increddibelly |
Kumanda Slays-Nine-Men - CR 7
XP 3,200
Boggard Barbarian 5
CE Medium humanoid (boggard)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor,+1 Dex,+3 natural,-2 rage)
hp 94 (3d8+5d12+48)
Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +2; +3 morale bonus vs. spells, supernatural abilities and spell-like abilities while raging
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee mwk greatsword +11 (4d6+15/19-20), tongue +4 touch (sticky tongue)
Special Attacks terrifying croak
During Combat Combat Kumanda is a berserk ball of frog fury. He rages immediately at the battle’s start and then leaps and stabs at any foe he can reach. Morale In a rage, there is no stopping this angry boggard. Kumanda fights to the death.
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 22
Cleave, Power Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (great sword)
Acrobatics +4 (+21 jumping), Intimidate +9, Perception +12, Stealth +6 (+14 in swamps), Survival +8, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +16 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Perception, +8 Stealth in swamps
Languages Boggard
SQ hold breath, improved uncanny dodge, rage (16 rounds), swamp stride, trap sense +1
Hold Breath (Ex) Kumanda can hold his breath for 64 rounds before risking drowning or suffocation.
Raging Leaper (Ex) When raging, the barbarian adds his level as an enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics skill checks made to jump. When making a jump in this way, the barbarian is always considered to have a running start.
Sticky Tongue (Ex) A creature hit by a boggard’s tongue attack cannot move more than 10 feet away from the boggard and takes a –2 penalty to AC as long as the tongue is attached (this penalty does not stack if multiple tongues are attached). The tongue can be removed by making an opposed Strength check as a standard action or by dealing 2 points of slashing damage to the tongue (AC 11, damage does not deplete the boggard’s actual hit points). The boggard cannot move more than 10 feet
away from the target, but the boggard can release its tongue as a free action. Unlike a giant frog, a boggard cannot pull targets toward it with its tongue.
Superstition (Ex) The barbarian gains a +3 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spelllike abilities. While raging, the barbarian must attempt to resist all spells even beneficial spells cast by allies.
Swamp Stride (Ex) A boggard can move through any sort of natural difficult terrain at its normal speed while within a swamp. Magically altered terrain affects a boggard normally.
Terrifying Croak (Su) Once per hour, a boggard can, as a standard action, emit a loud and horrifying croak. Any non-boggard creature within 30 feet of the boggard must make a DC 13 Will save or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. Creatures that succeed at this save cannot be affected again by the same boggard’s croak for 24 hours. Creatures that are already shaken become frightened for 1d4 rounds instead. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Oh, and I realize now that I cheated; the croak apparently is a standard action as well. Oh well, that makes the ability kinda underpowered when compared to power-cleaving a greatsword. ugh.
Aerent Sephim |
Apologies for my absence. My wife surprised me with a beach vacation for my birthday this year. As the wonderful husband I am, I couldn't turn down an offer like that. :) Just wanted to let everyone know what's happened. We return home Sunday at which point I will resume posting. Until then, please feel free to bot me as needed.
Caladwhen |
Apologies for my absence. My wife surprised me with a beach vacation for my birthday this year. As the wonderful husband I am, I couldn't turn down an offer like that. :) Just wanted to let everyone know what's happened. We return home Sunday at which point I will resume posting. Until then, please feel free to bot me as needed.Thanks!
Have fun!
Sindran Eithe |
Ugh. I seem to have been hit my sudden illness and it's making me tired and achy. Hopefully will clear up soon. Just not the month for my constitution!
increddibelly |
Hail to the Queen, baby.
GM: "you see bones. many bones. of many creatures. This. was. Slaughter...!"
Player 1 : "I speak with dead!"
Player 2 : "nah mate. You don't. Have tea, and give me 10 minutes."
Just sayin'. This has happened before in a parallel universe ;)
Aerent Sephim |
Talon, here's my response to your IC post about talking to the demons. Short answer, yes, I think we talk to them.
Based on what you know (and I assume shared with everyone), the demons are most likely here to guard something - probably that staircase in the room. I'm guessing this is one of two situations: 1. they are guards who were summoned to protect the Horn and they somehow survived the destruction, or 2. the Victor put them here to prevent anybody else from entering. Based on what we know, the Sarenraens don't usually consort with demons, so I'll bet #1 is more likely.
Assuming that to be true, I think we should talk with them, and I think we should be very clear that we intend to perform the ritual and summon Vetra-Kali-Eats-the-Eyes back to this plane. Let's just be honest and see what happens.
If things go really well, we could end up with our first guards for our new dungeon. :)
Cala, are you going to be able to animate a bunch of skeletons (and the minotaur!) to help protect the Horn?
Would it be worthwhile to also see if we can recruit more people (via Aerent's minions and/or the Baron's people)? While having an undead army is nice, it might be beneficial to have a few free-thinkers around too.
increddibelly |
For the rest: I'll say that it is obvious to your party, that there's simply too much real estate to defend on your own. Skeletons would be an asset. For that matter, Minions of any kind would be an asset. Did I mention Leadership before? I'm sure I did. That probably makes more sense now ;)
FYI, I'm making good progress with the room description doc.
Talon Dalkar |
DAEMONS DAMNIT. DAEMONS AERENT. Lol. Ya I guess it's just good campaign tendencies getting to me saying "get clearance from the party before you stroll up and talk to the evil outsiders". That's actually a problem for me normally because my favorite character to play is a NN wizard who teeters on becoming good or evil (normally has good tendencies) but ends up getting an imp familiar and summons/binds a lot of evil creatures.
Aerent Sephim |
Sorry, daemons. :)
That just reinforces my opinion - I'm guessing the Sons of the Pale Horsemen summoned them here and they're allied with Vetra-Kali. They've probably been bored ever since the attack.
And here's a thought - the attackers might not have made it this far. I wonder if King Markadian or his forces even found the stairs? They might have gone through and killed everyone in the Horn, but what if they missed the stairs in the goblin caves?
Ditto on not pissing off the huge elemental. As a general rule, Aerent tries to avoid irritating huge flying monsters.
increddibelly |
I thought it best to include spoilers, white text on white background within [ brackets such as these ].
If your character happens to visit a particular room, please roll in Gameplay.
I've linked this document from the campaign info tab as well, so all reference docs can be accessed from one place.
increddibelly |
They've probably been bored ever since the attack.
Impossible. They've got a chess board.
Aerent tries to avoid irritating huge flying monsters.
Good thing Talon is only Medium size. I see bad omens in your future, though.
Talon Dalkar |
Aerent Sephim wrote:They've probably been bored ever since the attack.Impossible. They've got a chess board.
Aerent Sephim wrote:Aerent tries to avoid irritating huge flying monsters.Good thing Talon is only Medium size. I see bad omens in your future, though.
Haha and this is why I love you DM
increddibelly |
For now, I guess you could skim the room descriptions document; preferably just the index. That might give you the same vague 'ooh-I-should-look-into-that' of scrying.
Remember, once you go outside, there's the treant to be dealt with. And perhaps we should agree on a time frame; you can only investigate so many rooms in a single day and report back to eachother.
On that note - practical stuff such as housing? a meeting room? So many issues to deal with! And if you mess things up, you go to hell - so no pressure there :-/ and even if you *do* manage to do things right, you get to chat with a UberDaemon who wants nothing more than kill all life.
tsk, tsk...I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
Caladwhen |
I'm going to post later this evening when I have more time (have to start dinner soon)... but a couple of things:
Caladwhen will be able to create a small army of skeletons Aerent, though a great many of my HD are currently tied up on the two high HD zombies I have. One thing I do need clarification on is the Undead Master Feat IB. Check the spoiler below, and feel free to make a ruling one way or another, but it would have a significant impact on the ability to create a decent force of Undead.
Essentially, it would give her more HD to make a small army with. Your call one way or another though. Big armies would be sweet, but I'll be fine with whatever you decide.
The other thing is, with 666 days, I was going to suggest that Caladwhen could setup a Wizard's Lab in the Horn and actually create us some Wonderous Items. We don't much in the way of magic gear, so it'd come in handy to get some things made at half the cost... though money is an issue in that we don't have very much.
Talon Dalkar |
IMHO, I believe it also should cover you controlling them. The description helps with that
I would like to get working on a nice set of medium armor. Next level I can use it without arcane failure chance, and from my extremely high damage duel earlier I am entirely too easy to kill
increddibelly |
How appropriate for a necromancer to casually talk about raising dead while making dinner. Most would balk.
The intention of the feat is to increase your army... At the cost of a feat, you get a lot of extra minions just when you need to populate a dungeon with expendables; and as you increase in level, this benefit will gradually balance out (with caster level 14 or 10 IMHO it is 'millions' of mooks either way) Plus, it totally fits your character to have an entire undead household.
I can't find any reason to disallow it other than "it's not written specifically". Well, at the rate Paizo is pumping out books...
It's allowed until an errata comes out, saying it's not allowed; and even then we could discuss swapping the feat for something else that's not broken.
I was going to suggest that Caladwhen could setup a Wizard's Lab in the Horn and actually create us some Wonderous Items.[...] though money is an issue in that we don't have very much.
Which makes buying anything even less likely. Besides, who'd have a human-bane longsword in stock? I'm in favor (don't think I have a vote in how party cash gets spent though)
Caladwhen |
Great, sounds good! I've already got the feat actually, it just never came up since I've never actually hit my regular HD limit for raising the dead, let alone the +4 CL limit... never enough good bodies around (queue the evil cackling laughter).
Sindran Eithe |
Thanks for the documents, IB! :D All arranged and everything. Awesome.
Also, yes. The consorts I was going to give free reign to the village as a whole, but, uhh, 'bribing' Zikomo with them sounds like a good plan.
Let's leave discussing the dungeon keeping plans for after we explore the whole place. :D
That is an awesome statue by the by.
Talon, you want to stroll right up to the Ceustodaemons? Well, I suppose there's no reason why we can't other than a potentially horrid and painful death.
I can speak to most anything (including that lightning elemental) so it's worth a shot. I'm up to going up to the Ceustodaemons--if we get them, then the rest of the Horn will be relatively easy since they should know most of it already. They might even give us a proper tour!
If we explore the rest of the Horn first, there's a chance they'll come and investigate anyway, but we might find the other eyes before then (and they might help with the ceustodaemons).
In any case, the only exit leads to them anyway, so we might as well go unless we'd like to go all the way back dooooown the staircase. Of course, I can always use Stone Shape to create another entrance.
And Aerent, why IS there a missing room number?
Caladwhen |
Actually 222 days, 3 prayers a day, but whatever...
Sorry for the typo, I meant 222 days... one at breakfast, noon and dinner it would appear. Anyway, it's still more than enough time to whip up some nice new items.
I'll still need to hit level 7 before building an army of skeletons though, so hopefully we can manage to get there sometime before we need the skeletons (or zombies, I can make those too).
Aerent Sephim |
Thanks for the room descriptions, they are very helpful.
Agreed on exploring, at the least, we need to find the other gems before starting the ritual.
There is no room number on the map because it is a secret and we have to find it. :)
Caladwhen |
The Daemons are keen to get going on the ceremony, but I agree with Aerent, perhaps we should start the ceremony after we've found the other two gems... though I should hope it won't take us 222 days to find them.
increddibelly |
though I should hope it won't take us 222 days to find them.
nah, that wouldn't be fun.
First order of business is to convince the Daemons to let you into the shrine upstairs *later* - because you have more important things to do *right now*.That may not sit well, and the pressure is on. Even though I try my hardest to make them seem friendly, one of those monsters alone should be enough to decimate you all. And I'm sure your characters would be aware of the threat, even if I do my best to make 'em seem cute.
increddibelly |
'bribing' Zikomo with them sounds like a good plan.
It does, doesn't it? that's why I'm a bit peeved with myself for having left that spoiler.
I dropped the hint for this earlier, but you didn't take the bait, so that should've been that and no more words spent on it.*sigh*. I've had to cut about 50% of the GM version of the document, replaced seemingly a million Talingardes with Golarions, and I still didn't get them all. You should be happy you didn't get the 'censored' document my tabletop party got :)
Speaking of which - you're in a race with my tabletop players now. They're halfway the ritual, and at this rate, you're going to release Vetra Kali eats the eyeballs before they do.
To put things further in perspective, by the end of book 2, you should *ding* to level 10. Quite a while yet. Or perhaps, quite a busy schedule.
Well, you can trust Fire Mountain Games to come up with co-raaazy fun stuff; so my money would be on the latter.
Caladwhen |
nah, that wouldn't be fun.
First order of business is to convince the Daemons to let you into the shrine upstairs *later* - because you have more important things to do *right now*.That may not sit well, and the pressure is on. Even though I try my hardest to make them seem friendly, one of those monsters alone should be enough to decimate you all. And I'm sure your characters would be aware of the threat, even if I do my best to make 'em seem cute.
No no, I surmised pretty quickly that polite and witty or not... these guys are not to be messed with. Daemons are the Golarion stand-ins for Yugoloths from old 2e Planescape, and those guys were scary as all get out. If you seen an Ultroloth, run.
In any event, that's pretty much why Cala has been very uncharacteristically sweet as pie and respectful to them ;p
Now, as to your point earlier, they have been dodgy about the necklace now that you mention it.
Sindran Eithe |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I love the daemons! They're adorable, in a polite bloodthirsty kind of way.
Gasp! Maybe this is what Talon would be like if he had Charisma.
Aerent Sephim |
Though it's obvious, should we just start on the first level and work our way up?
If so, would it be possible for Sindran to use stone shape and create a set of stairs that we can use to move from level to level inside the Horn - temporarily if nothing else? Looking at the map, I don't see an easy way to move directly from Level One to Level Three. Looks like we would have to exit the building, and I don't see any stairs leading up to Level Three.
increddibelly |
Looks like we would have to exit the building, and I don't see any stairs leading up to Level Three.
correct. The only way to level3 is up the stairway from the room where you met Hexor'n'Vexor, or by flying in from the balcony. For now, that would instantly turn you into a lightning rod.
stone shape is useable, but given the large distance to be altered, will take some time and effort. also usable by any invaders that might appear in the next 6 months. And let's face it, some will try. Best not make it easy for them - but that's ultimately up to you.
Aerent Sephim |
Well, flying is out for Aerent. Unless he finds some winged boots or something lying around. Hint, hint, hint. ;)
And sorry I wasn't clearer - I wasn't expecting us to leave it intact after we explored the Horn, was thinking more about it for short term use.
Either way, still think start on Level One, and see what we can find down there.
increddibelly |
How do you propose to investigate? pbp-wise, I mean...
Thinking out loud, here's what I think:
Aerent promised 'about two weeks' - Knowing these pleasant Daemons, that's the exact time you have before they will start 'inquiring about your progress'.
You have the room descriptions - but those are without spoilers - there's much more to be found.
Let's start by finding out how long it would take to find it *all*:
source => Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes 20 times as long as making a single check would take (usually 2 minutes for a skill that takes 1 round or less to perform).
So, it takes 2 minutes per 10" map square.
Level 1 measures 32 x 14 squares, 15 hours of searching.Level 2 measures 25 x 14 squares, 12 hours of searching.
Let's say a working day lasts 10 hours (hey, it's important work. Make an effort!!) So, one person finding all 'interesting things' on the first two levels, will spend 3 days.
Then, you'd have a list of said 'interesting things', and you should decide which of those would be worth your time to operate / activate / use. That will take additional time beyond the time spent searching.
Unless you specifically say so, I'll assume everyone is together. Saves me a major migraine.
This sounds fair & reasonable to me. Did I miss anything?