About Sindran EitheA half-orc oracle forced to live with orcs at a young age and trained under a brutal shaman, driving him further and further into hate and an obsession with flame. After his escape facilitated by the divine intervention of fire, he found work as a debt collector for several years. Tracking:
Blazing Robe: 1/1 Spells left (CL +1 for fire)
Revelation DC: 22 [10 + 1/2 CL + CHA]
Infernal Favor (reroll saving throw): 1 Keros Oil: 10/10
Stat Block:
Sindran Eithe Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9 LE Medium Humanoid (human, orc) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 dex, +4 armor) HP 37 (9d8-9+5) Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +19; Armor Mithril Chain Shirt Resist Fire 10 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Spd 30 ft. Melee +5 Unarmed Strike (1d3-1,Non-lethal); +0 Weapon; Ranged +9 Ranged; +5 Weapon; Spells (CL 9th, touch +5, ranged touch +9, concentration +17): see Spells below. -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 9 (-1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 8 (-1), Int 17 (+3), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 26 (+8) Base Atk +6; CMB 5; CMD 18 Feats Allied Spellcaster, Diehard, Divine Protection, Endurance, Fire God's Blessing, Glorious Heat, Iron Will, Leadership Traits Arson, Reactionary Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +16, Craft (Pyrography) +7, Diplomacy +19, Fly +4, Heal +3, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (Arcana) +4, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (Engineering) +4, Knowledge (Geography) +4, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +4, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Planes) +13, Knowledge (Religion) +11, Linguistics +7, Perception +8, Perform (Act) +12, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +16 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Ignan, Orc, Read Lips, Signs of the 9th Knot SQ Arson, Blackened -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Burning Magic (Su): Whenever a creature fails a saving throw and takes fire damage from one of your spells, it catches on fire. This fire deals 1 point of fire damage per spell level at the beginning of the burning creature’s turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds, but it can be extinguished as a move action if the creature succeeds at a Reflex save (using the spell’s DC). Dousing the creature with water as a standard action grants a +2 bonus on this save, while immersing the creature in water automatically extinguishes the fire. Spells that do not grant a save do not cause a creature to catch on fire. Glorious Heat: When you cast a divine spell with the [fire] descriptor, choose a single ally within 30 feet that you can see. That ally heals a number of hit points equal to the level of the spell cast and gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls until the end of its next turn. Wings of Fire (Su): As a swift action, you can manifest a pair of fiery wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. You can use these wings for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute increments. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.
Current Money: see items Ability Scores
Saving Throws
AC: 17 = 10 + 3 [dex] + 4 [armor]
BAB: +6 = 6 [base]
Base Speed: 30 ft. = 30 [base]
Favored Class Bonus: +5 HP, +4 Spells
<Oracle Spell List> Spell Save DC - Level - Spells Per Day - Bonus Spells
Feats, Traits, Abilities:
-------------------- Campaign -------------------- Crime: Arson You have willfully started a fire that destroyed property. To be sent to Branderscar, you didn’t start just a minor little trash fire. Your act of arson threatened a major town, city, church or castle and likely cost someone their life. You’ll be punished for your crime by facing the fire yourself. Punishment: Death by burning Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack, you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your damage roll. This bonus is a trait bonus. --------------------
Skill Name: Total Bonus = Ability Modifier + Ranks + Misc. Modifier Acrobatics`: 7 = 3 + 1 + 3 [class]
*trained only
Gold: 1 gp --------------------
Light Load: 33 lbs. or less
Appearance & Personality:
Appearance: A heavily scarred half-orc of average height. Some of the scars and burns on his grayish skin seem to have been ritualized, forming patterns of lines on his body while others seem to be random. Canine teeth protrude sharply from his mouth, the tusks small but visible. His slightly pointed ears display two hole-wounds where jewelry would have been. Despite the burns on his head, he has short unkempt black hair. His dark brown eyes are intense from beneath his heavy brow. He has an ugly face made uglier from scars. His hands and forearms appear to be heavily burned, withered from heat, the blackened skin thin and papery. He carries himself in a lax manner that belies his ability to react at the slightest danger. Nevertheless, he gives an air of confidence if not arrogance. The unholy symbol of Moloch is branded at the base of his neck, near his left shoulder. Personality: Bitter and violent but nonetheless charismatic. He believes in power and respects promises. He takes oaths seriously and seeks vengeance when someone breaks theirs. He is dedicated to the Fire God and exhibits traits of pyromania, mostly exhibiting as an obsession with fire and the gratification burning gives him. He dislikes work when there is little benefit of it to him and is fond of sleeping. He views others in terms of how much power they have and accords respect to them in that manner. He always keeps his relationships in mind with this hierarchy, but acknowledges that everyone has their uses. History:
Sindran was born to an orc tribe who bred his mother with intention of having her son serve them, his entire existence one fated to slavery. Raised by their reluctant shaman, who he would replace, he knew nothing but pain from his earliest memories. Suffering was a necessity for learning, his teacher told him, and subjected young Sindran to torment after torment, all in the guise of shamanic learning. The tribe was particularly devoted to the Fire God and fire was the most common discipline he endured. His days were but one task to the next, harsh punishment awaiting him if he failed, and lesser ones even when he succeeded. He learned how to heal himself just to survive. The shaman broke his word constantly, promising him relief but giving him none, and Sindran grew resentful and distrusting, what little rising hope he had crushed again and again. He sought to escape, but was too weak and injured. One day, while enduring another punishment by flame which involved sticking his arms into a fire, it suddenly blazed and Sindran lost consciousness. When he woke, his arms were withered and black and he overheard the tribe leader and shaman already discussing to get rid of him, having turned out useless and a failure. Angered, he stood up, wincing when his sensitive hands touched the dirt. His thoughts filled with rage and betrayal, he went to confront them but flames came unbidden from his hands, burning the tent where he stood. He ran then, through the village, hands still igniting what he passed until he collapsed a distance away, the tribe's encampment burning behind him. He woke alone and his hands, though withered and blackened, had already healed. Taking this as a sign from the Fire God, he left the orc tribe behind, striking out on his own. He traveled from town to town, his destination decided by taking on delivery jobs for money. Most commonly he worked as a debt collector or in the delivery of packages for unsavory clients.
The Crime:
Sindran was to deliver a package to a man in a major Talirean city. When he gave it to him, the man refused to keep to the original agreement, which enraged Sindran. In his anger, the half-orc responded by burning him and his surroundings, but a nearby flammable source exploded, knocking Sindran out and escalating the fire. He was caught and charged with the crime, verified by several bystanders and associates of the man he killed, and then linked to several other major cases of arson.
List of Titles:
Pitchpaws of Branderscar Prison Sergeant Tomas Blackerly wrote: “Today’s your lucky day, Pitchpaws."Dearest Tiadora wrote: “Don’t disappoint me, dearest”.Cindering Hate Cardinal Thorn wrote: "Why, mister Cindering-Hate...." Commodore Lawrence Morgan Sindran Eithe wrote: "Commodore Lawrence Morgan of the Andoran Naval Fleet." Timaeus Greaves Sindran Eithe wrote: "I'm Timaeus Greaves, but some call me Tim." Grima Wolfe Sindran Eithe wrote: "Grima Wolfe. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have company to keep." Summary Sindran Caladwhen wrote: ...Go summary Sindran. That Which Ignites Sindran Eithe wrote: "I am Sindran, That Which Ignites. Face me and I will consume you. I will devour you. I will smash your mind, burn myself irrevocably into its fragile surface." Player Notes:
Cloak of Fiery Vanishing Shirt of Immolation Spellguard Bracers Suzerain Scepter Planned Progression: Favored Class Bonus
Esoteric Advantage Revelations
1st Proection From Evil
Sindran apparently moonlights as a bard:
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." "Yes, I know from where I come!
=== Fire. By itself has no force; it depends on its environment. Give it air, dry timber, a wind to fan the flames, and it gains a terrifying momentum, growing hotter, feeding off itself, consuming everything in its path. Never leave such power to chance. === I have done it again.
A sort of walking miracle, my skin
A blazing hate,
Peel off the skin
The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?
Soon, soon the flesh
And I, a mere oracle.
This is Number Three
What a million filaments.
Them unwrap me hand and foot—
These are my hands,
Nevertheless, I am the same, identical being.
The second time I meant
As a spent coal.
I do it so it feels like hell.
It's easy enough to do so with a spell.
Comeback in broad day
"A miracle!"
For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge
And there is a charge, a very large charge
Or a spark of my flame or my pyre
I am your opus,
That melts to a shriek
Ash, Ash—
A pile of ash,
My Gods, my Fate,
Out of ash