increddibelly |
Cole - my advice? Be an ambitious Asmodean. Think of yourself. When you need minions, I'm sure you can borrow some from Heitr or Venorik Rah. if (and only if) you WANT minions, take leadership.
I'm going to move on with our story. Those of you who still need to finalize things, you can catch up after you've leveled. Don't be long ;)
Caladwhen |
Sorry to bug you IB, just one more rule question before we move one - can we can utilize the re-training rules from Ultimate Campaign?
Specifically, I'd like to drop Skeletal Summoner (which actually is kinda crap in hindsight) in favor of spending some one-on-one time with Talon to learn Intensify Spell. The feat retraining rules are below:
Note that this retraining is unrelated to the fighter ability to learn a new bonus feat in place of an old one at certain class levels. That class ability is free, happens instantly when the character gains an appropriate fighter level, doesn't require a trainer, and can happen only once for any appropriate fighter level. Retraining a feat requires you to spend gp, takes time, requires a trainer, and can happen as often as you want.
Five whole days with teaching Caladwhen something new; I'm sure Talon won't object to having her undivided attention for a few days ;)
increddibelly |
do our cohorts also level when we do?
for convenience, yes.
are we able to utilize the retraining rules?
meh. I prefer the school of thought that goes 'actions have consequences' - in this case, pick something and you're stuck with it.
Exception to this rule would be a situation where a character would fall behind the others and risk to become irrelevant. Then, we would iron things out for that character a bit.I'm not seeing that situation here; IMHO of you is equally dangerous in their own right.
Caladwhen |
Fair enough, had to try. Skeletal summoning was something I did more for flavor, not realizing that it really actually just debuffs summons in some cases; none of the creatures you can summon have decent charisma, so you end up losing HP almost universally and get little in return (except perhaps that they receive the undead template).
increddibelly |
Specifically, I'd like to drop Skeletal Summoner (which actually is kinda crap in hindsight)
(OOC) I remember we loved the flavor. I still do. and (IC) in your role of queen of the necromancers you would have this feat. It is also good to reflect and find mistakes in yourself; you found the mistake before someone took advantage of it. That's what makes you stronger.
This sort of feeling is quite Asmodean.But seriously - please, kindly, accept the consequence of your earlier choice, until the time where Caladwhen falls behind (for whatever reason) and then, absolutely, we *will* come back to this.
I'm sure Talon won't object to having her undivided attention for a few days ;)
*shrug* I'm sure he can pay for attention. You're not that pretty. Oh wait, you are...
Don't you just *hate* it when girls know exactly how physically beautiful they are? The snivelling snobbery that comes with that realisation sort of takes away some of the beauty. But - I'm ranting.Caladwhen |
But seriously - please, kindly, accept the consequence of your earlier choice, until the time where Caladwhen falls behind (for whatever reason) and then, absolutely, we *will* come back to this.
Of course. I was assuming that Caladwhen wouldn't get the chance to change this, but it never hurts to ask. In any event, it is still good as an RP element for Caladwhen, whatever the impact on effectiveness might be.
Also, I'm not worried about Caladwhen diminishing in any way. Caladwhen gets a bonus metamagic feat at level 10 anyway, and some of those crazy tricks you can do only really start to take effect after you can start stacking feats. Getting access to Intensified spell via re-training would be nice at level 9, but not strictly necessary in the grand scheme of things.
TLDR - basically, my next two feats will be Sacred Geometry and Intensified Spell.
On other business IB, do Grumblejack and Nariel level as well?
Oh wait, you are...
Damn right, don't you forget it either lol
Náriel Lauric |
Just updating Nariel.
BAB +1
1st Level +1
4th Level +1
Channel Negative Energy 4d6
Reach [Metamagic] - for ranged healing, could be useful.
New Domain Spells:
Death - Enervation
Magic - Arcane Eye
Skills: 2+2+3
Diplomacy +1
Linguistics +1 (9th Sign Language)
Knowledge Religion +1
Perception +2
Sense Motive +1
Spellcraft +1
Caladwhen |
I think if the Baron agrees, we can move him to the Horn via Teleport and begin preparations for meeting the Argossarian threat. On that note, Caladwhen will be prepping some different spells upon her return to include fire.
Sindran, I think you're going to like this encounter...
On a completely different topic, and I can't remember if we discussed this before... but are we going to attempt to replace Oret? I think perhaps a more succinct question is, should we attempt to get a front-line warrior to fill the void left by Aerent/Oret?
increddibelly |
I think we're good, for now. All of you can get spotlight time, and as you grow more powerful that will become more difficult. More characters would mean there'd be less attention for each of you, and more rivalry for spotlight time between you. And it's a little early for that.
increddibelly |
as of monday and for a whole week, I won't have as many opportunities to be online. I'll see what I can do, but don't fret if I'm quiet.
as of monday 29th I'll catch up : That week, I'll have more time than usual to be online. Isn't it nice how things balance out? Oh, sweet nature.
I should roll a druid...
increddibelly |
Am I mean? Hmmm maybe just a bit. But, you can't win them all...
Nothing personal Talon - you rolled the dice beforehand, and you failed the save against the illusion by a fair margin.
It could've been worse; you could've paid some serious money for a fairy tale <grin>
Caladwhen |
Cala, what did you craft this week?
I really need to get that Reach Rod done for Caladwhen; she cannot be anywhere near the front line for combat given her physical weakness, and so many of her spells are touch... so that'll help tremendously.
We're getting close to the mid point of the ritual. This required a sacrifice of some sort.
This is the next thing Caladwhen will focus on. We need to find a true follower of Sarenrae if I recall correctly... I can't remember, did we take someone prisoner already for that purpose, or do we need to get our butts in gear and find one? If I'm not mistaken, we need one, at which point I'm going to suggest Heitr and Venorik Rah have but one very important task this week... find us somebody.
Sindran Eithe |
The one sort-of convinced that we're the good guys and we need her help for a strengthening ritual on the seal of the Horn, if I recall correctly.
I'm still uncertain if she counts as a 'true' follower. This may necessitate a religion check? For important named followers of Sarenrae, there's Abbess Temperance Avigail of the Abbey of Saint Cynthia-Celeste in Farholde.
Oh, and we really should get started on the third sacrifice as well. Sindran is a bit busy with his pet projects though....
Caladwhen |
Remind me, what is the third sacrifice?
A direct descendent of the Victor.
Oh, and we really should get started on the third sacrifice as well. Sindran is a bit busy with his pet projects though....
That one Cala does have covered actually, since she absolutely charmed the pants off (not literally, or at least not yet) of a certain Sir Valin Darian at the Baron's little party a few months back.
He was of the Victor's blood, a direct descendent. I think it might be time for Caladwhen to pay him a visit soon...
increddibelly |
It's good to see that you guys have remembered the long term goals of this adventure and got them well under control. Most parties seem to get befuddled by the many side-quests in book 2...but not you. Hell no ;)
Talon, remember those 3 d20s I asked you to roll? Those were a perception check and 2 will saves vs the illusion. You rolled 12, 11 and 1 if I remember correctly.
increddibelly |
So, are you feeling frustrated yet about letting those intruders escape? Don't worry, you'll get your chance to fight. If I know you, you'll probably GO get your chance :)
The strike force is well prepared and quite capable. I guess the question for now is: What are you going to do about them?
I've seen two good defensive strategies over the last days:
- Caladwhen wanted to turn on The Golem,
That is fine, you have everything ready (although a fresh brain would make sense... but I won't give you any trouble over that)
- someone suggested posting guards or ambushes around the thrones.
Great idea! What exactly do you have in mind? How many of which type of minion and what sort of defenses are you setting up?
Talon Dalkar |
I understand that the dice just weren't in my favor, s#*+ happens. Talon is massively frustrated. Between that and the ripoff guy he wants to seriously blow off some steam. That and Cala being taunted by the creature too powerful for him to handle aren't helping.
Cala's call on the Golem. She knows the most about it.
I'm all for the throne plan. We could do some simple traps as well as some more alarm spells (we should get a wand of that).
Sindran Eithe |
Sorry I've been quiet. I'll catch up when I can--been having an annoying prolonged headache. I'll thumbs up on any proposed plans for defense, but Sindran will likely advocate offense over defense.
increddibelly |
round order:
Talon <=== round 1 current turn
Good guys
anything you post will be done in your turn; no need to wait for each other to post. I intend to advance one round every 48 hours - but we'll see how it goes.
These folks have murdered your goblin slaves; they have broken into your hideout; they do NOT belong here. Show them what infernal superiority means...!
Caladwhen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I just have to say IB, that is one the best PbP battlemaps I've seen from a GM here on Paizo; you even took the time to show Cole with Mirror Image. Bravo! Oh, and Caladwhen will absolutely go in with Improved Invisibility, Fox's Cunning and Fly.
Caladwhen |
*increddibelly looks at alignment of Babau DEMON*
*increddibelly looks at alignment of everyone else*
*increddibelly has a bit of a WTF*
I'm going to find a way to make summoning creatures of 'wrong' alignments backfire...
To be honest IB, the only distinction the spell makes with respect to alignment is good vs. evil, not lawful vs. chaotic. I know that lawful evil is the preferred alignment of those following Asmodeus, but honestly, this Babau will be here for all of nine minutes before it disappears back to the Abyss... hardly enough time to get into an axiomatic debate with it.
Honestly, the reason I didn't go with the Barbazu was simply a matter of usefulness... the Babau has sneak attack, and I thought it could be of real use to our sole melee character in this battle. If it's going to be an issue though, we can swap out the Babau for the Barbazu.
Cole Adams |
You could even look at it in the view of the Devils and Demons war and any follower of Asmodeus would take delight in summoning a demon to bend it to the summoners will and force it to fight on his behalf.
Cole Adams |
Yeah you could take it a step further and learn its true name and make it your personal slave to summon when you see fit since they just go back to their plane when they die. You just summon it in your spare time as well to torture and make sure it remembers who it serves, but when you summon devils its more of the boss sent me to help you mortals out.
Sindran Eithe |
Just popping in to share a devilishly excellent piece of temptation. It's from a transcribed story of someone's D&D campaign which I am currently enjoying: Tales of Wyre: Interlude with The Confuser.
I take no responsibility for the hours of archive binging which may ensue. Do be warned that this particular post is a major spoiler for the story and includes info dumps which would not be particularly interesting to someone who hasn't read through the story. But on that note, I am taking much inspiration especially since Sindran will be dealing, summoning, and binding with other planes if he survives that far and if the GM allows it.