![]() About "Bonny D"Background: Race: Half Elf/ Plus Others:
Giant Template Bestiary Pg 295(CR +1), Advanced Bestiary Pg 294(CR +1), Half Dragon Pg 170(CR +2), Gender: Female Size: Medium DM Only:
Or Large when not wearing her ring of 'Diminuation' Age: 23 Alignment Neutral: Neutral(Good tenancies) Deity: Languages: Common Occupation: Defender of the Crown Classes::
Barbarian1/Fighter9 Strength:.....32
Dm Only:
When Large: Strength:.....36
The beginning: The high Lady Merlesand grew up in the great city of Korvossa, jewel of Varisia. Born into a position of wealth, like many women, she felt the lack of power that was bequeathed to the males of the cities' hierarchy. The patriarchal society around her allowing men to advance in many and varied pursuits while those of the 'Fairer sex' seemed to be able to do little more than act as the progenitors of the next generation of Noble male scions.
Taking the path of magic, the Lady studied the arts as a way of enhancing and bolstering her position, both in society and court. When the Queen came to power, the Lady did not partake in the scurrilous gossip regarding the new and powerful woman's motives. She saw instead a society trying to drag down some one who had succeeded in rising, at a youthful age, to a position of power. The Queens other...matters of affair also being of note to the lady Merlesand. What truly impressed Merelsand was the Queen's deployment of her 'Grey Maidens'. Warrior women pledged to the defending of the Queen and acting as direct implements of the Queen's will. It was here that Merlesand's training as a Mage, and her thoughts on 'power' drew their inspirations. Using her wiles, skills and other assets, she set about establishing for herself a small holding upon the edge Varisia, the better to proceed with the idea that had come to fruition in the months of the Queen's reign. Hiring skilled crafts-person's in the arts of Alchemy, Martial Training, and Beast handling, Merlesand then hired the many skilled workers, engineers and craftsmen needed to 'refurbish' her Country Manor Home into a more defensible position against the many dangers of the surrounding country side, being upon the edges of civilization that her holdings occupied. After barely a year Lady Merlesand's home was finished to her satisfaction and the beginning of her true 'idea' began. With the aid of her magic and the skills and powers of her hirelings, she began acquiring the 'stock' that she hoped to shape into something better than the Queens guard. Bonnny D is the third generation in the great Lady's experiments. Her first name is the shortened form of 'Bountiful'. It is to 'Bountiful' or 'Bonny' that she has been used to answering. Bountiful also represents the Lady's designation for Bonny's generation. 'D' is actually her proper name. Being the shortened form of 'Destruction'. Something that harkens back to Bonny's rather 'rumbustious' nature when she was younger and growing up amongst her mothers and siblings. Now, fully trained and equipped, Bonny D is hoping to show that the time invested in her and her kin's development is how such forces should be created. ===================================================================== HP: 130, Spoiler: }
First Lvl 12 HP. 9d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 3, 2, 2, 4) = 30. Con Bonus+70. +1 Bonus Hit Points per Lvl=10. Toughness +10Total:130 Current HP:
AC: 25 (+9Natural,+8Agile Half-plate,+8WallShield,+0Dex)
DM Only:
Large AC: 27 (+9Natural,+8Half Plate,+8WallSheild,+3Dex,-1 Size)
Touch: 12 , Flat Footed 25 BAB: +10 Spoiler:
Barbarian+1,Fighter+9 Init: +4
DM Only:
Init(Lrg):+3 XP: Fort: +15=(+7Base,+8Con)
CMB: +22
SPD: 40 ft (30ft Armoured) Physical Description:
Dexterous Half-plate(Mithril+Masterworked). Armoured Skirt(Mithril+Masterworked). Holding a Tower-Shield(Mithril+Masterworked) COMBAT Melee:Falcata +24/+19,Dam: 1D8+13 Crit: 17-20/X3(Confirm on a 12-20) Slashing/Chopping Attack Breakdown:
+10 BAB, +11 Strength, +2 Competence(Weapongroup Training),+1 Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, Critical Focus, Damage Breakdown:
+11 Strength, +1 Enhancement, +2 Greater Weapon Spec,) Melee:BastardSwd(1H) +24/+19,Dam: 1D10+11 Crit: 19-20/X2(Confirm on a 14-20) Attack Breakdown:
+10 BAB, +1 Strength, +2 Competence(Weapongroup Training),+1 Weapon Focus Damage Breakdown:
+11 Strength, +1 Enhancement, +2 Greater Weapon Spec,) OR Melee:BastardSwd(2H) +29/+24,Dam: 1D10+19 Crit: 19-20/X2(Confirm on a 14-20) Slashing/Chopping/Piercing Attack Breakdown:
+10 BAB, +16 Strength, +2 Competence(Weapongroup Training),+1 Weapon Focus Damage Breakdown:
+16 Strength, +1 Enhancement, +2 Greater Weapon Spec,) Melee:Spear(1H) +23/+18,Dam: 1D8+13 Crit: 20/X3(Confirm on a 15-20) Piercing Breakdown:
Attack Breakdown: +10 BAB, +11 Strength, +1 Competence(Weapon-group Training),+1 Weapon Focus Damage Breakdown:
+11 Strength, +1 Enhancement, +1 Greater Weapon Spec,) . . Skills: Trained Spoiler:
Acrobatics(B)[]: +9=(+1R,+3Cl,+5Dex) Appraise[][]: Bluff[][]: Climb(B)[F]: Craft(B)[F]: Diplomacy[][F]: Handle Animal(B)[F]: Heal[][]: Intimidate(B)[F]: Knowledge (Arcana)[][]): Knowledge(Architecture/Engineering)[][F]: Knowledge(Dungeoneering[][F]): Knowledge(Engineering[][]): Knowledge(Geography)[][F]): Knowledge(History)[][]): Knowledge(Local)[][]): Knowledge(Nature)(B)[]: Knowledge(Noble)[][F]): Knowledge{Religion)[][]): Linguistics[][]: Perception(B)[]: +15=(+10R,+3Cl,+2Wis) Perform[][]: Profession[][F]: Ride(B)[F]: Sense Motive[][F]: Spell Craft[][]: Stealth[][]: Swim(B)[F]: Survival(B)[F]: *Rope use[][]: *Language[][]: Traits:
Trait 1,Killer: You made your first kill at a very young age and found the task of war or murder to your liking. You either take particular pride in a well-placed blow, or vile pleasure in such a strike as you twist the blade to maximize the pain. Benefit: You deal additional damage equal to your weapon’s critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus. Trait 2,Failed Apprentice (Half-Elf): As a child, your parents sent you to a distant wizard’s tower as an apprentice so that you might learn the arcane arts. Unfortunately, you had no arcane talent whatsoever, though you did learn a great deal about the workings of magic and how to resist them. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to saves against arcane spells.
Feat:1stLvl(General)Weapon Prof; Falcata Feat:1stlvl(Barbarian)Fast Movement, Rage Feat:2ndlvl(Fighter)Endurance;
Feat:4thLvl(Fighter)Weapon Focus; Falcata Feat:5thLvl(Fighter)Armor Training 1
Feat:6thlvl(Fighter)Weapon Training(1)(Heavy Blades) Feat:7thLvl(Fighter)Iron Will;
Feat:8thlvl(Fighter)Shield Focus; Feat:9thLvlv(Fighter)Weapon Training(2)(Spears)(+1 to Heavy Blades)
Feat:10thLvl(Fighter)Crit focus;
+1(Magic+Ghost Touch) Falcata. 10 336 Gp
Agile, Mithril Half-plate. 20 850 Gp
Ring of Diminution(Reduce Person, Constant) 5 500 Gp