your trade (holy symbol, spellbook, etc)

Additional equipment must be earned in game.

Please lay out your character sheets cleanly and concisely, and make sure to clearly mark where all your numbers and abilities come from. Use links to the Pathfinder SRD for any ability who's rules aren't included on your sheet. I expect a lot of players and I want to be able to look up values quickly if I need to, so I need your help. Use spoilers and bold to help organize your sheet.

Posting Guidelines

This game is what I use to fill time at work. As such it will update 4 to 5 times a week. If you can't keep up that schedule, don't join.

You can find the rest of what I need in your posts by clicking my Avatar.

The Gladiator Stables are accepting new recruits until Saturday the 21st.

After that, any newbies will have to wait until the next match to join the fun.

A man steps forward from the crowd hand raised saying "Yes Please"

Will mull, then submit.

Questions on Character Creation:

Using traits in this game?

I assume anything goes means:

No barred feats (i.e. leadership)?
No barred classes (Gunslinger/Ninja/Samurai)?
No barred races (Tiefling/Assimar/Tengu/Changling/Dhampir) [obviously drow nobles don't count, right]?
No barred PrC?

Can we elect to start middle aged and take attribute penalties/benefits?

DM Doomed Hero:
I have a question which stretches what could be considered common decency, but the character has stuck in my head - so I must ask.

Would you allow a 1st level small sized Cavalier or Samurai to choose a Kangaroo as a mount?

They were added as potential animal companions in Bestiary 3, and I've copied the starting stats below for your reference if needed:
Size: Medium; Speed: 40ft, Attack: kick (1d4), Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 7; Special Qualities: low-light vision, scent

Waltz: Yes to traits. Two, as normal. Only the ones that give you extra money aren't allowed. Nothing barred, this arena is in a Planar Nexus. There's all kinds of weird stuff here. (though leadership will be fairly ineffective in the Arena though. You won't be allowed to bring your followers in with you. You might be able to take leadership as a way of getting a big bonus from rallying the crowd though. It's a lot easier to win crowd favor when they're your followers already)

Mark: Love it. Go right ahead.

Mesa want in on stabbing 'Umans for the cheery peoples with da mucho coins!

DM Doomed Hero:
Joboo was made and run for the We Be Goblin's game that was (imo) lackluster and brief. I know I'll need to rework some of the crunch which I should be able to knock out this weekend.

Is there a definitive start date?

Excellent good - thanks for the quick feedback.

I'm currently leaning towards a Halfling Cavalier of either the Seal or Cockatrice (Luring Cavalier archetype) riding his mighty Red Kangaroo.

Given that we're working in a high fantasy gladiator scenario, I'd seek to take even more creative licence and have me riding feet first in the roo's pouch, and the saddle essentially be some strapping to keep me on the front of the kanga (mechanically will be identical to riding on the back, but just sounds cooler to me). The roo's forelegs will be holding onto my character's shoulders as well, keeping him snug and tight.

Will also allow for a nice cinematic moment when Skippy balances on his tail, kicking out with his legs to knock down / bullrush an enemy while my character plays to the crowd on top :)

Lastly, as absurd and silly as this concept sounds... I intend to play it absolutely straight. He is the last in a long line of kangaroo riders and takes great pride in his clan's proud tradition of Skippy Soldiers.

Will have crunch up soonish.

think of troy mcclure from the simpsons...before harman's death

hi there, Troy McClure here, volunteering for this gladitorial arena. you may remember me from those classic stories of spike chain, meat head!,Mr. Mace says hello! and the crowds favorite what can't you do with baking powder?. Ill be here for a spell, winning over the hearts of the crowd, stealing the ladies virtues, and taking the lives of would be contenders.

swirling his cape, he bows to the roaring applause that emmenates from the crowd.

While Bonny might not quite be up to snuff...what does the DM think of the creation?
Will it be a suitable candidate?

If not I have a lower level Monk/Ninja awaiting the return of my internet connection with which to have the time to finish editing the page?


Shadow Lodge

Dotted for interest.

"Am brick wall. You look tasty."

GWRRR'RRR, Orc Barbarian 1 NE

What is the feasibility of some sunglasses?

Ah...having read the charcter build rules, I see Bonny isn't eligable. *Bows*

Though I shall endeavour to finish this charcter up to the right level of rules.

Also, is the page upto your standards of presentation, Master DM?


Mark- I'll allow it, but we'll need to address the issue of getting in and out of the pouch. It's going to be more of a hassle than a regular saddle would be. Fast mount/dismounts would be a lot harder.

Troy- No IP violations please. Parodies are fine though. If you want to play a character with a similar personality that would be pretty funny.

Joboo- Accepted! You have one to many Traits though. Lose one please. (Your equipment list made me snort my granola. Well done.)

Meera- Accepted! That layout looks fine.

Gwrrr'rrr- Accepted! Everything looks good.

Everyone- Start date is Saturday the 21st, evening (server time). That's when I'll post the Arena and the rules of the match.

Please take a look at the posting guidelines and house rules in my Avatar.

I will be opening up the Discussion and Gameplay threads today. Once you've been accepted feel free to drop on in. Until the 21st the Gameplay thread will be for roleplaying character introductions and things. You'll see how I'm going to do introductions soon.

DM Doomed Hero wrote:
Please take a look at the posting guidelines and house rules in my Avatar.

Added extra starting feats to my profile.

When you say everyone is counted as having all the Combat Maneuver feats, do you mean Improved [maneuver] or what? Everyone can already Bull Rush for example, you just provoke AoO without the feat. If everyone has the feat then the +2 to perform the maneuver and +2 to CMD cancel out so the AoO is the only question.

ip violations??? im confused.

Troy: Intellectual Property. Basically, if I can Google your character concept I'm going to have to shoot it down.

I love the idea of a character with that sort of background and personality though. Change the name and fantasy-ize it a bit, and you've got a go.

Gwrrr'rrr: No, just the basics. Essentially, all of the Combat Maneuvers are standard combat options for this game. If you want the special stuff (improved) you'll still need to take the feat when you get to the appropriate BaB. Does that make sense?

I was thinking about a feinting rogue/fighter that uses a blackjack type weapon that deals non lethal to stagger opponents (and then play with them a little bit). Will that be an issue in certain scenarios like to the death or first blood? Should he plan a second more deadly weapon?

awwwwwwww :(
ill come up with something then....

Definitely interested. Got a couple of concepts, question tho:

Can I play different characters via different aliases??

David That can certainly be a theme, though having a deadlier backup weapon would probably be a good idea.

Monkeygod I wouldn't allow two different aliases in the same match, but if you wanted to have a few different characters to choose from and roleplay between the matches, that would be fine.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm deferentially am interested. I'll come up with something soon.

Shadow Lodge

My submission:


Male Human (Shoanti) Ranger (Skirmisher, Urban Ranger) 1
NN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17. . (+6 armor, +1 shield, +2 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Gauntlet (from Armor) +4 (1d3+3/20/x2) and
. . Gladius +5 (1d6+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Scizore +4 (1d10+3/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+3/20/x2)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Combat Expertise +/-1, Dazzling Display: Gladius, Power Attack -1/+2, Weapon Focus: Gladius
Traits Bred for War (Shoanti), Killer
Skills Acrobatics -2, Climb +2, Escape Artist -2, Fly -3, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Local) +4, Perception +4, Ride -3, Stealth -3, Swim -2
Languages Common, Shoanti
SQ Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+2 bonus) (Ex), Track +1, Wild Empathy +3 (Ex)
Combat Gear Gladius, Lamellar, steel, Scizore;
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Dazzling Display: Gladius Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Humanoids (Human).
Killer Add weapon's critical modifier to its critical bonus damage.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Track +1 +1 to survival checks to track.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.


Not sure how much you're looking for here. My basic concept is a Shoanti warrior, raised to be a king of his tribe but kidnapped by plane hopping slavers after a particularly fierce battle in which he almost died. Waking to find himself part of a gladiator stable, he fights for his freedom and the chance to return home. Which, now that I type it out, sounds exactly like Spartacus. Crap. I'll think some more on it.

Sheet would be cleaned up and put to standards if accepted.

Balodek- Mechanically, you're fine. Backstory-wise, it doesn't quite work. This place doesn't force people to fight. As far as gladiatorial bloodsports go, they're pretty humanitarian. If you were a criminal, this could be your version of "public service" (even if you were framed or something). If you were a prisoner of war, you could choose the Games as a way to earn your freedom.

DM Doomed Hero - no problems with the saddle being more time-consuming to use. As long as I can take an action to physically pick up something from the ground (by the roo leaning forward) without needing to de-saddle then I am fine with it.

Mount Related Stuff:
Mounting / Dismount is usually a move action. Is moving that up to a full-round sufficient?

A Fast Dismount is a DC 20 ride check to make it a swift. Perhaps make it a DC 20 ride check to make the dismount a standard action?

The Cover action in Ride obviously also wouldn't apply.

Lastly the entry for the Kangaroo animal companion doesn't give it any bonuses to Acrobatics for jumping, despite the monster entry getting a +4. Would it be possible for the Kangaroo to have a +4 to Acrobatics solely for Jumping?

Mesa gonna add knife master archtype. Mesa sad to lose uno trait but itsa done and gone already. I hide in deep pocket! Hehehe...

Mark all those changed are fine. Kangaroos not having bonuses to jumping must be an oversight.

Joboo, go right ahead.

Hey Doom, just throwing this out there as a random suggestion: How about allowing us to gestalt, but one half must be a martial class? Not full BaB per se, but a class that is combat focused, so no Sorc/Wiz or Druid/Cleric. Not actually important or anything, had the idea earlier, and thought i'd ask.

No thanks Monkey. I like the Gestalt rules but they tend to be best in games with fewer people. I expect a pretty big turn out for this game and don't want to deal with characters *that* complex.

Hmm sounds interesting, will work on a character.


Combined splat of basic information below. I'll clear out an alias and throw him up for when the Discussion and Gameplay threads kick off in anger.

The encumbrance of the kangaroo is touch and go at the start, though will become a non-issue after a couple of levels. Is encumbrance going to be played straight or partially handwaved?

At present one of my weapon choices is a composite longbow with a +1 strength bonus. If you'd like me to tone that back to a zero Str bonus then that will be no problem.

Lorth Bloodseer:
Str: 12 +1
Dex: 18 +4
Con: 12 +1
Int: 11 +0
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 16 +3

Current Notes: 11/11 HP, 1/1 Far Challenge remaining

Lorth Bloodseer
Male Halfling
Cavalier of the Order of the Seal (Luring Cavalier archetype) 1

LN Small humanoid
Initiative: +4; Senses: Perception +3

AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Armor +4 Dex +1 Size)
CMD: 15 (10 +1 BAB +4 Dex +1 Str -1 Size)
Hit Points: 12 (10 +1 Con +1 Favored Class)
Fortitude: +4 (2 Base +1 Con +1 Racial)
Reflex: +5 (0 Base +4 Dex +1 Racial)
Will: +2 (0 Base +1 Wis +1 Racial)

Speed: 20 ft (40ft mounted)
Melee: TBC: +3 (1 +1 Str +1 Size) for 1dX+1 (1 Str)
Ranged: Composite Longbow: +6 (1 +4 Dex +1 Size) for 1d6+1 (+1 Str)
CMB: +1 (1 +1 Str -1 Size)

Racial Traits:
Small: +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth.
Slow Speed: base speed of 20 feet.
Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling Luck: +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Outrider: +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Ride skill checks.
Weapon Familiarity: proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.

Languages: Common and Halfling.

Varisian Wanderer: +1 on Perform (Act) and it is considered a Class skill. (from Inner Sea Primer)
Fast Talker: +1 on Bluff and it is considered a Class skill.

Skills: (4+Int)
Bluff (Cha): (1 +3 Class +3 Cha
Handle Animal (Cha): (1 +3 Class +3 Cha +2 Racial
Perform (Act – Cha): (1 +3 Class +3 Cha
Ride (Dex): (1 +3 Class +4 Dex +2 Racial

Power Attack: may take -1 on attacks for +2 on melee damage (+3 with two-handed weapon)
Combat Expertise: may take -1 on attacks for +1 dodge bonus to AC
Mounted Combat: Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as an immediate action) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.
Bonus Teamwork Feat – TBC

Class Abilities:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, light, and medium) and with shields (except tower shields).
Mount (Ex): functions as a druid's animal companion, using the cavalier's level as his effective druid level. The creature must be one that he is capable of riding and is suitable as a mount.
No armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained and begins play with Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. A cavalier's mount does not gain the share spells special ability.
Tactician (Ex): 1/day as a standard action, grant Teamwork feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats.
Far Challenge (Ex): 1 / day as a swift action. Choose one target within sight to challenge. The luring cavalier's ranged attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the luring cavalier's level.
Challenging a foe requires subtle deceits and strategies. The cavalier must make it look like he is a soft target. The subject of the far challenge gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls made against him.
This challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious, until the target hits the luring cavalier with a melee attack, or until the combat ends. If this challenge ends because the target hits the luring cavalier with a melee attack, this challenge changes to the effects of the normal cavalier challenge, and gains any order benefit the luring cavalier has.

Order of the Seal:
Edicts: must guard sworn charge with all he has: health, honor, and his very life. (Sworn charge TBC)
Skills: Disable Device and Linguistics are considered Class Skills. Whenever using Bluff to conceal information about sworn charge, get a competence bonus of ½ Cavalier level.
Challenge: can make a free bull rush or trip combat maneuver whenever taking a full-attack action against target of challenge.

(spoiler=Kangaroo Mount]Strength: 12 (+1); Dexterity: 14 (+2); Constitution: 13 (+1); Intelligence: 2; Wisdom: 11; Charisma: 7
Hit Points: 15 (2d8+2); Fortitude: +4 (3+1); Reflex: +5 (3+2); Will: +1
Size: Medium; Speed: 40ft
AC: 12 (10 +2 Dex); 12 touch; 10 flat-footed; CMD: 14 (10+1+1+2)
Attack: kick +2 (1+1) for 1d4+1
Acrobatics (Dex): 10 (2 +2 Dex +3 Class +3 Feat) (+14 for Jumping)
Low-light Vision
Link (Ex): can handle as free, push as move. +4 on Handle Animal checks with mount
Tricks: attack, come, defend, down, guard, heel and stay.
Skill Focus (Acrobatics)[/spoiler)

Gear: (50gp to start)

Heavy Flail: 1d8, 19-20/x2, B, disarm / trip, 5lb - Free
Composite Longbow (+1 Strength): 1d6, x3, 100ft, P, 1.5 lb- Free
20 x Arrows: 1.5lb - Free

Chain Shirt: +4 Armor, +4 Max Dex, -2 Armor Check, 12.5lb - Free

Riding Saddle: 10gp

Shadow Lodge

I like the prisoner of war option, I'll work up a little something something. I have a lot of work tomorrow before going to Spamalot, probably won't be until Sunday.

This looks awesome! I will definitely be submitting a character, I just need to figure out for sure what I want. I actually made a dwarven gladiator fighter for a game that never got off the ground, so maybe I'll retool that. Or maybe something completely different.

Speaking of--will you be using the performance combat rules? What if I use a gladiator (who gets performance weapon mastery, etc)?

Hmm, it's saying I posted but I can't see the post, so here it is again:

This looks awesome! I will definitely be submitting a character, I just need to figure out for sure what I want. I actually made a dwarven gladiator fighter for a game that never got off the ground, so maybe I'll retool that. Or maybe something completely different.

Speaking of--will you be using the performance combat rules? What if I use a gladiator (who gets performance weapon mastery, etc)?

I shall return

Mark my brain is cramping trying to figure out how in the world you'd use a longbow from a running kangaroo's pouch. To save my some headache I'm going to handwave it as a composite shortbow, mongolian style, that is mechanically identical to a longbow. (it's pure fluff, but sometimes that's important)

mbauers, the rules I'm using will be a bit ad hoc, basically, impress the crowd by doing something awesome, write with fun style and flare, get a particularly lucky hit or skill check (basically, make it fun for me to read) and I'll pass out morale bonuses representing crowd favor. It's really not much more complex than that.

Oh this is cool. I'll come up with something in the next couple of days. I'm thinking a bare knuckle brawler of some kind.

Heh - At the peak of a bounce Hathin throws himself to the right, freeing his trailing arm to draw the bow. Hanging in the straps of his harness Hathin takes a bead, aims and releases in a smooth motion as his steed seems to almost hang in the air.

I had a raised eyebrow myself for a while and was considering using a crossbow to make it more realistic, but was mulling on reload times more than anything else. I might revert to a crossbow yet, so will think on it before locking it in.

Mark Have you considered guns, or throwing weapons? You are a halfling after all. They love throwing things. I know there's range issues, but you're going to be in an arena. It's only 200 feet across at it's widest.

Yeah, I've pondered on throwing weapons a bit. Javelins or aventum would probably work out fine... or I could always go with boomerang :P

Problem I find with the funky throwing weapons is that they end up exotic weapons (nets, bolas) - and spending a feat makes feat starved characters cry a little.

Would it be possible to spend a trait, or swap out weapon familiarity for proficiency with either nets or bolas?

New House Rule

Weapon Proficiencies of all kinds are Traits.

(lets be honest, even the superweapons like the Falcata aren't worth a feat)

Dotting for interest!
Aiming for LN half-elf or human Master of Many Styles worshipping Iori looking to strive to self perfection, but we'll see what else pops into my head as being a good idea over the weekend.

How is leveling being handled if at all?? Just curious for potential entrants

What is your opinion of drow & drow nobles? I've got a TN drow noble who is a bardic worshiper of Sarenrae who has fantastic flavor and would perfectly fit the setting, but is very powerful for any level so he never sees play. Your thoughts on the matter would be most appreciated.

Done! - I'll swap out the Bluff trait for a EWP Bolas and think about swapping out the bow for aventums.

Monkey XP will be handed out according to performance in matches. As people begin to level, challenges will be scaled to accommodate that. Lower level people will need to band together to take on more powerful threats, or the higher level folks will be spread out among different teams. Stuff like that. I don't plan on taking this game to the point where introducing new people would just be unfair.

Dragonserpent post the build and I'll let you know. Just remember that the crowd prefers underdogs.

Dark Archive

dotting ^^

Great idea, I have a rejected rogue I´ll adjust for the arena:
Lorn the Barber. He doesn't just cut your hair, he'll cut off your ears too!

DM Doomed Hero: Any thoughts on how to make the earcutting happen? It's not so much about damaging or deafening his "victims" but rather about the cruelty and the horrific display. I'd like to have Lorn cut his opponents to display a lot of blood, but again: no need for actual bleed effects (yet! that can wait until Lorn can get the appropriate feats).

Brass Pigeon I'd say that you'd need a fairly helpless victim to pull that off, so a Hold Person spell, or any means of knocking someone unconscious would work. We'll treat it like a very specific kind of Coup De Grace that won't actually kill someone. It'll just disfigure them and mark them as one of your victims.

DM Doomed Hero:
Here's my shiny drow noble for your perusal! Juxtaposing him to our orcish bard makes me feel like he isn't out of anyone's league. As far as back-story goes, I'm going with exile of a fallen house, rescued by an elven cleric of Sarenrae, who he then killed out of fear, but whom was resurected by her brethren and still tried to win over the wayward dark elf. Surprised and completely confused by the alien goddess, he's taken up her worship, though most of her teachings are as alien to him as an aberration's own. I'll write up an official back story if I get the go ahead! Chessna's personality is very care-free, humorous, and whimsical, and doesn't have as much malicious intent as most dark elves, though he's been plenty steeped in the culture.

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